Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Should I wean off the Chaos Drug?

Before elaborating, I'm going to ease the mood by posting a cute picture of a cat:


On to the discussion...

I imagine that this is all news to you, and might make more than a few people rather upset at the untimely nature of it all.

But lately, I have felt disheartened in regards to role playing. It just doesn't feel like the same place to me any more. I love the stories, and I wish I could see them ALL through, but... I think I'm beginning to realize that at the age of 16, there really are better things to be doing then sitting in front of computer all summer creating amazing stories with other strangers that will never be heard, never be known to anyone but me and those strangers. I love writing, and it's an amazing creative outlet for me, but more than anything it has become an addiction. I'm not saying it's a bad addiction but no addiction is every really good to begin with.

There is girl out there that I take a fancy to and there is no way in hell she'll notice me if my mind is sucked into a pointless game on the computer all summer. Granted, I'll be away for the summer but that's beside the point, and that point still holds validity.

Months ago, I was banned from roleplaying until I wrote a paper about how detrimental this sort of thing can be and proved I had earned the right back to do it. I called it bull poodoo (not in my parents presence of course) and just didn't write it. Then, months after that banning I discovered google incognito and slowly but surely I went back to roleplaying here on Chaos. Since then I've experienced severe nostalgia, and minor upset at the goings-on here at Chaos. Nothing major in my opinion, and nothing having to do with me directly, but all the little things are building up and bothering me to make me uncomfortable sometimes to log in on here.

When I first started Triam Akovin, I made her with the intention and "promise" that I would only end my roleplaying once she had completed all the restricted material objects... then I kicked up Voracitos, and said "Not until the League goes major", then later "Once he gets powerful in the Heralds of Chaos", and recently "Once I finishing starting the Covenant", which in term kicked up my interest in the old character Hutuun'Kyramud (hasn't happened yet). I also made Stone Hermes, who is awesome and has been in some pretty interesting threads, that recently kicked up my interest in the old character Iron Giant. I also made Boke the alchemist, and the snowmen species with Fatty, and most recently Sybil Menneseh (who've since her inception I have amazingly completed 10 whole pages [not counting scrapped content] of a short story, with an awesome rest of the story planned for her not involving RP. That's real progress for me, it took me weeks to finish my roughly 15 page short story English Assignment that I thoroughly loved during its creation [though not afterwards]).

Basically, I dived full on into Chaos again, which was not my initial intention to begin with. Now with my newest and probably brightest inspiration with Sybil Menneseh... it frightens me a little to say that I might not even be interested in Roleplaying any more.

It is probably inevitable that at some future date, you may never see me actively write here again. So I guess the title is a bit misleading, because I don't think it's a question, but more of a request to myself that I had to write and share with to feel the finality of my choice. I'm going to need help, because I don't think I have the strong self-discipline to get it underway. I think I'll begin by finding the quickest possible way to finish my story lines by asking for help in the closest friends I have developed here on Chaos to help me plan it all. Then, one character at a time, when they are all allowed to stagnate with no need for new threads, I'll gradually lessen their activity until they essentially don't exist.

After that point I think I'll stop in and probably post some of my work for peer review, but ultimately... I think if Star Wars RP: Chaos ever served a purpose for me... it has been sufficiently fulfilled at this point, and I'm ready to move on.

I guess that's all I really have to say right now. To answer a few questions, yes, all threads I'm currently in will be completed, and any planned subsequent threads will be completed as well. But be warned that my muse could be extremely volatile and flaky.... and in general I've been undependable anyway so... whatever. As for discussion, I'd be welcome to ideas of how to unplug myself, things to consider, that sort of thing. Any discussion is welcomed and appreciated. I've made LOA's in the past where no one responds, so I'm really hoping that this isn't another one of those over looked LOA's.

Not to end this post, I will post a cuttlefish... for no apparent reason...

Your underline and font color commands have been confiscated until further notice. :p

But sure, if you really think there are better things than this to do for hip young whippersnappers like you, go for it! Let me just say that 'real life' isn't all it's cracked up to be, and this is not only much cheaper, but much easier to operate on your terms.
Usually better for your liver too.

But either way, have fun and good luck with whatever you do.
[member="Darth Voracitos"]
Well. I know that feeling. That's why I left last time. Because I let stories get in the way of relationships, school, life. Back then I was still... adjusting to things. Okay, I was a little kid. Teenager. Thing. Even in just a few months I've grown up quite a bit. Now, I'm not going to pretend to know everything, considering I'm only 14.5 years old, but that doesn't mean I haven't learned a few things over the 1.5ish decades I've been alive.

Most recently I have learned the art of self-management. No longer is it just hours of Tumblr, Facebook, and SWTOR, while occasionally doing a trivial task for the parents. Yeah, I still do those fun things that I love, I just balance it out. I've made more progress on my book, started going back to the gym, go outside and hang out with friends, helped out around the house, those things.

Managing your time is an essential skill in life. Taking time to figure things out is good. There are more important things then writing with friends, that is true. But in time you'll find a way to do everything you need and what you want. While you get older, your interests will change. Maybe you are done with RP. Or maybe you've just hit a slow spot. That's okay.
It's okay.

You're 16. You've got a lot ahead of ya, kid. Just know if you ever want to come back here, you'll be welcome.
You're part of the Chaos family.
And so, to you, 'Fatty', I say this:

Goodbye, and thank you.
For all the wonderful adventures. The laughs, the tears, and whatnot.
Thank you for making this a better place.
[member="Darth Voracitos"] Honestly, I know how you feel. I don't know how many hours I've spent delving into this site, but it's taking a toll on my social life (as if I had much of one in the first place). I don't blame you for wanting to pull out, but I just have to give my two cents:
1) You've founded one, maybe two, factions. Make sure to figure out who's in control before leaving.
2) Best of luck to you, an I hope that you can live happy.
3) You have my prayers.
[member="Valeria Aetani"]
Looks like they still work fine.

(yes, I'm very impressed with what I did, shaddup! :p)

Thank you guys. There is always a part of Chaos that is that family I love so dearly... I just don't like the occasional ugly cousin, which is bringing me to light the things that I feel must be done, that this is getting in the way of.

But I don't like things without closure, and I don't want to abandon friends in the stories they wish to write. Just because I'm pulling out of my stories eventually, doesn't mean I have to sacrifice our mutual fun. I'm just really lucky that the two factions I founded should be able to survive on their own without me (after I finish up my stories). Though one of them is likely to die out after I complete this latest story line.


Morality Policeman :)
There is a season for everything.

Make the most of your time here, especially your development in the art of writing. That is what will truly stick with you in the end.
I've been looking back on the hours I've spent in front of the computer doing this sort of thing, just like you. It really does make you wonder about priorities. There have probably been phone calls I should have made and days I should have spent with my family while I've had the chance.

Keep in touch with the people you love here. Odds are you'll start forgetting about most of them, because maybe they weren't as key to your life as they seemed at one point. This has happened for me once already at a previous RP site. You'll probably find that there are one or two great friends you met here that you will have forever. Cherish them and hang on to them with an iron grip. But the truth is that the other 99.75% of the people here will fade out of your life real fast, and you'll realize that it's not as big of a blow to you as you had imagined. You'll certainly have less drama over silly words about imaginary people. :D

There is nothing that beats face-to-face contact with people. It's true, RPing is definitely not a bad thing and you need to make sure you don't just go live 'real life' until you're hacking into the toilet. I can't tell you if the girl is good for you, either. (Though she may be the most wonderful thing that will ever happen to you!) But you'll never be satisfied with yourself unless you get physically and socially active--and that does not mean Facebook. Physical interaction is what humanity is meant for.

Go get 'em, killer.


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Voracitos"]

Hey bro, just poppin in with, I was legitametly the same way at 16. If you feel time away is best, leave man. Go get your girl, start a job, go to school, all the fun things. When the time comes, you will eventually realize you can do both, and at that time I hope you come back and help your apprentice reach Master.

Like I said in our GM PM, I waited for V to come back to attempt learning with him, and Ill stay the same. Your a great writer, and a fun guy to play with. Leave here knowing you got at least one character to come back to at anytime to play with, to help gain more experience etc. Even if its a 13 word post. We can make it work.
I would say that you should take life as the priority.

And it is funny you should add a cuttlefish into this. I was doing studies and found that on many searches of symbiotic animals in Hawaii, a cuttlefish would pop up. It was pretty weird, and amusing.
"There is girl out there that I take a fancy to and there is no way in hell she'll notice me if my mind is sucked into a pointless game on the computer all summer. Granted, I'll be away for the summer but that's beside the point, and that point still holds validity."

You are dismissed, my boy. Godspeed.
The cuttlefish baby is actually adorable.

I completely understand where you are coming from. I was a bit older than you when I took a break from roleplaying for many of the same reasons. I felt very compelled to be in the RP site at nearly all times of the day, ignored many activities, generally became some type of hermit. It took several years and quite a few things in my life to realize I could do both. It was a balancing act at first though and one I suspect you may try to find in the future.

Now at 28, I realize I can hang out with friends, go to work, go to school, have other hobbies and still pop in here. Do I still feel like I am "wasting time" sometimes? Sure. Then I realize at 11pm on a Tuesday I would be playing video games or reading or doing some other activity if I wasn't on typing out replies. I'm still a bit of a hermit though but as I've grown older I realize its my nature not to go out clubbing(after many failed attempts. Have yet to see the point).

So I hope you are able to find the same balance in your life Fatty. Have fun with your girl. Be on sports teams. Go drink illegally on Friday nights at some weird parties because there isnt anything to do. Go and find out who you are and what life is all about, because I guarantee you won't be the same person at 26.

Best of luck Fatty :)
Delila Castillon said:
Now at 28, I realize I can hang out with friends, go to work, go to school, have other hobbies and still pop in here. Do I still feel like I am "wasting time" sometimes? Sure. Then I realize at 11pm on a Tuesday I would be playing video games or reading or doing some other activity if I wasn't on typing out replies. I'm still a bit of a hermit though but as I've grown older I realize its my nature not to go out clubbing(after many failed attempts. Have yet to see the point).
This about mirrors my POV exactly. Especially regarding clubbing who doesn't drink.... :p


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Darth Voracitos"]

Well I'm looking forward to finishing our campaign with Triam :p But yeah, I'm in a similar situation where I'll be taking an LOA in late July/August because second job, so I totally get where you're coming from,

And as to your lady friend

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