Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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See Them Driven Before You [Sith raid on Yutan Jedi Temple]

The Force swelled and released, Darth Ophidia could feel it in her treetop hideaway. She should not have taken her scope off the situation. Bad Ophidia. Turning her view back to them, she could see there was something going on - Combat, gunshots, Jedi.

"Cat-man and the Whipid are facing a hairy situation. The Farmer is a Jedi and he is armed."

Once more, her finger wrapped around the trigger and she aligned the crosshairs, but she could not get a good shot on [member="Rexus Drath"] because of [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] 's enormous back. She swayed the crosshairs to either side of him, trying to get a view around him. All she needed was a split-second chance, one that felt right. The Force was her guide, the dark side could feel her murderous intent no matter how deep she buried it, and it would whisper for her to pull the trigger when the time was right.

"No clear shot."

Bring him around for me, dear.

"Defences are mounting. [member="Darth Lykos"] , we are going to need you to disable some of them and give us a point of entry."

[member="Velok the Younger"] [member="Darth Ferox"] [member="Mala Arar"] [member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"]
"You think there is really something going on?"

Abyss could hear the soldiers talk from up his tree, the three man walking at the edges of the jungle in a surprisingly relaxed, slow pace. Figuring from their equipment, electronic binoculars and long range rifle, he had no doubt that they were sended out for field reconnaissance. The men stopped only a meter ot two below Abyss tree.

"Nah man, I think they're just paranoid. I know I would be after what happened at Ossus."

A small laugh was shared by the three men, a mix of actual amusement and nervousness, but it was suddenly cut of as a dark hooded figure emerged from behind them. His left rising in the air, slightly above his head, his fingers deformed to a claw, the sith lord stepped forward, before one of them even had time to react. Two of them turned around, but not to look at Abyss, instead aiming at the third man.

"He wha ..."

Was all that he managed to push out his lungs before several blasterbolts rammed into his body, the man falling dead to the ground in a matter of seconds. A cruel grin danced over Abyss face as he moved even closer, close enough to touch their flesh.

"You. Drag the body in the jungle. Then shoot yourself."

With a empty expression the man began to lift his friend from the ground, dragging the corpse into the jungle. A few moments later a single shoot could be heard. Satisfied he turned to the last of them, the soldier simply standing unmoved, looking at nothing in particular with his empty eyes. Abyss boney fingertips hoovered over his forehead, only a few millimetres above his flesh.

"Now to you. Let us see what your mind can tell me about the temple."

From the outside it looked like Abyss was simply standing in front of the man, but in the force it was easily noticeable that his mind had begun to eat the mans thoughts and memories, devouring what little knowledge he had about the temple. After he was finished he considered killing the man, hiding his body with the others, but in the end he decided against it.

Waiting was a good option, but he wouldn't pass up on such an angle if it presented itself like this. Fishing a handcuff from the mans belt, Abyss placed it on his hands, yet he made no attempt to lock it. With a simple movement of his left, the man began to walk in front of him, towards the temple, and Abyss followed, stumbling and his head hanging low, acting as beaten, broken man. It should get him close enough.
[member="Rexus Drath"] [member="Vitor Avendahl"] [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] [member="Mala Arar"] [member="Darth Ophidia"]

A Force Repulse was a highly visible, profoundly telegraphed thing, and Velok weighed almost four hundred fifty pounds. He got a good shove and a bloody nose, smashed his back painfully against a tree, but he was operational again by the time Rexus fired his third shot. As Thengil leaped to engage the Jedi at closest range, Velok weighed his options.

The art of fighting multiple opponents lay in using them to obstruct each other. Were he to go for melee as well, the Jedi might be able to play him off against Thengil. Therefore, he went back to his previous tactic, somewhat modified. A Force grip attempted to close around each of the farmer's hands, ideally slowing his weapons and making them clumsy. Either a sabre or that massive revolver could spell disaster for Thengil at close range. Therefore, they needed to be neutralized, and this would do for the moment.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments

Yula was doing her first mission as a ground commander: soon she will find out whether she was anywhere near close to achieving her long-term objective­. She always lamented how the Sith were weak in so many areas: attack craft piloting and, most glaringly, ground command. The Sith always considered that the only real ground assets of value were the Sith themselves, and that everything else was expendable. Yet Sith, while they were mostly able to fill shock/elite infantry roles, often overlook other roles. Five hundred armed and uniformed convicts from Nubia, in three companies, and a few vehicles, mainly anti-aircraft and AT-STs, were the leftovers from Darth Maladon's security force. While on the transport the dark-sided fanatics rented, Yula was about to board an AT-AA, which was a heavy anti-aircraft vehicle with blaster rifle mounts, in which some convicts will shoot at enemy guards, but before the operation begins, she had to debrief her own troops before the transport makes landfall, some distance from the temple grounds, and closer to the back entrance at that.

"I hope that you will hope to be a better commander than Darth Maladon was. We swore to serve the Sith until death do us part, yet no Sith wanted anything to do with us because of our last commanding officer" an AT-ST gunner commented.

"The enemy will deploy their attack craft without fail. Our fellow Sith brought no air cover, or anti-aircraft, and yet they want to achieve nothing less than a full-scale assault: that's irresponsible"

"What's the battle plan?" an AT-AA gunner asked Yula.

"The Chorus will be very unhappy if you don't have one!"

"Then again, the enemy doesn't expect us Sith to bring anti-aircraft along. While companies 1 and 2 slip inside the sewers, aided by a few sapper droids, and, from there, steal everything they can, company 3, as well as the AT-ST squadron, will draw out the enemy forces so that it will mow down their resistance"

"Roger, roger"

"Darth Maladon shall be avenged!"

[member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Rexus Drath"] [member="Calina Ovmar"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] [member="Mala Arar"] [member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Velok the Younger"] [member="Vitor Avendahl"] [member="Darth Ferox"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Darth Lykos"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Tirdarius"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn stood tall, clad in what remained of his Beskar'gam. The chest piece was gone, all that remained was the portions that covered his arms and his legs. He curled his hands at his side, standing in the way of the Sith's entrance to the temple. It did not matter how he got there, what he was doing. All that mattered was the here and the now. Tracyn withdrew his lightsaber hilt, and thumbed the activation. It snapped out with a hiss, and he held out at his side, ready to engage her. It was blue with a light orange coloring near the base, a result of the solari crystal embedded within.

He stopped and held the blade out, and said nothing. He had nothing to say anymore. He had only fight left in him now.

[member="Darth Vitium"]
Running a quick scan of the land before him once more, Xavka growled lowly in annoyance at the sights that greeted him: a steadily growing militia force, the farmer Jedi engaging the main on-foot Sith group and turrets that were slowly coming online from where they were previously hidden within bushes and trees, only visible to Xavka from his vantage point. What had once been a stealth based mission revolving around taking advantage of the Jedi's surprise, should any of them had still resided in the old Temple, to a push to break through to reach that very same temple. Sighing in frustration, Xavka returned his crosshairs to where he had had them set before - upon the bodies of scouting droids hovering above the grounds of the Temple - and began to count of those that were in his range.

As the words of his Master would crackle over the coms, a feral and bloodthristy smile would cross the Iridonian's mouth for but a brief moment before his mask of stoicism reasserted itself and he clamped down upon those urges. "Understood. Moving forward now. You should see some of those drones drop soon."

Even as Xavka was growling out those words, he finalised his counting, finding four droids for him to remove from play. Letting his eye drift shut, Xavka turned his focus inwards for but a moment before his eye snapped open once more, the barrel of the sniper rifle twisted to the left slightly as his breath hitched for a moment and a bolt of plasma would pierce from the tree line to impact one of the droids before, with an exhale, Xavka blurred forwards, if he had been visible, towards a new spot, all too aware that he would have given away his former position with that shot.

During the brief moment that Xavka had let his eye shut, he had exercised the ability that had briefly lead to him being labeled the Sin of Sloth: Force Slow. However, instead of reaching out and corrupting a target, Xavka had completely reversed the technique and altered it into something different. Instead of hindering the speed at which the chemicals carrying the electrical signals crossed the gaps between two synapses, therefore slowing down both thought speed and reflexes, the Zabrak instead aided in the transference, leading to the impulses within his nervous system to move through his body at a greater speed and causing his entire body to suddenly operate on a much more faster level; thoughts and reflexes included.

Leaping from tree branch to tree branch, Xavka weaved his way closer to the Temple walls, never following a set path so as to not be tracked. Stopping on another branch six branches later, Xavka's claws would once more bite into bark as he brought the rifle up once more, enhanced reflexes twitching his arm into lining up the shot quicker than normal before, once more, his breath would hitch as a bolt of plasma would lance forwards to destroy another drone. 'Two down.'

Pounce up and to the left, down and further to the left while dodging under a branch in the way, drop down, leap to the right and scale the trunk before pushing forwards. Again and again the Iridonian would more from tree to tree and twice more he would stop and fire the rifle, dropping the final two drones in the area, as he steadily advanced on his targets; the Temple and the turrets that lay before him. He did not know if it was because of the Cloak in the Force hiding him from view or if it was because of the Specter Gloss applied to his cloak preventing him from being seen through thermal sights, but the turrets had yet to focus on him. Before he was right on top of the turrets near him, Xavka paused to activate the coms, pushing the rifle back onto his back where it hung from the strap attached to it.

"Scouting drones in the area removed. Advancing to remove turrets. Keep an eye out, they're concealed within the bushes."

Letting the coms click off once more, Xavka let the effects of the reversed Force Slow drop, letting his heightened reflexes fall back to normal so as to prevent pushing his body past its limits. In the time since he had fired his first shot, barely a minuet had passed and yet, he could already feel a slight strain to his body. Grunting softly, confident in the Cloak enough that he knew that only he would hear said sound, Xavka pushed forwards toward the near by turret, still moving through the trees.

[member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Darth Ferox"]
// Expansion Region \\
Ombakond Sector, Yutan System, Yutan
The Star Destroyers popped off a couple of preliminary shots at the Pantoran ship as it descended into the atmosphere, but didn't bother to engage in a full-scale chase. They would have to leave the planet sooner or later, and when they did Omarest Croscal would ensnare them in his web. He turned to look at one of his many adjutants that lingered behind him, a rugged thirty-something year old that had been at Croscal's side through nearly every Imperial engagement since after the Battle of Carida. "Disembark all fighters, I want them to keep an eye out for any non-friendly ship trying to enter or leave Yutan and destroy them." The adjutant saluted crisply, his closed fist pounding against his breast with vigorous enthusiasm. "His will be done!" came shortly after, another reverent declaration of their master's perpetual influence among the soldiers and officers that bound themselves to him.

Meanwhile the attack on the Jedi Temple was proceeding smoothly as the other elements of the Sith incursion force moved themselves into position against the various temple defenses just as the main force assembled, organized itself, and began to make its own advance towards the temple. All in all three thousand nine hundred-and-fifty two Blackblade Guardsmen had been assembled for this operation, alongside one hundred-and-fifty nine repulsortanks, two hundred-and-eighty repulsorcraft, forty speeder bikes, and a great menagerie of Hegemonic Automaton battle droids to enhance the flesh and blood soldiers. The entire regiment was then further augmented by the droid starfighters screeching above and the S90 MAAT gunships that first ferried them down from the Subjugators in low orbit, but now had begun to initiate strafing runs on the temple complex itself. Composite-beams would slice across the temple grounds as gunners, dedicated in their ideals, their cause, and their accuracy, sought to cut down any stray Jedi that had not yet retreated to the sanctity of the greater temple structure.

The gunships would also pay particular attention to the hanger that ran parallel to the actual temple, missiles screaming through the air in an attempt to sever the second floor walkway that bridged the two structures while many more would be fired on the hanger itself. The attack was well coordinated, well planned and strategized, with the Blackblade regiment acting as the Sith's spearhead to pierce deep into whatever defenses the Jedi and Republic had left behind at the Yutan temple to pave the way for victory for the rest of the Sith. It wouldn't be long now before some of the Blackblades actually began to come across and/or link up with actual Sith.

That being said, one of the S90s would dip down low towards the flat expanse leading up to the temple's grand entryway and the towering steps leading up to it. The side door would slide open and an individual would drop out down onto the weathered stone, the impact of his gargantuan body cracking the stone and sending out a small shockwave of dust and air in all directions. He tilted his horned visage up to glare at the boorish temple edifice, now properly under siege by his loyal soldiers, and let forth a great bellowing laughter.

Yes, this temple would suffice. It's ruination will bring him great pleasure.
After the random man uttered an apology under his breath everything went so fast. Whatever magical grip the Whipid had upon the man was broken, the opportunity to finish off the man was gone. The opportunistic duo - Cathar and woman - were quick enough to take their chance, a sign of experience in killing. Although Vitor had perceived the chance, it was his absolute lack of experience in murdering anything that led to him being blown away from the sudden invisible that apparently the random man had conjured.

It was his earlier caution and confusion that saved him from more serious injuries as Vitor was standing a bit further away from the rest of the group. Nonetheless, the wave send him crashing into a thinner tree punching the air out of his lungs and forcing him to try and gather his breath again while kneeling down on the ground.

The blurred vision from the impact with the tree was gone after a few seconds and Vitor could make out the fighting figures ahead of him. He analysed the situation calmly now that he was a bit further from the action and danger. The pain from hitting the tree had washed away the initial fear and now Vitor contemplated his choices. He was not a great marksman, the pickaxe on his back was a by far more capable weapon in his hands. Shooting with the blaster now could result in damaging allies considering the congestion of Forces but jumping in with the pickaxe against a man wielding the Force was not the best idea.


He pulled his blaster pistol out successfully and aimed at the enemy. Easing his breathing and focusing on making the shot, Vitor awaited the opportunity for where his shot would be well placed and friendlies were away from harm's way. With his poor skill set, this was the best decision he could take. The investment banker did not want to be close to another wave that man could project.

[member="Rexus Drath"] | [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] | [member="Mala Arar"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Velok the Younger"] | @OnPhoneProbablyMissingSomebody
As the Gunships flew in, a worrying look appeared on Temple Leader's face who Priscilla had now knew him as Mos Quasardon. He gazed over to Priscilla and nodded once, before looking towards a security member of the base. Without speaking a single word, the doors to exit the abandoned Grand Marshal's chamber were opened, along with all hope of a successful defense in Priscilla's eyes. She gave a quick glance to Alfred who was now looking at the floor in silence. As she exited the room she went to the now filled Meditation chamber, occupying it were the disabled, children and the elderly. None of them took note of her as a saddened feeling crossed her mind.

"Alfred, I do hope you will not think bad of me for saying this." She sighs, coming to the realization of the situation she was in. Was she ready for this, the horrors of war? Was she ready to make sacrifices? Yes. A sacrifice she would have to make.

"Fill the Yacht with the elderly, force them if you must. We'll create a distraction for the freighters to arrive, this base clearly had no idea it was a target of oppurtunity for the Sith, and is severely undermanned; the only hope we have is getting those freighters on the ground to evacuate everyone. Mos has no intentions of using his intelligence, he only cares for revenge in my eyes."

As she said this, Alfred's face would return to normal, understanding what must be done. As he did this, several of the Royal Guards Priscilla had brought started selecting people from the crowd to be 'chosen', while he himself left again for the Office upstairs, opening a communications channel with the freighters and its Escort.

"We are sending a distraction to the Sith fleet, a noble sacrifice from these people. Prepare to fly immediately as we give you the signal. Land at the clearing behind the base, the defenses are severely weakened and this is our only chance of getting people out of here."

"Right away, Captain"

Around 4 minutes later, Alfred would be approached by another one of the guards. "The ship is in orbit."

He sighed heavily as he turned to the microphone once again. "Go."

The rest of the guards started gathering various artifacts and relics from the temple to be evacuated with the people. The former Diplomatic vessel was now seen exiting the atmosphere and driving straight towards the Sith starfleet. The Naval Officer on board attempted to hail them, whether they listened or not was up to them. "Your Lordship of the Mighty Sith empire, this is the Pantoran Royal Vessel. We are surrendering our ambassador, prominent Temple leaders and several temple relics in the hopes that you will offer the people of this planet freedom."

As this was happening, the two freighters from earlier were now joined by another 4, along with an additional 50 fighters to escort. They quickly made way to the Jedi Temple on the ground, avoiding combat as necessary; also hoping the distraction would be enough, or at least buy them enough time to get to the Yutan Temple.

The fighting outside continued as the desparate Militiamen of the Temple struggled to maintain the defenses and hold the Sith back.

Darth Vitium Rexus Drath Calina Ovmar Darth Carnifex Shmi Labooda Thengil Ri'Shajirr Mala Arar Shmi Labooda Velok the Younger Vitor Avendahl Darth Ferox Alexandra Feanor Darth Lykos Darth Ophidia Tirdarius


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.
The Yutan Temple wasn't as massive as many of the others known to the Jedi. From inside they could hear the echoes of explosives and blaster rounds going off, a sound that was just all too familiar to her. Her strides were long but weak, she hadn't gotten to a full out sprint just yet but even as she moved the foundation beneath her began to grumble and shake. She came to a halt and locked her legs so that she could maintain her balance.

"They'll bring this whole place down..." At this point her breathing had picked up, and her arms and shoulders glistened in the dim lighting from the sweat that started to build on her body. She ran her right hand through her hair to push back the strands that her bun couldn't hold back. "We'll run the risk of getting trapped if we go any lower...I say we work our way towards the top. First I want to see what this energy is..."

She took a few steps closer, but stood just outside the entrance to the courtyard. From the door she felt a light aura vibrate through her, but there was also a much neutral being present, much more faint. The door finally slid open once it picked up her presence and the first thing she saw was a massive tree.

"It's the tree...its imbued with energy." She looked on in awe, and when she took a step forward something very small cracked under the pressure of her boot. She looked down to see seeds...

"Perhaps this is something they've come for?"

[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Darth Atrox

The forest was alive with chaos and fear; the two things Darth Krieg revelled the most. It gave him strength and focus, allowing him to tap into his abilities and unleash them with devastating accuracy and power. But, for now that would have to wait. These defences needed dismantling and Karak figured he might as well contribute to that instead of being sat in a muddy puddle.

The Knight pulled out some macrobinoculars and surveyed the defensive armament the Temple had going for him. It seemed that there were simple droids capable of decimating areas of forest in order to find their prey, stationary DF.9s which had to be manned by troops and seemingly idle guns scattered over the Temple roof. They must have gone underground. Let's flush them out.

"I have established a visual on the Temple and can confirm that there are several heavy guns and turrets stationed around the Temple. There are no signs of activity on the surface. No, scratch that. There is a Jedi inspecting the exterior of the Temple. Stand by."

His message was broadcasted to all the Sith on the planet, and he began to edge closer to the treeline. Using the Force, he gripped a tree and toppled it onto a few turrets about 30 feet from his current position. He then Force Dashed to the perimeter of the Temple, pressing himself against the wall and hiding his Dark Side signature.

[member="Shmi Labooda"] | [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | @everyone else

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
In action movies the main character usually got shot in the shoulder and just kept on going. Like it wasn't nothing. But that wasn't the case in real life. The shoulder had lots of nerves, veins, even an artery. All things that would cause either extreme amounts of pain or in some cases death due to bleeding out. Thankfully this was only the first instead of the latter. A razor sharp disc implanted itself into his left shoulder blade and dug in good. The older Jedi let out a pained cry as nerves and muscle screamed in agony from within.

"Oh yeah! That hit bone! Good shot!" Rexus said with raspy voice and a pained chuckle afterwards.

Suddenly the pistol in his hand felt like it weighed a ton. It was hard to grab on to, and it was even harder to move. Not just due to the fact that the older sith was constricting his hands, but you know, the razor disc sticking out of his back. Which made it easy for Liono to smack the weapon out of his hand when he tried to level it at him. The weapon discharged once more and the round would strike a nearby tree as the pistol was flung from his grip.

But where some people saw disadvantage, Rex saw opportunity. With his hand relieved of the pistol he could use that hand for other tasks. And while his hands were still being restricted by the sith, he didn't need his free hand to perform delicate tasks like squeezing a trigger or gripping a gun. So instead he suffered through the raw pain from his shoulder and lifted up his arm still struggling against the Sith's grasp to simply have an open hand. And with that open hand he sent a powerful force blast at the cat sith capable of sending the fattest of Hutts flying back.

But of course the Jedi knew this was a no win scenario. His comm link was buzzing that the temple was clear and that he should go. So you didn't need to tell him twice. But as that thought was going on a blaster pistol shot flew forward and struck him in his side. It wasn't so much a graze but it didn't quite hit center mass either. It was that special kind of hell next to life threatening injury and minor knick, which always spelt out his long term friend. Pain.

But with the blaster bolt passing through him, Rex struggled to keep his reserve and stay on his legs. He'd then take a page out of female Sith Jr's play book and use the force to augment his speed. With the force flowing through him he started to book right into a deeper part of the forest as to keep him covered from snipers. Though tracking him would be pretty easy due to the blood trail he was leaving.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"] [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] [member="Mala Arar"] [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Abyss continued his stumble behind the mind controlled soldier, the image of the temple getting clearer with every step he took. It was to perfect. Fate gave him a way inside and a pawn at the same time and he would make good use of both. The options that opened up by a hostage and a disguise were near endless, and if he played his cards right he could get into the heart of the temple without drawing his saber once. He was skilled in the arts of stealth, but his true talents rested in his abilities to trick and deceive. As they came in open sight of the temple, Abyss again made a subtle movement with his left.

"HQ? We have a situation here. We were out in the jungle gathering intel, and encountered two men, sith if I am right. One got away ... and ... and he got the rest of my group, but I managed to arrest the younger one. He was already pretty badly injured when I found him. Honestly I didn't knew what to do, there is no protocol for this that I am aware of. We are coming to the temple."

The man placed his com back on his belt and continued his walk, Abyss only a meter behind him. He hoped that the jedi were unorganized enough to keep suspicions as low as possible, well at least for a sith in a jedi temple. If they would believe that he was a prisoner, some lost and injured acolyte than he could get inside, and was even relatively safe. The jedi normally didn't kill her prisoners.

If she would look right through him, than he still had a hostage, one that would happily put a blasterblot in his own head if he gave the order to. There were two weaknesses all jedi shared. Mercy, and their valuing of innocent life. Both he had often exploited in his encounters with the jedi, and today he would do it again.

[member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"] @anyoneelse

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Main Courtyard, Beside the light side Tree
Allies: [member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="Tracyn"]
Enemies: (Tag me if you are coming to my location)

"Why hello Master Jedi, can I help you?" Alexandra turned her head to look at the woman, sabers still held in her hands as she remained in front of the tree.

Alexandra didn't seem too worried, but there was still that moment of concern striking her face. She could feel the Sith quite clearly now, and her thoughts were more focused on them than the Jedi Master who had arrived in the area. Her noticing of the seeds interested Alexandra considering how small and insignificant they would be to most. As far as anyone would care, they were tiny specks on the ground that had no effect on the situation what was why she used them.

Alexandra's eyes would then be drawn to the Sith appearing and having been taken, prisoner. She had no idea who this Sith was ([member="Darth Abyss"]), but it seemed that at least one had been taken prisoner and he must be a weaker one if he could be captured like that. She dismissed him if he was weak enough to be caught by soldiers and her body fell back, tired of standing up straight and waiting. She didn't ignore the Sith, though, at least Daeda didn't as it watched him like a hawk. The small creature was hidden off to the side, watching and making sure that Abyss did not come close enough to be a danger to the person who was connected to him.

Alexandra had at this point though returned her focus to the Jedi Master who she had greeted. "Here to find a Sith or two to fight with? None have shown up yet except for the weakling over there it seems." She almost wanted the Sith to break out and attack; it would be a bit more entertaining if he did.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
While Darth Carnifex's airpower patrolled the skies around Yutan to ensure that any friendly landing force, regardless whether they were under Carnifex's control or not, would be safe, well, as safe as it was possible when so close to a Jedi Temple for dark-siders, Yula's force landed in the woods some distance away from the Jedi Temple. Darth Maladon was accused of communicating information from the Sith to the Republic, and this is payback for that crime; nevertheless, treasures of the Force awaited. To think that Maladon's executive officer combed the Sith of the galaxy to fill the position, and that most Sith shunned Maladon in the wake of his crimes. A manhole cover was in the middle of the back alley, probably leading to the heart of the Jedi Temple, one way or another. But she had no way of knowing for certain whether it actually will: the information given to her contained only fragmentary information about the layout of said temple. At best. The anti-aircraft and her walkers, alongside the third company, remained within the trees, thinking that keeping the back alley bare would provide the enemy with an escape route that she would then ambush. As the First and Second Companies began to infiltrate what could be a maintenance manhole, the men descended one by one through it.

"General, we're in position: we located a manhole cover"

"Keep an eye open for the enemy attack craft. Third Company, walkers, stay hidden among the trees: watch out for enemy ambushes"

"Get inside the manhole, quick!"

[member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Darth Krieg"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Velok the Younger"] [member="Vitor Avendahl"] [member="Darth Lykos"] [member="Darth Ferox"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Tracyn"] [member="Rexus Drath"] [member="Darth Vitium"]
"No clear shot? Then move to make one. Make your own openings." Ferox said over the coms with a chuckle. He had expected [member="Darth Ophidia"] to already think of that. As he moved to the free path the sound of fighting was clear in his ears. So war had finally begun. Good. It would give the Zabrak an opportunity to get around and into the temple. He rounded the corner to the forest route, only to see the turret that was online and ready to go.

Ferox could only grit his teeth as he pressed on, listening to the gun open fire behind him. Only the Force imbued in his limbs kept him fast enough to outpace the turret as he ran his way inside. "Hurry up on the turret clearing. I'm almost inside the temple." Naturally the Zabrak spoke to [member="Darth Lykos"] , and there was a bit of impatience hinting in his words. Not that he wanted to rush his fellow Assassin, but as another blaster bolt sang past his ear he couldn't help but want a hussle.

Darth Imperia

Breathe in.

Breath out.

Basic first aid was not a problem. It was a simple process, really, and one that the Apprentice could perform. Disengaging her lightsaber, the grey-skinned young woman reached for the pack on her belt. Inside was a basic assortment of first aid gear - Quick Clot, dressing for a wound, pressure-sensitive bandaging. She wished she'd brought some anesthetic for just a moment, but no. The pain would help her focus. It would strengthen her resolve, not weaken it - she was no longer a diva living on Coruscant. She was a Sith, and she could handle pain like one. She hoped.

Step one - dump the hemostatic agent onto the wound. Not the most graceful of procedures, but the Acolyte felt instant relief. Her wound simply felt cleaner, cooler. The burning pain lessened - not by much, but enough that she could function once more. Next, packing the wound. With something between a growl and a whimper, the young woman packed the dressing against the gash in her leg - she probably should've just been grateful that the round wasn't lodged in her leg, but she wasn't in a very generous mood, considering the circumstances. Last, but not least, there was the actual bandaging to do. Not too tight, but not loose, either.

A patch-job in the middle of a jungle wasn't exactly grade-A medical treatment, but it'd have to do. Could she walk on that leg? In an attempt to find out, she rose up, wincing with pain - it was possible, but not optimal. She'd have to be careful. Trudging out of the forest with a pronounced limp, the Acolyte ignited her lightsaber, twirling it casually in her mechanical grasp.
Some poor jedi was going to get his heart cut out for the trouble that farmer gave her.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]
[member="Velok the Younger"]

[member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"]


An invisible wall of energy came up and slapped Thengil away like a giant's backhand. The air whooshed from his lungs and he flew up into the air, body rotating. Time itself seemed to slow as he hung there, in that precious second between flying and falling.

We are Cathar.

The snippet of a lesson a lifetime ago. The teacher best forgotten.

How do we land, Ri'shajirr?

Thengil twisted, his entire body contorting mid-air. Boots slammed into the earth, crushing the grass beneath with the weight.

On our feet.

He righted himself with a shake and turned in the direction of the fleeing Jedi, who swiftly disappeared into the jungle. Growling laughter came low from the Cathar and he broke into a bounding sprint after the human. The biofibers of the exosuit's knee joint might be shredded, but Thengil did not need the endurance it gave him to catch up to the wounded prey.

Tracking through both the Force and the bloody trail, Thengil began to gain swiftly on his quarry.

[member="Rexus Drath"] | [member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Mala Arar"] | [member="Vitor Avendahl"]
“Mjolnir, proceed to my position. It's time for a spot of fun.”

Good. Hanging back was dull as feth.

She emerged from the freighter a creation of metal and flesh, eager for whatever a spot of fun entailed. It was probably violence. As if the woman would have been deployed for any other reason than that. Could you imagine? Diplomacy via fist. Quick, sure. Effective, probably not in the desired manner. Intergalactic accident bound.

“I recommend approaching with caution, Mjolnir. There's a Jedi here, armed and extremely dangerous.”

Forehead creased for a second, not that it halted her advance into the trees. With a black and rigid metallic jaw, the entirety of expression came from the upper half of the face. Who knew that eyebrows said so much? Still, it was curiosity. She had yet to experience a Jedi in her life to this point. The young woman supposed that everybody felt the same when you buried a fist into their teeth. Unless they had face tentacles or something...

That probably felt somewhat different.

Upon arriving at her Master's location it seemed as if she had already missed the action. Less awkward, however and more concerning. Evidently, her own arrival had not been prompt enough. It certainly breed a peculiar feeling of guilt. Guilt. Now that is a new one.

At least on the bright side, it meant that there was somebody responsible to smash.

“You've been shot, Master,” the blunt robotic-edged voice declared, pointing out the obvious so hard that a species in another galaxy died from the butterfly effect, “want me to break their face?”


[member="Mala Arar"] | I'm probably supposed to tag other people

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