Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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See Them Driven Before You [Sith raid on Yutan Jedi Temple]


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.
"Perhaps, I wouldn't suspect they knew about it but...they could more than likely find some use for it." In her day she had seen some many things twisted and manipulated by the Force on both sides. She wouldn't be surprised if they found some way to utilize the object.

"How did it come to be? Was it created purposefully?"

"Most times, when there is a massive gathering of energy in one spot the objects surrounding it begin to soak it up...this is one of those situations. This is a Jedi Temple, the Jedi were stationed here for some time...their connection to the force converged with the temple itself and the objects within. It gave way to this tree." She simply explained, most of the Knights apart of the ORDF hadn't such experience, most were from the Outer Rim and came to train at Exis. It was a teachable moment, so she took advantage. However that moment was cut short when she heard the voice of a women, her head turned but her body became stiff if she had to make a move. In this moment she thought it was likely someone hostile.

In her head she spoke, "Another Jedi?". She nodded her head in a form of greeting and then real words followed, "The Temple is under attack. You should come with us, we're working on getting a transport out of here...we can't stay."

Shmi noticed the women's eyes shift, and so she turned to see what had caught her gaze. Shmi's eyebrow rose, "Is this some sort of joke? I see through you, deception won't help." Her eyes came into a squint, visible irritation.

Perhaps some may have fallen for the ruse...but she was trained specifically to resist such. Even now she could feel the darkness closing in around them, and had heard off into the distance their opposition making the grand entrance. She had no patience.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Darth Krieg"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Year Zero

Amidst the undergrowth and below the trees stood a Jedi in the way of the Sith. He spoke no words, uttered no challenge, but she knew that the ignition of his lightsaber meant a fight to the death. He gave her the respect of silence, and thus she returned it - wordlessly igniting both of her red sabers in answer to his brazen attempt at halting her progress. It mattered little, however, because soon she would be leaving an either dead or crippled man behind to kill every Jedi and their padawan within the temple. Perhaps he did pose a challenge and perhaps he stalled their fight long enough to ensure many of the weaker Jedi could escape, but it would matter little with the arrival of air superiority and ground support. All this man did was sign his own death warrant, throwing away whatever chances he had at survival.

But he hadn't known that - there was no possibility that he understood the mistake he made by choosing to bar her passage - and yet she felt no pity for the dead man walking, only the focus and preparedness to fight. A gap was left between the two, maybe a handful of meters at best, in order to allow the Sith a moment to decide on her plan of action. She'd made ample use of Djem So and Makashi to kill the two Jedi Knights she'd encountered earlier, but she wasn't too certain if she wanted to exert herself or utilize a less strenuous form. As she had with the other two, Vitium merely stood here ground as she waited for the Jedi to make the first move.

From the edge of the courtyard Abyss could see, or rather sense the tree he came here looking for. The light pumped through it so pure and innocent that even a jedi stood pale in comparison. Getting here had been easier than he had thought, as he still stood behind his soldier, his hands seemingly in chains, and the position of his body still showing a broken man. While his head was hanging low, his eyes searched the area as good as possible, trying to plan his next move. He had an idea, but it would be a rather dangerous stunt to pull, and only if the jedi would react as he hoped to it would work. Most jedis were predictable, but his many encounters with them over time made him realise that there were exceptions. A second soldier made his way to Abyss and his guard, looking older than the others around him.

"We should get this ... thing into a cell. After the war with the one sith I know all to well how dangerous it is to have these creatures out in the open."

With the power of his mind Abyss made the man nod as an answer, as the small group pushed towards the temple. All doubts were gone now, it had to be now or never. Like before his mind extended, taking hold of both men now, which stopped in their walk with empty, dead eyes. With a ring the handcuffs fell to the ground, as Abyss stood between his new toys. A single flick of his left was enough for both soldiers, that now stoof besides him, their rifles aimed at the head of the other. With a booming voice he began to speak:

"Anyone who make a wrong move has to live with their blood on his or her hands. I have looked in this ones mind ..."

A boney hand danced over the younger soldiers face, to indicate which of them he meant.

"... He had children. A wife. A live. It would be a shame if all that would be lost. But I am not without a heart. I have an offer, one that allows you to save their lives. Or do you want all those gathered here how loyal the jedi are to their allies."

A dark, inhuman laugh emerged from his lungs as he stood, one hand at the hilt of his saber, the other now openly hanging in the air like he was controlling a puppet below it.

"I am not here to spill blood. It is the tree I am after. I challenge whoever feels responsible to a duel. The winner gets everything, their lives and that of the tree. And do not try to trick me, a thought is enough to end their lives."

[member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] @Allotherjediatthe temple
One of the patrolling guards approached Priscilla with a grin on his face.

"Ma'am, one of the Sith Lords has been captured by a patrol, apparently he surrendered."

She would turn round with a shaken lip, confused. A Sith Lord surrendering? Unlikely. "Take me to him. Alfred, get the people out of this Chamber, the freighters should hopefully be arriving. Prepare for full evacuation measures, if they aren't here in 10 minutes, get them off this temple and into the forest around the back, as far as I've heard they're approaching from the front" Priscilla would then follow the guard as they approached the courtyard, they saw the two soldiers with their guns aimed at each other. She would shake her head. "Alfred, shoot them both."

As this was happening, the 5 freighters each loaded with around 102 guard members each had landed on the landing pads, and the escort was now circling above the compound while some went out on scouting missions, however the thickness of the brush made it nearly impossible to see anything. She would smile as the freighters came into land and then say.

"Sith, stand down or you'll be arrested on behalf of the Pantoran Republic for crimes and civilization. You have 5 seconds." The troops would start unloading from the vessels, and you could see in the background them assisting with the evacuation of relics, people (some forcefully) along with other antiquities in the temple. Around a further 31 guards (in total 32) would be walking over in formation to this current situation. Priscilla herself, even drew her weapon on the shadows. Seeing the hesitation of Alfred, she proceeded to shoot both of the guards Abyss was controlling, a shocked look came across his face. "I know your games. Stand-down. Now. You're outnumbered, outmatched and outgunned." A circle of guards was now forming around the corrupted 'thing', all with their guns aimed at it, hoping to threaten it somehow. Whether this thing was sentient or not was not her concern right now, she needed a distraction to get these people out of here.

[member="Darth Abyss"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
[member="Darth Vitium"]

And with that, he sped forward. He gripped his lightsaber tightly, pulling it to his right with a two-handed grip. He built the force into his body, amplifying his strength and his speed. He needn't anything else, truthfully. He had been fighting long enough for most things to be muscle memory. Instincts took over. Training kicked in. He launched himself at her, beskar-covered legs leaping off the ground. He held his lightsaber outboard, and aimed his armored foot right at her chest. He needed to start the fight with a statement. And the statement was 'screw you'.

He had an air of calm about him, an unusual thing for Tracyn Ordo.
Both his hands up in the air Abyss stood, surrounded by the approaching soldiers. That his two pawns were shoot didn't made them worth less. He could just take another one or two of those closing in on him hostage, and their death gave him a weapon, not a physical one, but one aimed at the moral of his enemies. Unmoved he spoke again, while his mind reached out in thr force, searching for the soldiers that were the weakest, most scared of them.

"I will never surrender. The real question is, how many of you are ready to sacrifice their lives for my death, in the name of "leaders" that care so little for you."

His mind found two fitting candidates, both on his right. The reeked of fear and confusion, in the presence of this dark being. His thoughts began to take hold in their minds, but he didn't took control just yet. They had to play their part, but at the right time.

"I know what it means to lose you friends, your brothers in arms, for commanders that do not hold the same loyalty to you, that you hold to them. Children without fathers, wives without husbands, but for what? Only because those who command you are to scared to risk their own lives instead of yours. Step aside, and you will be spared."

Suddenly the two controlled soldier broke formation, dropping their weapons, making a run for thr transporters, their faces masks of fear and horror. Maybe some would follow, seeing the truth in his words, or just out of fear.

[member="Priscilla Genesis"]
[member="Vitor Avendahl"][member="Rexus Drath"][member="Mala Arar"][member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"]

Two options presented themselves.

Number one: Leave the wounded Jedi to his retreat and the dubious company of his pursuers. Trust Thengil to bring him down long enough that others could continue the dogpile. Proceed to the temple and do some...good.

Number two: Watch the Jedi try to dash away. Raise left hand. Make fist. Conjure Force grip around legs and feet with intent to trip and slow.

With a mental shrug, Velok enacted option two.


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.

Shmi stood there silent, looking on at the exchange happening between both sides. Then the foundation underneath her feet began to quake as rubble and dust fell from above. She thought to herself for the moment,

"We're going to be completely routed if we just stand here..."

Then her eyes bounced around between the others, in this moment she thought back to O'reen; that conflict was devastating and they were in a similar situation...the only difference was then they had a full force and were aided by reinforcements. She could feel bigger and badder coming this way. So she stood forward, and pulled her lightsaber hilt from her belt.

"This temple is going to fall regardless. Whatever remains will become yours in the end, I don't care about this tree. It's all inevitable. I'll accept your challenge." She was probably one of the ones who could be more effective anyway, though this would only serve to let the others move while they still had the chance to. At least her fellow knights understood this, so they would do their best to convince them to evacuate if they could.

[member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Darth Krieg"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
"General, that manhole leads to the temple's power generators" a soldier reported.

"Companies 1 and 2, throw what proton grenades you can. After that, stay clear of the manhole: fall back to the forest!"

The forward team threw a few proton grenades inside the manhole: destroying the temple's power generators could cause the turrets to be deactivated, and would wreak havoc inside the temple. Then they would be able to steal whatever they can once the chaos erupting inside the temple becomes too much. But even if the generators weren't outright destroyed, damage to reactors could cause a chain reaction that would, in the end, lead to their destruction. And a hole big enough to lead infantry down it, more than just one abreast. She knows better than to expect walkers to fit inside the inner corridors. Oh, sure, she could use one of the 36 missiles in her AT-AA to fire at the reactor, but using anti-aircraft missiles to shoot at an underground target wasn't the best proposition. But the crewmen inside her AT-AA watched, horrified, their sensor display indicating that the enemy has deployed their attack craft although not knowing who to target: was it her squadron of walkers, laying in wait in the forest? Was it her fellow Sith?

"Let's finish what Maladon started! I want snipers on overwatch, higher up the trees"

"General, the enemy has deployed attack craft!"

"Anti-aircraft, fire at will!"

[member="Velok the Younger"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="Shmi Labooda"] [member="Darth Ferox"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Darth Krieg"] [member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Tracyn"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]
As the two guards retreated, a further twelve retreated before Priscilla yelled. "Stop this insolence at once. Finish hi-.." as she said this, one of the aircraft came spiraling down into the building, devastating it and collapsing the roof on the former Grand Marshal's office, however a glimpse of hope came in as the Freighters landed on the temple's landing zone. Screaming and crying would come from the battered refugees as they started entering the transports, along with (in total) 510 extra guards being deployed to the Temple's defenses. As she turns back to the specter infront of her, she would say to Alfred. "I don't care how you do it, arrest that thing or execute it. We're leaving in 2 minutes"

The advancing droid army coming from the brush started an exchange between them and the regiments that had been deployed from the freighters, as they scrambled to man the positions. Alfred would also follow her and she started running towards the escape craft, now under the threat of the Anti-Air missiles that had shot down one of the escort craft. As she watched the panic people frenzy and many of the guards started to fall, she turned to Alfred once again and said.

"Has my father sent the additionals?"

"Yes Ma'am, but they won't be arriving for at least another half an hou-.." Another attack craft would spiral into the temple, causing one of the arches to fall and for the temple to collapse on the exit that was bringing the refugees out. She would shoot a concerned look towards him, "We're leaving. I don't care how many people we've saved. Attempt to get that gap open, you've got 5 minutes" He would nod before taking a 5 other guardsmen in a desperate attempt to get the sealed gap open; on the other side the screams of children and crying could be heard, presumably from the shock and terror they were in. Priscilla looked down once again the circle surrounding the ghost, inspecting what was happening.

[member="Yula Knezevic"] [member="Darth Abyss"]

Darth Atrox

"I am inside, and I believe I have not been detected."

Karak had successfully managed to infiltrate the Temple with ease from the Southern Door, the one he had sensed to be the least guarded on the inside. His blade had only needed to slay a few terrified troops to make an example of his superior power, and the rest of the defensive squadron went fleeing into the deep, dark labyrinth of the former Jedi sanctuary, presumably to alert someone more capable of the breach.

The Sith Knight's boots made little sound as he marched along the lit hallways of the Temple, following the stench of dread and peril seeping from the very walls of Temple. It was masking something deep inside the stone hallways, which was drawing him closer. Wherever and whatever it was Krieg was aware he had to get there. Before the Jedi buried him alive.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Lightside Tree
Allies: [member="Shmi Labooda"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Abyss"] (Tag me if you arrive in the area)

"Hmm, amusing." She listened to him talking about the soldier having children and shook her head with an annoyed expression. It was a statement she had heard a million times and could care less about at this point, but it seemed the Jedi wanted to save the man. She could never understand how the mind of the Jedi worked, how they took every situation in the way that saved as many lives as possible when war was simply like that. Someone can't save everyone in war, and it is better to kill the creatures that would wish to do damage to more than let them live as prisoners.

The thought left her watching before seeing the death of those two men by the Pantoran's orders. She had no idea who [member="Priscilla Genesis"], but had a feeling she was doing something not so accepted by the Jedi Master.

As others routed, Shmi prepared for her fight, and Abyss stood there weaving his words, Alexandra would focus on the tree behind her. She would place her sabers on her belt before placing one hand on the tree and breathing out to connect herself to its presence, using it as a battery and staring at the Sith Lord before speaking to the Jedi Master [member="Shmi Labooda"]. "I do suggest you not take too long Master Jedi, else I might need to get drastic with force to give you time to run." He smile had returned to her face, staring at the Jedi before turning her mind to the Sith with her free hand held at the ready.

She was focusing on that center point in the palm of her hand, generate all the energy that she could and using the tree as her main source of power for now to not drain herself. If they were forced to abandon this tree, she would ensure that those who got close before hand were met with a rather illuminating surprised.
His blaster shoots had connected or at least glanced off the weird man's body as far as Vitor could tell but it was not the banker's shots that left a trail of blood for the Cathar to follow like a predator but something else that Vitor could not discern due to the distance. As soon as the man began fleeing chased down by the representative of the feline race, the former miner made his way back to where Velok was making weird gestures at something.

Vitor turned to look at what had the whipid's attention to see the weird man jumping through nature's obstacles and fleeing from the Cathar. They were barely seen due to the thicket but every now and then there figures could be seen. No signs of the woman that had appeared earlier as well. The banker did not know whether to say something in this situation but staying mute next to a mute whipid doing awkward hand gestures forced him to state the obvious.

"I think it's high time to make our way to the temple, Velok." The banker demonstrated his ice-breaking skills.

[member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] | [member="Mala Arar"] | [member="Rexus Drath"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"]​
20 men. Not enough to kill him, but definitely a challenge. When some the soldiers followed those that he controlled, he knew that he had already won this fight. All around him the enemy was retreating, and ship had made the top of the temple into burning ash. His hands were still in the air, still not pretending to be interested in a fight. It was time to dispose of the obstacles around him, and make his way towards his real target, the tree that had lost nothing of his pure presence in the force.

The time for games was over now, those with lose loyalties had left the scene, so he had to assume that the rest of them actually believed in what they were doing. Letting his grip of the two gone soldiers fade, he again searched for fitting enemies to control. Their moral was low, the temple was lost and their friends had deserted them, so finding two especially desperate soldiers wouldn't be that hard. Satisfied with one on his left and one his right, the sith lord again began to web his net around their minds, infiltrating their emotions and their judgment.

"It seems to me that you all made your decision then. I will tell your loved ones that you all died as fools."

He had calculated the situation as good as possible. With two of them opening fire all of a sudden, they could take on maybe two or three of their former allies before being shoot down. Abyss himself could easily kill 8 or 9 at once if he focused on offense only, but that would be foolish. His power to twist minds gave him the upper hand against groups that only worked in numbers, not in talents.

In the blink of an eye two of the soldiers turned on their friends, firing wildly into the body of soldiers without remorse, freed from their own thoughts and morals. At the same time two short lightsaber hilts jumped out of his sleeve, and the two roughly 30 centimetre long purple blades came to live in both his hands. He pulled them in front of his body, ready to redirect any incoming shoots while his soldiers did the dirty work.

[member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

sneak edit [member="Shmi Labooda"] OOC I will take you up on that challenge as soon the soldiers out of the way.
One character was yet to exit the freighter, a small girl armed with a massive minigun placed her hand on the side of the door, as the civilians passed by she could almost feel the sadness, but it didn't affect her. She gave a nod to Priscilla and continued down the platform, as the blaster fire continued to swarm the temple. "Need some help love?" Unlike usual however, she was covering her face with a bandana and her hair was put into two ponytails with butterfly broaches on either side.

"Nat.. I've warned you about sneaking aboard Official vessels, but now's not time." She gives a glare back towards the specter who is clearly overwhelming the forces she had deployed earlier. Some troops who had not been broken were still there, but that was not her concern. Her troops were about to break and they needed a boost to keep the fight going. Serenity looks at Priscilla, smiling and then going to an area facing down on the courtyard, unstrapping Zaps and whirring it up.

The girl's maniac laughter almost scared the people surrounding her, but more-so the crazy look on her face as she unleashed hundreds upon hundreds of multi-coloured lazer bolts into and around the individual, killing some of the friendlies in the process. The blockage that had collapsed was now partially clear, as one-by-one the civilians continued to crawl out of a small crevice they had made, and now the full retreat order was in effect as the few remaining troops who could stand started to carry the wounded to into the freighters, some only just needed an arm around them, others required to be carried. The presence of such a powerful individual called for measures like this to be taken. The escort craft who were performing reconnaissance had now returned and as the freighters took of, around 8 or so went with each of them.

As the last was powered up its engine, Priscilla called out to Serenity. "Nat, hurry up already." As she backs slowly away from the ghost, now stood on the platform to actually board the ship, still open as she continues firing indiscriminately. "Preparing to jump to hyperspace."

There were no mockeries for those who had died, just the silent sorrow of a freighter full of displaced refugees, looking for a home.

And with that, the Pantoran escorts had left the system and were on their way to return to their home planet.

[member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Vitor Avendahl"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] @Everyoneelseatthetemple
A the storm of blasterbolts from the minigun died down, only three of the 20 soldiers still stood, most were dead, including the two he had controlled, and a few were crawling and struggling on the ground, only barely alive. With a flick of his left, the rifles of the leftover enemies were pulled out of their hands, as Abyss began his walk towards the tree. He didn't feared that they would try to stand against him, and he cared to little for them to end their worthless lives. The two short sabers retreated back into their hilts, as Abyss allowed them to fall back into his sleeves, kept their by a magnetic gauntlet.

His right lifted in the air, and from his belt his real saber sprung in it, the crimson red blade igniting the second his pale hand gripped the cold metal. The his eyes began to search for the jedi that had accepted his challenge, standing close by. In a short sprint he closed the gap between the two, coming to a stop in roughly two meters distance to her. He raised his blade before his head, a gesture known as the makashi salute, before he spoke again:

"Finally a worthy opponent. The guard around your mind is respectable, Master Jedi, but I do not need the force to break you."

Pulling his left leg a bit back, and extending his blade to point at her he took position for the fight that was to come, but besides that he remind still, as he would certainly not make the first move here.

"Why do you even risk your live jedi? Look around you jedi, the temple has fallen, and all those around you are about to die. Why defend the tree, if there are lifes to save?"

He could feel her lack of readable emotions all to well, and the way that absolutely everything in her head remained hidden to him told him that not even he himself, Darth Abyss the mindeater would get far in a mental assault. So he had to choose another route, use his words to cloud her judgement, web his lies all around her, break her spirit without the force.

[member="Shmi Labooda"]


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
With the first two hits from the anti-aircraft batteries they called AT-AAs, which comprised five independently-firing missile launchers in a turret, hitting their targets and their wreckage wreaking havoc inside the Jedi Temple, Yula could sense the occupants of the temple panic as she pulled out her men of the manhole. The ground around it rumbled as the proton grenades thrown by the advance team exploded, causing damage to the Temple's reactors. Also, the chain reaction it caused forced all her units to retreat deeper in the forest, including her own anti-aircraft walkers, who continued to fire a hailstorm of missiles at any aircraft, attack craft or otherwise. And, with a big explosion, the damage power generator started a chain reaction that would cause the temple to be shaking more than simply losing power. And also digging a massive hole down the back alley, large enough to safely lead infantry into it five or six abreast.

"Priority targets: the library and the vault. Also, if possible, make your junction with any other allied Sith inside the temple"

"General, we found a time capsule containing a few blackwing crystals"

"Companies 1 and 2, move into the generator hole! Steal what you can and then return here!"

[member="Priscilla Genesis"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Darth Krieg"]
A few minuets later on from Xavka's last transmission to both his Master and Ferox the Iridonian repeated the same actions he had been doing during those few minuets. Dropping down from a tree that he hid himself within, a few hundred meters away from the grounds of the Temple proper, the Assassin, invisible to all, would fall down onto a soldier, the hidden blade within his cybernetic arm piercing through the back of the soldier's neck and ending his life in a single stroke. Capitalising upon the shock the other soldiers manning the turret felt upon seeing their ally drop to the ground with a wound in his neck for no apparent reason, Xavka would lash out quickly and smoothly. Within his biological right hand he held an emeici, one of the weapons he carried who's express purpose was assassination, and he wielded it with an ease born from practice as the barbed tips would pierce into wrists before severing tendons and arteries while the blade of his cybernetic arm sung an inaudible song as it spilled blood from necks and left many a man and woman on their knees, hands scrambling at blood soaked skin as the gurgled and gasped for a final breath before death would claim them.

​Indeed, it was a testament to how well Xavka could sink into the mindset of an Assassin, a testament to how far he had allowed himself to sink into the Shadows, that it took him less than ten beasts of his two hearts for all the soldiers to be laying on the ground, dead or dying. With a stoic detachment, Xavka would remove a thermal detonator from his belt from beneath his robes before activating and disappearing, still unseen, as soon as the beginning of the tell tale whine would reach his ears. As he leaped from three to tree the wave of heat and flames would reach his back and a small smirk would cross his lips at the knowledge that the evidence of his actions and the turret had both been turned to ash.

Clicking on his coms, Xavka would only speak a few words to [member="Darth Ferox"] and [member="Darth Ophidia"] as he dropped from the treeline and sped towards the Temple, the Force augmenting his speed as he rapidly ate up the distance. "Turrets in the area removed. Moving to the Temple."

Picking his way around fallen and fleeing and fighting bodies, taking care to not run into any trouble nor give any signs of his presence, Xavka would soon make it to the Temple, entering through an opening before him. Whether that opening was a door or a part of the wall that had fallen away in the conflict, he did not care nor care to know as the invisible Assassin sped through the halls of the Temple, heading directly for the Archives contained within. Details for the layout of for the Temple had been sparse, but some had been collected before the supposedly covert attack had been made, enough that the Iridonian knew roughly where to go.

Soon enough, especially with the Force augmenting his speed and the fact that, by running on all fours, Xavka had not needed to slow down once as he had, instead, leaped from the wall to wall when needed, the Assassin entered the archives. With a quick scan of the room, spotting no one in the immediate area, what with the fact that anyone that had been within the Archives in the first place would have been evacuated or joined with the group of Jedi he had witnessed crowded near [member="Darth Abyss"]. Removing the data spike that he had retrieved before travelling to Yutan and had kept safe in a pouch on his waist, the Zabrak got to work slicing into a terminal by uploading two seperate viruses. One that would bombard the security systems with useless data so as to remove any security systems and a second that would search for specific files within the system, particularly any that contained the words "assassin", "Lykos", "Ferox", "Ferus", "Ophidia", "Abyss" and a few other key words relating to the Sith Assassins and its members, along with a lot that had no relation whatsoever so as to cover his purpose in doing this, before corrupting those files and broadcasting those corruptions to any copies of the files in any device or system connected to the same system that the consoles within the Yutan Temple used.

"Data retrieval and corruption in progress. I'll alert when done." Again he would speak over the coms to Ferox and Ophidia and again he would keep his words brief and to the point before returning to waiting for the firewalls to fall so that the downloading of information could be put into action.


In the Shadows, Ambition Stirs.
"Your right...the temple has fallen." She said as she rubbed her thumb across the activator of her weapon, "But my fight isn't to defend this tree, its for survival..." The building seemingly began to shake, cutting off her words and forcing her eyes to bounce swiftly from one side of her head to the next as the ceiling cracked from the rupture. One thing she didn't want to be was crushed to death...she deserved to go out with a little bit more of a bang.

Her knees buckled, but these things had been happening the whole time she wasn't nearly as distracted this time. So she sprang into action, she triggered her blade and green fire spewed from her lightsaber hilt. In that moment she tightened her grip around her hilt, and using the momentum from pushing off her right leg, she leaped for him. With a grunt as a signal of her ferocity, she was on him. She followed through with her lunge, bringing her blade from her upper right side and across her body down to her lower left side, in a diagonal attack. She followed this through by switching her blade off so that the transition into her next attack was faster than normal. She then brought her blade hand up, igniting the emerald blade just before is cut diagonally across again this time from her upper left and down to her lower right. Her face lit up in green flashes.

While she initiated the duel, her mind had reached out and tapped into her male companions. Linked, she was able to relay a message, "I'll be the distraction, you guys go and I'll be right behind you. Get to the top."

[member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

(Anyone else I forgot to tag)
You Only Live Once ft. Randy Blythe
// Expansion Region \\
Ombakond Sector, Yutan System, Yutan
A multitude of concentrated mortar fire demolished the steps leading up to the temple's primary entrance sending Jedi and Republic soldiers flying through in the air in all directions, their bodies mangled by the concussive and explosives forces arrayed against them. Not all of those caught in the blast were immediately killed, however; and the horrific cries of the irreversibly wounded joined with that of the battle itself, that horrific symphony of war. A cadre of Knights rushed out of the temple, their wills steeled against the horrors inflicted upon their brethren and their hearts burning with passion and vindictive righteousness. They descended the ruined stairs to cut down several of the Blackblade Guardsmen that had advanced in the wake of the initial barrage, but overwhelming numbers would turn the tide in the favor of the black-armored invaders.

And the monolithic engine of war that commanded them.

A rolling wave of Force energy cascaded across the battlefield, knocking the surviving Jedi down to their knees or on their backs as they were caught unawares. Opposite of them strode the behemoth, the titanic Butcher King with his lightsaber drawn and sparked, and with one fell swipe he sundered a Jedi Knight completely in twain from his shoulder down to his hip. Blaster bolts and slugs were useless against the armor plating that shrouded his muscular frame, and with but a wave of his hands he relieved an entire squadron of their blasters leaving them pitifully vulnerable to his blade as it arced through the air like a reaping scythe to harvest a bloody crop of corpses.

Even the Jedi Knights who had, in their fervor, rushed out to defend their sacred temple found themselves waylaid by this monstrous force of nature as he cut a bloody swath through their ranks with nightmarish ease. With a single leap he closed the distance from the ruined courtyard, up the demolished stairs, and found himself face-to-face with the resealed entryway. An automated turret attempted to push him back, but with a few well-placed deflective parries he disabled it with its own might. The blast door was reinforced by the time he had arrived, and the outer control panel had been blasted to prevent anyone from directly hacking into the systems to override the security lock.

But there was no barrier in this world or the next that could bar him from what he desired. He was a Dark Lord of the Sith, and the Force was with him.

In his mind's eye he visualized a wedge of pure incandescent energy and drove it deep into the center of the blast door, and immediately the metal began to heave as this unworldly force was applied. He raised both hands in front of him and seemed to grip the air as if he were attempting to open the door manually, and slowly but surely as he spread his hands apart the door began to buckle outwards and give way to his insurmountable will. At this point any attempts to open or close the door were completely irrelevant, the metal had been bent and twisted to such a degree that it was impossible to retract back into the walls from which it had come from. The time was now ripe, and Carnifex relinquished his hold upon the door to deliver a punch of telekinetic energy so potent that the door firmly crunched inwards and was torn from whatever kept it connected to the tracks to spiral down the hallway like a pair of missiles, destroying anything that was caught in their path.

The Dark Lord re-sparked his lightsaber, and descended into the temple intent on slaughtering every inhabitant he could get his hands on.

[member="Shmi Labooda"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

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