Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Second Contact [The Kathol Outback Dominion of Resu Hex - Witchmasters Invited]

Location: Aris III
Objective: get the others and free the slaves
Allies:[member="Joza Perl"], [member="Aerin The Lost"], [member="Tilzi"], [member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

Listening, he nodded at the young sister besides him, he had knew the others had landed, and was in the process of making his way there to them. Though now he had someone who actually knew how to get to the camp. "I'm going to go get the others, and bring them to the camp. Are you here to accompany us then?" Jumping down, he ran his hand over his chest, the many scrapes were mostly closed, but he looked like a wire fence. Especially his arms, he'd have to be gentle or else they'd all reopen again. Looking back up at the girl above him, he held out his hand, not because he doubted her ability to jump down, but because he was always told to treat women with respect and no less then how he treats men. He was in uncharted territory, so now would probably be the best time to be kind. A Good first impression was always key. Though, he was surprised that she didn't question his eyes, most did.
Location: Arcadia-N-30
Post: 9/38
Allies: [member="Saffron"], [member="Dunames Lopez"], [member="Cla'Mari Rha"]
Enemies: Unknown
Objective: Trade show

"Last I heard minesweeping was often performed by sappers, droid or organic. How does that tank actually change the deal?"

"It's capable of defending itself even though as a tank it's not much different from other mass-production tanks on the market. What makes it different is its ability of clearing mines"

"I guess, this is wild space after all, where warlords can even resort to using minefields on the ground"

Charzon was a little amused since she never got the Alliance, nor other factions, to buy so much as just one squadron of these vehicles, thinking that combat between major factions would not make use of minefields. Yet Coruscant proved them wrong. It seems that most major factions see only each other as enemies. Not even the One Sith in the pre-Centax era would have even accounted for the possibility of such things. Only the Mandalorians have anything that can clear mines but it isn't mass-produced because it is covered in beskar armor. The main problem is that in minesweeping mode, such tanks are essentially sitting ducks that can be overtaken by even infantry on a non-forced march. Hence such vehicles would be a defensive wall for the troops on the move behind the wall while the minefield is being cleared. But Ugohr could probably have sold a minesweeping main battle tank better than Charzon would.
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"] [member="Aerin The Lost"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]


"At least thirteen clans from the region have gathered nearby," Tilzi explained to Asemir. "It's a very. very, long time since that many matriarchs agree to cooperate on a task. The clans are fairly sparse in this region and don't tend to cooperate well. Few from here have even made the journey to Kastays City."

Down on the ground, in the roots and the trees, the continent they resided on had seem so large to Tilzi as a child. She had strayed well beyond the borders of their territory to the horizon, only to find another waiting for her. Having arrived in a ship and seen the entire world as just another glassy marble was just an example of how her perspective had changed. This would always be her home, it just felt smaller than it once had.

The tall, muscular witch turned and headed into the jungle. "You were close to the treeline they carved out. Observing them?"

That was almost sweet, the way he stood there offering his hand. Perhaps he could be trained, Vish thought to herself. The marks across his body a sign of how completely out of place he was here. Tilzi had said males from off world were very stubborn about maintaining their freedoms though. Vish couldn't see it herself. It was well known that males couldn't be trusted to make decisions on their own. Better to keep them occupied with simple work. Vish had two at the moment. One had decided he was unhappy with his position, so she had let him go back to being unclaimed in the hope he would be claimed by someone more to his liking. In Vish' mind this was a very progressive thing to do.

"Pfft," she dismissed his hand and drew herself up to her full height. Somewhat shorter than Tilzi, with slender rather than muscular legs. "This way," she said. "You can continued walking into trees if you'd like."

She almost skipped down the branch, bare feet angled inwards for a better grip. Darting through the foliage, it barely shifted in her wake as if nothing more than a breeze had passed through. Nate might think to look back to the trail of destruction in his wake for a stark contrast.

Joza, Aerin and Jette were waiting.
Location: Aris III
Objective: follow Vish with friends and save the slaves.
Allies: [member="Tilzi"], [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Aerin The Lost"], [member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

Okay, no to the help. She looked like she could handle herself, and clearly, had placed her faith in women being superior over men. That was okay with him, he'd prefer a strong woman over a guy any day of the week. They were usually smarter, as he learned form past experiences.

Following close behind the young sister, he started to heal some of the cuts on him, as her remark irritated him slightly, but he remained silent. Just because he was an off worlder did not mean he was like a blind rancor. He'd snuck past Jedi and Sith alike before, taking a stroll through the jungle and making it look like you weren't even there was nothing. And he didn't like being showed up. Now quiet and somewhat disgruntled, he strode lightfooted behind Vish, the only sounds from him was the slight clink of his utility belt and vibro blade. Now all that was left was to bring the others back and not embarrass himself anymore than he needed to before rescuing the slaves. Sounded simple enough.

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
Aaris III - somewhere near Nate's ship.
Allies: TKO, Natives, Witches [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Jette Haltzum"], [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Tilzi"], [member="Asemir Lor'kora"], [member="Apollymi Djo"]
Objective: Liberty, Justice, and hot dates for all.
Enemies: Slavers, in a walled and hot person-less place

"I guess we will wait..." seconds after saying that the two intrepid jungle explorers (well one was a native witch sooo...) came out of the said jungle, both Aerin and his droid understandably jump at the sudden appearance. Speak of the force and it shall manifest I guess. Aerin then just stares at the shirtless Nate,mesmerized almost, Why am I surrounded by hot people? and why do I feel like my nose is bleeding... his nose isn't bleeding but he is blushing really red. when Joza had glanced at his shirt Aerin had wondered if she liked EndorMon, but when the late comers had arrived to take them to the Witches' village his thoughts had been abruptly changed to HOT GUY WITH SHIRT OFF, and, YOUNG WITCH WITH NICE HAIR AND CUTE FACE... Aerin bowed at said witch and then looked up at Nate "Well, um hot- er I mean Nate, introductions? Or should I ask you Ma'am?"

Matey was simply staring at the new comers and then at Jette's shades... which Matey was seeing if he could find a way to make a similar system, but for himself... crafty droid he is...
((OOC: Enough prelude, let's get the action going! :p))

[member="Zarack Zorathi"]

The more she walked through the crowded alleys of the city full of merchants, the more the taint grew. It called her as a beacon. Areti felt the need to shield her self, to be more vigilant. Her senses expanded once more to cover more ground around her. She did not feel threatened but she felt the dark side.

The source was found.

Like a blip on the sensors, and it made Areti grimace.

Right ahead of her she saw him, a man with a scoundrel look that other wise would not strike out as someone possessed by the dark side. Was he less skilled or did he have good skills in concealing himself ? The Jedi could not answer that, neither did she waste more time. Closing down her expanded sense, she tapped into the Force and attempted to telekinetically grasp at the man with goal of pinning him down while a nearby crate of... food flew at the man's head.

There goes collateral damage again...
Location: Arcadia-N-30, Aries.
Objective: Survive and avoid capture.
OOC: ( Thought I'd give you some intel to use! :p No complaints here :D ).
Post: 4.

He hadn't seen it coming, perhaps he'd drank one ale too many but the sudden threat had come out of nowhere. Mid-stride, he felt the force change around him, what was usually a typically calm presence seemed to turn foreign and took a hold of him, immobilizing him from taking another step, it was immediately apparent that somewhere nearby, there was another force user and they were well aware of who he was. His first thought went to his former mentor of whom he'd turned his back on and likely had angered in his leaving the Covenant yet he didn't have the time to properly think it through as his senses seemed to cry out, his arms lifting around his head by mostly instinct before something large and solid struck him from the side and sent him to the ground, splinters of wood and food produce raining down around him, hardly able to make sense of what it was that he'd been hit with.

To his right some lady screamed, then the sound of a male seemed to be shouting down at him, complaining as if he had been the one to destroy the goods, "I didn't..." he began to protest but only then realized that he seemed to be holding his blaster in his left hand, he'd pulled it subconsciously, call it survival instinct. Upon the realization, his mind seemed to catch up and his right hand reached for one of the two lightsabers strapped across his chest, pulling the hilt from it's sheath and quickly pushing himself with an awkward sway back to his feet. It was with a dazed mind that he found [member="Areti Naerys"] staring back at him, her expression all he needed to see in order to know that she had been behind the assault. "-The hell are you..." He called out to her, his thumb gliding across the hilt to sit lightly upon the activation toggle; there was reluctance there however, in the back of his mind he knew he felt entirely uncomfortable against facing off against a woman, an attractive one at that. "Look I dunno who you think I am exactly but..." He spoke again before she could answer, hoping to pass this off as a misunderstanding, "I'm not your guy..." He finished with something of a cocky tone to his end remark. Truth be told, he hadn't faced another force user since the one on Coruscant where he'd run into the twi'lek girl. The bounty hunter had called off the hunt earlier once that managed to get into space, he'd been lucky but going toe to toe with others of skill in the force wasn't exactly something he jumped at the chance for, not unless he'd have wanted to get himself killed.

He doubted highly that this moment of pause would last, she had the look of determination about her and Zarack knew that she had found her intended target, indeed. 'Jedi don't hunt for credits...-Right?' he thought to himself, his mind scattered from the hit, a slow trickle of blood making it's way down the left side of his forehead, hair dampened from the cut that quietly nagged at his concentration. This woman however didn't seem to hold the same intensity as those of the Sith did though, there was something incredibly concerning about her presence, a calm and almost placid feel about her even in such a time as this. No, she was definitely trained...-or atleast experienced in the light side of the Force. "Kark..." he muttered under his breath in confirmation to himself, soon swiftly turning on his heels and pushing one of the agitated men out of his way as he burst into a sprint, refusing to allow himself to be taken into custody; more shouting went up at his back as he ran off through the crowded market, shoulder barging his way through those that wouldn't step aside quick enough, heading for the closest way out into the next street block not really caring for where he'd end up as long as she wasn't around to follow him.
Arcadia-N-30 - T R A D E * S H O W
Location: Arceneau Trade Outpost - Make friends, and do business
CONTACTS: [member="Saffron"] | [member="Charzon Loulan"] | [member="Gir Quee"]

Cla'mari stomach was doing cartwheels by this point, a full membership. A steady buyer for raw materials and partial shares... It was all she could do to maintain her calm at this moment. Trying to collect her thoughts she tried to make it look as if she was considering the deal before speaking again.

"This sounds equitable, one can never have to may trade partners so Gallofree accepts your offer on principle. We will, of course, need to work out the contract part of this arrangement but for now, I believe we are in agreement. If you would be so kind as to draw up for formal accord I will happily review it at length at a later time. For now, if you would please excuse me, I have a few other partners of note who I need to finalize arrangements with as well. Till we meet again, be well Lady Saffron and may the gods bless your comings and goings."

With a polite curtsy, Cla'mari excused herself and walked as gracefully as she would muster back over to Lady Charzon. The astute business woman had already found the accounting information needed to complete the transaction and had forwarded it to Cla'Mari. Now with a fully funded business account the young Twi'lek businesswoman was able to complete her deal for the drydock and as requested, transferred the funds.

"Lady Charzon, I have deposited the one million credits as requested. Please let me know if anything else is needed or if we are in agreement we can begin making the arrangements for final delivery?"
Objective: Realm of the Resu -
This is virtually a first contact situation. Everything about the Resu is alien. Kathol Technical Academy's students have been invited to play a role in understanding the Resu language and technology, including the unique Resu ships while TKO Search and Rescue will be escorting all friendly parties and investigating a strange possible distress signal that has been coming from the system.​
Location: Remys Revenge
Tags: [member="Iron Giant"] | [member="Neelig Waawat"]​
As Bryce had expected one of the two contacted had the answers he was looking for. [member="Jorus Merrill"] had recognized the old code and the person who sent it. Advised Bryce is was a friendly contact and to proceed but at his own discretion. Since the rebellion of Kal'shebbol Bryce had along with is medical studies and off requests of his wife and buried himself in the study of military tactics and command. One of the many programs offered by KTA he was a quick study and planned on using the advanced curium as much as possible.

As Bryce read the message first readings from the probes were coming back and it wasn't promising, not at all. All but one had been destroyed by an overtly hostile enemy. Now the Resu were not known to be extremely friendly this type of welcome was far from expected. The inner system looked to be a death trap so with that info in hand Bryce turned back to the message. It seemed to show a safe passage route and friendly port on the outer edge of the system.

While Bryce hoped this was all on the up and up he was not able to take any unnecessary chances. Bryce order the launch of the remaining probes to this area of the system and also ordered all pilots from the "Killjoy" squadron to the hanger. If things escalated he was gonna have his fighters and their "Death wish" fighters ready for launch.
Location: Aaris III
Posts: 6
Objectives: Free the people!
Tags: [member="Aerin The Lost"], [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Jette Haltzum"], [member=Tilzi]

The Witches moved swiftly and silently, avoiding the various branches and vines and leaves. Asemir kept up, but his efforts were far from invisible. While he didn't blunder his way through the brush, his efforts were far from the noiseless flight of the Witches. He was stealthy, but not that stealthy, and certainly not while moving at a run.

"Yes, I was observing them," Asemir said as he ducked a low-hanging vine. "To come up with a plan, mostly. I'm sure you've seen the clearing and the fortress walls. That makes it a challenge to assault, and without proper support, you're going to suffer horrendous casualties mounting a straight-up attack. They've got line of sight all around.

"I was planning to infiltrate the fortress, probably at night. Move a few meters every hour to avoid detection. You all know this land and you move stealthily enough, so it shouldn't be too difficult. You'd be at the mercy of advanced scanners, though, so if you don't have any infrared or mag-scan baffling gear, it's still a gamble."

He watched Tilzi and the others as they moved, and smiled grimly. They would have made life a living hell for any organized army trying to conquer Aaris.

"What are your thoughts about that fortress?" he asked.
Location: Arcadia-N-30
Post: 10/38
Allies: [member="Saffron"], [member="Dunames Lopez"], [member="Cla'Mari Rha"]
Enemies: Unknown
Objective: Trade show

While Charzon was busy talking about the Zamboni minesweeping main battle tanks to military officials from the Kathol Outback, she received word from Cla'Mari about the unfinished business that led her here. Now with the down payment made, that was one less roadblock to deal with. She watched certain KO military figures inquire about the tanks. Charzon was forced to admit that hyperdrive-less Egroegs were painful to deliver, and much more so than those equipped with hyperdrives. Hyperdrives allowed Egroegs to be built in orbit around Ringo Vinda, Gyndine or Soceras, while the drydock could be flown to the chosen location. Rendili StarDrive had, for centuries, been the biggest manufacturer of mobile slipways in the galaxy. Ringovinda StarYards have taken up significant shares in that area to the point where many of the new shipyards were avoiding Rendili StarDrive entirely. That led Rendili StarDrive to wonder whether they would be closing that division of the business or not.

"Now I believe we are ready to undertake the final delivery arrangements. There are two possible mediums of delivery for hyperdrive-less Egroegs: either you want to have it built on-site on Kal'Shebbol or have it built at a remote location and then towed to Kal'Shebbol. Once the medium is chosen, the business is considered finalized"
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"] [member="Aerin The Lost"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]


"They did their studies," Tilzi replied. "We are spread out in this region. They put their base down before anyone realised they were here. The raids went on for weeks before anyone spotted it. Walls too high to climb, too thick for us to break. If they'd left a ship in orbit it would have been spotted by any patrols. They come in gunships and use advanced sensors, stun cannons and tractor beams by the sound of things."

A witch cast Tilzi a suspicious sidelong glance. She was talking gibberish now. In turn Tilzi shot Asemir an almost apologetic look. "I have been off world for a good few years now."

All would arrive at the clearing soon. Witches perched on many branches surrounding a group of Clan Mothers. Thirteen clans in all. Many who spent most of their time raiding each other's territory for supplies and males. United for now at least. Sentries wore blue markings to denote the fact that they were acting as neutral guards to keep the clans from bickering.

One of the matriarchs looked to the newcomers.

"Welcome, those who would come to our aid. We hope you can crack open those walls, such that we might drive the slavers from our lands?"

The words were chosen carefully. She did not admit their weakness that allowed the slavers to remain in place, nor did she ask for the Kathol and Dathomir representatives to do the work for them.
Arcadia-N-30 | NPC : Mr.Zej | Objective : Salacia Consolidated Salvage Outpost | Post :[4]

Beyond the threat of explosions headed in their direction from the Firemane crew, work continued steadily on the salvage outpost. With a crew of sizable proportions, a skeleton frame was up and taking shape within a day. Ferrocrete was being made on-site and pumped into the foundation below, setting the durasteel frame into place. Engineers had been concerned with high winds kicking up on the grasslands and blowing the structure around. Mr.Zej could easily agree with their assessment, there had been a constant strong breeze ever since their landing.

Stretching on throughout the day, some of the crew broke off, lighting a fire inside of a large meat smoker with plans for a barbecue in full swing. Hammering continued as the smell of slowly roasted nerf covered in a sticky sweet-and-spice glaze coated the jobsite and possibly drifted over to the Firemane camp as well. The only sign of their location was the constant explosions.

"If we keep cooking at this rate they're going to end up bombarding us and steal our food. Well, maybe they'll blow it sky high before even getting a chance to steal it..."

Mercury Zealot

Monstrocity of Moross - Deceased
Realm of Resu - Shikyu, The Converts Stronghold
For how many years had the Crusade faltered? For how many years has Neth the Keeper of Knowledge, withheld his information? For how many years has Liad tested them? These are many questions which had caused the Great Schism. The Moross Crusade, and its legacy lived strong among it warrior elite, the Resu... but since the rest of its territory fell victim to the collapse of government so many other star nations across the galaxy have suffered in these chaotic years after the darkness has lifted, there has been a divide in even the most faithful. As the population began to decline after losing so many to the Netherworld, fear began to overwhelm the fearless, the strong became weak, and those on the only path started to compromise for lesser false paths which lead nowhere but to death. In the eyes of Stone Hermes, a new contagion had began infecting his Morossian Kin... a contagion which could only be stopped with total extermination... or aggressive reincorporation.

The First Convert, perhaps somehow with advanced knowledge of the very act of conversion, believed on faith he had stumbled upon a miracle disguised as a monster when discovering an alien contagion of one of the Morossian Resu' most hated enemies - The Yuuzhan Vong of the defeated Horde. The contagion being: The Vongspawn Virus. Unfortunately, as the last several years of testing on a variety of subjects has proven, the silicon-hydrogen base molecular combinations of Resu biology are inherently incompatible with the carbon based viral infection. So while a human pirate could certainly be infected with the Vongspawn virus and subsequently infected by the Techno-virus (as well as vice versa)... a Resu could not.

That was, until approximately a year ago.

A special plant found in the depths of one of the terrestrial planets in the system which had been subjected to the colonization efforts of the Resu, to adapt its oceans to a more acceptable and life breeding territory, seemed to have rapidly evolved over the last several centuries, to incorporate the massive amounts of left over "bio-carbon" from the extinguished native life, in rare conditions, into its biology for specific life preserving functions. In essence, silicon plants with not only a carbon diet... but in small part, a separate carbon biology. Cultivation of these plants began immediately for the First Converts research purposes, and experimentation on humans (while still helpful in some extent with understanding the foreign Vongspawn virus) waned. Cases of being captured by Resu dropped dramatically, as the fatalities began to rise.

In recent months, the Resu had began to incorporate these special plants into native Resu animals as parasitic implantation, heavy enough in carbon structures to effectively accept the Vongspawn Virus in any meaningful capacity. They began to pump these animals up with just enough carbon in their bloodstreams before become a toxin, and used the plant to sap the poison out, growing into them and supplanting native silicon flesh with a silicon-carbon blend. That is when they witnessed the power and adaptability of the Vongspawn Virus once it was able to modify a creature biology. Bony protrusions began to sprout out from these beasts, each one containing compounds of both silicon and carbon...

... then there was another break through; once adapted to a silicon creature, it could then spread (albeit in a weaker state) to another silicon creature without any carbon diet, so long as the new plant made contact and injected the cocktail toxin. Which brings us, to this day.

"Lord Resu, your warriors are ready to receive your Blessing." Before Stone Hermes, a procession of eleven Morossian Resu all female stood strapped to the wall, ready to accept "The Cure". The unnoticeably aged Veteran, turned around not with a sword in hand... but a vined and bony spear. Behind him, there were ten more spears. He spreads his arms wide as electricity cackles between his tusks.

"Queens of Shikyu," His booming electrical voice struck the whole room with its well practiced projection and power. "Once more shall you sire Emperors to the Realm of Resu! Too long deprived of youth, you shall all birth in a new era... a New Resu. Accept the Blessing-Curse of Liad, for our test is over! Plague has overwhelmed the Realm, but as all else in life, we have conquered it!" A collective roar filled the room with bright and hot lightning bouncing between the members. "Are you prepared?"

"Yes." The females before him spoke in unison, the heat of excitement growing in their bodies.

"Then let the Gods watch us!" And with the closing of the Resu prayer, the herculean might of Stone Hermes buckled down on the spear in his clawed hands, as he hurled it through the water at incredible velocity, utterly penetrating through the metal cut of the center female. An electric cry of utter agony and rage exploded as the mortal injury released its unique cocktail of toxins into her body.

Stone Hermes had watched the transformation in animals many times before, and knew it would take many hours before it would be complete for a Resu... and that was after the accelerating factor of mortal peril. Before the night was done, none of these females would even remember who they were, let alone what they were going to become. A new species, a new dawn, a New Resu.

Sadistic joy filled him as ten more spears punctured the other females in a likewise manner, witnessing the birthing of a new race which would end all others.

[member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Neelig Waawat"]

(Post 2)
Realm of Resu - CybeResu Asteroid

[member="Bryce Bantam"]'s ship and company ([member="Neelig Waawat"]) would eventually fine safe passage to the Asteroid base the CybeResu had been using as a base of operations, outside the influence of the Morossian's. When they were able to dock, they would meet in a "neutral zone". It was a hangar filled with vacuum, meaning that both human and Resu occupants would be required to have some form of protection. Although the CybeResu arguably need much less in the means of protection from the elements any longer, fully integrated with a life support system that granted them whole ranges of maneuverability they had never imagined decades ago when they were still secluded in their tiny system. It was hard to believe that only a few hundred years ago, the most advanced personal 'technology' of the Resu were Tusk-swords and hyper-advanced poisons and toxins, as well as their cures and antidotes. The exception being drilling equipment and crude interplanetary craft.

One CybeResu (out of the various but strangely sparse technicians which maintained the base including its single hangar), would stand out among the rest. She had what appeared to be a flagpole strapped to her back with a bit of clothe at the end of it. The color of it was a dirty grey. She would be the sole ambassador tasked with meeting the representatives of Iron Giant's allies. Using a crude extra translator Iron Giant was able to scrounge up prior to the destruction of Corellia (the only location of a production facility that made these types of translators that weren't owned by the Morossian Resu), she would have to deftly navigate the talks. She among all others was picked for her high disdain as opposed to overt aggression. If she was at all offended by the humans, she would not act on it, being to proud of herself to acknowledge the offenses as being important. Her strength as a warrior and a mother spoke for itself.

Her name was Mercury Tongue.

Ysraka Reservation
Deeper and deeper Iron Giant feel into the water depths of Ysraka. Although devoid of any olfactory systems (including taste), the Resu could always tell the difference between the waters of the many worlds. There was a certain salinity that was unique to all waters, a specific ecological-mixture that was distinctive to any new environments identity. There was a whole Resu mythology surrounding the identity of objects in nature, and from the fate of all those on Ysraka in these trying times, as well as her current mission (possibly with a bias on recent events), to Iron Giant the water felt like Salvation.

If they could be successful today (and she was going to make damn well sure they were going to be), it could be a new beginning for her people. Proof that even after all the evils the Moross have committed, the spirit of her people, the culture, would live on. Even if she was permanently ejected as member of the Resu, she could still play the part that saved them from termination. She could be a CybeResu, and protect the sanctity of her people's affairs from the influence of outsiders forever.

Never again shall such a crippling perversion of her people sow such destruction to their legacy. Even as a exile, she was loyal to the end to the future of her race. The commitment of the Resu was beyond anything she had seen in the galaxy, and this was was proud of... and fearful of. that same stalwart unwavering commitment existed still even in the abominations which the Moross created, which meant if the First Convert meant to change the Resu once more in a whole new kind of perversion of nature... by his gods he would do it. And she knew he was on the cusp of doing just that, making the success of this mission ever more critical to the CybeResu.

Eventually, she touched the oceanic floor of the moon, and saw the classic obsidian towers radiating "heat blips" indicating they existed. The first sign of civilization continuing to exist here. They began to march quickly in leaps and swimming bounds. Thus far, they had not spotted the dreadful abominations, and it did not appeared they had spotted them.

So far, so good.

(Post 3)
Location: Aries, Arcadia-N-30
Objective: Remove taint. [member="Zarack Zorathi"]
Note to self: Keep collateral damage to a low.

Areti's vindication would not falter at the man's attempts to deceive her that he was now who he actually was. She felt his touch in the dark side of the Force. The Jedi had found him and know it was time to act upon it. Areti started approaching the man while the bustling crowd around were all complaining, yet she had eyes only for the man.

"Surrend-" Before she could finish her sentence the man was already dashing through the crowd and away from her.

Not wasting anymore time with words, the Jedi Knight would lunge forward to chase the man. Her senses focused upon the man trying not to lose him, along with that she would try to apprehend him by throwing various random objects to immobilize him or slow him down. The man roamed through the crowd like a marathon swimmer.

She was not as physical nor intimidating as the man to be able to pass through as fast, hence the attempts of using her telekinetic capabilities against the man.

"Halt!" Areti heard herself shout at the man. She was slowly losing him despite her sharpened senses upon him.
Arcadia N-30. Establishing an Outpost.

Undeterred by the noise caused by explosions and training drills, outpost construction continued. Bit by bit, the Firemane/ARGH was taking shape. For the time being it would be a rather basic, prefabricated base. It would have a contingent of soldiers, droids and some turrets, but nothing too fancy. A skeletal frame was up, the rest ought to have completed by the time the day was over. Soon a generator would be in place and then they'd have power.

Fortunately, ARGH had very efficient labour droids, though some Firemane supervisors had to get used to the fact that more than a few of them had experienced manumission and thus did not feel particularly subservient! It was probably a good thing that this Firemane crew had few Eldorai with it, since they tended to be a bit...unenlightened when it came to the controversial topic of droid rights. Speaking of Eldorai, Caeda could make a good sales pitch for the Company products after conversing with an Arcadian government official. The local luminaries were eager to get new toys for their militia and improve infrastructure.

But all this paled in comparison to the delightful smell that evidently emanated from the Salacia Consolidated camp ([member="Judah Dashiell"]) and was being carried towards the acolytes of Fire due to the wind that was blowing across the land. Verily, it was difficult to resist the amora of slowly roasted nerf. Elpsis felt a little sulky about the fact that she'd neglected to ask her mother ([member="Coryth Elaris"]) to teach her Force Stealth. Otherwise she could have snuck into the Salacia base and 'requisitioned' a couple steaks.
Location: En Route to Aaris-III
Allies: [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Aerin the Lost"]; the Kathol Outback
Enemies: Soon™
Objective: Liberation Time!
Posts: 4 // ??

"Your force signature, and yes, I did, a long time ago on Taris." She got quiet after that, she missed home, she missed the crazy of it all. Jette knew that was no place to raise a kid but Beau the Rodian did her best to raise this little human. "Place is like a living museum of artifacts from all the eras, I use to put things together and I accidently made these and I've been tinkering with them ever since."

Pursing her lips up the tinkerer looked around, "well I might be able to rig something up but I'm gonna need the uh," she moved her hands in a particular motion, "gonna need the uh, proper parts and maybe some grease to set a few traps, I mean, mhmm no - no, I want to set traps and you can tell me where to set them." There was a bit of a mad scientist look to her eyes, "how well do you know Aaris-III?" Then Joza mentioned something about men wandering off on their on so she had to ask, "what about cute blondes who wander off on their own?" She raised a brow and chortled a little at her own joke, "ah don't worry about it, I'm just messin' around, but seriously what happens to cute things like me?"

"Aerin, I'm Jette, Joza's friend, how are you?" The blonde stuck out her hand for a shake, and smirked, "pleasure to ah, meet yeah, I guess." She was getting squirrely just waiting around and when she had to wait, she thought of things to make. Oh, she could wait for as long as Joza wanted her to wait, not that she'd actually uh, nevermind.
Location: Aaris III
Posts: 7
Objectives: Free the people!
Tags: [member="Aerin The Lost"], [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Jette Haltzum"], [member=Tilzi]

[member="Tilzi"] Do you intend to skip ahead to the meeting? If not, I will edit my post accordingly.

"I see. I'd wondered about your knowledge of technology." Asemir returned her look. "I mean no offense, of course. In my experience with the Witches on Dathomir, they've had little opportunity to become acquainted with modern tech. So your familiarity with it is, well, unexpected."

He decided not to comment on technology further, sensing the unease of Tilzi's companions. The conversation didn't continue much more since they approached the gathering of the Clans. Asemir recognized some of the tribal markings, if not in meaning then in intent. They were not unlike those adorning the Witches back at "home", as much as Dathomir was home to him.

Tilzi led him to the group of Clan Mothers. Many of the guards cast him a wary look, and Asemir sensed doubt or disdain from them. Probably because he was male, but they did nothing to stop him or search him. So perhaps it was respect for him or confidence in their own abilities. It didn't matter too much, he decided, as he saw the other offworlders.

They were a motley crew and obviously did not originate from the same group. It was almost comical, Asemir felt. Outwardly, they certainly did not appear organized or trained or coordinated. No matching emblems or uniforms, none of the coldness or seriousness he'd expect from professional troops. Except perhaps the shirtless man. He carried the demeanor of someone who'd at least seen some combat.

And of course, three of them were Force sensitive. That much Asemir could feel. Not that it was a surprise given that most of the entire jungle stank of the Force. Feth, he hoped, they were at least trained and carried a modicum of restraint. The last thing he wanted was to work with some lone wolves who thought the Force made them invincible.

One of the matriarchs spoke, drawing Asemir's attention back to the situation at hand.

"Matriarch," he replied, his voice properly deferential. "It is an honor to be able to assist my sister Witches. To answer your question, yes, I believe we are certainly capable of expunging the slavers. I have observed them for several days now, and have some ideas of how we can do so. However, may I ask, what resources from the clans are available for this task? For example, how many warriors and what type of specialist troops can be allocated for this mission? The Witches of Dathomir are known for their beast mastery, especially that over the rancor. Do you have equivalent beasts at your command?"

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Location: CybeResu Asteriod
Post: 3
Tag: [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Stone Hermes"] [member="Iron Giant"]
Objective: Help, cure, etc.

Neelig Waawat was prepped and ready to go, and was taking a little MC15 transport over to CybeResu, a sort of asteroid station that the Resu used as a sort of middle ground for interacting with other species. Going over dossiers of their culture he tried to note what would be proper for him to say or not say. The last thing he needed to was accidentally wave his finger the wrong way and offend a nation. Overall the Resu seemed a very territorial species, very war driven. It was unlikely they truly wanted to be integrated in like this, but they knew where they stood, where the Moross had left them. That they needed a little help.

And Neelig was just the somewhat-educated Ithorian to help them.

Entering CybeResu with a couple professors and a half-dozen other students they waited at the "Neutral Zone", a place where there was no atmosphere of any sort. Both Resu and Man needed envirosuits to talk. Not that the students would be doing any talking. They were here to serve as aids to Bryce Bantam, the man who would be carrying out primary communications for the Kathol Outback. They'd wait for his lead, and help however they could, all the while Neelig watching and learning what he could.

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