Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Show Us Your Guns, Boys! | ORC Dominion of Elysian

The little droid stopped mid chirp to receive a message, it began rocking back and forth as it relayed a message. "Trouble at the show, what someone fall off their chair, or sprain a muscle?" She shook her head, "who would shoot up a....pageant?"

The droid dropped the tray and headed towards the club.

A giant sigh could be heard from Rekha as she got up, "vacation they said. Time off they said. Nothing to it, just a candy show..eye candy...Right" Sarcasm edged each word.

".." She jogged to catch up to her new metal friend, "tell me what you know cupcake" They made it to the doors, smoke pouring out splinters everywhere..."Feth.." Rekha pulled the Woebringer and slowly pushed what remained of the door open..

She listened to the bells, whistles chirps, and high pitched tones. She nodded and understood entering slowly....It looked over, but was it..."ANYONE NEED HELP?" She leaned against the door for protection watching and listening.

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Agenor Dyre"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Joza Perl"]
[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Agenor Dyre"]

The wander back and forth to the Aurora Hawk to meet up with Darr and the boys wasn't a long one. Granted, seeing another female with that easy going smile and a light chatter was likely a far more lighthearted matter than what had occurred minutes before.

Much like Chloe had a tendency to be, her open and warm smile managed to soothe over some anxiety, and in no time the blonde Warden was right up helping patch up the recent scuffs and broken wires that the rather excitable graze had given Jorus' boat. As she worked, the Corellian wondered how Mara was doing. Had Jorus kept up with her? That girl was just about as free as anyone could be, flying here and back. Thoughts turned to the rather dark experience Mara had been under while on Ilum. How had she fared since then?

All sorts of thoughts percolated through the mind, and only in song was Chloe ever really able to keep her mind straight. So it was to no surprise when the young woman began to softly sing along to a familiar spacer tune. Nothing but a soft melody among the turning of wrenches and clink of metal.
[member="Chloe Blake"]

Something eased in Jorus' heart. Maybe half a minute later, his comm buzzed: Beyyr, informing him that Mara had been taken hostage briefly and that Bryce Bantam had rescued her. Apparently she seemed fine, none the worse for wear, not even shaken up. Jorus still called her, spent a good five minutes on the comm with her, and took another few to get ident data -- telesponder, engine signature -- on the kidnapper's ship.

Once that all got settled, he climbed the scaffold to work with Darr and Chloe on the Wretched Hive's flank. "Think I'll join you," he said, selecting a power wrench. "That ship I sent these folks after? Turns out Mara was there. They took her hostage for a bit. Bryce Bantam -- you guys know Bryce? -- he boarded them and got her out in an escape pod. They're all fine, and the fethers are long gone, but feth do I need to wrench something right now."

He applied the tool to a canted bolt. Metal squealed.
[member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Joza Perl"]

A handful of people had been injured; a couple more lay dead. Mara might not be the best healer around, but she knew crystals very well indeed, and she kept the legendary Ankarres Sapphire on a chain around her neck. When Rekha came in, then, she'd find Mara using the sapphire's radiance to heal a gut-shot male stripper. Mara coughed and waved away smoke with her other hand, which held a comlink. She'd been arranging and paying for certain resources: security, reconstruction, and so forth.

"Enemy's gone and taken care of," she said. "Right now we just need medpacks and folks who know how to use them."
Elpsis had missed most of the, ahem, beefcake competition. The reason was two-fold: Firstly, she was not attracted to men and secondly, her blindness made her incapable of really appreciating eye candy, regardless of whether it was male, female or in between.

So she also missed the fundraider turning violent. All sorts of stuff had happened. Some of it terribly mind-boggling and bizarre. Regardless, she was here now. The action was over, now it was cleanup. A bunch of people had been injured during the chaos, others were beyond help and had went on a journey into the Netherworld.

The firemane spoke a quiet prayer for the dead, then set to work. She was not in the same league as her mother, [member="Coryth Elaris"], but a reasonably capable healer. Moreover, she was an empath. Her Force sight directed her to the auras of those in need. Radiant energies would emit from the palms of her hands as she focused the healing energies of the Force on one of the unfortunate souls. She'd employ a mixture of Force healing, basic medical aid and traditional medicine. It would be a long day.
Bryce has climbed out of pod by this time and made his way over to those injured. As Mara was doing so was Bryce, using a mix of minor force healing and basic first aid to treat those injured. Still he marveled how this situation and gone to feth, what had been a joyous and at times hysterical contest of male buffoonery had devolved into what looked like a minor attack.

As those who needed treatment were tended to Bryce handed the tablet he took from one of the criminals to an underground commander now guarding the area. "Officer, take this and get it to forensic slicer. I want that account hacked and as much of the money as you can refunded, then I want intel. Locations, access, feth what they like for breakfast. Anything you can get on them."

His words still dripping with a bit of anger he tried to calm down as he walked over to [member="Joza Perl"] .

"Force this was not what you had in mind Joza, sorry it went down like this. I have the team working on trying to get the donation back. Till then we may be able to salvage a bit of the fun. Still got plenty of beef cakes around. What do you say we still have the auction. Get some date money in her? I'll volunteer to be first if ya need it."

Well. That certainly was a way to liven things up.

Could’ve done without the death, though. While [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] and [member="Bryce Bantam"] took care of the escaping criminal, Joza had been busy trying to do damage control. She wasn’t the best at healing, but had managed to drag the man who had been shot backstage and into the hands of much more capable healers. Somewhere in the ruckus, she’d happened upon a small child with a scraped face and knee—after bandages and magic healing kisses, she cradled the sniffling little girl on one hip. Luckily, the infiltrators she’d sent to the ruffian’s ship hadn’t reached it by the time it was taken down, retreating back to the perimeter where they were ordered to keep a sharp lookout for any other potential day-ruiners.

But now they had an anxious crowd and injured bodies. She spotted [member="Elpsis Elaris"] with quiet approval as the redhead extended her healing abilities to a person in deed. Strange, this didn’t seem like the type of place she would like—one rife with nearly naked men—but maybe she’d been nearby and had heard the ruckus? Inspired by her friend’s aid, Joza’s breathing began to deepen, expelling pheromones with each slow exhale. She was still the host here, and at the very least she could try and take the edge off by instilling a calmer, more relaxed ambiance.

She offered Bryce a tiny, tired smile when he approached her. “Yeah, not the best event I’ve planned…but thank you for dealing with that guy, Mara as well. I’ll be sure to get something nice for you.” Though she wasn’t exactly sure what to do for Mara—what do you get for a half-Zeltron with vast wealth? Thank-you gifts would have to come later, though. “Well since you volunteered…” Her face brightened a little as she turned towards the crowd which had settled out more.

“One Bryce Bantam on sale for a single night—all proceeds go to those injured or otherwise lost in today’s, ah, disturbance.”

It was as much of a silly joke as it was a serious offer. She hefted the child in her arms who’d stopped whimpering, looking more dazed than upset.
Objective: Spectator
Post: 6/20

While [member="Bryce Bantam"] and [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] were busy chasing the fleeing criminal that was responsible for the deaths of several people, Jessica did not waste any time locating another patient in need. Of course she wasn't a professional Force-healer but she would do what she could to help out with taking care of the wounded, using Force-healing, and quickly her mental protocols activated based on what the injuries were, with rather limited computational power required on her part. Burns, induced by the explosion that rocked the pageant, and also a fracture on the nearest patient that she could find. She knew the drill: local anaesthesia, shed the dead tissue, disinfect the afflicted area and then stimulate the growth of skin in the afflicted area - and that was only the burns part. She also used the Force to induce a splint at each location where the fractures were, and she knew fractures were all too common when people survive explosions. Also, once the procedures are over, the patient is rife with questions:

"What about the perpetrators?" the patient asked.

"Don't worry about who did that: he will be dealt with in due course"

"What's next?"

"The patient must be immobilized for a few days"
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Hearing that managed to shock Chloe into a pause. There just seemed to be one thing after another with Mara and that concerned the Warden. Her hand came down, servodriver tight in her grip. Already she saw the tension that went lancing through Jorus's body, the flexing nerve along his jaw -- so strange and new yet the sensation through the Force and her gut instincts told her it was no one else but Jorus.

"Where is she going?" part of her wanted to call, to try and comm Mara. Jorus had mentioned that she was alright now, but it still didn't halt the concern the woman had over the half-zeltron she'd taken care of as her own when Mara had been in nothing but diapers.

"She heading off over here?" would be better to see her face to face. A slight frown and then she took a breath. Jorus was just all bunched up, be it a new body or old, Chloe didn't wish that on him. So she set the server driver down to the side and went reaching out with her hand in an attempt to take his. If anything, if Chloe could reassure him, then she would do just that. It was small and it was silly, but it was an attempt to squeeze his hand in comfort.

Because it was still every bit Jorus. Her heart told her so. Even if the young man standing in front of her didn't have the face of the Jorus she'd known all along.

Lukas grunted, bandaging up a wounded onlooker who had sustained damage during the onslaught. The grumpy doctor had been in the vicinity when the raid happened, not particularly interested in the man beef love fest or whatever it was that was going on further down the shore. He was content to meander near the waves with a well-deserved drink in hand.

As always, Krieger kept at least lightly supplied. Force of habit from being a field doctor, though the man tended to find himself in over his head on the battlefield. His nerves were steeling though, getting used to being a first responder. It was something he’d always wanted over the sterile off-white walls of a hospital environment. When he heard shots, his first instinct was to run in the opposite direction—but training and devotion to his craft had him dashing down the beach, tossing the now empty glass off to the side.

“Easy now,” He mumbled, the lines of his face creasing in concentration as he secured a patch of bacta over reddened skin. A stun shot or something severely underpowered had hit the poor young lady, caught by an errant bolt. She sniffled, looking more dazed than upset at this point upon finding out that the wound was not fatal. There were other healers on the scene as well, seems that he wasn’t the only one who’d answered the call.

A voice reached his ears, head lifting to see the pink woman that was on stage…continue with the event.

“Unbelievable.” He simply grunted, before turning back to his work.


The BFG (Until Angered)
Objective: 2 (Not anymore, considering the events)
Post: 3

So much happened over the last ten minutes or so that Nawago wasn't able to react. The attacker escaped but their hostage was rescued, leaving not much to resolve after that. All that mattered at that point was cleaning up everything and helping those who were affected. Debris reigned everywhere, and he began working on clearing everything out and finding people who could be trapped. Most of them were already found and being treated for the different injuries that they maintained, yet he continued to dig.

When everything was good and done, they could go after those heartless scoundrels that decided to rob a place in the galaxy that actually intended to help people. Now those unfortunate would continue struggling through their predicaments. The anger about it helped in a way, as he was able to easily dig through the debris and help guests out.

Nawago brushed the dirt and dust off of him, before concluding his search. He pondered to himself, processing everything that just happened at the event. It started off with a simple pageant and turned into an armed robbery. He overheard from a conversation that the credits would be returned and the scoundrels would be tracked, so that was to be looked forward to. There was no way that people like that could allowed to roam free. After checking up on a few of the attendees to make sure that they were faring well, he walked over to where a human auction seemed to be taking place. He walked up to [member='Joza Perl'], who seemed to be the announcer for the auction.

"I'd like to volunteer in the auction, if you'll allow me. It most likely will not result in a "date night" situation, but I'll practically be like a giant stuffed animal that can punch a hole in a wall if someone wanted them to."

[member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | @Elpis Elaris | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

If Joza thought that the dancing Wookie would be the most outlandish contestant today, then she’d thought wrong. A massive Wampa made his way on stage and then…spoke. Basic. Good Basic. The Zeltron blinked, a bit taken aback by the sudden appearance of [member="Nawago"] and his willingness to be put up for the lighthearted auction.

Then, the child in her arms burst into tears.

“Oh no no, this big guy isn’t going to hurt you!” She cooed gently, trying to soothe the scared child. Well…Wampas were kinda scary! Her son was attached to his stuffed Wampa though, a plush toy he’d gone after while wandering around the Skor bazar before it had been attacked. ‘Buh-buh’ was its name, and it was actually kind of adorable. Alan simply couldn’t sleep without Buh-buh!

“Thank you, that’s very kind of you.” She managed to say over the child’s wailing. “What is your name, friend?”


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective: Spectator
Post: 7/20

Unbelievable! The poodoo has hit the fan but has been quickly dealt with: someone remind me to take first aid training, she thought, while Yula was working hard on getting what story she could run on the incident caused by [member="Chalim Vern"], holding the audience at the beauty pageant hostage. She was unable to keep a straight face while the others began to take care of the wounded. Julie and Jessica were unfazed because people like [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] and [member="Nawago"] were able to rally security. But she knew better than to blame this crime on Sith: the Sith Inquisitor wasn't that kind of publication that was entirely devoted to anti-Sith propaganda. Of course, [member="Joza Perl"] decided to change the reason behind the pageant to simply say that the proceeds would go to the victims of this disturbance rather than to help refugees. Plus the poor Yula had no knowledge of first aid that could actually help those injured... a shame but there was so much to learn for her at boot camp and she didn't run through the entire thing as of yet.

"Don't fret for me, Yula: today you will learn how to do bandages, apply gauze as a bacta patch"

"Well-appreciated, Julie"

An enormous Zeltron woman had been sitting daintily in one of the normal-sized seats when the auction began. Though large of stature (and probably not of pure Zeltron blood), @Elena was a gentle woman well renowned for her legendary skill as a masseuse.

While she did not take part in the cheering crowds, Elena was keen to sit and observe with pleasure as the men paraded around the stage nearly naked. The bare bodies of attractive men were nothing new to her, but it was a real treat to see so much beefcake concentrated in one place.

As [member="Bryce Bantam"] was up on stage for auction, the violet haired beauty found herself suddenly flushing at the sight of the rogue stud. “Oh my…” She had to fan her thick neck with an equally meaty hand as her pink skin took on a rosier hue. Who would win this fine specimen? Should she…hm…

Glancing down at her datapad, she took note of the credit balance that had been displayed on the screen. That last spice party she’d been hired out to had paid pretty well, better than it should have…and so a feminine voice drifted above the crowd, like an angelic flute.

“1000 credits!”
X <-- When its time to party....

As the wounded were being care for Bryce wanted to bring back the pre-attack feel, so with that in mind he cued up some righteous toons and took what remain of the stage, mic in hand.

"Come on, I know what happen was well feth up. But let get this back to where we need it. This not for us, it is for the truly unfortunate, the ones where medical care and safety is unknown to them. I already have a bid of 1000 for this fine hunk of Biituian beauty. Do I hear 2000? Come on you want a night of dinner and dancing, come on you know you do, you have seen the skills. Feth maybe adventure is you thing, we can go to the ancient city of Kal Shebbal, bath in the moon light as we explore the temples of light abandoned for centuries."

"If this mound of manhood is not your thing we have that great furry guy over there. Don't let size and teeth scare you off, guy is a royal teddy bear and from what I hear wonders in the kitchen. Lets crank the fun back up and help out the really unfortunate. Come on who will bit next or step up to offer their services!"

[member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Nawago"] | [member="Joza Perl"]


The BFG (Until Angered)
Post: 4

It wasn't a wonder that when Nawago walked up, the child in [member='Joza Perl']'s arms was frightened. He knew by that point that it wasn't exactly something to be surprised at. Still, it was a child who was just through a traumatic event, so he had to understand why someone would be so shaken at that point. His argument there was probably just a way of shielding himself from reality, but it made sense at the same time. Despite the child's crying, he was able to speak to the Zeltron.

"My name is Nawago, I was liberated by your people awhile back and have been loyal ever since." He turned away for a moment, listening to the speech from [member="Bryce Bantam"] and perking up upon hearing his name. He wouldn't exactly consider himself a master chef, but he always considered himself to be fairly well at obtaining the food. Turning back to Joza, he noticed the tad bit of confusion on her face, and had an idea of what it was about.

"I know that it's a bit odd that I can speak Basic, most people think so. It's a pretty long story, at least I think it is."

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Yula Knezevic"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
[member="Chloe Blake"]

There was a time years back when he’d have twitched his hand away out of a sense of propriety -- he’d married someone else -- and out of fear that maybe he’d feel something inappropriate. But perspective told him Chloe didn’t mean the contact as anything more than honest concern and platonic comfort, and when he patted her hand where it rested on his, his feelings were similar. No worries at all.

“She’ll be over, yeah. She’s healing up some folks that got shot. It’s good for her, I figure. Helps her put her own stories to bed, right?” He switched tools and began smoothing out a ragged strip of hullmetal. “She’ll be glad to see you, probably gladder than she’d be to see me. The whole…” He gestured at his face. “Me and Alna. Very long story. Mara didn’t like it.”

The child began to simmer down, thanks in part to some precision pheromone manipulation to induce a more relaxed state. That, and [member="Nawago"] seemed like less of a threat largely due to his civil behavior.

Joza blinked, a slow smile coming to her face after a few moments. So this Wampa was liberated—she’d imagined that a creature with a talent for Basic and grace for social norms was likely in servitude at one point, as she was herself. “I’m glad to hear they you’ve decided to stay with us. The Coalition welcomes anyone!” Provided they weren’t Sith, slavers, or really evil criminals. This big guy seemed to be none of the three.

She glanced over at [member="Bryce Bantam"], smile growing as the other redhead took to the stage to auction both himself and the big fuzzy guy, pumping some more lighthearted life into the party. “Ah, don’t worry. We all have to embellish a little now and then right?” She truly had no idea if Nawago was a wizard chef, but the Wampa seemed a little throw by Bryce’s addition.

“I’ve never meant a Wampa who can speak Basic, though.” She didn’t know much about them, but figured that they were incapable of the language, like Wookies. “Is that something unique about you, Nawago?” She shifted the child in her arms, who was now enthralled with auctioneer Bryce.
Thank goodness everything was, sort of alright. Her new companion rolled off quickly to do whatever it was little droids did when trouble struck. She noticed that [member="Bryce Bantam"] making an attempt to get everything back on course as she stepped back into the room.

Can't keep a good group down, nope. She smiled but now what about this biituian beauty. Rekha found a place to stand and listened to the master of ceremonies pitch a sale. She wasn't too sure she could handle a wampa, though the fur was a bonus. Bryce now..she did not know very well. Wonder how he'd fair on the back of a thranta? She flashed a mischievous grin.

But perhaps some fun..and for a good cause. She could after all use more friends.

But Rekha tended to over think things lately. Would she bid..or wait..

[member="Joza Perl"] [member="Nawago"] [member="Yula Knezevic"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"] and anyone else I missed

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
Kat stumbled along the beach, giggling drunkenly to herself. Her red hair cascaded down to her shoulders in what had clearly been neat however, she looked like a drunken mess. Instead of the neat waves, it was more a tangled mess. Her two piece had dribbles of alcohol all over it, spills from when her cup had missed her mouth. The woman really was a sloppy drunk.

She'd originally come to Elysian to, of course, contribute to the fundraiser, but moreover, to ogle all the eye candy around. Once the booze had started, she was far more intent on doing more than just ogling. But again, being a sloppy drunk she'd ended up just stumbling along the beach with a killer hangover to come the next morning.

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