Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Show Us Your Guns, Boys! | ORC Dominion of Elysian


The BFG (Until Angered)
Post: 5

The question regarding the possibility of his speech stumped him for a moment. In all the time that he was freed, he never discovered all that was done to him. His reasoning behind it was a mix of simply not feeling the need to and being fearful of what he didn't know about yet, if anything.

"What I can assure you of is that this is completely not natural. Wampas are not gaining intelligence and planning to take over the galaxy." Nawago chuckled for a moment, before returning to a more reserved attitude. Despite the tragedy regarding how he gained the ability to speak Basic in the first, he preferred to not mope about it. A robbing that would have left people without millions was foiled, and everyone was in relatively good shape. Those hurt were tended to, and that wasn't something to be sad about. Besides, no one would want to bid on anyone that wasn't happy to be apart of the auction.

Nawago looked at the child who was intrigued with the auction going on. One minute ago, it was crying its eyes out and the next it was calm and even somewhat happy while watching. Although he never had a cub himself, they would mature within several months and already headed out to hunt with their pack. A lot different than many human and near-human species who couldn't sustain themselves until years and years. The species were so different yet here he was, communicating with a Zeltron. He turned back to [member="Joza Perl"] and continued his previous statement.

"In all honesty, I have never really discovered how I'm able to speak Basic. My best guest is that my brain has just been augmented and filled with cybernetics that only my memories of before that remain. I'd say that I wish to figure out what the actual reason is, but I don't." In just one sentence, his mood dropped but he still tried his best to put on a good face.

[member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Yula Knezevic"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Spectator
Post: 8/20

Yula applied the bacta patch onto the patient closest to her, whereas Julie showed her how that was done onto the patient. Upon discovering that there was a talking Wampa, under the form of [member="Nawago"], she was to add a line or two on that topic in her article. Oh and [member="Joza Perl"] was also an onlooker to this bizarre happening: few people would even think Wampas would be given sentience, as they are usually regarded as non-sentient or semi-sentient at best. Usually, when such creatures are given sentience, it's usually because they are augmented in some way, most often cybernetically, she thought, while seeing the Wampa speak Basic on some level. Meanwhile, the patient [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] treated being taken away to be immobilized in a hospital room, and once that was done, another EMT crew went in and fetched the patient on whom Yula applied the bacta patch so that the patient can be hospitalized.

"One yearly subscription to the Sith Inquisitor so that I can go on a date with Nawago here!" Yula hollered.
Location: Currently Elysian
Objective: 4, Discovery...
Joining Along: [member="Loto Afu"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
Dev Post: 1/However many posts it takes for the planet too be as BA as possible

The pageant was back on-track, Kimiko herself had been saved by her admirably protective husband, and all seemed well with the Galaxy at-large...

That is, until the aforementioned woman began feeling a strange sensation through her connection to the Force.

It started subtly, like a slight breeze, something she did not normally pay much attention to. But, before long, the breeze began too feel as if it was pulling at her from the ethereal. It had definitely gotten her attention, distracting her from the oiled up masses of man-meat (and fur-balls) before her.

It wasn't long before Kimiko called for Chika to pick her up nearby and began making her way through the audience. During her trip, she accidentally bumped into several others around her, garnering no more than a sneer or odd look. But there were some who took more notice of her actions...

Her path brought her to her ship and awaiting crew and daughter, all of which who looked upon her with worry in their eyes as she boarded,"Mama, are you okay? You don't look to good..." Tsubasa commented, assisting her mother board.

Kimiko gave her best smile, but before she could actually speak, another voice rose,"You're going into labor! We need to get her to a medical station now!" Riko spoke, sounding urgent, but she meant well.

"No...No, this isn't labor pains. I, just feel something, pulling at me. It feels close...important somehow." she looked up to her crew with pained but hopeful eyes,"We need to find it...I feel like I need to find it."

Several of her friends smirked and crossed their arms, at least the more adventurous ones did, before a certain ginger spoke up,"Well Ma'am, point us in the general direction, and we'll do our best to get you there."
Joining up with- [member="Kimiko"] [member="Loto Afu"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
Dev post-2?

Another day joining on one of her freighters delivering goods, she used this as a excuse to get out and away from the planet when she actually had free time. Her ship flashed from hyperspace and started for the port, stardust looked from the bridge at the planet approaching her. She had to say the planet looked nice to her, her comm officer took care of landing codes and such before bringing them down to the planet as they landed and started getting stuff ready to move

Stardust followed out behind them, she was dressed in her mandalorian armor from the times when the mandos had power. She shook those thoughts off as she walked forward before she stopped watching a women in pain being assured by others, star moved towards them and stopped hearing the woman speak. She moved forward a tall hulking thing of armor but with a motherly face and smile

looks like you need a little more help

She spoke her accent giving a almost country like tone, as she held her helmet under her arm before speaking again

queen raxis of imahalyan at your service miss

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Post 1
dev post 3
[member="Kimiko"] ₪ [member="Stardust Raxis"]

npc Lilith and lily

Liliy and liliths ears began to twitch as they looked at each other. "Sister?" "I felt it too." "Does this mean I can't watch the rest of the show?" "See.." A woman had barged into Lilith rendering a serious stare of what the kark to the woman. "Ignorant people. Anyway it seems so sister." "Awwwwww, but I'm enjoying it." "You would wouldn't you?" Their ears began to twitch again feeling the force pull them to something. Both of them began to look at the woman. "You think she's the one?" "The one that kinda looks like is but has more tails?" "Yes." "I think so. We gonna follow her?" "Yep." The began to follow the woman through the crowd. Both looked identical other than the way they styled their hair. They both also wore the same robes like their master. Although she doesn't like it when the twins would run off. Especially into areas deemed unsafe, but the twins loved adventure and the unknown. It's what made their bond strong.

As the woman had gotten into a ship the twins would rush to their own. As they passed the ship the woman had gotten on, one of them threw a long range tracer on the outside of the persons ship. It wasn't like they were intending to hear the woman or even interact with her. It's just they followed what their ears said. They get them into the best of adventures. Lily had rushed ahead up into the yt ship and liked back "huryyyyyyy uppppppp slow poke." Lilith gave a serious look to her energetic sister been so eager. Lilith did share the same enthusiasm but she considered her self the brains of the two. Mostly because she believed lily had knocked her noggin to many times as a kid. "Yeah yeah hold your banthas I'm coming."
Pathfinder of the Gate Clans
The blood and gore of the massicured sniper dripped from his body and into the ocean. Taking time to wash the slaughter from his person he was just about done when he saw the lovely [member="Kimiko"] pass by. The tribesmen of the gate had seen this before, the spirits of fate now called to her. From the great beyond they beckoned her to fulfill her destiny and Loto knew that instant they called him to. Without a though of hesitation he splashed the remaining sniper blood from his hands and began to follow the beautiful woman.

As she stopped and began to talk with those who seemed like companions, they spoke of travel and taking her to places. Loto could feel they intended well but they were not explorers. They we not of the gate and so wound not know the dangers and secrets as he did. He could not let her go alone, not when he could help.

He let the armored warrior speak to her first, she seemed fit and the force was strong with her. This was a good omen, the spirits called to may, and those of noble heart hear the call and were taking action. Embolden Loto spoke also once [member="Stardust Raxis"] was finished...

"The queen speaks truth young Ms Kimiko, the force calls to you, it makes a clear path for you... now. But I see the road getting dark, with many twist and pit falls. You will need a guide, a way finder and for those of the outback you will find none better then the guides of the gate. Chief speaks highly of your heart and bravery, he misses his date from the Kesh royal ball sometimes. Please honor me by allowing me to join you. I will make sure you are safe."
Location: Currently Elysian
Objective: 4, Discovery...
Joining Along: [member="Loto Afu"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
Dev Post: 5

Initially, her crew had jumped in between their leader/friend and the unknown armored woman, not to sure of her intentions. They did not quite draw on her, especially after hearing her title and of her offer, but still maintained the posture between her and Kimiko.

One of women with a more fiery temper spoke up, narrowing her garnet eyes,"And what is your is it you wish to accomplish in this with one of Yohane's little demons, your Majesty?" the others seemed to deadpan at their companion's shenanigans, one of them chopping her on the head.

Kimiko herself sighed, shaking her head at her friends,"I apologize for the not-so-warm welcome, mi'lady, But I am Kimiko, and I am currently..." she was cut off by a pained groan, nearly causing her to fall to her knees, but after settling and a deep breath, she pressed on," a lot of pain apparently. I don't know why this is happening, or why it feels like I'm being pulled towards something, but, the more the merrier, right ladies?"

Before any of them could answer, the sudden appearance of Loto, who spoke cryptically...yet, for some reason, the white-haired woman knew who and what he spoke of. She stepped closer with some assistance.

"If you are speaking of Master Bryce, than there is no reason for me to object." the woman gave a pained smile, to the both of them,"The both of you, may come. All the help we can get would be welcome."

Suddenly, the breeze grew into a cyclone, and finally succeeded in bringing the woman down. Tsubasa and her companions rushed to her aid, assisting her to her feet.

Dia spoke next, moving to usher their two guests aboard,"We must move quick, I don't enjoy seeing Kimiko in pain like this and would like too see it end sooner rather than later."

The party would board the sleek corvette, Chika allowing Ki and the still unnamed man close to the navigation station, and began working on a path...
[member="Kimiko"] [member="Loto Afu"][member="Sanya Val Swift"]
Obj 4
Dev post 6

Stardust watched them and stepped back hand going down in simple instinct to be ready to draw, her hand moved away as she listned carefully then looked to [member="Kimiko"] as she gave a kind smile and bowed her head

Before She could speak a...well odd spoken man but definitely poetic in a way spoke up for her, she gave a kind nod to him as she stepped back and smiles

However it disappeared watching her go down, she wanted to rush but stopped as she watched her friends get her and start moving her in, she looked at [member="Loto Afu"] and nodded

thank you friend

She said with a kind smile taking her helmet off

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Post 2
[member="Kimiko"] Ξ [member="Stardust Raxis"] Ξ [member="Loto Afu"]

Lilith walked up the ramp about the same time she could hear the engines power up. "Tu tu Tutu turoo tu tutroo tu tutroo." Liliy would hum slightly as she sat at the controls of the copilot seat. Her eyes would watch the internal cameras waiting for her sister to get up the ramp before flicking the swich. Moments later Lilith would walk in shaking her head. "Do you always have to be so impatient?" She said to her sister. Lily would look back with a smile "I prefer the word eager." "Of course you would." "Loveeee you sisterrrrrrr." She said amused by Lilith. In wasn't her fault she was a slow poke. Lilith would sit in the main pilots seat waiting for the others to lift up. A group of force users had gathered inside the ship a couple of meters away. Sensing them was not difficult task for the twins. It was something their master taught them.

They could see the corvets engines burn blue as they powered up. Liliy been 'eager' took hold of the controls and lifted the ship up from the ground. The landing gear came up into the ship with a loud humm. "What you doing lily. If we are going to follow them then they need to go first." "You threw a tracker on it right?" "Yeah. So." "So would it be better if we looked like we wasn't following them?" "Shut up. I knew that." "Sureeeeeee." Liliy would follow with a giggle taking the ship up higher then through the clouds.
Bryce had noticed [member="Kimiko"] departure, had he not been in mid sail of himself he would have gone to see what the matter was.

"Five thousand, five for the Wampa and a subscription to Sith Inquisitor do I hear more, come on. Look at the ball of fur and love muscle, you want to take about a bargain you won't find much better!"

Bryce wanted to much for this event to have working for [member="Joza Perl"] but the life seemed to be fading from the crowd. He wasn't sure what else he could do now other than what he always did. Bring as much positivity has he could and hoped it was enough. Hopefully someone else would step up, maybe another who could offer their service or a big bidder to help bring in money...
Pathfinder of the Gate Clans
(To [member="Kimiko"]) "My name is Loto, some call me a mystic, other crazy, but I feel the pain that holds you now."

The tattoo's on his arm began to glow and seemed to somehow change, as they swirled one could almost make out a star chart in the new design. The navigator had already noted to Lilly the best way to enter hyperspace from this system it would give them the most options as they traveled.

"The spirits call to you, beckoning you home. That place which bore you is now ready for you to return. I fear this pain you feel will not rest till we get you there. Look on my arm, these are paths. Places in the vastness of the Kathol I that have not yet seen. The light of distance suns calls to me to see them with my own eyes. I feel one of these lights now call to you. If you can Land Kimiko which seems, warm, comforting, which path tugs at your soul to walk upon it."

What everyone was watching was force illusion, the ways of the force with the tribes of the gate was more magic then Jedi art. In his minds eye he was picturing routes he had only heard in lore, and it was a blessing when that lore became manifest as it was now.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"] |


“That is good news. There’s certainly no shortage of aggressive conflicts in the galaxy.” Her words tapered with a small laugh, though there was some truth to it. The Galactic Alliance and First Order were clashing over border skirmishes, and the Sith suddenly trashed a village on Midvinter. Even after Kaeshana and Atrisia, it still seemed like the biggest clash was yet to come. Joza knew that she wasn’t the only one holding her breath in suspense.

But, this was supposed to be a good day! Aside from the man who’d decided to try and rob the event. The Coalition had a good amount of petty criminals and smugglers, but they tended to leave charity events and the like alone. Rich people made better targets.

“Hm,” The Zeltron didn’t know much about the science side of cybernetics, though she knew enough to keep her own in working order. “There are a lot of things we’ll never know the answer to. Maybe you will find out someday.” If context clues were any hint, maybe it would be the sort of thing he wouldn’t want to find out.

So she decided to change the subject.

“What sort of cybernetics do you have? My entire right arm is made of phrik.” Shifting the child in her arms, she held up the aforementioned limb and flexed her fingers into the palm of her hand. It was covered with a layer of convincing pink synthflesh, but there was a seam at her shoulder where the synthetic ended and real skin began.

She had to giggle at [member="Bryce Bantam"] and his description. The man certainly knew how to make it sound fun!

"Sounds like you have a taker, buddy! You charmer, you." She then proceeded to awkwardly elbow the enormous Wampa.


The BFG (Until Angered)
Post: 6

Nawago examined the cybernetic arm, having trouble distinguishing the difference between her real one. Whereas a good part of his inner-workings had cybernetics in its place, he didn't have an entire arm made up of it. "Whoever manufactured that did a great job, I can hardly notice that it's artificial." He didn't envy her, as people wouldn't believe what he was consisted of just by looking at him. The only easily noticed difference between him and a wampa from Hoth was the height difference. If anything, that was one of the experiments that didn't bother him after looking back at it. The extra height really helped with intimidation if anything were to go wrong.

Despite not knowing the origins of where his "sentience," he knew somewhat of what cybernetics he was made up of. It was mostly a guess, but he was bound to learn something about what was going on inside his own body based on the experiences he faced. "I know for certain that something was done in order to alter my physical capabilities. I'm aware that wampas naturally have tremendous strength, but not to the level that I've faced." Nawago remembered the day he woke up groggy after being rendered unconscious from one of the scientists who imprisoned him. Right away, he felt soreness in his arms and simply had a feeling that something was off. He could've potentially knocked down the cell door if he wasn't drained of all will.

He continued the conversation to [member="Joza Perl"], unsure if there was anything else that he really knew for a fact. "Since I don't overheat and certain planets, I assume that some sort of cybernetic relating to cooling is somewhere in me as well." Although he has become more comfortable with his circumstance as time passed, the feeling of isolation never truly abandoned him. Although he was now in an entirely new society with people, there were a few times in which he missed his family back on Hoth. Even if he tried going back, he would no longer fit into the pack again.

As the thoughts began swarming back, he shook his head to push it away. Once again, he was working himself up again for no reason which would only ruin the day. He looked over at [member="Bryce Bantam"] who had just heard the first bid on Nawago. He couldn't say that he knew what a subscription to the Sith Inquisitor was, but it seemed valuable in some way. Although most of the money wasn't going to the refugees anymore due to the events of the day, it was still important that the injured people were taken care of. "Let's hope that the bidding rises in number."

[member="Yula Knezevic"]
The Reaper of Won Shasot
The danger evidently averted, Dax went out in search of [member="Cear'bhaill"] once more. But lost in the sea of bodies himself, Dax found he was positively turned around. He wasn't even sure where the stage was anymore...or how he had even gotten to where he was...which was where exactly? "Fething...why does this chit always happen to me?" he muttered to himself as he looked around for familiar faces. Where had [member="Bryce Bantam"] even gone? And the one making threats...had the Rogue blacked out and started sleep walking for Force's sake?

Dax suddenly remembered the fact that he had a communicator and facepalmed at his own stupidity. Picking it up he decided to try to get ahold of [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]. While the bounty hunter would certainly laugh at Dax's stupidity he would at least not share it with too many people...the man seemed to be impervious to alcohol...actually everything with exception to [member="Kimiko"]'s charms.
Rekha was growing tired and the crowd had grown quiet. Why shouldn't they grow quiet after all that had happened. She looked down to find her little chirping buddy with her again.

"Well cupcake I think it's past my bedtime." Out of habit Rekha reached over and pat the droid on the head, "clear skies cupcake" Rekha looked around she was going to have to one day figure out how to get past some of this but truth be told with the things that went on around her, with the bar in FO territory and she did a lot of blockade running.

It might best to not have too many friends, less folks to get hurt. Not like the past.


Rekha headed for the door.
The sand felt good beneath the woman's body, warm and soft. It was relaxing. Apparently much more so than the rest of the events taking place nearby.

Cear didn't care...see what I did there?

Her mind had already been made on her next course of action, but she had not yet told those nearest to her. Not like there were that many she considered friends here.

But, she consented to worry about all that later and enjoy her lonesome time on the beach.

The woman removed her dress, tucking it into her bag, and placed her hat over it. She ran at the water, pausing only when an all-too-familiar ship drifted overhead, continuing her path after a moment. Splashes heralded her entrance into the ocean. It was cold, but she dove under, regretting it the moment her head broke the surface and the surrounding air's chill hit her skin.

Memories of the few times she was able to enjoy a break like this floated through her mind. A soft chuckle, somewhat demented, grew in volume before she threw herself back beneath the waves.

[member="Dax Fyre"]
Meanwhile, on a planet not to far away...

Nozomi sat up with quite the start, awaking from what was a rather peaceful sleep. Her visions were at it again, messing with the mystic woman's mind.

Yet this one, seemed more important.

Her now awake gaze, fell upon her still sleeping partner, jealous of the other female. She took the moment to take in the rather cute expression on the sleeping face, before gently shaking her awake.

The other grumbled at being woken and sleepily turned to the culprit,"Mou, Nozomi, why did you wake me? We don't have to be awake until the sun rises." she pouted adorably.

A soft giggle arose from the accused party, as she rose, and began preparing to dress,"My dreams showed me another vision Elichi." she began.

Eli quickly cut it,"Another one? Come on, it probably was nothing more than the last few times." she moved to keep her partner from leaving,"Come back to bed, it is early, and you are in no condition to be out. Please? We can speak about it in the morning."

The purplenette gave her lover the best apologetic smile she could and wiggled out of the embrace,"Not this time, Elichi. I must speak to Honoka now." she turned and her voice dropped as she looked out of the temple windows,"I saw the return of the Queen."

Location: Departing Elysian
Objective: 4, Discovery...
Joining Along: [member="Loto Afu"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
Dev Post: 9

"Home..." she couldn't focus on anything else the man had spoken of.

Seemingly in her own world, she stumbled forward on the bridge, blue eyes searching for something against the inky black of space.

Several pairs of eyes landed upon her back, and she obviously felt it and turned around to face the expectant looks.

On the spot, she shifted nervously,"Well," she turned to Loto,",where do we begin?"

Tsubasa chuckled at her mother as she and the rest of the crew manned their usual stations. The young woman approached both of the guests with a warm demeanor.

"I am sure my mother is just a bit, overwhelmed, at all of this and the possibility it means. But, she'll get us there, with your help of course." the girl smiled.
Pathfinder of the Gate Clans
Location: Departing Elysian
Objective: 4, Home...

As Kimiko spoke the word "Home" the map on Loto's arm spun and stopped first on a cluster of star, then on a nebula, and finally on a single planet. He did not know the last two location but the first cluster was one he had seen before. Loto held up he had to the ships view screen as he did with his minds eye he could see the lanes of hyperspace reaching out before him.

"I see the path, with your permission I will guide us there..."

Loto waited for the [member="Kimiko"] to reply, through her pained expression Loto thought he saw her nod in permission. Walking over to he computer he entered the first of many coordinate he would need to get them there.

"It will take us a few hours of travel to get to the first stop my lady, may be best for you to rest as we travel."
Soft footfalls, many of them, foretold the approach of a rather large group down her main hall. Her black-furred ears flicked in the direction as her tails twitched nervously behind her seat. She thought then, she really needed a remodel, so her back wasn't towards the door.

As if expected, her door smashed inwards, and the lone woman was suddenly swept under a tidal wave of hyperactive mini fur balls, accompanied by an all-to-familiar voice,"Nicochi, would you mind watching the little ones for us while we go see Honoka?" although this was normal, the mischievous glint and other playful banter were missing.

Nico, looked over the guilty party, Nozomi, who stood just within the threshold of her door, and her partner, Eli, standing quietly beyond, looking her friends over for any signs of deceit. There were none.

Now she was curious,"Okay, but I must ask, what has spooked you this time too be so serious Nozomi?"

The purple-haired woman looked at the questioner solemnly, her ears falling flat and tails ceasing to move. It looked as if her eyes looked around for any eavesdroppers and it appeared as if she was nervous. Nico's crimson gaze wasn't helping.

"I've seen the return of the Queen Nico. I must inform Honoka immediately of this development."

"Are you sure this isn't just another of your crazy dreams?" quipped the smaller woman.

Nozomi's head shook,"No. I saw her as if she was standing right in front of me. That means she's close."

Nico sighed before smiling slightly up to the requester,"Of course I'll watch your litter while you take care of this. Just do me a favor while you're at it...well two." Nozomi hummed her aggreeance,"Don't tell her until it's already too late," the shorter woman shifted nervously in her seat before continuing,"and tell Maki I say hi."

Nozomi smiled fondly at her friend who was showing rare emotions and nodded,"Of course Nicochi." she turned and moved to gather her companion.

"Are we going straight to Honoka now?" Eli asked curiously as she fell in step with the mystic priestess who shook her head.

"No. We must gather the others first. Then, I will bring the news to her." she said matter of factly.

"Very well. I will gather Maki, Umi, and Kotori and meet you at the Kousaka residence." Eli took one of Nozomi's hands and softly kissed the back while looking up at her,"Safe travels."

And with that small departure, they were off on their separate paths.

Location: In-Transit
Objective: 4, Discovery...
Joining Along: [member="Loto Afu"], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
Dev Post: 10

The ship was underway, all participants on varying varying degrees of nerves as they transitioned to hyper space. Kimiko had retired to her quarters on Loto's suggestion, she had begun to feel more miserable since they departed. She had decided to sit down, as best she could, and meditate.

She knelt down, sitting back on her heels, swaying back and forth to keep the strain on her back lessened. Closing her eyes, she began to open herself up to the flow of the Force. The Light and the Dark flowed around and through her being, starting calmly, the way she was used to. But after several minutes, the breeze-like sensation began to intensify.

Ki tried her best to not let it ruin her concentration, hearing the sound more akin to an engine taking off. However, beneath it all, she heard the faintest of harmonies. It was smooth and melodic, and flowed in stark contrast to the surrounding auras.

Her mind focused in on the new find and she enveloped her being in this new sensation.

It suddenly calmed, and the flowing stilled. Her ears twitched, a physical reaction.

As her ethereal form searched with her eyes, her ears did pick up a somehow familiar sound.

As she turned, she caught a glimpse of a figure standing in the distance. It looked as if she were standing on the opposite bank of a river, but this figure was somehow different at the same time...


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Spectator
Post: 9/20

Clearly Yula was losing the bid for one @Nawago; perhaps she could bid all the same one one [member="General Beyyr"] instead. Yes, she could somehow pick up on somebody mentioning the winner's curse, as well as its implications, but not many people actually made bids: she estimated that one yearly SI subscription was not worth more than 1k, much less 5k. So she had to switch targets. Perhaps with that new target in mind, she could actually makie this work. Even though General Beyyr was a Wookiee, she would not mind one: after all, one only lives once, and one only can experience so many things before one died. May as well do the most of what the Force could allow one to do, knowing that it is an exotic experience for her to do. I'm glad this is all over: that will be one story for the Sith Inquisitor, she thought, upon finalizing the journalistic story covering the pageant, admittedly a little short.

"One yearly Sith Inquisitor subscription for General Beyyr: I withdraw my bid for Nawago"

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