Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Speakeasy, Speaksoftly, Speaknevermore - Darkwire


Denon, Seven Corners . . .

The limited sunlight this level of Denon enjoyed was beginning to fade behind the horizon of cloudcutters. Soon bars and clubs would begin to open and a trickle of patrons would slowly pour in. The Speaksoft Speakeasy was just the same. Although as the bartender of the establishment came in to open up shop they would find access barred, doors welded shut. A voice over a speaker prompted the bartender to leave with speed.

As he fled, through the other adjoining businesses and onto the street, an explosion ripped through the buildings and levels. Its thunderous boom crashed down the streets, speeder alarms blared, pedestrians squeeled in sudden surprise and fled. Fire bellowed out of every available window, columns of black acrid smoke rose high into the sky. Duraglass littered the footpaths and streets. In the silence of this attack, a womans laugh. Gleefully giddy. A hologram of a cartoonish face laughed with joy, floating high above the fire and smoke.

Far away on the other side of Denon, Hacks ate noodles outside a stall. Quiet on her level of the twilight belt. She had planted the bombs yesterday after the speakeasy had closed for the night. A crude device, twelve thermal detonators attached by wires and a central control panel that would ping to her datapad. Slicing into the limited security of the bar she was able to monitor the foot traffic, determining the prime time to fire the payload with no casualties, at least none inside the building. She couldn't say the same for whatever poor sods were walking past glass windows when it blew, razor sharp shrapnel ripping through them like a hot knife in butter.

Hacks slurped up the last of her meal, smiled and pushed the bowl towards the stalls counter. She thanked the old, hunched cook and left her a hefty tip. She walked down the street, four hands kept in four pockets. She kicked at loose stones and kept her head down, whistling a nameless tune. On passing screens in shopfront windows she saw the breaking news, flashing headlines, Darkwire terrorist attack.

"Crazy business," she said aloud, looking at a man entranced in the live footage as corporate smoke jumpers, the local fire fighters, tried to control the blaze. Fireproof droids, adorned in dozens of logos of corporate sponsorships, wrestled with a hose and marched into the building to fight the fire head-on. "Yea, why though? It was just a few stores.." the man quietly muttered, Hacks chirped, "Who knows? terrorists are irrational like that." She flicked him a quick two-finger salute and walked towards the nearest mass-elevator, intended on heading down deep into the abyss of Denon.

She would have to stay dark for a few weeks, rely on corporate contacts to move her offworld to Coruscant. A freighter loading cargo in the undercity waited for her to board before they took flight, with no mention of her on the crew. Her datapad destroyed, her apartment cleared of all her possessions, a shell. She was using hard creds now. Her augmented glasses were switched off. Her trace had effectively gone dead to the world.

She entered the elevator, squashed tight, shoulder to shoulder with Denons poorest. They grumbled as the elevator jolted then dropped rapidly, hundreds of floors vanishing in the blink of an eye, the world getting darker, the air thicker. This was the Midnight Zone. Hacks looked towards a young boy watching a holofeed on his datapad. A reporter was pointing to the building and then the hologram floating above. The cartoon girl in the sky laughing at the chaos she had sewn.


Location: crammed into an elevator watching a holo news feed
Objective: just be hex
Tag: Hacks Hacks


Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured "....." are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter

At the front of the elevator, not far from where Hacks Hacks Was standing was a young woman, late teens perhaps with bright blue hair and a striking outfit. On her upper arm were blue tattoos depicting explosions. A duffle was across her back carrying something long and tubular. She was watching the holofeed intently with a big grin on her face.

She let our a cackle "BOOM BABY!" she laughed as she looked at the holo.

"That's terrible you awful girl, what if people have been hurt?" some older woman responded angrily to her glee.

"See that bang? People were definatelty hurt!" Hex replied

"You disgust me, how could you be happy about that." continued the old woman, the look of distain for the teen was clear on her face.

"Oh lighten up, it wasnt me." she grinned dismissively and rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure about that...?"
"Shit? Was it? No, couldnt have been us....."

The girl suddenly looked like she was talking to herself and appeared confused as if she genuinely couldnt remember. Hex rummaged through her duffle and started counting something aloud. She then breathed sigh of relief.
"No, not us, they're all here."

The woman who had initially chastised Hex for her glee over the explosion was now looking very concerned for her safety as the clearly slightly unhinged girl and would say nothing. Even as the cameras panned on to what looked like a paint truck that had been caught on the blast and pink, green and orange paint sprayed out across the street in a wave like pattern. Hex was grinning at the aftermath, very impressed with the artistic work.


TAGS: Open

Sirens blared as Marissa's cruiser, along with a few others, zoomed through the streets toward the scene of an apparent explosion. In Seven Corners, of all places. "It was such a chill day, you gotta be kiddin' me." She grumbled as she zoomed past others speeders, her new partner clinging to the door handle for his life. More units were summoned, as well as the firefighters, to the scene of the explosion.

When they finally arrived, Marissa paused in shock before scrambling out of the speeder along with the other officers. "Get the people back! Set up a perimeter!" She shouted, unclipping her blaster's holster just in case things weren't over yet. "GET BACK!" One of the officers shouted, gesturing for people to move back from the scene while other officers set up 'DO NOT CROSS' holograms around the area. "Kriff... where are the firefighters and medics?!" She called out to the others, still gesturing for people to move back from the wounded. "Five minutes!" Her partner called back, slipping his commlink back onto his vest. "Get the first aid kits from the cruisers, ambulance ain't gonna get here without the fighters clearing the way."

Marissa and two others quickly worked on trying to help the wounded as best they could... but it was too late already for a few of them. Others secured the area and immediately started to take pictures of the scene, particularly the holographic face smiling down at them all.

"Darkwire, allegedly. News reports are already airing."

"What the kriff? How?"

The other officer merely shrugged before continuing to take pictures. She studied the area around them, all the people shouting and looking for ways into help the wounded. "Any doctors here?! We need a doctor!" She called out to the crowd of onlookers. It wouldn't be long before the reporters got there... they had minutes at best.

The firefighters luckily arrived and droids immediately started to extinguish the flames spilling out of the buildings, quickly charging in as well to try and control further damage. Unfortunately, the press also started to arrive in droves. Shouting filled the air as CorpSec officers tried to chase them away, only for the reporters to shout right back or ask a plethora of questions. "Karkin' vultures." She grumbled, earning a long and tired "Yeuhp." from her partner as he shook his head.

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Hacks was almost enjoying the ride down into the depths of Denon until a fiery spirited woman began to yell in the lift. She bit her tongue and held back a groan of annoyance. The four armed cyborg stared at the back of the head of Hex, listening to her commentary on the events and slowly pieces began to fall into place in her minds eye. This... this was interesting. Loud? boisterous? Yes, she was those things, but she also seemed useful. This woman liked the destruction, and given the rocket launcher saddled over her back Hacks figured she thrived in it.

"Cool, huh," Hacks chirped up, prompting for the woman to turn around, reminding herself to not judge this book by its cover. She looked the girl up and down, "I like your style, nice hair, too," the slicer said, appreciating the taste. The elevator slowed its descent then slammed to a halt. Hacks resettled her footing and opened the elevator doors. The crowd dispersed out into the Midnight Zone. The air was noticeably humid, one could almost taste the trace chemicals in the breeze. It was dark now, the sun had faded behind the impossibly tall cloudcutters above.

The elevators dim fluorescent lights flickered, casting shadows against the grated walls. Hacks reached a durasteel hand to the elevator door and forcefully closed it, leaving only the two women in the lift. She kept her hand on the door as she spoke, "I've got some work that needs doing, I could use someone who enjoys that type of behaviour. Hard credits involved." She extended her other hand out to Hex, "My name is Hacks."

| Hex Hex |
Jonah Wright-Kala'myr
Mr. Funny T-Shirt Guy, The Golden Boy, Overmind; Information Broker, Nite agent, Anarchist and Future Baron!
Objective: Watch the world burns.
Location: Denon
Equipment: Current Attire | OPBC-01m
Tags: Hacks Hacks | Hex Hex | Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda | Open
[ Nice Day ]
"Galactic Common" | <"Galidraani"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
T-shirt Text: "Rurik was Right!"​

Jonah was just watching the fire and the events, MANIAC MANIAC projected on his retina through the biochip. There was nothing visible from the outside, it was only as if the pink haired guy was talking to himself. He was just watching and reading or listening to all the news about what was happening nearby. And he grinned! He loved being surrounded by chaos and anarchy. No wonder his family was trying to get rid of him. And Denon was perfect for the young boy.

He was just travelling in an elevator with countless other people. Especially with the poor. Jonah didn't seem to fit into the crowd. His hair colour was the least striking, it fit perfectly. However, his luxury clothing was very contradictory to his appearance. His military shoe was a top brand, the suit top he wore as a jacket probably worth that much he could buy an entire street in the poorest neighbourhoods. The question may be legitimate about what a Golden boy is looking for in this area.

What usually, trouble and anarchy. It’s not that Jonah doesn’t want luxury and glamour because he loved it. But he hated obligations and constraints. It was a conversation he heard here in the elevator. He pulled on his glasses a little lower, which he wore anyway just because he looked good and it was cool. He grinned broadly. He didn't care about the injured ones at all.

"And if they get hurt?" he asked sarcastically, then turned to the blue-haired girl and the woman. "Doctors also have to make money from something."

He grinned at the blue-haired girl; he heard the previous conversation. Meanwhile, he put his hands in his pockets with a bored gesture and leaned against the edge of the elevator. Meanwhile, he saw that there was another girl here who addressed the blue haired one. He did not really listen to the conversation as more news arrived about the explosion and fire. He grinned again. He hoped it would spread to other buildings and there would be even more chaos in that area…

Chaos has always been fun. The only thing he regretted was that he didn't cause it.


"Which one of you stupid, thoughtless, callous CHILDREN was it?!"

Doc Painless seldom lost his temper. Medical school or not, the ethics of his profession were seared deeply into his mind, four pillars on which he built his existence as much as he could. Beneficence: do good, help others. Non-Maleficence: do no harm to those in your care. Autonomy: give people the right to choose freely, without compulsion or coercion. Justice: ensure fairness for all people. With these principles in mind, he fought to see the good in everyone he met, to reserve judgement whenever possible, to give second chances and forgive mistakes. When he had to compromise those values, he did so only after long deliberation, and reflected hard on his decision afterward.

But sometimes it was too much. Sometimes even his legendary patience was pushed past its limits.

As soon as he'd seen the news broadcast, grief and rage had taken hold of his heart, squeezing so tight that for a moment he couldn't breathe. He'd stared at the screen, transfixed by the dancing flames, watching them consume the block of shops. People were sprawled along the sidewalk, visible only as little black dots on the pavement from the height of the news holocam... but the Doc knew what that meant. People were hurt, maybe killed. Ordinary people, folks just walking by, hit at random in a war they hadn't chosen and probably knew nothing about. This was senseless, purposeless, pointless. It had nothing to do with CorpSec or CAD oppression or the fight for a better world.

All of that made the Doc angry. But what hurt most of all was that it was at least partly his fault.

He'd been the one to run his mouth, to stand up at the tatt-chat and talk about the need for a revolution. Sure, he'd talked about acceptable targets and ethical insurgency and public support, all the things that were supposed to keep this a clean, moral fight for freedom... but the seed he'd helped plant could lead here, to a burning speakeasy with shrapel-riddled civilians strewn outside, just as easily as it could to the kind of civic-minded uprising he'd hoped for. Maybe even more easily. As the Doc watched the news coverage, burning buildings reflected in his cybernetic eyes, he wondered if all he'd done was to help unleash the most bitter, vengeful, and destructive elements of Darkwire.

This kind of thing, if it kept up, was going to lose them the war. It was going to prove them to be the terrorists CAD had labeled them.

But at that moment the Doc didn't even care, not about strategy or public image or victory. All those people... because of me.


"Any doctors here?! We need a doctor!"

"I'm a doctor," Doc Painless said, slipping through the crowd. "Excuse me. Out of the way, please."

He was a fool to be here. To return to Seven Corners, where his face was publicly known and where he'd nearly been arrested for the murder of a DireX on two separate occasions, was boneheaded enough. To go directly to the site of a presumed Darkwire terrorist attack, crawling with CorpSec officers, as an active member of Darkwire wanted for terrorism, was the kind of stupid that dared the galaxy to punish it. But the street medic didn't care. He felt no fear, no anxiety, no regret. There was only an aching, yawning emptiness, clawing at his insides. Maybe he wanted to be caught, to be made to answer for this senseless thing that had been done partly as a result of his own actions.

Maybe what happened to him just didn't matter anymore... but these people, these victims, still did.

He'd taken some precautions. His hood was up, as usual whenever he left his clinic, and his facial implants scrambled any cameras pointed in his direction, ensuring that his features showed up to droids and surveillance devices as nothing more than a blur. Beneath the hood, a cloth mask was tied over his nose and mouth, hiding half his face. But when the Doc looked up at Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda and their eyes met, he knew that she would recognize him immediately for who he was. She was a good officer, clever and streetwise; there was no way she would have forgotten his face, anesthesia or no. She'd know that he was the street medic she'd dragged herself to visit not so long ago.

The question was simple: would the kinship of that moment, when he'd saved her life, be enough to stay her hand?

Doc Painless didn't care what the answer was. He was committed to this course, come what may.

Kneeling beside one of the crumpled civilians laid out on the pavement, the Doc laid his medical bag on the sidewalk, then reached down to take a pulse. His fingers were metal, but their tips were full of sensors, providing him with an instant - if basic - biometric reading for the patient. This one was dead. The street medic turned her face toward him, searing it into his memory. A Mirialan woman, early forties, her hair in a short bob cut. She had three tattoos on her face, three achievements written in ink. The Doc wondered what they'd been, what she'd accomplished in her life, now cut short, that had been worthy of such a prominent record. She must've been proud of it.

He couldn't help her. No one could now. Gently he laid her cheek back down against the metal walkway, then let go.

The next one was still breathing. The Doc looked up at Marissa. "Will you let me help?"

It was a deeper, harder question than the other observers realized.

What would she do with him, now within her power?
The Sty

"Yo, Zo…," Jix began, the expressed hesitation in his ellipses louder than his actual words.

Zo La Kund looked back from where he had crouched, wiping off the residual make-up from his just-completed performance as Nero Zero.

"It ain't all like that, yknow," Jix looked up from his hands, offering a glancing eye-contact.

In this particular rendition, Zo portrayed Nero as a misguided young criminal, so hopelessly deluded into thinking himself somehow apart of a system of which he was wholly inside. Every thuggish act, one of desperation and self-destruction – and, ultimately, societal subservience, despite intended criminality. Nero was simply trading every last bit of his humanity and freedom for shiny objects made only valuable by the Man he intended to resist and resent. He was the same, if not worse, than a corpo – for, at least, the corpo wasn't a fool.

Anyway, as a member of the Zeros (or, at least, its local franchise), it hurt Jix's feelings (though he'd never admit it). This was his "being a man" and confronting the performer on it.

"Oh, it's not, huh?," Zo said facetiously, grinning his big, dumb familiar grin. "Well, Jix 'Eight-Six', you'll just have to tell me what it is like, then." He was condescending; sarcastic. He often was. But it was still friendly. The entire neighborhood had seen the man verbally lash the occasional, out-of-bounds corpsec officer into a trembling, emasculated pile of nothing, but somehow, they knew he would never turn this ire inward on the community. The trusted him not to, anyway.

Jix looked up to him. He wanted him to like him. "For some of us, it's a way out," Jix forced eye contact, his brow furrowing, replacing trepidation with anger to power through. He knew it was the wrong answer, but he said it anyway. "It's our only way out of the Sty."

"And what's wrong with the Sty?," Zo La retorted; not with malice, nor intent to philosophically trap the 19 year old. The question was rhetorical.

The smile was sincere.

In fact, his smile was always sincere. Even in those nights when Jix was 16 and Zo La was coming over for dinner every evening, Jix's mother praying for his soul into the little hours, Zo's smile was always full and sincere. Jix couldn't believe what everyone said.

He couldn't believe that Zo would actually try and kill himself.

"Man, there ain't nothin' here!" Jix tried to give voice to this. He didn't have a real answer. Not a good one anyway. Jix often struggled to articulate the depth of his interior life.

Zo helped him fill in some of the blanks. "Your family's here. Everyone who has ever known you and cared about you and shaped your world," Zo La slapped Jix's shoulder in that brotherly way. "Don't let some tourism board weasel into your head and make you think there is a tribe out there somewhere that will understand you more than the one that made you."

"That's not even what it's about."

That's exactly what it was about. Jix wanted to be tested – to see if he could win the game of the big, bad world.

And Zo La knew it. Zo La and his big, stupid grin. So he spoke in that wise way he always did, that ensured that, even if Zo could not be there personally when the time of revelation came, he could still be there spiritually. Words that were secret SPOILERS; that worked their way back and revealed the second foundation. Jix was on a path and the Sty would be waiting for him at the end of it, cheering him on.

"Let Pharoah go."

Zo leaped onto a nearby structure, cupping his hands over his mouth and shouting to everyone in earshot, "MY PEOPLE – LET PHAROAH GO."

Some people laughed, some drunkenly cheered. "Let 'em go!"

But Jix just stared at him, not really understanding what he was saying.

But, Zo was always out here saying shit.


Drop the beat.

Seven Corners

The old hoverbeater coasted slowly along the street, its lack of contact with the ground causing the thumping bass to pulse outwards from the sides like a daisy-cutter. The target in question sunk a little lower into his pockets, the music's heartbeat linked through pop culture to crime and thuggery.

And there was a reason for that.

"All these preppy bitches got too many tattoos," Mox reflected from the driver's seat, periodically glancing out the window. Kando was on app-duty in the passenger seat, holding up his screen periodically so the Augmented Reality could guide them to Slave Driver's appointed target.

'What is Slave Driver?', you ask? Well, it's what happens when the gig economy meets Craigslist, really. When you're a big timer with some cash, yeah, you go to a fixer, drop some fat stacks on a private arrangement with a real pro. And when you're a real pro, the fixers know your name – you're always plugged in. But what about if you're broke? Well, you save dollars by cutting out the fixer, hire a nobody – and one nobody is just as good as any other nobody. Swipe Right if you'd like this guy to blackmail nudes out of your neighbor's daughter.

With the lack of government or even app creator oversight, it wasn't long before Slave Driver began to be populated with the more unsavory requests – theft, sex work, drugs, violence, heck, even human trafficking (of course, obscured under the guise of a pizza emoji). Our boys, here, were in the process of hunting down a guy who ran from a debt accrued in a back alley dice game for the purpose of beating his ass, for example. A Task Rabbit for Criminals.

"I like the tattoos, " Jix weighed-in, himself heavily inked. He was in the back seat, his hand on the door, ready to pop out and do the work. The Jump Man.

"Oh, we know you do," Mox scoffed, laughing lightly. "Just sayin' – Imagine meeting a girl who actually likes the way she was born."

Radicalism as a return to primitive. More Zo La walking around in their heads.

"Yo, yo, yo…that's him!," Kando interrupted, pointing our previously-mentioned-nervous-looking-dude on the sidewalk. Jix leaned a little bit on the door, subtly popping it from its lock, ready to rip the poor man into the cab --


The world shook, the sonic boom buckling everyone in half. A massive explosion, maybe two blocks away. One of them screamed, but they could not begin to guess who.

"What the kark?!," yelled Kando, scrunching down toward the center console as if trying in vain to hide in the cupholder.

"Karkin' dyejobs, probably," shouted from where he'd ducked into the footwell, his ears still ringing.

Chaos spilled into the streets, people running every which way…including their mark. He disappeared into the crowd – the crowd which now was sporadically dashing across the road, hindering their ability to follow.

"Kark, kark…," Mox squinted through the viewport, trying to rub some of the dust from the window from the wrong side. Upon failure, he engaged the wipers and tried again. "…Motherkarker's gone."

"Guess it don't matter, anyway..." Kando began, raising his tablet to the others to signal them to do the same.

One of the curious functions of the Slave Driver app is that it would sometimes cancel contracts to usher "more important" ones to the forefront. Who decided what was more important was a mystery, but the new contracts were often A) at a nearer proximity and B) at a higher payout, so nobody really complained. Still, it cast a measure of doubt onto the decentralization of the app – Was it as neutral as it pretended to be?

Some thought that Slave Driver was developed by a millionaire, nefariously executing clandestine schemes he could not be connected to, like Anonymous if it had been run by Elon Musk.

Others speculated it was an AI program creating a status-quo through deliberate replication of past crime history data – A sister to the Weather Control Machines as part of what was ultimately THE PROPERTY VALUE CONTROL MACHINE!

Still, though, there were some who did not need an order for everything, and they saw the ebbs and flows of Slave Driver as those of the universe – the cosmic chaos intersecting in moments of coincidence, peeling back the mask of eternity to reveal the intent of the Divine.

Whatever you believed, Crime remained the same thing it always was:

Jix's eyes widened, watching all the requests ping on the app dashboard: "Save my cat! Raid my neighbor's comic collection!" "This was a drug dealer's apartment!" "Oh, shit….Maaaaad ops…," he muttered, glancing up at the fire blooming from the shattered duraglass windows. Unconsciously, he'd popped his flick-comb and began to adjust his pompadour.


They were going to loot a burning building.

Location: crammed into an elevator watching a holo news feed
Objective: just be hex
Tag: Hacks Hacks


Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured "....." are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter

"Doctors also have to make money from something."
"A good point!" she added with humour. "And let's not forget the firefighters who got a paycheck out of this." horrified would have been an understatement to describe the look on the woman's face as she listened to them.

Hex turned round to the woman and looked at her with a grin "Yeah, pretty sweet explosion" and she laughed at her compliment, giving a little twirl showing off her outfit and her body art.

"who is this woman and why does she care what you look like" A voice chimed in her head.

"Yeah?" she said in a tone inferring she had been given the question from elsewhere, as she snapped out of her spin. "Who are you? And whats my appearance to you?"

She didn't have long to wait for an answer before Hacks Hacks reached out and introduced herself, her suspicious mood dropped as quickly as it had appeared. She almost snorted in a giggle "Hacks? No way, Hex!" she took her hand and shook it warmly. The woman had so much tech on board, Hex assumed she was a member of some cyber gang or something.

"what sort of job?" she enquired curiously, very interested why this woman had approached her, but credits were credits and Hex never seemed to have enough when she needed them. As she spoke she looked over at the young man, he hadn't said much more but he was no doubt listening.

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Jix and Mox blew past Kando in the smoke-filled lobby, grabbing him by the scruff of his collar and yanking him toward the stairwell. The Kaleesh had been standing patiently infront of the elevator, button pushed.

"C'mon, dipshit – you tryna die?"


The beat goes on.

Seven Corners
Infernal Tower

Bandanas wrapped around their faces like bandits, they ascended the staircase, Jix's stride carrying him over every other step. A lifetime of conditioning inherent in city living, they effortlessly scaled 10 floors of stairs before the smoke barred the escalation and minor muscle exhaustion had taken them. They all brought up their varying devices, dropping a digital flag at their position to mark this staircase closest to the vehicle – their egress – all without communication, like they'd done this a thousand times before. Not one of them was older than 20 years old.

Naturally, they'd huffed something for their adrenaline before getting out of the car.

Kando, bringing up the holographic display for better presentation, begins sifting through the Slave Driver Ops. "We got a first appearance of the Avant-Garde cough …karkin 9.8, too, nice. Luxury furs storefront…"

"Oh, kark yes," Jix reckoned, reslinging his dufflebag.

"—We're going to need to get higher, though, for the Big Ticket Items."

"Too karking easy – Nick some ventilators from the SCFD SWAT Team, we good."

SCFD being "Seven Corners Fire Department." Whether that's their official name or not, they couldn't be bothered to know.

Jix kicked in the door to the 12[SUP]th[/SUP] level and lead the raid. Emergency lights flashed their warning, as alarm klaxons blared much the same. Kando broke ahead, departing from the other two, presumably in search of that treasured serial. Mox moved more slowly, kicking in each door as they passed it and popping his head to see what there was to see.

An alarm was added to the mix as Jix threw a garbage can through the window of the fur store. With sociopathic calm, he strolled the aisles, this being the preferred shopping experience. He had always felt like such an imposter before, eyeballs on him the second he walked in, obviously too ill-bred to be in the store organically, nevermind be able to afford anything. And then he saw it – a blue sharkskin jacket, resplendent in shine as the shark that made it leaping through out of the water to kill a fisherman, it's blue-purple fur-line collar, presumably from the same shark because, y'know, aliens, man. He removed his hoodie and stuffed it into his dufflebag, slipping the jacket on instead – the designer sizes for smaller men than his more athletic build. His forearms strained against his sleeves as he rolled them up. He grabbed a few more items at random, but as far as Jix was concerned, his mission was complete.

Back in the hallway, he sniffled – the drug drip tumbling down the back of his throat like bitter candy.

"Yeah, it's the karking dyejobs," Mox said into their Mitch-tech – retro hardware affixed to their wrists, basically amount to walkie-talkies. He was looking over the spilled paint on the ground, the (albeit fabricated) Harley Quinn-esque, sO RaNdOm calling card.

"Yeah," Jix echoed, noticing a similar theme in his neck of the hallway, paint having splattered down from the balcony of the level above. "Got some volunteers," he added, noticing a trio of firemen up ahead.

"Hey, you – You need to get out of here," one of the firemen said, his robotic and tinny as it sounded through his ventilator. Jix "Eight-Six" unslung his dufflebag and let it fall to the ground, reaching under his new jacket to produce a vibroknife. He was charging them, his grin concealed behind his Shark Teeth bandana as he advanced. It grinned for him.

Their faces hidden behind their gasmasks, it's hard to know what the volunteer servicemen thought as the sped-up musclehead advanced, but it looked like Denial. The firefighter holding the vibro-hatchet did not even raise it in defense until Jix was already in striking range. He swung horizontally at Jix's midsection, the blade's arc causing his compatriots to jump back. Similarly, Jix moved out and to the left, bringing him to the outside of the man's reach as the axe blade missed its mark. With skilled intention, he slashed the through the man's gloved right hand, causing him to him to cry out and release the tool.

One of the others went to restrain Jix, only to suddenly collapse, cruelly rabbit-punched from a Mox arriving just-in-time. Without acknowledgement or hesitation, Jix switched the grip on his blade and brought it across the hatchetman's throat, slashing it open and ending his life. He had barely grabbed the axe's handle before the other two surrendered.

Did they think their good intentions would save them from Denon?

"I don't – We don't -- Whatever you want – It's yours."

"Vents and get the kark out," Mox said, gesturing at their face mask. The smoke had become thicker now, his words terse and strained. The firemen relinquished their masks into a coughing fit, covering their mouths and dashing toward the stairwell in pure instinct.

"Vents," Mox said into the Mitch-tech. When Kando arrived, struggling to breathe, the other two had already put on their masks.

It would not be long before the firemen would reach the ground floor, likely trying to regroup somewhere around Doc Painless Doc Painless and Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda as they did.

Raising his new vibrohatchet, Jix brought it through the duraglass window of a pharmacy.

TAGS: Doc Painless Doc Painless | Zo La Kund Zo La Kund

Marissa tensed up when a familiar voice called out from the crowd... was it really him? Surely enough, as she walked over to see who was trying to muscle past everyone, the Doc's gaze met hers for a moment. "Let the man through!" She called out to another cop holding his hands out to the Doc. "Get in here, medics can only do so much." She spoke with neutral authority as she followed him to one of the victims.

As he inspected the poor Mirialan, Cricket knelt down beside him with a smirk. "You swap your guts out for military grade as well?" She joked, looking around. "You're cool. I'll keep you covered, just keep your karkin' face hidden. Me and you're gonna talk after this, though." Rising again, she turned to the other cops. "The Doc or medics tell y'all to jump, you ask how high!" She ordered a few of the others not looking particularly busy. Things did get rather odd, however, when a few of the firefighters came running out without masks, one of them with a slash across the hand. She looked to the building as her eyes flicked through their vision modes to try and see into the building. It was extremely faint, but three figures in a shop were still moving around. "Firefighters need help." She muttered, giving the Doc a nudge before walking over to the firefighters as they huddled close to the ambulance.

"There's people still in there, what happened?" She asked them with a stern tone. "Kriffing kids, they attacked us." One of them spoke up, holding up his injured hand. "Crap..." Her gaze turned to the Doc. Whether or not it really was Darkwire was still up for debate, but things were getting weird... and the Doc was her best chance of getting to the bottom of it. Those three thugs in the store, though, they weren't helping the situation. "Looters in the building!" Drawing their pistols, Marissa and two other cops moved towards the building with their helmets closing up to protect them from the smoke. "Keep doing your thing, Doc!" She called out to him, though that amount of chrome would definitely be a bonus. Dude could probably be the best cop on Denon if he decided to get a badge.

The three officers moved through the burning building as quickly as they could without endangering themselves. Other firefighters still in there made it a lot easier to move around. It didn't take too long for them to reach the suspected location, a pharmacy of all things. "Typical." She grumbled, pistol at the ready as they moved in.



Hacks heard someone else speak in what she thought was an empty elevator bar her and Hex, her gaze slowly turned over to the corner she heard it from, then down to look at Jonah. Hacks towered over him, though perhaps he would have been taller than her were she completely organic. Cybernetics weren't just good for making you stronger, you could also be quite taller with leg replacements.

The Shadowrunner wasn't concerned that he may have overheard the conversation. This was Denon, dodgy deals were done every day in plain sight. If he had any wits about him he wouldn't go running to CorpSec, but given his attitude, Hacks didn't think it likely. Feth it, she thought, I'll drag him in too. "You want some creds too, kid?" she asked, then turned and thumbed the elevator controls. The doors locked. The elevator jolted and began to descend again.

Beyond the grated walls of the elevator was pitch darkness. Twinkling lights occasionally lit up windows of distant cloudcutters that snaked their way up out of the oppressive darkness, like desperate vines reaching for a forbidden sunlight. The sound of wailing CorpSec cruisers faded and soon all that was heard was the deafening drum of thousands of industrial complexes. A maze of cheap production that fuelled this planet and swelled the pockets of the corpos.

Hacks moved to answer Hex about the details of the job, then her eyes darted up into the corner of the elevator where a security camera watched them. She remained silent, turned her back to Hex and waited for the elevator to stop. The doors opened to a sprawling industrial zone, deep plumes of smoke rose high into the air. Hacks stepped out and motioned for them to follow her. "I've got a bird waiting, exfil off this planet. I'm going dark for a few weeks, but I could use some friends here on Denon if you get my meaning, help me do what I can't."

Hacks took a glance over her shoulder, looking Hex and Jonah in the eyes, "You could say I work in market manipulation." Up ahead a docked freighter was loading cargo, droids buzzing about with crates and pallets of goods to be transported off-world. The only illumination in this dark and dreary world were the occasional street lights that flickered. This sector was dilapidated. Maintenance had been neglected for decades, perhaps centuries.

The slicer elaborated further, "A big suit doesn't like a deal, or the profit margins of another corporation. I do what they can't. I take out the competition." Her four arms spread wide, "But lately some folks in Darkwire have gotten sick." She tapped her head with a metal index finger, "They think they're some pseudo-rebel alliance, that they can change this world, but they'll just fethin' burn it to the ground in the attempt."

Hacks looked around, the streets quiet. "I got contracts with some big suits who need some ops run. A hit on a soup kitchen soon to be opened, sabotage on a megablock the Social Services Act is setting up." The freighter was meters away now, Corp-owned droids stepping aside for the woman. "You blow some shit up, you get paid in hard creds. Easy as. Do a good job and I can find more work for you." She turned and stopped in her path, looking at them, "What do you think?"

| Hex Hex | Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim |
She didn't turn him in. She didn't even let on that she knew him. She just let him through.

The Doc found that he was somehow disappointed, and he questioned that feeling. Had he unconsciously come here as some elaborate form of suicide, a misguided attempt to suffer in exchange for all this pain he felt responsible for? Maybe he had. But no matter how much he sometimes wanted to, he couldn't take the easy way out. He had to bear this responsibility, to hold up under the weight of what he'd done, because ending himself wouldn't help anyone... but living, doing the work he filled his every waking moment with, still might. He couldn't let himself be selfish enough to lay down and die, because while his pain would stop, others would suffer without him.

He owed it to these people to do better. No self-pity allowed while real people bled and died.

"You swap your guts out for military grade as well?" Marissa spoke with the almost-flippant manner of someone all too accustomed to scenes like these; CorpSec officers had to get used to working around broken bodies and shattered livelihoods, and most of them developed some version of the signature gallows humor shared by so many professions surrounded by sorrow and death. Doc Painless pushed himself not to do that. He never laughed at anyone's misery, no matter how ridiculous or deserved, and he treated every death or injury he came across with the same sympathy and gravity. Maybe that was why he had no life outside his work, why he drank himself to sleep every night.

He couldn't detach from his practice. Couldn't take it any less than deadly serious. Couldn't let the faces of the dead go.

This weight of this one, of course, was heavier than most that he had to bear. The Doc cast his mind back to the tatt-chat, trying to remember exactly what he'd said that might have contributed to... this. He hardly heard Marissa speaking, lost in that grim reverie, an autopsy of his own words, trying to determine the cause of death for his lofty ideals. He could think of a thousand ways he could have laid things out differently, all the ways he should have kept better control of the situation. But in the end, he began to think he'd made a mistake in trying to get involved at all. He was a street doctor, not Leia Organa reborn. What did he know about rebellions? What had he thought was going to happen?

With all the anger in that digital room, had he really expected he could somehow direct a nice, clean revolution?!

He missed Shai. She'd coached him through so much, toughened him up. What had happened to her?

And what would she tell him he ought to do now?

"Keep doing your thing, Doc!" That shout, for whatever reason, was the one that broke him out of his reverie; perhaps it was the instinctive thrill of fear that ran through him when he heard part of his adopted name spoken aloud in the middle of a group of Seccers. But "Doc" was a common enough title; no one would connect it with "Painless" unless they saw his face, or unless something else gave him away. "Be safe," he called back; he'd half heard something about looters, which meant Marissa was probably on her way into danger. She'd probably be fine; she was good officer, tough and resourceful. But you never knew for sure. Desperate people did desperate, dangerous things.

The second patient, the one still alive, moaned softly. Focus. The Doc had work to do.

This victim was a Rodian male. The street medic found it hard to tell age at a glance in some species, Rodians included, but this one was still at least somewhat young; his antennae and cranial spines were still perky, without the telltale droop of age. He'd been lucky; the window shrapnel had grazed him in three places, leaving deep and jagged cuts, but it hadn't pierced his body. There would be scarring, but he would heal... so long as the Doc kept him from bleeding out on this random stretch of dirty pavement. The street medic reached into his emergency bag and pulled out a bacta applicator, then gently peeled back the ragged edges of the Rodian's clothing.

"You're going to be fine," he said gently, smiling at his patient... until he remembered his face was covered.

His practiced hands worked quickly, the spray of healing mist rejoining the split edges of skin.

He needed to work fast. Other victims might be in much worse shape.

Jonah Wright-Kala'myr
Mr. Funny T-Shirt Guy, The Golden Boy, Overmind; Information Broker, Nite agent, Anarchist and Future Baron!
Objective: Watch the world burns.
Location: Denon
Equipment: Current Attire | OPBC-01m
Tags: Hacks Hacks | Hex Hex | Open
[ Nice Day ]
"Galactic Common" | <"Galidraani"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
T-shirt Text: "Rurik was Right!"​

The situation was very surreal, Jonah had not the slightest idea that the blue-haired girl he had spoken to earlier was his cousin. To tell the truth, he never had a closer relationship with that part of his family who lived on Serenno. They lived under Sith rule, and Jonah's mother moved from home to a neutral planet before her brother, the Count, married the Sith Lord Lady E'ron. Even though he has only met Keilara maybe two or three times in his life, let’s face it, not too much. And with Hex, probably only once, at most when they were both just toddlers. So he has no memory of her.

At the words of the blue-haired girl, Jonah grinned even wider, he liked that attitude, that spirit. Last but not least, he had a great time. It was only because of this short interlude that it was worth coming to this area today.

"That's the spirit!" he grinned.

He grinned even wider as he saw the woman's face in response. He never knew why anyone lived in an area they could not bear their "biosphere". He didn’t really understand the fact that some people don’t have the money to move in and out when they want to. Meanwhile, he looked at the tall girl, who was staring at him. He laughed out loud at Hacks' words. According to them, the girl did not realise how expensive his attire was. Sometimes people paid smaller fortunes to make them look poor. Jonah was like that.

"I don't need money!" he shrugged; he had a barely noticeable Galidraani accent. "But if the work is fun, I’m down with it, for free."

He nodded at her words as he walked after them as they arrived at the industrial section. As they progressed, he spoke.

"I am more interested in information as payment than the money itself." he told her.

The others seemed fair; Jonah didn't need money, he got it from something else. For him, information was what was important. After all, like the Overmind, he was famous for that, he was an Info Broker.

"To blow up something big and the like is not my genre, I mean, even when people are dying. But I know the right people who can do it. Sorry little lady, I trade information and know those who are best suited for different jobs." he shrugged again. He loved to destroy and do damage, but he was not a killer.



Miranda Io

The Daughter of Resistance
Wearing: Nothing

Armed with: Herself

Objective: Get a taste of mortality.

Normally, the way Miranda saw it, if she had to resort to Weaponry, then she had already lost control of the situation.

She had come to Denon, to personally check up on a spy in employment of the House, and scout for property they intended to own and operate. House Io had no interest in working with Corpos. The Current Chancellor of the GA was a Corpo, and having grown up on Nar Shaddaa, where the Criminal and the Corpo worked together so often if you squinted your eyes you wouldn't be able to tell the difference most times, Laertia despised most Corpos.

Besides, groups like Darkwire were the type they sold to the most anyway.

Perfectly primed property to set set up a Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises outlet. The main issue was finding a spokesperson.

Miranda had finished scouting for the day and had wanted to go exploring. Maybe shopping later.

Okay, I lied, LOTS of shopping later.

To passersby, she was a voluptuous, curvy woman with bronze skin in a black metallic cocktail dress and matching stilettos. Some would stop dead in the tracks and Miranda smirked, enjoying the effect she had on people.

The blast was so powerful she was flung backward, buried in large amounts of rubble, the compression wave shearing off the prototype Nanite sheath that gave her a human appearance, spreading it everywhere in small silver droplets.

Miranda lay inert under the rubble, seeing only blackness, nothing, before her systems rebooted.

Consciousness came back to her, awareness.

She stirred under the rubble, a black, scuffed mechanical Skeleton of pure Phrik Alloy carefully lifted up one arm, overturning a piece of rubble right next to Doc Painless Doc Painless and Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda . It did a self diagnostic. All weapon systems damaged and inoperative save heavy Cryonic Laser Cannon. Joint damage on left arm and ankle joint. Nanites torn away by blast.

The metallic Skeleton, looking almost artistic in its design fixed Green Photoreceptors on the Doctor and what looked like a soldier rose slowly to its feet.

The smart thing to do would be to run, find a safehouse, and conduct repairs.

But no Nuetralizer operates solely on cold logic. If Laertia wanted cold logic, she could have just used Super Battle Droids

"Pardon me..." Miranda said, going over to where she heard someone screaming for help under the rubble, carefully lifting it to avoid injuring him.

"Doctor, we got another one here!" The Droid called out to Painless, putting it's head to his chest.

"This one has Internal Bleeding..."
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Tag: Open
Location: A small alley somewhere nearby explosions, and out of sight.

Amongst the streets and lights, deals and cons. Glade our Kiffar in her hoverchair had been shopping for oddities, in stores that had hoverchair access. Finding fourth-hand items, things that had a lot of owners, stuff that nobody wanted anymore that she could relive memories of and keep. The memory vaults she now had of second-hand goods, put some Hutts bank accounts to shame, but organizing them pfft forget it, even she got lost in them. Nothing that cost much today, because her band wasn't doing so great these days, it had been a while since they had a credit gig.

Today was a happy time, she enjoyed people hustling and bustling, whistling to herself, and then….


A huge sonic shock sent the hoverchair into reverse. The Fyor droid built into the bottom of it whizzed something and then declared in common. "Alert, shockwave detected. Bracing engaged."

"THANK YOU FYoooooo.....ooor" whizzing in a circle backward about 10 feet. "oof" to collide her hoverchair with a wall. Hair all in her face she pfft some out of it with her lips. Dust covering her snazzy purple and pink core fashion, highlights for her armor of course. Glade had been looking bright today, now she was a mess.

"Pretty please, kind'a come on, yep, yeppers, nope." While she and her droid tried to restart her chair properly, there was some moaning coming from a nearby pile of rubble. Eventually, her chair hovered to life a bit worse for wear, and she looked down to see what was going on. Toughie she couldn't just pull rocks away from whoever was underneath, maybe that'd collapse the rest of the wall.

Fyor droid beeped a solution. "Erm, We gotch'a," I think. Two grappling hooks shot out of her chair at what was left of the wall, trying to hold it in place, clamping it to the supports. "maybe." What now genius.

Location: crammed into an elevator watching a holo news feed
Objective: just be hex
Tag: Hacks Hacks


Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured "....." are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter

Hex laughed at the response from Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim the luxury of being able to do stuff for free was something lost on her, she lived hand to mouth, maybe she spent too much of the trickle on income she had on explosives, but you had to do what was needed.

"She's offering us a job, she doesnt even know us? Could be dangerous.... but we are broke"

Hex sniggered over her shoulder at her friend's voice, it was true, she had cleaned out most of her funds to finish confetti and had to steal lunch, which was easy, because she now had a working rocket launcher.

"Fun's good, fun'!" she said while smiling to Jonah and then turned to Hacks Hacks "but how many credits are we talking? And why a soup kitchen?" she had, more than once used soup kitchens for a meal, and also been chased away like an animal when people couldn't deal with her friends, so she certainly had mixed feelings on them.

"She'll sell you out... you'll do this and she will be gone with your credits..
she turned and acknowledged her friend's concerns about the task.

She then looked back at Hacks and sized her up, a wry smile appeared on her face as she thought before speaking. "Nah...I think you're legit" Hex's speech pattern was sometimes confusing for people as the voices of her friends were such a part of her life she easily forgot that some people couldn't hear them too. She was very curious about the misusing and it did sound fun.

"You in too?" she asked Jonah "I've got a few spare partypoppers if you want to play with them" It was strange the way the galaxy worked that she was now offering home made explosives for entertainment purposes to her cousin, but neither of them could ever have guessed who they were speaking to. Hex had no idea she even had living family members, having no memory of anything before her abandonment at the hospital. Even if she did, the way they never came back for her, she might just end up offering them the same explosives for her own entertainment.

Ruins of a Walgreens
Infernal Tower

They were dumb-as-chit, rotten little bastards.

By the time the fuzz reached the pharmacy, the kids were long gone, leaving the storefront (and back) completely rat-karked, but oddly still intact. Obvious behind-the-counter drugs had been taken – popular recreational drugs, painkillers with opiate foundations, … anti-depression prescriptions? ….early onset of dementia? PTSD?

Birth control, specifically Plan B?


It was only the pills with popular names; branded, commercialed, and well-connected to their diseases. Zoloft to Depression. Oxy to pain. Meanwhile, offbrand, generic, and other viable substitutes were left completely untouched. Not doctors, barely even drug-dealers. The only expertise expressed at all was the entire rack of Dextromethorphan cough and flu wiped clean, presumably to get high with later.

Just dumb-as-chit, rotten little bastards.

The murdered (or heavily incapacitated) firefighter -- face darkened in soot and wrenched in disbelief -- lay in the hallway. He wasn't wearing any shoes.


Location: Denon, Seven Corners

Standing by his light freighter in a surface space sport on Denon, Cyran idly scrolled through on his datapad. Watching some of the latest local content on the holonet. The neimoidian streaming app was mostly filled with random loud humor, women flaunting their looks over catchy music, or some kid breaking a piece of home furniture. There was the occasional gem of entertainment but it required letting the algorithm show you a bunch of nonsense first.

Then he came across a trending stream on the app. What looked to be some sort of emergency. Cyran quickly recognized the location as that speakeasy he’d gone to a few times. The place looked to have been blown up or that a fire had gone out of control. The reporters had mentioned it to be the work of darkwire. The local plucky group of punk rebels. Thinking to himself Cyran found that a little doubtful. No way, from his understanding Darkwire members had a liking to that place. It either had to be an accident or Darkwire was seriously way worse than he imagined. In hindsight he felt pretty dumb to discredit them before.

“Hey P4!” Cyran called out by the loading ramp of his ship, where an old R4 droid began to roll down. “Keep an eye on the ship will ya I’mma head out.” The astromech chirped and beeped in agreement and Cyran got himself ready. Getting his repulsor pack ready he launched himself into the air to get a bit of a head start. Afterall there’s surely work to be done as a bounty hunter.

Looking through some live feed from his visor he’d try to gather more information as well as on local bounty hunting networks to see what if there’s anything out yet from corp sec and the like, and there was. Several bounties of varying degrees. Some for information, others wanted heads. Nobody seemed to know who the exact culprit was though. Currently he was nowhere near the sight of the explosion. But if it was a planned remote detonation then there was a good chance whoever was responsible wasn’t nearby. Which didn’t narrow things down at all. A massive city with countless inhabitants. Talk about finding a needle in a haystack, and if those responsible were already off-world, it’d be down right impossible. Perhaps his investigation was over before it even began.


Hacks craned her neck down to look at Jonah as he was neither interested in payment or taking the job, her frown tightened. Hacks muttered, "Aye Beav," and waved a mechanical hand in the direction of the elevator, "Then you can head back the way you came," she said, "I don't have info on your babysitter, and I'm not handing out preem info to some random kid on the street who won't even do a job for me."

She found Hex to be more approachable with the job, "A couple 'K creds when shits burnt and ash," she dug into her coat and took out a single hard cred chip worth five-hundred ucs, "The soup kitchen is a spice front, shipping out large quantities of spice that's rotting the bottom feeders of this planet." Hacks pointed at her with the cred chip, "And this is something for you to get started," and flicked the cred chip towards Hex.

| Hex Hex | Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim |
Jonah Wright-Kala'myr
Mr. Funny T-Shirt Guy, The Golden Boy, Overmind; Information Broker, Nite agent, Anarchist and Future Baron!
Objective: Watch the world burns.
Location: Denon
Equipment: Current Attire | OPBC-01m
Tags: Hacks Hacks | Hex Hex | Open
[ Nice Day ]
"Galactic Common" | <"Galidraani"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
T-shirt Text: "Rurik was Right!"​

Well, if not… then not. Jonah shrugged. Luckily, he was never short of money and could choose what kind of work he wanted to do. He was picky! He loved to break the law and commit violations of the law, but there was a limit to everything. It wasn't that he was a coward. I mean, in some ways, maybe he was next to his big mouth.

But he wasn't a killer and never wanted to make a chance to kill someone. He never killed anyone yet and was not involved in anything that killed anyone. Even when he exploded or burned down some buildings, those were deserted where they were not even homeless.

But in a place that is open and can really hurt others? No. Last but not least, he was a beginner in the field and had never had such a big job. He didn't want to get involved with strangers. Just with people he knows and knows they are trustworthy. He looked at the blue-haired girl and offered the explosive. Jonah shook his head.

"No, thanks. Well, if not… then not." he shrugged again. "Have a nice day, ladies!"

He said a bit politely, which probably didn’t fit into this neighbourhood at all. Then he turned and headed back to the elevator where they had come from. He didn’t stop, he didn’t turn back to see if he was being held back. He even whistled as he pocketed both hands into the pocket of his pants. As he walked, in his thoughts, he instructed MANIAC to start projecting the news back to his retina. See if he can find something exciting nearby.

Rubbernecking is cool!



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