Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Slice of Life Day: Hindsight's 2020 | Open to GA and Friends

Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt // Auteme Auteme // Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl // Marae Tavlar Marae Tavlar // Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze


"Think we should ask for another trip around the block or-?"

Whatever tension lived in her chest as she worked through her emotional agreement to his overdue proposal was gone now. Replaced once again by butterflies and she bubbled up a chuckle.

“I didn’t mean right now..” Loske teased, leaning eagerly into his affection and reciprocating in kind. “Unless..” Her head inclined suggestively and she tugged at her neckline for a brief exposé of vermillion lace. Her sweater quickly snapped back to shape when the cab came to a stop and Maynard cracked open the door, squashing the chance to compare the amenability of the taxi’s backseat to an X-Wing’s cockpit.

Maynard was right, they had places to be, people to see — so they spilled out of the car after settling with the driver, and into the throngs of activity.

“I love you too.” She reiterated for the umpteenhundredth time and squeezed his hand. A sentiment an impact that never managed to be diluted by frequency. Her infatuation with his face was interrupted when a snowflake touched against her nose, cheek, eyebrow — and she looked upward with a shake of her head and a small contented sound that resonated at the roof of her mouth.

Even with all the manufactured snow, as convincingly cold and wet as it was, she felt warm all over. Looping her arm into the nook of his, she leaned into his wrap and fell into a three-legged-stride. Cozy amongst the crowds, the joy she’d felt from their mutual agreement amplified by the general merriment that suffused through the streets. Drinks sloshed over cup rims, grins and hugs were exchanged, fragments of conversations seemed positive and grateful. Shouts of their names, respectively, rang out from the left and right — connecting the voices to familiar faces that they’d flown with, or members of the Wolfpack that had well wishes to offer — they all received delighted waves, compliments on their red and white floppy hats in left of their helmets, or brief hugs from the Treicolts en route to their friends.

A quick glance to her wrist chrono confirmed they still had time before any of the official stage business. Best they orient themselves with the others before everyone took more formal places. “We have to get our sweaters before the…” her words paused, grin cracked “.. the ceremony! Oh my god -- We’re all going to be in those things during the ceremony! I can not wait.”

As serendipity would have it, most of who they would have been looking for was collected in a cluster, and they just missed Ryv. Which probably meant their timing was pretty good, relative to the initiation of everything that needed to be conducted officially.

“Wow,” Loske drawled, awe apparent in her expression “You guys look.. really great. Super festive. Marae, you're gonna be dashing in that." She'd met Marae once, in
preparation for a pilot simulation on Corulag. Much more...dire times. "You too of course, Dagon."

A whole other level this year, Auteme. Really."

A vibration from her jacket's inside pocket put a pause in her reaction, and she reached into the nook to retrieve her datapad. She was pleasantly surprised to see the notification from Amea Virou Amea Virou - and mentally chided herself for not making sure Amea got an invitation to today. She'd been at Unity Day and anytime for a free beverage and celebration...but she felt better after reading the
message's contents. She was not only alive but well. Very well. Her nose crinkled once in satisfied glee, before loosening both her hands to quickly tip-tap-type out a message in response and a promise to get together soon.

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As Kat continued to sip her punch, she spotted a large group of people talking and enjoying each other's company, part of her was tempted to join in with them. Try and join in the conversation but some deep-seated social anxiety pulled her away from joining the group and their discussion. As she gazed around, she spotted more people talking to one another, not necessarily in groups but from what she could tell, they were in deep conversations. Sighing, Kat knew she had to say hello to someone, get to know someone. Otherwise she was just going to be stuck in this loop of not knowing anyone and unable to talk to anyone, especially since she was new to the faction and if she wanted to rediscover her passion as a Jedi then talking and meeting other Jedi would help with that. If there was still a Jedi inside her to rediscover, something she feared was that she had changed so much that she couldn't be the same Jedi she had pictured herself years ago.

Wandering around, she thought about previous Life Days she had celebrated, mostly been with family and her brothers would often play some terrible pranks on everyone or allowing Kat to try some more alcoholic beverages when their mother wasn't looking. Looking even further back, her father had fun traditions in game time, gift opening routine and he would dress in the most outrageous clothing made for Life Day. A smile crept on her face as she thought about the past celebrations, while she was feeling nervous about being around a load of strangers, the energy around was reminiscent of being home with her family. She finished her drink of punch then noticed the bar, the punch was a little sweeter than she was use to in terms of a drink so moved over to the bar and ordered herself a drink.

As she was waiting for her order to be completed, she looked around the bar and spotted Allyson Locke Allyson Locke though someone else had just joined her, she figured it was another friend or Padawan that Allyson might be training, smiling and giving a small wave to her friend, she watched curiously, since there seemed to be an air of surprise in the body language of the friend as if they weren't expecting to see Allyson. Telling herself off for studying people again, the Echani in her couldn't help it but read body language though she knew it was presumptive.

Darth Daiara Darth Daiara


//: L I F E _ D A Y //:
//: O P E N //: Darth Daiara Darth Daiara //: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:
Allyson remained leaning on the bar as she sipped her whiskey nice and slow. This was close enough to the perfect Life Day she had imagined. Her perfect Life Day was with someone else, probably on a couch eating Atrisian take out. Watching all the corny holofilms about Life Day. The thought made the Corellian snort slightly into her glass tumbler. Maybe next year, she quietly hoped.

As Allyson enjoyed her small fantasy, someone decided to inject themselves into the peaceful bliss she had reacted for herself. The Corellian didn’t move; she didn’t respond to the question of her name being said right away. She knew already the being beside her, “You know, I could smell the sith rolling off of you a mile away, you’re terrible at this, you know that.”, she smirked, taking another sip of the whiskey.

“I don’t die. I’m sure your boss and her boss have figured that out already.” The glass found its place on the bar top, and Allyson looked straight ahead. Aradia had survived Bastion; the girl had endured a bit more of that beforehand too. They had that in common. Allyson looked to Aradia from the corner of her eye as she chuckled at the hot chocolate stains. “You’d think you would have at least picked something up from me while we worked together.” Allyson’s eyes moved from the Sithling and back to the room. She caught a glance at Kat. The Corellian smiled and waved towards the girl. She was surprised to see the Echani here; mostly, she was under the impression she had still lingered around the Silver Jedi for a bit.

Attention was drawn back to Aradia as she sighed heavily and turned to face the acolyte. “What are you doing here? You know I could arrest you right now, turn you in and let the Jedi deal with you as they see fit.” Her tone was sharp, warning the girl in a sense to behave. “Or you just enjoy yourself, grab yourself a nice sweater, drink some punch, and then go home.” The faded smirk returned as she nodded towards the Jedi. “So what will it be, Aradia, Acolyte of Kaalia Pavanos?”
"Ripley Kühn. I haven't seen you around before- you new here?"

"No, not new. I was contracted into the Order several years ago."

Cassus wasn't surprised. He'd spent most of his time in the temple training grounds and the meditation hall but was also favored as one to be sent on classified high-priority missions alone with his old Master before his trials. When all other channels had failed or extreme delicacy was required, Cassus and Ashla were sent in. As a result they didn't interact with other Jedi very much.

Where he kept his hood up and head down, his brother Tatum who was now no longer with the Order, was the Temple luminary within the younger generation of Jedi. Cassus on the other hand garnered acclaim amongst the more senior Knights and Masters.

"Ya know, I've never really been one for those resolution deals. Plans, in general, don't really work out for me." A small chuckle escaped her before she continued. "I think, though, I'd like to find more ways to help people. Not just in the like, the I'm a Jedi and I'm going to protect you type of way. I think smaller gestures that aren't expected of you can be just as powerful. Uh, so yeah. What about you?"

Cassus' eyes softened at the winding thought process of her answer, finding it endearing. He sensed nothing but good intention and benevolence from her, no ego or coveting, no desire for self-advancement, which Cassus noticed was a rare trait in Jedi closer to his age.

"I'd like to do so much," Cassus admittedly began.

Make another pilgrimage to Tython, Jedha, Ossus, Ilum, and Ahch-to. . .to master more of his dueling forms, and be more active in open operations.

But he knew much of this was rooted in vanity and ego. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Materializing the lessons of his elders he let go of all expectations and stated plainly, "but most simply to be of service to others is what I'm focused on as well."

Cassus noticed more guests kept trickling in throughout the duration of their dialogue and the Chancellor herself had arrived. Something still didn't feel right but he couldn't place it. He thought to start making a plate for Persephone and heading out but paused, looking at Ripley.

"Well, I don't mean to take up your evening, Knight Kühn. . .I do hope our paths cross again this year."

Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn | Open​

Aradia's feet rooted to the ground, the world walloping around her. "What," was all she could utter, unable to process, never mind accept the woman's words.

It was Allyson's tone that unseated her the most-- callous and unwelcoming. It was a far cry different than the patient hand that Allyson had taken with her during their missions together. Aradia had rebelled against that kindness. Now, she searched for a sign of it, her eyes desperately scanning the lines of the woman's face.

"Are you in trouble?" She leaned in, her voice pinching to a tight whisper as she implored. "Do you need help?" She heard how foolish she sounded even as she spoke. She couldn't stop the words, looking for a reason that could override logic.

'Convenient. Cause my Master is Allyson Locke'

'She's a defect. From the GA. Keep an eye on her when you're with Jorr. I want updates on anything out of place.'
'I have something I need to do.'

She could hear her world shatter around her, piece by piece, as it became harder to deny. "You wouldn't," she insisted, her tone growing stronger. "You couldn't. They murdered everyone, Allyson. My school-- They're dead. And you-- You saved me-- You--" She lashed out, grabbing Allyson's wrist. She was never so bold with her before, a wild edge to her eyes as she squeezed. Look at me.

"Blink twice if this is an act. Blink twice and I'll go. I'll cover for you. I won't ask. Just blink twice."


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Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Goal: Get one of them sweaters
Items: Robe, Lightsaber
Tags: Auteme Auteme | Ryv Ryv | Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl

That one time of year where almost everyone put down their sabers and blasters to celebrate the holidays. Decorations were put up all over the place, lights were hung off of the ceiling, and stary miseltoe sat about.

He had received an invitation earlier in the week for the gathering. Well, it wasn't an invite only event. More of a welcoming and come join in on the fun. So that is what he planned on doing. Thankfully he knew some of the people here, otherwise most of his time would have been spent at the food tables.

A pleasant warmth came upon him as he stepped out of the snow and into the hall. Kicking some of the snow off of his shoes he watched as it slowly started to melt on the ground. Once he had brushed off all the snow he began to walk around. As he made his way through the festive temple, he eventually found Auteme and Zaavik. He hadn't personally met either of them, but he learned their names from the previous meetings between the Jedi of the Concord and the New Order.

Walking over to them he decided to introduce himself. It would be nice to talk to some sane Jedi for a change.

"Hey, I hope I'm not intruding at all, but I thought I would come say hello. I've seen both of you at some of the Jedi meetings before. Oh, I'm Okkeus by the way. Okkeus Dainlei."

Looking at them he noticed the funny Life-Day sweaters they had on. Nice to see some people getting really into the holiday spirit.
All was well. Rather a normal conversation, a standard chit-chat. Small talk, the rare occasions one could get to chatter about menial stuff rather than jedi philosophy and the Force. All was well.


"Unless you've got some spare room available."

Dagon's breath sharply stopped in the middle of his throat, choked and nearly spit his hot chocolate. He tried downplaying his reaction but she was already off and inviting him to join her with a dubious wink.

"Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." he stuttered like a jawa-repaired third-hand droid and abruptly stood up nearly turning the whole stall over. The vendor sighed, facepalmed, and jested at the Jedi's sudden flash of redness across his face. "I do." he replied almost inaudible, unaware that the only room he had was his own but in the spirit of giving and helping he was talking nonsense. Her jest had caught him off-guard and he was still trying to shake it off as he followed her to where Auteme Auteme was handing sweaters just as Ryv was departing.

Of course, Marae did the talking. Upfront, direct, and to the point.

"Hey everyone. Happy Life Day." the Jedi padawan greeted his fellow Jedi but without maintaining long eye contact with anyone. Make as the shadows. Gossip was a thing, even among Jedi. Especially within the New Jedi Order, who resembled much more your normal galactic citizen than say their pious Silver Jedi cousins.

Auteme, he knew her better than the others - they shared a common interest, bordering fanaticism to learning and researching. Zaavik, Dagon knew vaguely but always sensed something odd about the friendly Zeltron. The Treicolts, like the Sword of the Jedi, everyone knew them. Loske greeted both Marae and him, to which he barely responded with a nod and smile. "Thanks." his mind shuffled in confusion between Marae's earlier 'proposition', the sweater Auteme made him wear and its label, and the fact that Loske Treicolt somehow knew Marae.

A Jedi he'd only heard about from others - Okkeus, showed up from behind but Dagon was too lost to offer much of an introduction. He cleared his thoughts and asked Marae the first question in his mind, "you know Loske Treicolt?"

He'd initially thought she was just a transient freighter pilot or something.

The more he learned about her, the more surprised he was.

And the more confused.

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State


Adhira felt the tablecloth shift suddenly and she shared a fleeting glance with Aaarav before looking down the table at her own grandchildren to see that they were giggling and peeking beneath it. However, as the old woman was just about the inspect the funny little secret her three little angels had discovered, a figure in her periphery drew her attention. It was Admiral Pryce, looking like the cat that ate the canary. Her dark eyes narrowed as he explained the situation and made his request. A small smile creased her cheek briefly before her mouth formed an O of surprise. Something had just crawled over her toe.

She snatched the table cloth up and glared down at the twin who had just scrambled over her heels, another child in tow. "I will do no such thing," she declared to Dracken, her glare melting into a smile. "Don't you two know this isn't a playground?" Her tone was a scold, but only in jest. "Come to Nani" The old woman held her hands out to them both and after a moment they cautiously crawled out from under the table and onto her lap. Her own three grandchildren peered down the table at them, all three grinning mischievously.

"What's a Nani?" One of the Kremling children asked.

"She is!" Adhira's own granddaughter said through a mouth full of food, pointing at the Chancellor. "I am," she confirmed, gathering the children to her. They smelled of... wax... and vanilla. A strange, but not at all unpleasant smell. "You'd lose your ffffff-" she chewed the word into her lips, stifling the curse before it came to fruition. She did not curse around children. "You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your body, Admiral, " she corrected, giving the children a little bounce to nudge them off her lap. "You should keep better track of those little angels!"



Life Day.

To Aelys, the time for gift giving and the company of loved ones wasn't the excitable part of the holiday, those came secondary. What was at the forefront of his mind was the food. In the days leading up to the event, he had been one of many that had been assigned with preparing the grand hall. With how many people that were present, Aelys took a moment to realize how big it really was.

Pushing off the pillar he leaned on, across the hall he could see Ryv disappearing on his own. For a moment, Aelys paused to watch him before he disappeared in a throng of admirers. After a short deliberation his attention was drawn to the throng of Jedi that his Master had just been at. Walking over, he saw the Treicolts, Maynard and Loske arrive ahead of him. Well known and well respected Jedi in their Order, he recalled the praise he had heard of them. With additional purpose added to his first, he approached the group.

Before he completed his journey, he was in the midst of passing the lined up food tables and immediately set about to making a plate.

"No way," Aelys muttered to himself. Forking multiple cuts of shaak meat onto his plate, it was quickly littered with greens and carrots to complete the pot roast meal. Shuffling to the edge of the table, he gathered two flatbreads and folded them over each other on one side of his plate. Balancing his stacked plate expertly in one hand, he gathered napkins and cutlery with his other before finding a table to begin his meal. Already forgetting about his goal of engaging with the cluster of Jedi, he sunk the succulent shaak meat in his mouth and chewed.

The pilot lifted the sweater up to her face, admiring the pun and the festive colours that created the intricate patterns."I love it! Thank you!" While the others seemed to prefer to strip off their shirts before they put their sweaters on for some reason, Marae would simply slide it on over her shirt. Not before she waited for the others to do it their own way.

"While I appreciate the show boys, you might be a bit less itchy if you kept your shirts on." The words came out in a slow mock before she gave a knowing wink to the gift giver. Marae had hardly expected a Life Day celebration at a Jedi Temple would be so interesting when she decided to stop by. "I'm Marae by the way." Reaching out a hand towards Auteme as a proper introduction. "Sorry for the impatience, I just couldn't wait to get on one of these! Now I just need to find the mistletoe to go with it."

As the crowd around the sweater master began to grow bigger, the Dantooinian was overjoyed to finally see someone she recognized. "Loske! I was worried I wouldn't find a familiar face here tonight." It was difficult to forget the face of someone that humbled her so easily. "You need to grab one too, I can guarantee you they're way more comfortable than the flight jackets we're used to."

Dagon's question turned her head once again, amusement perking on her face as he was surprised by the familiarity between the two. "Let's just say I made the mistake of challenging her reputation awhile ago. I'm sure you can guess how it went."

Core Region // Coursca Sector // Courscant System.
Courscant Defense Fleet; Taskforce 15 - Platform 46.
Transferred from Silver Jedi-Byrn'dual Front
ASV "Endurance", Redoubt - Plantery Defense Platform


There was nothing like one's civic duty. He lived by this example, and for the vast majority of his time within the Corellian Confederation, later the High Republic and now the Galactic Alliance, he had lived, breathe, and ate in uniform. He had seen the bright glow of Courscant Prime, the warm glow of the Hosnian System, the complex and nonexistent beauty of Aargau and the complex nature of Eurfornis Major.

He truly lived under the wings of democracy.

"I need a life" He said once realizing this somber fact.

A smirk appeared on the face of his Sullastan colleague. "That's what we give up" The aging Commodore said. The woman's uniform was oddly out of sync, enough for the one time self-proclaimed Inspector General of the Correlian Confederation's 417th Battle Line noticed immediately. "Hmm...I heard a rumor too"

"Really?" He asked the Sullustan.

"Yes" She paused, considering his words carefully. " I heard Rear Admiral Gray is retiring. And-"

"You're being tapped to replace her." He was blunt and slightly annoyed. Promotions always made him uncomfortable. Especially considering not too long ago he had been a simple Commodore, commanding an insignificant Battlecruiser, attached to an insignificant line of the Soaring First Fleet. "Congratulations, Rear Admiral Sovv"

"Thank you, sir"

"Send a general message to all officers" He smiled, turning his attention to the Comms Officer. "Tell them Happy Life Day, and great job for their job. And I expect not to reccive another hat from the Secret Dak Program"

He nodded in appreciation.

"Thank you Chancellor...They're lucky their grandfather isn't here or they'd be little force ghosts," he said, looking pointedly at the twins who both looked away embarrassed. "I'm sorry we interrupted your evening Madam. I'm looking forward to the speech." He gave his best sorry smile and nodded to each of the Chandra family. Taking each of the two tiny hands in his own he looked down at the twins who were still averting their gaze from the scolding.

"What do we say?"

"Sorry," the boy mumbled, tucking his chin further into his chest. The girl didn't say anything but nodded furiously in agreement. Pryce sighed. Ava Cartwright-Pryce Ava Cartwright-Pryce dealt with these two on the daily? How?!

Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra
[Location: G.A Negotiator-class Frigate Peacemaker - Captain's quarters]

By the end of the day, Teica would have a full crew and would likely be sent on a patrol mission. Such was life. Not that she cared, the captain had had enough Life-Day spirit for a year. Now, all she wanted was some time to think. Time to think about old friends, new friends, and colleagues. Old friends. Teica swept the dust off her uniform as she strolled toward her personal computer. Her fingers danced along the console, then stopped as Teica tried to will herself to send the transmission. You haven't spoken in at least a decade. it. Her nervous smile began to fade as she clicked the key. The captain swallowed a lump as she waited for a response.

Fingers tapped against the sides of the computer, accompanied by the tapping of feet against the floor. Thirty long seconds went by. A look of terror began to force its way onto Teica's face.
She can't be dead. Teica shivered before the face of an older woman snapped her out of it.

"Happy Life Day, Teica."

"Happy Life Day, ma'am," Teica put on a nervous smile.

"Ma'am, eh? I practically adopted you back on Corellia and you still call me ma'am?," the woman's offended face terrified Teica with a single long stare.

"Happy Life," the captain gave in, "I've missed you."

"Missed me so much that you haven't called in fifteen years?"

Teica felt a sharp, hot needle burying itself into her skin. Then, the pain expanded throughout her body. Off to a great start... She took a long, deep breath and did the only thing she could. Teica pushed forward with a new ferocity as the two women exchanged volleys of insults. No one refused to back down, not the hardened starship captain, and not the former SIA agent. But Teica's defenses continued to wear down. Then, the captain broke.

"I thought I could leave Corellia behind, okay!? For years, I've convinced myself that I was too busy to call! For years, I've convinced myself that I don't miss you, but not anymore!" she paused to let out a sniffle, "Now, can I please talk to my mother with any sliver of civility?"

"Yes...I'm sorry...Teica...for everything."

"No no...don't were nothing but kind to me..." Teica started tearing up, "I'll...I'll probably be sent on patrol soon. I'll talk to you in a few days."

"I can't wait. Good night, Teica."

"See you soon, mom."

Teica shut the transmission off.
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if they're watching anyways
"Loske! Maynard!" No time to acknowledge Zaavik's discomfort, as much as it worried her; nor Ryv's quiet slipping away. Seemed like everyone was looking for her anyways. If they needed a few moments of quiet time before the big show they more than deserved it. She flashed a warm smile to Zaavik before going to embrace Loske and then Maynard.

"So glad you guys could make it!" Their visits to the Temple were few and far between. She'd seen Maynard on Commenor during the meeting with the Silver Jedi Council; things had gone as they usually did, they said hi, then Maynard went to talk to Ryv. Maybe in the coming year they'd get a chance to talk more.

"Here's your sweaters..." She produced another pair from under her own sweater; Loske's had the grinning face of a Nautolan plastered on it, with the words "Merry Kit-mas". A bit of an obscure reference to one sect of Life Day celebrations but she knew Loske would appreciate it. Maynard's had the unmistakable visage of Darth Vader on red-and-white: "I Can Feel Your Presents".

Another guest approached and she turned the same warm smile to the Jedi. "Okkeus! Hey! Don't worry, I remember you too," she said. They'd never properly introduced themselves but she liked to check on the Jedi she met. "You're a pilot, right? I've got just the sweater for you."

Once more she dipped her hand into her own sweater and pulled another out. This one was black; almost a starry sky with an X-wing on the front. It was a little choppy but it got the point across. In bright red it said "R2 Guide My Sleigh Tonight". "Try it on!"
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Jedi Temple
Life Day Celebration

“I was actually in the area to speak with someone about enlisting. I wanted to know more before just jumping in though.
“Oh I’m sorry. My name is Katarine."
"That is such a beautiful name. Katarine was my grandmothers too," Ava flashed a warm smile the woman's way.

"So you want to enlist, hmm? What is your area of interest or are you just wanting general info on the Galactic Alliance? If it's the military side of things, I'm a commander and flight instructor with the Starfighter Corps and have direct connections to the navy as well. If you're Force Sensitive and looking to join the New Jedi Order, the... erm sweater people over there would be happy to help you I'm sure. If a diplomat you want to be, I would point you to the Chancellor... "

Steel blue eyes once again peered over at the developing scene at the table up front involving the twins, Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce and Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra . That didn't look good.

"Oh no... Do you have children, Katarine? It seems mine are being a little more naughty than nice this Life Day," the blonde sighed with an embarrassed chuckle.

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Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Alliance Deputy Marshal Bernard of Arca
Master Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder
The Well-Dressed Ashessal


He regarded the younglings with lacking mirth. Their witness to his misfortune piled on future regret to unearth. Younglings, truly, were not an audience he much wanted to impress.

"The Jingle wha-," he turned to the Master instead, "thank you, Master Varobalder ... I guess."

The sack was not as heavy as he suspected, and its contents jingled, by now he'd as much expected. Its size, nonetheless, did demand finesse. For as much as he disliked these festivities, he'd much like to quit, helping others did count among his proclivities, he had to admit. So he nodded in agreement with the Master's direction, which made the bell at the end of his hat ring, causing much dejection.

Bells rang and rang, jingled and jangled, playing their merry tunes the entire way they wandered. The melody drew his ire as Jedi talents were squandered. Yet, when he saw the joyous faces each time he handed out a gift, his spirits were lifted right swift. More and more his icy mood did melt away. He smiled, just once, when a boy his thanks did say.

By the time they reached the wide dining spread his sack was still quite full. It made him wonder how many Starbirds they managed to pack in the wool. Not for long, as the scent of Nuna bird, Jedi stew, and much, much tea soon made his stomach upset. It grumbled and rumbled and did not let him forget. Eventually, after all the attendants the Starbirds did receive, he permitted himself a small treat befitting of this life day eve.

When he linked up again with the esteemed Master clad in red, he held a plate of cookies in his free hand, of which there was quite the spread: chocolate chip, raisins, vanilla, blue milk, Alderaanian, Kuati, and even Corellian. Bernard was still transfixed by the array when the Master to the trooper spoke his question. After a moment, though, he did notice and gave the man a more friendly expression. He offered him, alongside Santa's gift, first choice of delightful biscuit treat. For without a small taste of a life day bakery's hard work, this eve surely would be incomplete.
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//: L I F E _ D A Y //:
//: O P E N //: Darth Daiara Darth Daiara //: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria //:
Allyson sighed softly; she watched Aradia. Everything about the girl was off and whoever sent her here was in the wrong. The frantic look in her eye reminded Allyson instantly of her time in the Empire. Lost, unhinged, and on the verge of a breakdown, Allyson knew the tale-tell signs of a mind on the downward spiral. As much as Allyson wanted the Sithling to see the reality of the truth and that she was genuinely alone behind enemy lines - Allyson lied to her.

Taking a sip of her drink, she looked at the girl and blinked twice. It would ward off any dramatic unraveling of the Sith in the middle of the party. Allyson looked to the others; they deserved some peace and quiet - just once. “You got your answer, Aradia - you need to go. Leave.” The words sounded more like a command than a request. The more the redhead stood around the Jedi, the more and more she risked being found out. Allyson didn’t want her hand forced on this day - not another Life Day ruined.

“Tell your Master, she needs to give you a true break; if she doesn’t, I’ll break her neck.” Nodding, the Corellian finished her drink and then wandered over towards the table where Auteme was handing out sweaters. A smile spread on the antler, red-nosed Corellian as she glanced, seeing the others being festive as well.

She didn’t want to interrupt anything that was happening, but she did give everyone a small wave, “Happy Life Day, everyone,” she greeted and then turned towards Auteme. “Uh, I’ve-” a rare moment, but the typically well-versed Spy had lost her tongue for a bit. There was a mix of adrenaline and uncertainty running its course through her, but she buried it the best she could.

For once, just today, she wanted to belong.

“Auteme, you look great - these look amazing, uh, you got one in my size?” Allyson looked over the sweaters, and at the others, she felt like it was her first day of primary school all over again. Still, she started to feel that warm feeling, the same one she had back when she first arrived on Coruscant.



A ball of tension released from her gut as Allyson Locke Allyson Locke blinked. Twice. Her hand released Allyson's wrists, color flooding back to knuckles as her old partner continued to address her.


Yes, that was what she had promised.

Tell your Master to give you a break.

Funny story, that. She opened her mouth to comment, only to snap it back shut and look around. She felt the gaze of Kat Decoria Kat Decoria .She needed no further reason to reason to raise her hands pacifistically and step back. For the first time in all of their acquaintance, Aradia listened. She understood the value of that now.

She just had no clue she was being played.

"Be safe," she breathed, turning on her heel and pushing for the door. Her eyes glazed over as pushed through the crowd, a layer of shock drifting through her.

A friend had survived Bastion too. Happy Lifeday, indeed.

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Thanking the bartender for her drink, paying them as well with a generous tip, Kat slowly drank her beverage. It was a little festive in being spiced, but she enjoyed the flavours as she hoped to gain a little liquid courage, not aiming to be drunk but to knock off the edge for a bit. Finishing her drink, Kat noticed that Allyson and her red haired companion were not going smoothly, seeing the tension was easy but things relaxed before Allyson made her way to where some sweaters were being gifted. Looking back to where the red haired companion was, they were gone, strange to rush out of a party but Kat figured that whatever issue it had been was sorted now. However, she decided it was only right to check on Allyson hopefully her friend was okay but she seemed it was only right to see how she was doing.

Walking over to the large group of people talking and enjoying their festive jumpers, Kat smiled and waved to them. Noticing that it was Auteme handing them out, Auteme had been a Padawan at the SJC similar time as Kat, though Auteme was a lot more famous for through books at enemies and enjoying time in the library. Kat didn't know her personally but it was interesting to see that she had moved away from SJC as well. Looking at the range of Life Day sweaters, she smiled. "Wow, these look great. My dad had horrendous Life Day jumpers he would wear every year. Some even lit up and sparkled. My mother would groan and question why she was with him whenever he brought the collection out, till he got her in the festive mood." Kat talked, to no one in particular as she thought what to say to Allyson.

Why was seeing a teenage crush so awkward as an adult? Though Kat was 18/19 at the time, it was a very late teenage crush, it felt the same either way. "Hey Allyson, just wanted to check if things were okay? Noticed you were a little tense with a red haired person at the bar, hope it wasn't anything serious?" Kat asked, in a generally concerned voice for her friend, with a friendly smile to boot.

Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Darth Daiara Darth Daiara Auteme Auteme

Zaavik slowly faded to the edge of the localized gathering as more and more people began to turn up. He'd offer small nods and smiles as others like Okkeus, Nylea, Marae, and Dagon showed up. Close enough to be involved, but fringe enough not to be talked to. Another drink of punch preoccupied his lips when someone's eyes turned his way, his own absconding contact to avoid the interaction. Zaavik was content to listen.

An audible greeting, "Hey," met Maynard and Loske, but even with that, he did not press out of his social egress. Luaghing along, listening along, but with no wish to be paid too much attention to. Allyson's arrival was greeted with a large smile and a step forward that heralded a wish for inclusion.

Blue eyes pulled slightly past Allyson's face only to be met by a similarly cerulean gaze. Smile faded into a grey deadpan in an instant. Zaavik had seen those before. Gaze bounced back to Allyson, and then to the eyes that quickly looked away and obscured behind a crowd. His Master had just come from there, hadn't she?

"Who's your Master?"
"Allyson. Uh.... Allyson Locke."

Zaavik squinted suspiciously when his eyes fell back upon Allyson. "I'll uh-" he began, finishing off the rest of his punch and squeezing through to place the glass on the table. "I'll be right back," he declared. Gently, he shoved through the crowd and beelined with a hostile determination towards the other side of the chamber where the familiar, opposing gaze had met his own.

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