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Character Saraya Arenais [WIP]


  • cZdhKMx.png
    Many of Saraya’s features mirror her mothers. Her rounded face is detailed with pale freckles that stretch from the bridge of her button nose across sharply sculpted cheekbones. Long, flowing chocolate brown hair is often left loose to tumble down her back, ending at the top of her thighs.

    The only things gifted to her by her father are the rounded, intelligent, almond-shaped eyes that have the colour of newly cut emeralds with flecks of blue dotted around the edges of her iris. Though, when utilising the force they change to a deep shade of amethyst that matches her husband’s perfectly. Topped with exuberant lashes that sweep the top of her cheeks and defined brows, Saraya is often described as a typical beauty.

    Standing five feet and six inches above the ground, her slender hourglass figure has always been trim. After years of elocution lessons, her stature and gait are very rarely less than flawless. Her taste in fashion much resembles her mothers as well, often preferring to wear extravagant gowns and jewellery. During day to day activities, Saraya can often be seen wearing neutral shades of makeup, though she favours a crimson red on her full lips when the occasion calls for it.

    The only unique and truly defining feature she possesses on her entire body are several piercings in discreet locations that most people do not get the pleasure of viewing. These were gained in a small fit of rebellion against her mother’s strict dress codes. She often chooses rather minimalist silver jewellery to decorate them, as anything more exuberant would be visible to the naked eye through her clothes.
  • AMs7lOU.png
    Many of Saraya’s features mirror her mothers. Her rounded face is detailed with pale freckles that stretch from the bridge of her button nose across sharply sculpted cheekbones. Long, flowing chocolate brown hair is often left loose to tumble down her back, ending at the top of her thighs.

    The only things gifted to her by her father are the rounded, intelligent, almond-shaped eyes that have the colour of newly cut emeralds with flecks of blue dotted around the edges of her iris. Though, when utilising the force they change to a deep shade of amethyst that matches her husband’s perfectly. Topped with exuberant lashes that sweep the top of her cheeks and defined brows, Saraya is often described as a typical beauty.

    Standing five feet and six inches above the ground, her slender hourglass figure has always been trim. After years of elocution lessons, her stature and gait are very rarely less than flawless. Her taste in fashion much resembles her mothers as well, often preferring to wear extravagant gowns and jewellery. During day to day activities, Saraya can often be seen wearing neutral shades of makeup, though she favours a crimson red on her full lips when the occasion calls for it.

    The only unique and truly defining feature she possesses on her entire body are several piercings in discreet locations that most people do not get the pleasure of viewing. These were gained in a small fit of rebellion against her mother’s strict dress codes. She often chooses rather minimalist silver jewellery to decorate them, as anything more exuberant would be visible to the naked eye through her clothes.
  • UyNEqdd.png
    Many of Saraya’s features mirror her mothers. Her rounded face is detailed with pale freckles that stretch from the bridge of her button nose across sharply sculpted cheekbones. Long, flowing chocolate brown hair is often left loose to tumble down her back, ending at the top of her thighs.

    The only things gifted to her by her father are the rounded, intelligent, almond-shaped eyes that have the colour of newly cut emeralds with flecks of blue dotted around the edges of her iris. Though, when utilising the force they change to a deep shade of amethyst that matches her husband’s perfectly. Topped with exuberant lashes that sweep the top of her cheeks and defined brows, Saraya is often described as a typical beauty.

    Standing five feet and six inches above the ground, her slender hourglass figure has always been trim. After years of elocution lessons, her stature and gait are very rarely less than flawless. Her taste in fashion much resembles her mothers as well, often preferring to wear extravagant gowns and jewellery. During day to day activities, Saraya can often be seen wearing neutral shades of makeup, though she favours a crimson red on her full lips when the occasion calls for it.

    The only unique and truly defining feature she possesses on her entire body are several piercings in discreet locations that most people do not get the pleasure of viewing. These were gained in a small fit of rebellion against her mother’s strict dress codes. She often chooses rather minimalist silver jewellery to decorate them, as anything more exuberant would be visible to the naked eye through her clothes.
  • DWAqVlv.png
    Many of Saraya’s features mirror her mothers. Her rounded face is detailed with pale freckles that stretch from the bridge of her button nose across sharply sculpted cheekbones. Long, flowing chocolate brown hair is often left loose to tumble down her back, ending at the top of her thighs.

    The only things gifted to her by her father are the rounded, intelligent, almond-shaped eyes that have the colour of newly cut emeralds with flecks of blue dotted around the edges of her iris. Though, when utilising the force they change to a deep shade of amethyst that matches her husband’s perfectly. Topped with exuberant lashes that sweep the top of her cheeks and defined brows, Saraya is often described as a typical beauty.

    Standing five feet and six inches above the ground, her slender hourglass figure has always been trim. After years of elocution lessons, her stature and gait are very rarely less than flawless. Her taste in fashion much resembles her mothers as well, often preferring to wear extravagant gowns and jewellery. During day to day activities, Saraya can often be seen wearing neutral shades of makeup, though she favours a crimson red on her full lips when the occasion calls for it.

    The only unique and truly defining feature she possesses on her entire body are several piercings in discreet locations that most people do not get the pleasure of viewing. These were gained in a small fit of rebellion against her mother’s strict dress codes. She often chooses rather minimalist silver jewellery to decorate them, as anything more exuberant would be visible to the naked eye through her clothes.
  • R6QvRJk.png
    Many of Saraya’s features mirror her mothers. Her rounded face is detailed with pale freckles that stretch from the bridge of her button nose across sharply sculpted cheekbones. Long, flowing chocolate brown hair is often left loose to tumble down her back, ending at the top of her thighs.

    The only things gifted to her by her father are the rounded, intelligent, almond-shaped eyes that have the colour of newly cut emeralds with flecks of blue dotted around the edges of her iris. Though, when utilising the force they change to a deep shade of amethyst that matches her husband’s perfectly. Topped with exuberant lashes that sweep the top of her cheeks and defined brows, Saraya is often described as a typical beauty.

    Standing five feet and six inches above the ground, her slender hourglass figure has always been trim. After years of elocution lessons, her stature and gait are very rarely less than flawless. Her taste in fashion much resembles her mothers as well, often preferring to wear extravagant gowns and jewellery. During day to day activities, Saraya can often be seen wearing neutral shades of makeup, though she favours a crimson red on her full lips when the occasion calls for it.

    The only unique and truly defining feature she possesses on her entire body are several piercings in discreet locations that most people do not get the pleasure of viewing. These were gained in a small fit of rebellion against her mother’s strict dress codes. She often chooses rather minimalist silver jewellery to decorate them, as anything more exuberant would be visible to the naked eye through her clothes.
B I R T H N A M E | Saraya Arenais

T I T L E S | Lady of House Arenais - Princess of Mnemosyne

F A C T I O N | Independent

S P E C I E S | Human

H O M E P L A N E T | Mnemosyne

A G E | Twenty-Six

G E N D E R | Female

S K I N | Fair

H A I R | Chocolate Brown

E Y E S | Emerald Green

W E I G H T | 120lbs

H E I G H T | 5ft 6in

F O R C E - A B L E | Confirmed
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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam scelerisque massa vitae malesuada interdum. Donec nec tempor augue. Etiam ac nisi elit. Curabitur malesuada, lectus in blandit dictum, nulla diam tincidunt turpis, cursus imperdiet purus elit quis metus. Morbi a diam eu lectus aliquet tempus nec vel dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In lectus urna, mattis in hendrerit egestas, interdum in nulla. Cras pellentesque purus sit amet massa efficitur rutrum. Pellentesque vehicula tortor nisi, id elementum purus ullamcorper sed. Donec vitae ipsum suscipit, imperdiet magna quis, ultricies mauris. Quisque varius aliquam libero, sit amet venenatis tellus varius at. Morbi sapien tortor, luctus eu fringilla eu, pretium in libero.

    Suspendisse blandit accumsan ante, nec cursus dolor sodales a. Pellentesque fermentum ante a nulla varius, vel interdum ante rutrum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam sit amet mi arcu. Nullam malesuada augue quis hendrerit dapibus. Nulla a cursus justo. Nunc et magna a est interdum finibus venenatis eget dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec eget justo congue, congue ante quis, luctus ante. Morbi id congue tellus.

    Maecenas venenatis tellus ut suscipit volutpat. Suspendisse lorem nisl, interdum in condimentum et, scelerisque at nulla. Aliquam scelerisque a lectus vitae placerat. Nullam auctor id nulla sed ornare. In ut maximus urna, nec blandit orci. Morbi vitae gravida arcu, non sollicitudin lectus. Vestibulum ac purus consequat, finibus purus vel, rhoncus dolor. Aliquam condimentum, sapien nec rutrum egestas, ligula urna pretium erat, at iaculis tortor ex eu quam. Morbi vel auctor lorem, pellentesque fermentum leo. Integer sapien nunc, hendrerit sed turpis sit amet, dapibus efficitur urna. Phasellus pellentesque dolor quis ipsum porta dignissim. Nulla vel malesuada ex, in laoreet purus. Donec at nisi quis quam sagittis feugiat at ac velit.
  • fRYqESh.png
    S T R E N G T H - O N E | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas est nibh, congue eget dolor eu, pretium mattis mauris. Maecenas placerat molestie odio nec molestie. Suspendisse nec porttitor sem. Morbi odio arcu, luctus sit amet placerat nec, bibendum pulvinar turpis.

    S T R E N G T H - T W O | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas est nibh, congue eget dolor eu, pretium mattis mauris. Maecenas placerat molestie odio nec molestie. Suspendisse nec porttitor sem. Morbi odio arcu, luctus sit amet placerat nec, bibendum pulvinar turpis.

    S T R E N G T H - T H R E E | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas est nibh, congue eget dolor eu, pretium mattis mauris. Maecenas placerat molestie odio nec molestie. Suspendisse nec porttitor sem. Morbi odio arcu, luctus sit amet placerat nec, bibendum pulvinar turpis.
  • 4BcXBWQ.png
    W E A K N E S S - O N E | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas est nibh, congue eget dolor eu, pretium mattis mauris. Maecenas placerat molestie odio nec molestie. Suspendisse nec porttitor sem. Morbi odio arcu, luctus sit amet placerat nec, bibendum pulvinar turpis.

    W E A K N E S S - T W O | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas est nibh, congue eget dolor eu, pretium mattis mauris. Maecenas placerat molestie odio nec molestie. Suspendisse nec porttitor sem. Morbi odio arcu, luctus sit amet placerat nec, bibendum pulvinar turpis.

    W E A K N E S S - T H R E E | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas est nibh, congue eget dolor eu, pretium mattis mauris. Maecenas placerat molestie odio nec molestie. Suspendisse nec porttitor sem. Morbi odio arcu, luctus sit amet placerat nec, bibendum pulvinar turpis.
  • WqxRAg0.png
    - Adron Malvern Adron Malvern
    Relationship | Fiancé
    Biography | {x}
    Interactions | {x} - {x} - {x} - {x} - {x} - {x} - {x} - {x} - {x} - {x}
    - Rowena Arenais
    Relationship | Mother
    Biography | {x}
    Interactions | {x} - {x} - {x} - {x}
    - Bastin Arenais
    Relationship | Father
    Biography | {x}
    Interactions | {x}
    - Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
    Relationship | Cousin
    Biography | {x}
    Interactions | {x}
    - Caedyn Arenais
    Relationship | Cousin
    Biography | {x}
    Interactions | {x}
    - Kay
    Relationship | Aunt
    Biography | {x}
    Interactions | {x}
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    U N D E R - C O N S T R U C T I O N
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    U N D E R - C O N S T R U C T I O N
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    U N D E R - C O N S T R U C T I O N
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    i. Bright Day, Dark Night | Adron Malvern | Private | {X}
    Saraya attends a masquerade hosted by the Council of the People of Emberlene, where she meets a man who sweeps her off her feet. He reveals himself as the King of Illyria and opens her eyes to far more than she could have ever imagined, leaving behind nothing but the memory of his touch, extreme curiosity, and an amethyst gem with an ebony core.​
    ii. Duties of the Family | Rowena Arenais | Private | {X}
    Saraya and her mother discuss the events of the masquerade, including the mysterious man who had captured her heart. When Saraya reveals the man is none other than the King of Illyria, her mother senses great promise in the match and encourages Saraya to pursue it.​
    iii. The Darkest Hour | Adron Malvern | Private | {X}
    Adron visits Saraya in one of her dreams to give her inform her of their engagement. When she wakes from the dream, Saraya is left with far more than just the exhilerating news.​
    iv. A Wedding of a Different Theme | Faction | {X}
    Saraya and her family attend the wedding of Loreena Arenais, Saraya's cousin. Joined by Adron Malvern, Saraya's fiancé, the wedding opens the doors for several new and potentially awkward meetings. Including Saraya meeting the other half the Arenais family for the first time, and Adron meeting Saraya's father.​
    v. Consumed | Adron Malvern | Private | {X}
    Just a few days before their wedding, Saraya and Adron spend a little time togther to discuss the future of Illyria. Saraya also gets her first true taste of the darkside and crafts the lightsaber that would become the Queensaber.​
    vi. Une Nuit de Fête - A Night of Celebration | Private | {X}
    Saraya and Adron attend a party thrown by one of his many apprentices to celebrate their promotion.​
    vii. Dinner & Death | Private | {X}
    Adron and Saraya turn their attentions to the betterment of Illyria, starting with a meeting with an interesting woman who's primary trade lies in whispers.​
    viii. One Step Further | Xobos Yakieer | Private | {X}
    Saraya, in an attempt to impress her husband to be, enlists the help of one of his apprentices to teach her the art of lightsaber combat.​
    ix. Silver Wine | Private | {X}
    Saraya embarks on a diplomatic mission to Silver Rest to discuss her ideas for implimenting a galactic wide healthcare initiative, but there is a far more intreguing task to attend to in the depths of the temple.​
    x. Diplomatic Solutions | Private | {X}
    Saraya and Adron attend a ceremony to bestow the title of diplomat on several notable members of the Illyrian court. It is there that she meets the man that will represent Illyria in the treaty with her home planet of Mnemosyne.​
    xi. The Hidden Ones | Private | {X}
    Adron, Saraya and Xobos travel to Hefi to lay waste to a hidden Jedi temple there.​
    xii. A Common Rebirth | Private | {X}
    Adron's new life forge is put to the test when Adron and Saraya attempt to resurrect her dearly departed aunt. The resurrection itself goes awry, but is successful nonetheless.​
    xiii. Glamour and Gowns | Rowena Arenais | Private | {X}
    Saraya, her mother and one of her closest friends spend the day together planning Saraya's wedding.​
    xiv. Unbound | Adron Malvern | Private | {X}
    Adron and Saraya attend an informal dinner intended to provide the nobels of Illyria a chance to get to know their future Queen. One of the houses takes a chance to undermine Saraya and she later takes the oppertunity to show them just how big a mistake that was.​
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