Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some Days Are For Dying [ TSE Dominion of Raxus ]

For months a devastating war had been waged on the Sith Empire's Southern front.

It is not a conventional war. It is a war of attrition, guerrilla tactics, and acts of terror. Dozens of star systems were left defenseless in the wake of the Silver Jedi's retreat, and though some had opted to bend the knee to the rising new Imperial power there were many others who still remained defiant. Those that had openly stood their ground had been destroyed, the might of the Imperial Legions too insurmountable a challenge for local militias.

The Empire's initial victories had cowed the systems who never had the heart for armed resistance, to begin with, but only served to embolden the most radicalized of rebel warriors. These extremists organized themselves into a militia called the League of Voss, utilizing mobile fleets of warships to attack Imperial convoys and border worlds along the Tion Cluster. Unconventional warfare had left the Empire playing a game of cat and mouse with the League, always catching a glimmer of the terrorist organization but never able to pin them down in open combat.

That would change as the Empire uncovered a League stronghold festering on Raxus Secundus, and closed the noose around the whole system. Imperial destroyers and battlecruisers jumped into close proximity with League war galleys, pinning them against the gravity well of Secundus as interdictors cordoned any chance of a quick escape. Left with no other option, the League dug itself in for a battle it was ill-equipped for, though their smaller numbers did not deter their zealousness in repelling the invading Imperials with every fiber of their being.

Soon enough the atmosphere was clogged with a thousand different skirmishes, entire ships plummeting through the air to litter the beautiful glades like the bones of titans. The capital of Raxulon itself was protected by an energy field that could repel orbital bombardment, thus forcing the Empire to advance by ground to take the metropolis.

However, Raxus Secundus would not be the only world in the Raxus System that the Empire coveted, with another smaller force being sent to Raxus Prime to secure the junk world for the Sith.

Raxus Secundus
  • Raxulon is the capital of Raxus Secundus and is the League’s stronghold on the planet. In order for the Empire to successfully occupy Raxus, the capital city needs to be taken.
    General Carwil Lodelon has made the Senate complex in the center of Raxulon his primary fortress, converting the Senate assembly hall into his own military command center. He will be difficult to dislodge.
  • A shield generator prevents the arrival of Imperial reinforcements from establishing air superiority, disrupt it and the skies will be open for our flyboys.

[*]Tamwith Bay is the commercial center for the entire planet, and the League has gotten rich off of the trade coming in through its oceanic and stellar ports. Cut off this supply line to the League occupation, and redirect the flow of trade to the Empire.
  • Tamwith’s magistrate has allied himself with the League to save his own skin, such a vile worm has no place in our glorious Imperium. Execute him without prejudice.
  • Members of the League have infiltrated the populace, and are wearing civilian attire to launch gruesome guerrilla attacks on our soldiers. There have also been reports of civilian-dressed League suicide bombers, so stay on your guard.

Raxus Prime
  • The Rodian Junk Cartel is harassing legitimate salvage companies across Raxus Prime, safe and secure from their hideout at the ancient Confederate Base. Two courses of action are acceptable:
    Negotiate with the Cartel’s boss to come to an accord between the Cartel and the Empire, establishing a mutually cooperative relationship on Raxus Prime.
  • Destroy the Cartel and seize all of their assets for the Empire.

[*]Several salvage companies have appealed to the Empire for protection, and require fighter escort to safeguard Imperial interests from corsairs.
[*]The remnants of the Junk Temple still remain on Raxus and could be a meeting ground for Jedi in the area. The Emperor demands that the temple is investigated.
  • Scour the temple for any signs of occupation, Jedi or vagrant, and eliminate any who oppose you.
  • If there are any artifacts, impound them.
  • Determine if the area is suitable for a Sith Temple, one specifically catering to the teaching of Mechu Deru.
The High Prestess
Location: Chaos/Raxis Prime
Objective: Life. Glorious, messy life.
Allies: None


The Netherworld had not been kind to Imperia. Of course, it very rarely was kind to Darksiders, but it had been especially cruel to Imperia. Whereas her fellow Darklings had been subject to pain and misery, Imperia herself had experienced far, far worse.

Oblivion. Emptiness. The dissolution of the self. Memories stripped away, one by one. Every sweet triumph, every bitter defeat, every lost ally and every crushed enemy, all burned away by the flames of Chaos. And then, slowly, they returned. That was part of the torture too, of course. For as soon as she regained herself, as soon as that wandering spirit once more became Imperia, the process was doomed to repeat.

Great men and women would break under that stress. Imperia would know, too; she'd seen it. She'd done it.

Lucky, then, that Imperia was no mere woman. She was a Goddess, a vessel of Darkness, and nothing, not even the Force itself, would deny her.

Through strength of will and knowledge arcane, Darth Imperia clawed her way from Chaos, guided back to the world of the living by hunger. Hunger for life, for sensation, for passion. And who among the Galaxy knew more of passion than the Sith?


The Force wailed in agony as the wall separating life and death had a hole punched through it, and the waifish figure of Imperia, ghostly and translucent, stepped into the junk-deserts of Raxis Prime. Ugh. What were the Sith doing here, of all places?

No matter. She had business to attend to.

That business took the form of a young woman, staring at the ghostly figure before her with an expression somewhere between absolute terror and utter fascination.

The Ghost-Imperia smiled. She missed having that effect on people.

"What," began the spectre, "is your name, girl?"

At first, the girl didn't respond. After a few long seconds, though, she spoke, her voice betraying none of the terror that the ghost could see in her aura.

"Sera Sadow."

Imperia giggled - a sweet noise, but cold as ice and sharp as broken glass - before shaking her head. "No, my dear. Say it with me."

The spectre stepped forward, and placed a ghostly hand on Sera's cheek.

"Darth Imperia."
Life was pretty good.

Just the other month he had been treated to a feast of feasts- and well, it had sadly gone a bit awry, but the insurance money had salvaged his pride. Now Kalak was on a date with his better half, surrounded by beauty and the smell of pure ozone burning into his lungs. It was great. "Ah, honeybun, this gives us an excellent view of that Junkyard Temple your Empire is exploring-"


Setting up to demolish, but that was none of Kalak's business.

It would be a bit sad to see it topple. After all, it had a certain charm, no?

They had set themselves up on a hill of garbage after several of his Dalan servants had cleared it out, then managed to make it solid enough to put a table on it. On the table itself? Their meal. This time around Kalak had gone all out- a large spacious table that was decorated with several hazy meals, they were rather silent right now, but that would change soon enough he was sure.

You couldn't skimp on your anniversary date, could you?

"Are you comfortable? I could have my friends bring some more cushions." Kal suddenly asked with concerned as he leaned over the table to study her seating arrangement for a moment.

Some of his saliva -- he was hungry! -- dripped down on one of their meals.

They (mm, male mammal, twi'lek?) started to sing for him. How nice.

[member="Ao Xian"]​
Location: Raxis Prime
Objective: Build the best trash fort in existence.
Allies: None
Enemies: Gravity


Sparrow had done her share of traveling in the last few months, stowing away on ships, hiding in their walls, and then jumping out at each new planet visited. This time it had brought her to Raxis Prime for a bit of an interesting time. With little to do besides roll around in garbage, Sparrow decided to have some fun with it.

Within the span of six days, she had gathered enough scrap to build a small fort, small being three feet by three feet. Which in reality was incredibly impressive for the 9 centimeter tall mouse. The structure consisted of mostly discarded metals and cardboard, all of this used to build a wall, two small buildings, one having a bed of old towel scraps and counter to store food she found while digging about, the other was where she spent most free time, creating small crafts out of junk. When not in either of those places the mouse was out and about the large space she had for herself, sometimes standing on the wall.

Completely oblivious to the fighting happening, the Nezumi minded her own business, and lived life in a hilariously funny way until she decided to hop onto the next ship and find another place to explore.
Raxus Secundus - Raxulon Outskirts - Eastern Approach.
Alpha Lance, The Golden Company.

With his taloned hands fanning about the curvature of the Assault Walker’s controls, Khonsu felt a sliver of elation run down the length of his spine. The change in perspective, from stomping his boots against the flattened earth to guiding a massive war machine amidst an escalating war-front, was utterly exhilarating. Every subtle twitch of his wrists had propelled the vehicle forwards in a lumbering stride, crushing the soil beneath its weighted tread. From on high, he could see more of the carnage his forces wrought, than he ever would’ve if he made the approach to the outskirts of Raxulon on foot. His sight would be limited to what lay before him, and the possible dangers that awaited them beyond the horizon. However, nestled within the command cradle of the Primary “Khepri” Assault Walker, and surrounded by a slew of holographic projections, the Thyrsian was able to see everything his heart desired.

He bore witness to the relentless advance of his Sellsword Cohort’s, and the plumes of mulched soil and dust they had left in their wake. He watched, with vague interest, as his allies within the Sith-Imperial Legions raced alongside them, tearing at the Sun Guard’s heels in an attempt to be the first to breach the City’s defences. While they would eventually overtake them, Khonsu couldn’t help but smile in admiration of the momentary, but entirely friendly competition between the two detachments. On the circuitry impregnated screen before his helmeted eyes, the Mercenary briefly scanned the orientation and movements of his Lance - which comprised of three additional Walker’s to his own. Though they trailed ever so slightly behind their Commander, the “Khepri’s” of Alpha Lance slowly began to close the gap between the League’s defensive bulwark, and the ever-advancing lines of the Sith Empire.

As the distance began to shorten, Khonsu felt his blood slowly begin to simmer with the thirst for violence and cycled his weapons in response. Throughout the entirety of his armoured cockpit, the Sun Guard listened as the machine growled in autonomic response. The machine’s weapons began accruing lethality, as the external collection arrays drew in the ionizing radiation from Raxus Secundus’ primary star - which had given its namesake to the entire star system. It’s primary, and secondary reactors began to thrum with the gathered energy, slowly morphing the war machine into a harbinger of destruction. After several moments, a pleasant chime echoed within the lumbering structure, signalling that the time had come. His weapons were ready to unleash their deadly cannonade, however, the only thing that stayed his hand was the firing solutions - as there was some interference from the projected ray shields.

They would have to get closer to the City. Close enough so they could punch through the minor distortion, and achieve the target lock both the Machine - and the man cradled within - so desired.

:: Alpha Lance, :: Khonsu said, allowing his words to be relayed to the other Walker’s under his command. :: Advance at speed towards the City. Let’s show these degenerates the fury of the Sun. ::

| [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Koda Fett"] |
Kor Vexen

Raxus Secundus
Outskirts of Capital
The arrival of the Imperial Legion on Raxus Secundus meant one thing, and one thing alone. As with all worlds that had incurred the wrath of Vexen's Legions, his men were deployed to subjugate and if need be, burn the city to the ground if it meant flushing out the League and its sympathizer General Lodelon out. The presence of a shield generator was an obvious obstacle in the way of pounding the city into submission via the use of a long line of artillery cannons that fired off one at a time to provide an unending barrage of shells upon the city. Vexen stood at his established command post, observing the map of the surrounding area as well as a map of the city and its infrastructure.
For now, the important structures save for the Senate building would be spared from the oncoming wrath of the Imperial Legion, but establishing air superiority for additional reinforcements to arrive was more of Vexen's interest. As such he had hired bounty hunters such as [member="Koda Fett"] and mercenaries with a simple objective; locate and disable the shield generator. Past that they were free to wreak wanton havoc, loot and pillage whatever they desired, though Vexen had also posted a hefty reward to anyone who was able to successfully bring General Lodelon to him. A greater reward for his capture alive, and substantially less if dead, what Vexen was simply after was the General's mind to consume and integrate their own tactics as part of his own.
General Vexen pulled himself away from the holotable that displayed the city, the deafening roar of artillery fire heard in the background as his cannons continued to pelt the shield. He was confident in the contracted assets to deal with their objective, as they have had a history of performing admirably for The Sith Empire's credits. He raised his hand to his helmet's chin, staring out at the shielded city, awaiting for it to be cracked open so that his Legion can descend upon it and rip apart both the League and all those who dared oppose the Sith Empire in open defiance.
[member="Khonsu Amon"]

Raxus Secundus - Raxulon Outskirts - Eastern Approach.
Alpha Lance, The Golden Company.

There was no hesitation in Khonsu’s tightened grip. Once his lumbering war machines had made their approach, spurring forth an increasingly greater response from the entrenched defenders, his fingers clenched and depressed the activation triggers. The response was immediate. With the command given, and the targets having been acquired through the close-range distortion, the towering “Khepri” had opened fire with its primary armament. Matching spears of coruscated lighting, bearing the ochre hue of ionized solar radiation, burst forth from the protruding emitters, and lanced towards the machine’s intended target with reckless abandon. The twinned beams scorched the very atmosphere as they were discharged, leaving nothing but the wisping vapours of ozone in their wake. Mere seconds after their gathered lethality was dispelled, the target - a structure that housed a swarm of entrenched soldiers - vanished in the blink of an eye. Its duracrete foundations were rent asunder at the molecular level, as the harnessed fury of the Sun impacted it’s prefabricated surface, exciting the covalent bonds that kept the structure in its solid state.

Nothing but an ashen crater remained. Even with the waning strength of the projected curtain, those poor, unfortunate souls were not safe from the Sun Guard’s grasp. Due to the oddity of the harnessed power of the Sun - the twinned Solar Ionization cannons that were mounted to the Assault Walker’s lumbering chassis - were able to bypass the harmonic resonance of the conventional shield. A truth that those within the League had learned the hard way. Several of their soldiers were caught within the blast and forced to spontaneous oxidize as the energy passed through the bunker they believed would protect them, and through them as if they were but a stick of butter paired against a heated knife. This was a gesture that repeated itself time and again, as the rest of the Thyrsian’s Alpha Lance had lumbered forth and unleashed their deadly payload. The entirety of the Eastern Approach began to buckle, as the four towering “Khepri’s” showed no sign of stopping.

Mortars and rockets flew forth from the trenches, and the buildings encircling the City’s edge, as they sought to defy the odds and halt this relentless charge. However, as the munitions hastened towards their progressing targets, they didn’t achieve the intended result that the League had hoped for. Instead of impacting the Golden Scarabs, they smashed across the projected deflector screens that were integrated into the Walker’s overall design. The encapsulating bubble rippled in personified agony as they endured one impact after another. It wouldn’t be long now, Khonsu thought to himself as he watched his shield’s capacity gauge plummet. While it would’ve been entertaining to pace the outskirts of Raxulon, destroying every emplacement they had come across, it would do little to assist their paymasters in laying claim to this world - and extracting a terrible vengeance against a thorn in their side. They had to move in and sweep as much of the resistance as they could aside.

So, as more and more light weapons bracketed his Walker’s shields, Khonsu lead his Lance of Assault Walker’s into the fray, bringing the Sun’s unquenchable wrath down upon all those who stood in his way.

| [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Koda Fett"] |

Sera Sadow

Location: Raxis Prime
Objective: Have an unexpectedly bad day
Allies: None


Sera wasn't Sera anymore.

Oh, sure, she had a consciousness, and it was somewhere in her body. But she was no longer the pilot of this ship, no; instead, she was the passenger, forced to watch as an alien presence tried on her body like a new suit. This 'Darth Imperia' - by the Force, that was a pretentious title - wandered through the junk-hills, gazing up at the sky like this backwater garbage dump of a planet was the most beautiful thing that she'd ever seen.

"I can hear you in there, you know. You're quite rude for an Acolyte."

Sera froze in terror. Or, well, she would have, if she had control of her body, and could therefore move in the first place. But the point still stood.

"You know, dearest," came Sera's voice once more, turned sickly-sweet by Imperia's influence, "I'm impressed with you. A mere acolyte, surviving something like this? I expected your soul to be shunted off to the Netherworld, if not destroyed completely."

Relief washed over Sera - if this thing wasn't as strong as it thought, then perhaps there was a chance that she could fight ba-

A sudden wave of anger bubbled up from the other consciousness, and the Sithling immediately cut that train of thought short, recoiling like a struck dog.

"Good girl. My, you're well-behaved, aren't you? Just a bit too free-spirited - forgive the pun, I'm in a good mood - for my tastes, however. Which a shame, since you could've been quite useful. Oh well. I'm sure something of you will remain."


Oh dear.

Sera didn't like the sound of that.


Citrus Dreams

The Bounty Hunter found himself working on behalf of his Sith contract once more, this time accompanying Khonsu Amon and his Golden Company, even if only for the earlier stages of this conflict. Fett was a Bounty Hunter after all, and his specialty was acquiring... acquisitions, or people has the more humane definition was known. The Mandalorian didn't quite mind, he merely clung to the mechanized infantry.

Koda's crushgaunted left hand gripped a walker tightly, holding his carbine within his right hand. The chaos of warfare reflected upon his T-Shaped Visor as he glanced about. In truth, there wasn't all that much to do considering the circumstances. It was a waiting game for now.

His mind fixated upon General Lodelon. By the end of the day the General would be Fett's.

[member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"]
"Is this all the Empire has to throw at us?"

Smoke, reeking of stank herb, blew out of the speaker's mouth like smog from an industrial chimney, a cackling laugh following shortly after. "I would have thought the Emperor might come to finish me off himself, but instead the faceless drones marshal at the gates." Cracked lips wrapped around a thin inhaler, cheeks concave as he drew more smoke into his mouth and lungs, the hookah at his side bubbling loudly before he coughed out another cloud.

"Pathetic, pathetic." He seemed to be rambling to himself now, his mind fried with the smoke and the culminated stress of years of grotesque war. General Lodelon had been on the run for so long, looking over his shoulder, and dodging assassination attempts both real and fictional, that he had forgotten what normalcy was. He had forgotten how to eat, distrusting every scrap of food even those made by himself, and he had forgotten how to sleep.

His eyes were red, both from the smoke and the lack of sleep.

Every time the onset of slumber arrived, Lodelon would inject himself with more adrenaline meds until he was wide awake. It was obviously taking a toll on him, his subordinates could see that, but none of them could bring themselves to take command. Not because they felt sorry for him, but because Lodelon had surrounded himself with bodyguards. Tall, imposing, and armed with vibro-axes taller than themselves. A cowl of heavy blue fabric was draped across their bodies like a shawl, the symbol of the League of Voss emblazoned in bright white across it. Their faces were obscured by elongated blue helmets, a thick plume of multicolored feathers sprouting out like a crest from the top.

They stood at the entrances to the former Senate hall, watching the assembled military officials and logistic technicians with scrutinizing glares. The assembly tables had been exchanged for holographic displays, all of which projected a combined image of Raxulon, the shield around it, and the enemy forces besieging it.

"We have the will of justice on our side, they will never break through our shield." bellowed the General as he shifted in his command seat, his multitude of cybernetics whirring with each slight movement. 80% of his body was mechanical now, the fate he was destined to suffer after the failed Saaraishash attack. He was more machine now than man, twisted by hatred and anger until he could no longer see reason or differentiate friend from foe.

Even now he suspected those in his midst of treachery, his maniacal eyes darting back and forth frantically as he took another drag from his hookah.

"Never, never!"
Raxus Secundus
Outskirts of Capital

Arsaces adjusted his helmet. Clad in full armour he stood in formation, observing or rather, waiting for the assault to come. Currently their artillery did little more than probe the capital’s shields. There’d be little done before that thing went down.

He wondered why they couldn’t just march in there, but suppose they’d be gunned down without retaliation until they closed the distance. The Empire seemed to enjoy softening their opponents up before the final blow. They did not have to lift a finger, save against the shield generator. Once that was done they could technically maintain their position while blasting out the enemy from a comfortable distance. Their bombers could do a neat job of them too…

Perhaps he ought to apply for a reassignment. He felt more at ease in the skies. Although his own personal preference for military branch was naval, suppose as a Sith his presence and particular set of skills were desired on the ground. Oh well, so be it.

Arsaces stood with the rest of his unit, just another cog in the machine waiting for the order to advance.
Raxus Secundus
Tamwith Bay
Chaos had come to Raxus. For months now resistance forces had clashed against the Sith. It was clear one side had the overwhelming numbers and resources on their side, yet the engagement still remained. It was inspiring, how against those odds they refused to surrender and fought for what they loved and believed in. Yet she had to ask herself, how many lives were lost because of this?

The Jedi Knight, Zylah, would see to it that as few casualties as possible were claimed by the war. At the end of the day, it did not matter much which side they came from. People were people. Though she held no illusion that the soldiers were all innocent, certainly not all of them held evil in their hearts.

The closest city was Tamwith Bay. She, however, found herself tending to the wounded in a camp a few miles outside of it. There were Sith captives too who needed treatment, but for the most part the Sith either won their engagements, or managed to retrieve their own fallen. Majority were either civilians or resistance fighters.

Zylah, however, was not a warrior in this fight. A neutral entity, but an entity of light. Healing wasn’t her strongest side, but duty called upon her. The Force gathered to it, and she could feel the torn and broken arm beneath her touch. Slowly, her energy linked with his, and to the best of her ability she sought to aid his recovery, amplifying the processes his body already would initiate on their own. The man grunted with pain, probably more from the shock of actually feeling the rapid healing more so than from being in pain.

Raxus was a dirty, war-torn mess. But at least she was doing some good in the middle of it all.
Location: Raxus Prime
Objective: Meet a Nezumi
Allies: [member="Sparrow"]
Enemies: None

The Sith Empire's borders were steadily expanding across the galaxy, drawing the Tion Hegemony into its control. Vihaan had immediately jumped on a ship when he learned of the Empire's intended move on Raxus Prime. It was a junk planet, a haven for any and all kind of scrap that the galaxy didn't want anymore.

Salvager...scavenger, it was all the same to the Amaran - they were his roots.

When the One Sith had come to Amar to destroy his kind, Vihaan had survived in the wrecks that were left behind. A week spent buried in rubble and scrap, until his attempt to get free was spotted by a Sith patrol. Then he was given to a Master and thrown into even more piles of scrap.

'Character building' he had called it. Enslavement was more like it.

Funny how things turned around. With Vihaan now trained in the Force, part of a Sith Empire; albeit now the same one that had attacked his home - but still Sith nonetheless.

But he had come to Raxus to see if he could find anything useful. And low and behold, he had sighted something that had peaked his curiosity. Atop of pile of scrap, Vihaan had saw a smol Nezumi darting around below. For a time he simply watched from his perch, but eventually the Nezumi went back inside and Vihaan took that moment to make his way down and towards the fort.

At first he was going to knock, but stopped himself upon realizing it wasn't a smart idea. Vihaan was rather small himself, but he was still sizable enough that a simple knock had the potential to cause a wall to fall down.

So he opted to speak instead.


Although a sudden voice; where there wasn't one before, was just as likely to cause a fright.
Location: Raxis Secundus - Tamwith Bay outskirts
Objective: Pass judgment in the name of the Valkyries
Allies: The Sith
Tags: [member="Zylah Dvale"]

Perhaps it was easier to simply raise your weapon to an enemy. When they were defeated, it would only take a single moment to eliminate a threat and that would be the end. Yet, Darth Avacyn believed it was not the only way. To convert an enemy into an ally was a much greater victory- not only were your own numbers bolstered, it was often paired with a snowball effect where others would follow, striking a much more devastating blow. It was that belief that led to the creation of the Valkyries, a small yet dedicated group who passed judgment on the enemies of the Sith Empire on the battlefields they threaded. To the worthy they extended their hand so they could rise up and see the Dark side while the unworthy were culled without mercy.

"You know your task. Go forth and seperate the strong from the weak," Avacyn commanded to the group of warriors that accompanied her as they began to move out. The woman herself went her own way afterwards, her sights set on Tamwith Bay. If there were warriors worthy of rising up, they would be found.

Raxus Prime

Junk Piles

Having spent around several more hours collecting trash to continue the construction of her planned junk castle, Sparrow was finally about the rest for the day when she heard the booming voice right outside the walls. Peaking out from inside the house, she noticed the tall Amaran before her.

"Hello?" The small Nezumi popped just her head out to start, staring up at the figure with beady black eyes, filled with concern and worry. Sparrows red clothing was coated in dust and stains, though she hadn't seemed to mind that. Behind her small house was the beginnings of the castle being made, not very impressive as of yet, though it brought forth the question of, "How is she building these structures so high?" Surely they would collapse if she had to climb on them before it was finished.

[member="Vihaan Sloan"]
Location: Raxus Secundus Orbit
Objective: Ready the payload

The time for action had come.

For what seemed to be a brief amount of time, Admiral Zahori Denko had been agitated by the nuisance that was the League of Voss. She had seen their faulty tactics over several battles, detailing them with each encounter. She hadn't expected to have them be around for as long as they were. For a band of overzealous Jedi, they were quite numerous.

Zahori arrived to Raxus Secundus aboard her command ship, Kuat's Lament, but she was not on the bridge as she normally would be. Not for this battle. The admiral was within the hangar bay of her command ship. She had a new tactic to implement for this battle. And a brand new ship to do it with.

"Is my ship ready, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, Admiral. The Malicious One is prepared to fly as with the rest of the squadrons."

"Good. Have the pilots depart before me and I will bring up the rear."

"Yes, ma'am."

Zahori walked towards her starfighter and looked it over. "Been some time since I've been in a pilot's seat. Far too long." The canopy of her starfighter slid open and she climbed into the seat. The canopy closed back and Zahori began the startup sequence. Lights began to illuminate and displays were suddenly flushed in color. She was ready. "All squads, depart and decimate. Troopers on the ground require air support immediately. Once we punch through their forces in orbit, we go break through the atmosphere and rain hell down on the League."

And, just like that, several squadrons of TIE fighters roared from their respective hangars, formed up, and brought the fight to the League.

Finally, Zahori's starfighter left it's hangar, swiftly entering the fray.

Sebastian Thel

Location: Tamwith Bay
Objective: Redirect the the flow of trade to the Empire
Allies: Anybody up for some intrigue and sneaking


Sebastian thought that he had escaped the Sith on Alderaan.

Nodding to soldiers, he looked over his shoulder every few seconds out of habitual paranoia. Military craft lined the streets as he walked to work, swallowing contempt for the task the Sith had given him. The trade center towered over Tamwith Bay and directed funds through all the ports ruled by the league. With a contact from Imperial intelligence stored away in his communicator, he entered their midst.

Sebastian passed security guards at the entrance of the skyscraper and displayed a profile on his communicator. They nodded and allowed him to walk through the doors. The glass slid together behind him, leaving Sebastian before the features of receptionists who tapped away as he approached.

"Sebastian Thel." He said quietly, resting his briefcase on the ground for a moment. The woman behind the counter typed into the terminal and reviewed his profile.

"Level forty, Mister Thel." She turned to face him, handing over a pass key, which he slid into his the pocket of his long coat. Sebastian left the reception and strode through the massive hall of the ground floor, passing accountants and business executives in dark suits. The slick finish of technology soared beyond the city below, surrounding the beep of implants and holograms leading Sebastian into the height of Raxus trade.

The sound of his heart beat thudded against the metallic walls, resounding in his ears between the beeps of the elevator keys. He stood in the compartment and pressed the floor number, avoiding the gaze of suited men and their droid assistants while the elevator scaled the height of the structure. Sebastian held his breath, trying not to think of the consequences the Sith may have in store for him if he failed in his task.

Exhaling, Sebastian felt his briefcase weigh down in his hand as sweat gathered on the inside of his palm. A Twi'lek woman in a pantsuit with vibrant blue skin looked at him with an expression on concern.

"You okay, love?" She asked, looking over to Sebastian. On her blazer, a name tag read the name "Tula". Sebastian turned away and looked at the wall, feeling too embarrassed to let everybody in the elevator know that she was referring to him. When the doors opened, the remaining men exited and Sebastian nodded to Tula.

"First day at work." He said with a slight smile.

To his horror, his communicator beeped with the code number of his Sith contact. Eyes fluttering, he smiled frantically at Tula, trying to distract her while he ended the call. The elevator arrived at level forty and both of them stepped into a floor lined with hundreds of desks with accountants and droids tapping away at data boards. A terminal programmed with the management of the level stood in the center of the room, in front of the rows of desks.

Reaching into his pocket, he slid the pass key into the terminal, which displayed the number of his booth on a screen. "Oh, we're next to each other!" Tula said as she did the same. There was something unsettling about her warm manner, which seemed out of place in such a rigid environment. Sebastian only attributed his mistrust to his anxiety. He was no mentalist and could not think of any other reason to not offer Tula the same kindness.

They slid through the narrow spaces between the desks, the incessant tap of keys and the beep of computers followed them to the empty booths with their identity numbers. Graph paper, pens and a computer screen occupied each desk and Sebastian sat down with a sigh. He turned on the computer and surveyed the data rolling across the screen, a labyrinth of numbers organizing funds throughout the system. Cracking his fingers, Sebastian prepared to wreak havoc.

"In position. Starting process now." He tapped into his communicator, sending the message to his contact within Sith.

While Sebastian cut off the supply lines, the Sith would take the ports by force. Outside of the office building, their agents stalked the streets, preying on any members of the League who might try and intervene with the operation.
Raxus Secundus, Tamwith Bay
General Dietrich Marr

"General Marr the @League of Voss has infested the trade center of Tamwith Bay, hiding among the populace. They must be hunted down if compliance is to occur. Your presence has been requested." - Highlord Osbasid

Chaos erupted throughout the system as the war against the League of Voss had begun in earnest. The eyes of the highest echelons of Imperial authority were on the world, a hunt ordered for all members of the high command of this insurgency. Where compliance was an issue the favored answer of House Zambrano was to send the Hangman to cow the population into submission and destroy his opponent. An entire legion of around ten thousand had come with the General to lead the charge against Tamwith Bay, a foothold was rapidly established on the cities outskirts through the sheer firepower of the AT-HAW alongside the combat assault tanks and air support.

Unlike Raxulon there was no defense shield over Tamwith Bay and the entrenched forces suffered. But the league not only stood openly against them but they tried to hide within the populace. That was unfortunate for them. This choice turned the populace into enemy combatants for the Blackblade Guard as the instruments of war were unleashed upon all, entire scattering crowds were obliterated in plumes of green energy from the front line assault walkers, while landing craft descended discharging more of the legionnaires inside large armored transports. General Marr stood in one of the lead AT-HAW's his hand resting on the chair of the pilot as he observed the destruction. An entire tower collapsed through gunfire, crushing an entire fortified position beneath rubble. Those who managed to survive the collapse died from the intense barrage that followed.

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