Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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She Looked At Me With Them Big Brown Eyes (Underground Rebellion vs Black Rose)

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Location: phrik mining and settlement complex (demonsgate)
Objective: defend the civilians
Allies: Non of as yet
Enemy's: attacking organization (yet to be determined icly)
Gear: Npc: Maria

Her skin felt hot from the heat radiating from the world and the air was hard to breath out side. Not like in the complex where it was cool. her eyes would close for just a moment to block everything out to just focus. The sips above where not from here so there was something in orbit likely targeting civilian's. For what purpose though? Her datapad ping when it had picked up a world spread message.

Jorus Merrill said:
"Your attention please. This is General Jorus Merrill of the Underground and the Jedi Order." The Underground had been monitoring this space for years, and Demonsgate had received frequent visitors, so sources of information were numerous. "It's come to our attention that the organization calling itself the Black Rose assaulted this planet with Sithspawn and forcibly alchemized many of its inhabitants, twisting them with the Dark Side of the Force. We are here to protect the survivors and kick the Black Rose out of the Kathol Outback. The Underground controls several major choke points between here and Kal'Shebbol; any serious reinforcements from the Black Rose will take around four months to get here. I want to meet with the local Black Rose leader personally, to negotiate your unconditional surrender. Any ships leaving the surface will be disabled and inspected for Black Rose personnel."
A grudge? To prove something? Or maybe frighten them so the organization would have the phrik to them selfs. Either way she was no longer apart of the order of the black rose. In fact it had disbanded a long time ago. Those who where apart of it now lived separate lives. Many of the military where now apart of law enforcement on sekalus and local systems. The leader if kesh apparently forced many of them out even after it was disbanded and looked for normal work. She tapped away in her datapad making a secure feed that was untraceable. She then altered the vocal changer in her mask to cover her own voice. "[member="Jorus Merrill"] I urge you to stop this attack. The Order of the black rose's activity here stopped months ago. The only ones getting caught in the firinglines are scared civilians who are trying to save their families and protecte their homes." Her voice was deeper but almost natural to it's levels. although been the former leader of the order before it disbanded she has has reasons to mask it. "I understand you have reasons to hunt down the previous members of the organization. But tossing the word sithspawn around is not the right way. I'm aware if the virus that was unleashed here that yes did effect a small portion that didn't even add up to one present of the population. Those people no longer live here and are on a different world where they can live in peace."

"There is a transport here ready to leave and they will attempt to evacuate with your ships attacking or not. Now I'm sure we are in the same page that neither of us wants to see these peoples lives lost in a fight they are not apart of." She cut the channel soon after her pleed. Most likely this criminal group would continue to press the attack disregarding the peoples lives here. Still she would wait till the word to evacuate was given.
Location: The Rattlesnake
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Kira Vaal"], [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Enemies: Catgirls
Gear: In Bio
Choke Point Dorn: Demonsgate

The Warrior knew what was about to happen and what he and many others were about to instigate on Demonsgate. After attending several discrete meetings held by the General of the Undergound and a colossal Wookie all the preparations were in place and they had sufficient numbers to execute the finalized plans of evicting the Covenant of the Black Rose from their reign over Demonsgate and other worlds that they colonized. Soon, the Black Rose would be no more and their last petal would fall graciously from the Underground.

"I should've told Jorus to make this Operation: Deflowering or some crap," the Mandalorian said to himself as he maneuvered his ship with the rest of the blockade.

Vilaz then heard Jorus' transmission which was directed to the entire system of Demonsgate. The Redneck, without hesitation, continued onwards to the planet of Demonsgate and broke through the atmosphere of the planet. He would wait for the General to give more orders before making any move that was out of bounds.

"I wonder how Draco is holding up with Lok."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Demons Reach Mining Facility
Objective: Play nice with the new neighbors
Allies: The Black Tie Syndicate, Arakyd Industries
Enemies: None

[media] [/media]​

When reports started coming in about the long absent Black Rose government being kicked off the planet by the brave and righteous underground, Miss Blonde just couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at Jorus Merrill's voice coming over the comms. Little late to the party that one was, Blonde and the Black Ties haven't dealt with the Black Rose for months now they were as dead as disco and she was enjoying the silence of it all. But that did F change the fact that there was an army of underground people here to bring down the righteous fist of Justice upon whatever dark side presence may or may not be here.

"Miss Blonde, do we prepare evacuation procedures?" Blonde's assistant asked the woman from outside her office door.

"No Waldo, see if you can put me through to Underground Command. I want to try and have a chat with them." Blonde said with a smile and wave.

"Right away Miss Blonde, anything else?" The man asked.

"Scramble our trouble shooters and divert auxiliary power to the shield generators, I want is prepared in case things go south."

"Yes Miss Blonde, of course." The man would then turn away and proceed to get everything ready.

After a few minutes a call would be placed attempting to hail [member="Jorus Merrill"] so they could talk about private assets, potential alliances, and all around business between the two parties. The best thing to do in this situation was to be transparent about everything, the incoming call would be from the organization known as the Black Tie Syndicate with one of the appointed leaders attempting to get a hold of Underground Command.


Disney's Princess
Location: On Board the Millennium Falcon
Objective: Choke Point Dorn: The Siege of Demonsgate
Allies: The Underground, [member="Kira Vaal"]

Karen climbed up from the belly gunner's hatch of the Millennium Falcon and dusted herself off. Pouting at the knees and sighing to herself. Whoosh. Ah. Amazed that anyone had ever been small enough to clamor about this ship with ease.

"Well. It certainly is a classic. Isn't it? Goodness."

She smiled and gave a good long stretch of her arms. Ahhh. Roll those shoulders girl. Mmm. Much better. Then she hustled over to the bridge to join the crew. Being something of a passenger herself, she made certain not to touch anything that looked important. It was a classic vessel after all and she was supposed to be here to assist the Underground in it's liberation efforts. Not taking a vacation through hypnotic space. So she slipped into the bridge without so much as a word and found a place to stand aside. Listening in to Merrill's broadcast and nodding to the view. As for the crew? Charwook gave her a sidelong glace and a shake of his head, but that was all. No doubt this wasn't the first time this ship had seen it's fair share of visitors. Maybe they were getting used to them.

Garbed in her fuzzy dark trench coat and letting her long blue hair fall amongst her shoulders, Karen seemed every bit the stray traveler she was today. Ahem... Just visiting, I suppose.
Location: Orbit over Demonsgate
Allies: The Underground ( [member="alec rekali"] | [member="draco vereen"] | [member="the banshee"] | [member="julius sedaire"] | [member="jorus Merrill"] | [member="gheleon"] )
Enemies: The Black Rose ([member=sanya val swift"])
Objective: Blockade - Keep Black Rose from escaping

Sanya Val Swift said:
"I understand you have reasons to hunt down the previous members of the organization. But tossing the word sithspawn around is not the right way. I'm aware if the virus that was unleashed here that yes did effect a small portion that didn't even add up to one present of the population. Those people no longer live here and are on a different world where they can live in peace." "There is a transport here ready to leave and they will attempt to evacuate with your ships attacking or not. Now I'm sure we are in the same page that neither of us wants to see these peoples lives lost in a fight they are not apart of."

BB heard the words and they sounded like the lies any out numbered foe would offer. She was trying to save her own hide and smuggle out any precious loot she could in the name of humanitarianism. Worse it seemed she planned to use the innocent people below as shields. This is the way of the slavers on Biitu, and she sounded no different.

BB sat in his command chair as his blood continued to boil. His orders were simple stay put, hold the line, nothing gets off Demonsgate. It didn't mean he had to like it. No he didn't not one bit. But he owed The Underground to much to go rogue, his humanitarian cargo stowed below meant to much to risk losing it on some damn fool impulse.

So he waited, wanting nothing more than to help free the poor populace below.
Choke Point Dorn: DEMONSGATE
Immediate Allies: [member="Kira Vaal"], [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Julius Sedaire"]/@Glavo Pahro
Immediate Enemies: [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
Immediate Others: [member="Miss Blonde"]
Objective: Public Broadcast

Sanya Val Swift said:
"Jorus Merrill I urge you to stop this attack. The Order of the black rose's activity here stopped months ago. The only ones getting caught in the firinglines are scared civilians who are trying to save their families and protecte their homes." Her voice was deeper but almost natural to it's levels. although been the former leader of the order before it disbanded she has has reasons to mask it. "I understand you have reasons to hunt down the previous members of the organization. But tossing the word sithspawn around is not the right way. I'm aware if the virus that was unleashed here that yes did effect a small portion that didn't even add up to one present of the population. Those people no longer live here and are on a different world where they can live in peace." "There is a transport here ready to leave and they will attempt to evacuate with your ships attacking or not. Now I'm sure we are in the same page that neither of us wants to see these peoples lives lost in a fight they are not apart of." She cut the channel soon after her pleed. Most likely this criminal group would continue to press the attack disregarding the peoples lives here. Still she would wait till the word to evacuate was given.

Jorus kept on broadcasting, reaching all those civilians' personal comms and shipboard comm suites and so forth.

"Now, I've just been treated to a slippery comm diatribe from someone who sounds like they're trying to downplay the nastiness that went on here, so let me speak right now to any leftover Black Rose sympathizers. Your mouthpiece claimed that less than one percent of the population was deliberately exposed to this Sithspawn virus. If Demonsgate's population is in the five or six figures, that's still hundreds or even thousands of people alchemized against their will and deported. So here's what's going to happen. My ship is in position over the former Black Rose mining facility. It's shielded; so are the evacuation transports on the ground. Unless I hear a surrender, or if a ship starts powering up for launch, I'll disable this facility and these ships with nonlethal weapons that completely bypass shields. Any ships that manage to lift off before they're disabled will be disabled twice, and caught with tractor beams to avoid anything unfortunate happening. Then blood tests will be administered, because it'll be a cold day in Hell before a Sith gives up a bolthole this remote and this profitable, and I don't like the idea of war criminals using evacuation ships as human shields. In fact I don't like it very much at all."

He stopped transmitting, at least for now.

Miss Blonde said:
"No Waldo, see if you can put me through to Underground Command. I want to try and have a chat with them." Blonde said with a smile and wave. "Right away Miss Blonde, anything else?" The man asked. "Scramble our trouble shooters and divert auxiliary power to the shield generators, I want is prepared in case things go south." "Yes Miss Blonde, of course." The man would then turn away and proceed to get everything ready. After a few minutes a call would be placed attempting to hail Jorus Merrill so they could talk about private assets, potential alliances, and all around business between the two parties. The best thing to do in this situation was to be transparent about everything, the incoming call would be from the organization known as the Black Tie Syndicate with one of the appointed leaders attempting to get a hold of Underground Command.

"Sir," said his Arcona comms operator, "we're receiving a transmission from a...Black Tie Syndicate?"

"Didn't know they had a presence out here. Put'em through to my headset." At the Arcona's nod, Jorus adjusted his headset, looking down through the viewport at the former Black Rose facility. "Black Ties, this is General Merrill. What can I do for you today?"

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Demons Reach Mining Facility
Objective: Play nice with the new neighbors
Allies: The Black Tie Syndicate, Arakyd Industries
Enemies: None

"General Merrill, it's a pleasure to see you moving up in the world. What's it been ten years? Humble beginnings and now look at you, a general in a real army. Color me impressed." Blonde said in a very casual voice.

It had been years since Patricia had spoken to Jorus and the last time they did was in the basement of the Dragon Palace Casino selling the underground various weapons and technology for a pretty penny, and it seemed they outgrew them and we're now on to more ambitious projects. Projects that may or may not interfere with the Black Tie Syndicate's operations across the galaxy.

"I'll cut to the chase though, you and your men seem to be in a bit of situation. I'm assuming you're all here to mop up the Black Rose and take control of the system, and while that's all admirable I had a deal with them to pay a ten percent tax of whatever phrik I sold to them. But I haven't had to do so for months now, seems they all scattered to the wind. So since you seem to be the man in control I'd like to be able to continue business here on this planet." Miss Blonde would pause for a moment.

"Tell me what's that going to take, General Merrill"

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Miss Blonde"]

Garter. Interesting.

"Simple enough. Any information you have on former Black Rose operatives, leaders, and sympathizers in the Kathol Outback. Especially whoever I was talking to just now on broadcast. My comms officer informs me he or she was using a voice changer, but you know the lay of the land. Give me your best guess."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Demons Reach Mining Facility
Objective: Play nice with the new neighbors
Allies: The Black Tie Syndicate, Arakyd Industries
Enemies: None

"Well you've twisted my arm, Jorus. I yield to your enhanced interrogation techniques." Blonde said with a small chuckle afterwards.

"WALDO!! BRING THE FILE!!" Blonde shrieked down the hall for her assistant like a predator bird swooping in on its prey, with Jorus' ears at the mercy of her shrill voice.

"Here Miss Blonde." The sound of a paper file hitting a metal desk would radiate on the mic.

"Let's see here, we had a phrik auction a good year back and taxes were paid to the government. Collected by a Sanya Val Swift I believe, she was one of the last holdouts when we came to this planet and government. I'd imagine she's the one you spoke with however my contacts place her in the Republic now running a mercenary legion, turned a new leaf apparently. But hey I'm not one to judge, criminal and all. Any who I'm afraid her and a woman by the name of Harley is everything I have for you. We don't walk off the reservation often nor mingle with the locals, I'd rather not turn into a alchemized Sith spawn. Is there anything else I can do for you or are we good?" Blonde asked General Merrill.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Miss Blonde"]

"No, that's pretty much ideal. I'll pass the word to my people that your site's to be left alone. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some alchemical war criminals to yell at. Merrill out."

Numerous factors informed his decision -- previous business arrangements, current business reputation, compliance, useful information provided, and so forth. That, and they both knew, without it needing to be said, that if she helped the folks he was after and he found out, there'd be a whole lotta unacceptable outcomes on both sides. Nobody wanted that.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Demons Reach Mining Facility
Objective: Play nice with the new neighbors
Allies: The Black Tie Syndicate, Arakyd Industries
Enemies: None

"You're welcome." Blonde said after Jorus had hung up without so much as a thank you.

"Waldo do me a favor. Go down to the mess hall and bring me a pastry, afterwards call Isley and inform him that The Underground appear to be setting up shop here on Demonsgate. He'll want to know." Blonde said to her assistant.

"Is that all Miss Blonde?" Waldo asked back.

"No that will be all for now, inform me if anything happens."

"Yes Miss Blonde"


Objective: Chokepoint Cresh
Location: Uukaablis
Forces: Peregrine-class Freighter, Privateer-class Frigate

"Three months in the void, Captain. No action for weeks while we sit here, waiting for prey to show up. The men are getting restless."

Kate sat at the desk in her quarters, staring at a scrolling data screen. "A few weeks is nothing. We've been out longer before."

"Not for a long time," Koin's grizzled features furrowed with concern. "They're not thinking about all the past hauls they've had under you. Right now, all they can think about is tasteless dehydrated rations and stale water."

"I'm not loosing them on Uukaablis. We don't know when the reinforcements will get here-"

"-if ever," Koin interjected.

Kate raised her voice, drowning him out. "-but if they get here and half of our complement is dirt side they'll have more to worry about than bland food. Besides, whoever remained on the ship would be resentful of those who got to leave."

Her executive officer nodded wearily, defeated and more than a bit worn down. "Very well, Captain. I'll let you know of any new developments."

"You see to it that you do."


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
Location: Flying near Demonsgate, nearing [member="Bryce Bantam"]
Allies: The Underground ( [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Bryce Bantam"] )
Enemies: The Black Rose
Objective: Hold Ground, Make sure none leave Demonsgate

Raachwaroo a wookie with no combat experience received a message from his good friend known to most as BB to come and help him hold the line near Demonsgate. He didn't know where that was, but GE3 did and sent him a map to follow. Plugging in the cords into his brand new Underground funded X wing he hit the hyperdrive function and landed not too terribly far away and flew over by Byrce, giving him a little wave he put the ship in park and watched over the planet, mostly unaware of what was going on aside from the fact that The Underground was liberating land from some sith witches. Once there he ran some diagnostics on his five guns to make sure that he could shoot wildly at anything that wasn't tagged Underground that was going outwards from the planet, until new orders arrive that is. Making it this far he gave a celebratory,



Disney's Princess
Location: On Board the Millennium Falcon
Objective: Choke Point Dorn: The Siege of Demonsgate p2
Allies: The Underground, @Kira Vaal

Karen looked up through the Falcon's canopy as the public broadcasts seemed to stop for a moment. Mm. It did appear that 'Siege' was the real go-word of the day. She wondered quietly what the Falcon's role would be in all this mess. Perhaps just sit and wait for the first silly transport ship to try and break the blockade. Otherwise... This might be a good case of hurry-up-and-wait.
Location: Arrival to Choke Point Cresh - UUKAABLIS
Allies: The Underground, [member="Katya Shorn"]
Enemies: Black Rose, Boastful locals

Rekha managed to get the ship to the space port without jostling the troops too much, they shouted "TOUCH DOWN CROWD GOES WILD!" As the Midnight Star landed, clearly they had traveled with her before.

Getting up she headed back to where they were standing ready to go, "Ya'll are too much I don't know...drinks are me once we check everything out ok" Rekha headed for the door it was slowly lowering to the ground, the old DL-44 blaster she carried was reliable still though it had misfired once on her in a sticky situation. She looked out seeing nothing of any Black Rose troops, "Ok, let's go, secure the space port"

Rekha holstered the weapon and walked out, as the troops fanned out falling into familiar tactics, A small contingent headed towards security the others moved to convince the guards that their best interests were not to resist.

Rekha looked around, so far so good, Maybe too easy, but then again the locals were on their side.
Location: Phrik mining and settlement complex (Demonsgate)
Objective: Survive
Allies: None of as yet
Enemy's: Bossy, Whining, "Liberators"

After asking around for what felt like an hour, but was probably just five or ten minutes, Bima finally caught up to the person he'd been told could answer his question. "What can I do to help?" But he'd heard that story six other times today so he wasn't exactly hopeful. He walked around the figure, standing in their field of view and to their left, he paused long enough to be sure he had their attention, or some portion of it, and asked if he had the right person.

"Hey, are you Maria? If not, can you point me in the right direction please?"

His crew of two, was busy prepping his own ship for lift off, blatantly ignoring the hostile's broadcasts. There was no way a benevolent force would come in guns blazing, these folks were trying to scam the populous into submission, and Bima wasn't buying it. He was getting out while he could, and if he needed too, he'd help get a few innocents out too. Normally he just worried about his own skin, but he'd done some regular business with these folks, mostly in harder to acquire foodstuffs and accessories, but still, he knew some of these people and he wasn't about to let them get pressed into slavery or whatever fate the invaders had in mind for them. The cargo hold was empty, but the fuel tanks weren't much better, a problem being solved as they worked to prep the ship for departure.

It was a moderately quick, very durable little light freighter, built by the Corellians, the masters of the small fast, modular ship crafting. This particular model hadn't been changed much functionally, but it did have plenty of personal touches. It used to be a stock VCX-300 model, but it had since been tweaked to aid in it's primary use, smuggling. The biggest boon it currently had, was a sensor mask, that could significantly hinder sensor locks by supplying false data to active and most passive sensors. Unfortunately, it still had only the one defensive turret, it had picked up a mine layer though. That unfortunately wouldn't be much use unless they got through orbit, and the odds were pretty stacked against that happening at the moment.
Location: On Board the Millennium Falcon, entering orbit of Demonsgate
Objective: Choke Point Dorn: The Siege of Demonsgate, trying to work out what the frakk to do.
Allies: The Underground; [member="Karen Roberts"]
Enemies: At this point whoever is trying to make this out to be our fault.

“It is said that they transformed innocent people into beasts of dark side energy.” Newka continued to add to his tale as Karen entered the cockpit and was greeted by a round of nods and acknowledgment. “Fused them with the Darkside they did and created hideous spawns of evil. The story was covered up by the Black Rose, the faction swearing allegiance to the good and true to save the blade aimed at the necks.”
Charlwook gave what seemed to be a pity filled, yet angry growl which caused Kira’s eyebrows to raise in slight agreeance.
“Yes, the Galactic Alliance had found the covenant and had every want to destroy it, as they should. However something happened that stayed there blade.” Newka rubbed his chin in thought.

“The First Order happened.” Kira said as the Falcon seemed to enter an orbital rotation around the planets gravitational pull. She allowed the power to go down and sit idle as they listened through the radio calls of the Underground in search of some form of trigger word. “I was on Sullust at the time, the Black Rose were at the forefront of the New Jedi Order’s priorities; right down to a strike force being deployed. Then Eriadu came under attack. The First Order, a group of upstarts at the time started butchering people where they stood, all because the governor at the time had reached out to the Alliance.” She sighed, catching sight of both Newka and Charlie’s expressions. “The Alliance chased the First Order out of the system and turned their attention towards the Core Worlds. Now a small empire has formed right up to their doorstep in the Anoat Sector, the Covenant turned a world to spawned evil and the Sith pretty much cleaved the Galactic Republic in two. All in all, a pretty good couple of years.”
“Much evil there has been in this galaxy.” Newka added with a look towards [member="Karen Roberts"]. “Yet none as much as we are now playing witness too.”

The Radio seemed to carry on forever with nonsense jargon and small orders of action, giving the small group on the Falcon time to just chill. A time that Kira would spend getting to know the mystery woman that had been assigned aboard the ship just before heading out to Demonsgate.

“So, welcome to the Millennium Falcon, the ship that apparently evaded an evil empire, blew up a Death Star and a Planet as well. She also has a hydro unit that will leave you dirtier then when you got in.” She smiled. “Your loving her aren’t ya?”
Location: In Orbit Around, Demonsgate
Allies: The Underground ( [member="Alec Rekali"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="The Banshee"], [member=Bryce Bantam"], [member="Gheleon"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Glavo Pahro"], [member=Raachwaroo"] )
Enemies: The Black Rose
Objective: Lock, Load & Roll.

After the meeting, Ria had tucked herself away in a corner of BB's ship. She was still getting use to everything, everything. Things worked differently outside of the smuggler's moon, in most cases anyway. Like you probably shouldn't try and hold a blaster to someone's face every time you want something. Or no need to use any sleight of hand to get everything you need, and that some people were willing to negotiate. One of the biggest adjustments Ria had coming were force users. Slicers, smugglers, bounty hunters, pirates and assassins were a dime a dozen on Nar Shaddaa. Force users? Not so much, BB had picked one up on the way to the Demonsgate. A Jedi of sorts, or the Jedi as far as she was concerned she hadn't met a Jedi before.

In said corner of the ship, Ria had been fiddling with EM-4. Her little probe droid from the Rebellion Era, or at least that's what she knew of him now that she could access any database her little slicer fingers could get their hands on. Imperial make, too. Unfortunately, Ria wasn't a mechanic nor was she any kind of handy with droids. Still, she let it consume her - by consume, she became so engrossed in trying to put the poor thing back together that she'd lost track of days. Days.

Eventually, the need for a proper bath and more real food prompted Ria out of her hidey-hole.

Passing by the med-bay for a few things on the way back, she noticed said Jedi, again. Still in the bacta tank, with a piece of Tonitran jerky hanging out of her mouth. She set her supplies down on a bed and approached the tank. Tilting her head to one side she put her hand up to the glass.

The Shining Star was doing it's part for the blockade, but that didn't mean things were all sunshine and tauntauns up here. When things began to heat up, Ria scooped her supplies back into her arms. Ripping the jerky out of her mouth she had but one thought for the Jedi. Wake up, this isn't over yet. Anytime there was lull, where the smells of victory were at hand - that was when one had to be ready, Tylo taught her that much. Rushing back to her hidey-hole, Ria set her supplies down and fixed her gear up. Setting her blaster pistols into their holsters she threw her duster on, and grabbed Tylo's old hat which always reminded her of those space cowboys.

She looked at the work bench loaded with droid parts, with EM-4's processor laying in the middle of it. "Don't worry buddy, you'll be back soon. I promise." With that, she turns and walks back out of her hidey-hole. Ion blaster pistol on one side, regular blaster pistol on the other. Bandolier with new supplies strapped around, Ria was locked and loaded, ready to roll out.

"Bryce." She says once she's geared up and out in the open. "There anything I can do?"
Gheleon and The Thieves of Pembric II
Wake up.

Wake up, fool!!!

Gasping for air and sweating, Gheleon woke up from the darkness on the cold ground where he had been earlier before being sent to the world of nothing. Around him the smoke still slightly lingered but no sign of the outlaws that had attacked him. The Mandalorian looked around hoping they would pop out of nowhere but it just made him more dizzy and increased the strong headache he was having. Something was amiss though and Gheleon frowned thinking what had disappeared. Checking his inventory, he found nothing missing. His armor was still on, as well while his bo-rifle stood untouched on the ground. Standing up while picking the bo-rifle, cold sweat bursted on his brow and his heart skipped a beat.

The helmet.

Frantically and due to instict, he began running around the empty apartment for clues of his helmet and the attackers. They had taken his most prized item - his buy'ce. A heilroom that he wore ever since he had survived the crash on Dxun two decades ago. It had nothing too special and fancy but it belonged to someone who had not made it through the crash. Gheleon was growing very anxious and that led to the slow rise of anger within him. The blood red aura lingered around him as he tapped into his feelings. The Dathomiri Magick that he was enhanced with was answering his emotions.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Gheleon had no other choice than to find those that have stolen from him. The little he knew about the galaxy was that criminals seemed to gather in shady looking establishments. It was that where Gheleon ventured forth to seek. A shadowport was, of course, a place where every single establishment would be a shady looking cantina. It did not take him long to reach the entrance of one and try to enter, only to be pushed back by an alien bounce.

"Boocha mekutcha sheze, keti fushe."

"Huh?" Gheleon raised his eyebrow and then the alien replied in Basic.

"We no serve your kind here."

"I here for helmet."

"No helmet here, Mando scum." The alien showed his teeth but Gheleon had no patience to deal with this. He had to find his helmet. Slamming the alien bouncer with such a fist that a few teeth flew off, the bouncer fell down knocked out cold. The Mandalorian did not like extreme violence but he certainly had no time to deal with this. As a good man, Gheleon positioned the fallen bouncer next to the wall as if he was sitting.

Entering the cantina Gheleon was welcomed by numerous glances and loud music. Straight infront of him were three dancing stages where gorgeous females were entertaining the guests. A stupid smile came upon his face, he seemed to forget about the helmet all of a sudden until a hand snatched his shoulder and turned him around. Ready to defend himself with a punch, Gheleon immediately halted when he felt the muzzle of a gun on his body.

"Who the kark are you?" The blue skinned and red eyed enforcer that Gheleon faced asked sharply.

"Gheleon." The Mandalorian simply replied. He did not feel comfortable at all with the near-human's life threatening looks.

"What the hell do you want. Don't lie or I will blast you."

"Helmet. Helmet gone." Gheleon replied honestly and pointed at his face.

"What the hell is that accent ?" The near-human asked and Gheleon contemplated on his answer until a shove in his stomach with the muzzle came and made him answer. "Huh?"


"Mandalorian?! Well why didn't you say so ?" The enforcer snickered and turned Gheleon around. "Now go towards the bar, your timing could never have been better."
Location: The Shining Starr - Orbit over Demonsgate
Allies: The Underground ([member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Kira Vaal"] [member="Glavo Pahro"] [member="Ria Misrani"] [member="Raachwaroo"] )
Enemies: The Black Rose( [member="Sanya Val Swift"])
Objective: Blockade - Keep Black Rose from escaping

BB crawls back into the command chair after being scared half to death by the sudden appearance of Ria. He was getting jittery from all the waiting and it hadn't helped that Raachwaroo had just buzzed his ship only a few minutes ago before forming up with him to hold the blockade.

"Rai!... where the hell you been hiding. I almost forgot you were on board." BB said reacting to her sudden appearance.

Calming himself and allowing his pulse to return to a semi normal rate he turned to take a closer look at the slicer who had joined his crew for the mission. She was certainly ready for something, blaster strapped at her side, a bandoleer chocked full of all sorts of useful stuff.

"I wish there was something to tell ya Rai, Jorus is still negotiating, and no seriously where have you need hiding? You know I got like four cabins on this ship, clean beds, comfy too. Your not a slave anymore, you don't need to sleep in storage holds and junction tunnels. My ship is yours, please use them." BB said before offering her a set at the comm station.

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