Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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She Looked At Me With Them Big Brown Eyes (Underground Rebellion vs Black Rose)

Whatever or whoever was talking, he couldn't muster much of a reply but a gurgle and several curses in Old Corellian. Pain was absolutely blinding and painful. Blinding, burning nerves fired with agony as he tried to move, and found he couldn't really. Either from paralysis or from just absolute pain. Finally he managed to just slump and keep still. There was no way he could fight, and the words he heard were muddled, but he thought he heard 'help' and 'medic' in there. Maybe "General" [member="Jorus Merrill"] had conjured some help from out of nowhere like he tended to do when they were in a tight spot. Who knew? And at this particular moment, if Glavo was honest, who cared? Help was help and as long as it didn't stick him or he have to stick it, he was a fan of it at this moment.

Shifting a bit, dark, drawn eyes opened to stare up at [member="Matthew Robinson"], clouded with delirium, as the rubble began to move aside. His left arm was definitely broken, as was his left leg. And he was sitting in a very odd, painful looking way. A spinal break may not have happened, but his back was definitely not without injury either. And he was positively covered in injuries from head to toe. The only thing that probably had saved him was the Vanir Tech armor that was looking fairly rough around him at the moment. But still, it had done it's job in and out of the fight and kept him alive for the moment. Now just to let the sawbones see if he were viable for life after this stone quarry was lifted off him.

He tried to speak again, but found his jaw was likely mucked up a bit too, and promptly his eyes wavered closed as he lost consciousness. A few feet away under shifted rubble lay the corpse of the beast he had slain.

Matthew Robinson

There's an herb for that.
[member="Glavo Pahro"]

Face grimaced slightly as the untrained empath felt the spike in the man's pain. At least he was semi-conscious. And breathing. Good. He wouldn't have to deliver mouth-to-mouth. "Don't move, mate. We've got you." The 'we' being the hover stretcher right next to him. Brows furrowed as he checked the scan, head swiveling around the area every now and then.

Enemy could still be around. Matt had a lot of experience in the battle field. Safe was never really safe but at the moment, they were okay.

Matt continued to talk just in case the other man surfaced back into the waking world. Plus, he was always told he had a calming voice, though he never really heard it himself. "Broken arm and leg. I'm gonna put a brace around your neck to keep it in one spot. Just....try not to move." Ginger-steady fingers wrapped the brace around his slumped form.

Catching the hover stretcher with the boot of his toe, he brought it over, then began to lift the older man into place. Hand found his comm. "Evac medic Robinson. Got one incoming. Get the transport ready, over."
BB was too busy in the throws of his research to fully understand the message from Robinson but the Starr was in the area and BB ordered Sady back to the war zone to assist. Per T7-S8E flying style, she came in quite fast and overflew the target once before setting down some 20 meters away with cargo platform fully lowered to allow easy access.

"Robinson, I'm tied up now and can't assist much but the port med bay is open and all your's. We are fully stocked, please board at your convenience, our ship is at your disposal."

[member="Matthew Robinson"]

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