Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sand... [SJO Dominion of Pesmenben IV]

(Just) Duncan

Peace Was Never An Option
She didn't correct him. There was nothing to correct. Miss Raithe of Miss Raithe. Suited just fine. There was somewhere she'd called home, but it felt like a lifetime ago. Five years, give or take? Was that all?

Miss Raithe of Miss Raithe.

That was good enough.

The masked face was, by its nature, impassive. It was part of the point really. No need to practice facial expressions, pretend to feel something you do not, when you could just remove them from the equation all together. Kirat had learned some time ago that there was no amount of training or experience that would let someone ignore that- they would look at her and think what they were going to think, judge what they were going to judge, and it would in no way bear on the reality of her capabilities. So she had taken it out of play altogether. It simplified things a great deal.

She took the other stool, more perching than sitting. If she had brought in chairs that were suitable for her, he would have been uncomfortable. So it was easier to plan for that in advance as well.

"No apologies needed," she responded calmly, motioning for him to proceed. Behind the mask, her nose however twitched with impatience. Fortunately he got to the point.

"Acceptable in concept. The details are lacking," came the distorted voice. "I am interested and you have my attention however."

Kuat Drive Yards was in bad shape. But they had a name, a brand, and the potential for capital in ways that might make it work it. Kirat couldn't imagine the work being interesting. It would probably be incredibly dull, over all. But sometimes the money could make it worth it.

[member="Daerian Kent"]
Objective: Night Market, And Stick with others
Location: Market
Nearby: [member="Asaraa Vaashe"],

Vibrant colors of hair, eyes, and clothing. A younger woman who was... not naive, but more so, had not seen all of the horrors of the Night. She reminded me of my sister. Frey was a healer first. Wanting to help all that her hand touched. Human, Alien, Zeltron, whoever. She even healed Sith. My mother was the same way, but her eyes could tell a story on their own of the pain she had felt in her past. My sister... still had innocence about her. Verily, I knew not of what this Knight had seen before. However, the small smile as she answered only spoke more of her character than any answer she could have given to me.

She was young within her Knightly duties. New to the more compounded, and confusing Galaxy that she lived in. Mentions of multiple mentors and teachers before she was given the title of Knight, showed me she likely was more independent of other padawans that had come before her. She could handle herself if needed. That was good. Answering me with just a vague term of the Council proclaiming her a Knight. Only then to ask what I had gone through.

Ah, the knowledge seeker, and purveyor of the past. Learning from others, to better prepare. A good mindset for a Newly crowned Knight. A sly smirk is what she got as I first pointed to a piece of fabric she had not quite yet reached.

"I feel that one would look better."

I took a second to gather my thoughts. Remembering my life and how it played out. Honestly answering her.

"I was never Knighted by your Order. Requirements for Knighthood were not set by your Council upon me. Instead, My father required specific aspects before he would even consider the thought of my Knightly title. I was in turn given the rank by my adoptive uncle. A Sith in fact. I learned from him many things, but such things are best left to those who can control all aspects of their emotions, and mental facilities."

In truth, My father, Never a member of the Council, but rather a trusted friend of those who were, sought much from me. As a child, I felt a pressure that weighed more heavily upon my mind, than my body. The stress alone is what kept me from reaching what he wanted. I left his wing, and joined my Uncle on his crusades as a Mandalorian. However short it was, I don't regret it. However, it does play within my mind of what could have happened should I have not left.

"My apologies, Today is a day of ease and rest. I am willing to answer any questions you have of your Order. I will do my best, but don't expect every answer to be final."

Me and my brooding mood again. Always the one to dwell to far into the past, thus becoming blind of what is taking place around me, to become the future.
Location: Night Market
Tag: [member="Kirat Raithe"]

A pleased nod there.

It had been nowhere certain that the mercenary would be interested in the proposal. Oh, Kuat Drive Yards had a grand name and Daerian truly believed they could rebuild it, but right now? It was a shadow of its former self. Bleeding money, bleeding resources. Every day that the yards over the world were in ruin? Were days of defeat and further loss. Days that their competition continued to outpace them and gained on their former clients.

Not every mercenary of repute would be willing to sign onto that.

This was a Galaxy of continued war, no? It was easy to find a well-paying job. "I am pleased I could gain your interest and attention, miss Raithe." Mister Kent said with a thin smile. Then another penstroke, confirming something for himself, before glancing back at her.

"I thank you for your patience. Onto specifics then: ever since the Omega Crisis our competitors have grown increasingly more bold." Distaste apparent in expression there. He did not attempt to hide it. Which told her plenty, because this was not a man who couldn't hide it, if he wanted to. It was an expression projected. Rather than an expression lost to him. "Recently one of our facilities has been raided. Data stolen. A truly dreadful affair."

A tap on his wrist.

The hovering droid started projecting a holo to her.

It was a corporate logo.

"We tracked it down to Teero Industries." Another tap. Now a map of the galaxy appeared. It highlighted a planet, then zoomed in, highlighting a station in orbit. "We would like you to send them a message. Infiltrate the station. Download the contents of their server, wipe their mainframe and extract." Finger raised. "We do not want any permanent casualties. I believe we can remain relatively civil about this." Then a nod. "What do you think, miss Raithe? Does this further raise your interest?"

(Just) Duncan

Peace Was Never An Option
In truth?

Kirat didn't have a lot of options at the moment. She needed money- good money- fast. And she didn't have enough of a rep of her own to mean that she could write her own way. What rep she did have was solid, but it wasn't enough. Too thin and she knew it. Looked good on paper for someone who wasn't in the business themselves, and that was what mattered.

It was why this meeting was happening at all. She knew that too.

Kirat Raithe looked good on paper. And in person.

Wasn't the same as writing a ticket. And if she were being honest, there were some wars she was willing to risk her life in more than others. But to survive long enough to reach the one she wanted, she needed cash.

She'd clawed her way here. She wasn't about to stop.

Behind the mask, Kirat blinked.

Was that all?

How amused would he be to know that.... she clicked her mic off and chuckled. Her own amusement at it was enough.

Clicking the mic on, the helmet inclined slightly. "No casualties is not a problem. I am more interested in the amount you are offering."

[member="Daerian Kent"]
Objective: Pilgrimage
Location: On the way to the temple

The next day proved to be no better. The sun is what woke Sigyn up, before she had planned to. But there was no time to bicker with that. She packed up the cloak, took her spear in hand, and began walking. There was no indication of how far away she was from the temple, but she felt it was probably less than a day's walk left.

On the way, she hadn't met anyone. It felt weird to her, not seeing anyone on a trek like this. But the terrain could be the reason behind it. On second thought, it could be a good thing. It gave her time to think, and feel the force on this planet. It was a feeling she couldn't explain. It was just something that 'was there'.

In the afternoon, she got the feelign of other force users not too far away. That meant she was nearing the temple. She tried to quicken the pace, but her heat-exhausted limbs would not agree. On the contrary, it made her more tired, making her rely on her spear for support even more. "Only a little longer now," she thought. Then the first part of this Journey would be over. Then the real part would begin.

Althea Becket

Objective/Location: Night Market

Eyes on everything but the path before her, Althea soon stumbled as she collided with something. A clatter of awkward elbows and... fruit? It took her a moment to piece together what happened – there was a young woman with pink hued skin and a rather flushed expression, a bunch of fruit spilled at their feet, and a few wet spots on her shirt that carried the sweet scent of fruit juice.

Thea's face broke into a lopsided grin.

“No need to apologize,” She said, shaking her head quickly. “I wasn't looking! There's just so much to see here.”

Indeed Thea was the easily distracted kind. But, she did remember her manners and quickly stooped to begin picking up some of the fruit that the Zeltron girl had dropped. Fortunately, there were some pieces that looked alright. But Thea's hand soon lifted one that was already brown with a large bruise.

“Golly, I feel bad that your fruit got all squished.” She said, “Maybe I can make it up to you? My name's Althea, by the way – but call me Thea, iffin you'd like.”

She stood, wiped her hand off on the front of her trousers and held it out to [member="Nida Perl"].

Echob Krirgo


"I hope so as well." replied Echob. "I'm Echob Krirgo, Jedi Padawan. Nice to meet you."
As Echob looked at the larger and older man, Cassius, he realized that the man was much better equipped than he was. Cassius had a pair of binoculars, as well as head-to-toe environmental clothing. However, Echob also seemed to be much more suited for desert environments than the human was. Echob hardly felt any degree of heat on his thick skin, and suspected that Hutt biology was largely associated with deserts. After all, Echob had heard rumors that many much older Hutts with much worse intentions than him lived on planets such as Tatooine and Nal Hutta.

He continued up the mountains in silence, before a thought suddenly occurred to him.

"What do the artifacts we're looking for look like?" asked Echob. "And do you think that the thieves broke them open or have them guarded?"

[member="Cassius Droma"]
Objective: Walking, walking, walking
Nearby: [member="Kahlil Zambrano"]

Gherron sensed the fear deep within his student, and placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort. ”Hey, I know this is gonna ask a lot of you, and I know how much stones it took to agree to come do this with me. Just know you’re not alone in this. I’m scared too.” It wasn’t a fact he’d admit to just anyone; most people saw him these days as an accomplished master like his brother with no faults. He was still dealing with his own stuff though... Even he had to admit that. Nodding to himself, he started on the path to the temple, ushering Kahlil beside him to do the same.

The trek to the hidden temple was a long one, but Gherron had made it a point not to bring mounts for the two to ride there. This pilgrimage was really split into two parts- The meditation inside the temple was one, but first you had to journey to the temple. Gherron didn’t know too much about the whole philosophy of these kinds of things, but from what he understood, the journey involved a bit of self-seeking as well. Self-seeking or not though, he was pretty sure there was nothing against the rules about food, so when his stomach began to grumble at him, he pulled a small roll of bread from his pack, ripped it in half and offered some to Kahlil as he bit into his piece.
Objective: BYOO (Capture Pirates)

Three days earlier...

Howard The Pirate looked over his new cybernetic right arm, a complete replacement after taking a terrible amount of damage to it during a near fatal encounter with some type of military biot in the form of a female chiss. He had fled to a penthouse he owned on Coruscant. The adrenaline had kept him upright for a few hours before his injuries caught up with him and he had needed immediate surgery. It had taken him weeks to recover. They had put in a cybernetic eye with a combat implant at his request, along with bio armor at the joints, a Sith Regenerator implant and strength implant added also. The arm was plated in phrik and came with customizable attachments. It was about as much as the grizzled, aging man could handle. He had some fights left yet in him. The cybernetics would get him a few more. But the man knew he would likely have to quit soon. But he needed the money. He hadn't lived a clean life. He didn't imagine he would die cleanly. But he was gonna go on his terms and no one else's. Just like his mother had.

The old man was still pretty well built, maintained his remaining muscles through hard work, and as he waltzed around his relatively sparse penthouse in upper Coruscant, his graying hair a little grayer from the stress of his encounter with the android, his beard trimmed down to barely past his skin, his green eyes contrasting with leathery skin that was nontheless that of a bodybuilder.

He roamed the penthouse in his pink bathrobe with little red hearts on it, his bug-out bag ever ready on his bed. He had multiple bug out bags, planted strategically in any one of a hundred spots in the area around his penthouse in case he needed to take any one of a hundred exit routes to escape.

He nursed a glass of chocolate milk. He never drank alcohol.

"So let me get this straight, Clyde..." Howard said to his Alderaanian contact, a man who had been in the underworld intelligence business for a long time. Howard got most of his new identities from Clyde. Clyde was dressed in a red and black tunic, enjoying a glass of Juma. His head was bald and with a fair complexion, both his eyes replaced by cybernetics that glowed red on a wrinkled face.

"...You want me to go to some Gods-Forsaken desert in the middle of fething nowhere and obtain a treasure that might be there..."

"My intel is pretty solid on this Howard. You know I don't give you 'is' there." Clyde claimed, as he sat at the black, round oak table, looking around at the stainless steel walls and floor. "They say its over twelve million credits in aurodium bullion, and its just lying there in that old wreck..."

"That old Sith wreck. Why don't you get an Adept? Galaxy is crawling with the feths these days..." Howard asked as he sipped his milk, plopping on his bed, wiggling little pink slippers with bunny heads on them.

"We would, but none of them are up to the challenge...and we have a particularly nasty customer in the area..." Clyde said, showing a picture of a bronze skinned woman in a red and gold chrome suit with fiery red hair, decapitating an imperial battle droid.

"She's cute..." Howard thought out loud, sipping more milk.

"She's killed every team of pirates sent before you. So we're assembling an extra special crew..."

Howard took a look at the datapad next to him, sipping more milk. "Real gang of tough cases..."

"All experienced pirates equipped with powerful, accurate weaponry." Clyde assured him.

"No blasters." Howard told Clyde. "Absolutely no blasters. We go in we hit her hard with shotguns, heavy machinegun fire from all sides and sonics. We have a ship to move the bullion?"

"As a matter of fact we do. A Silver Jedi Vessel known as The Spectral Heart is preparing to retrieve the bullion three days from now."

"How big?"

The size of a heavy frieghter, crew of twenty-five, Most of them are Rangers."

"Nothing I haven't seen before." Howard said, shrugging. "Can you get us aboard or are we going to have to take it solely on our own?"

"I'm afraid it'll be your job to actually figure out how to take the ship. I know you'll come up with something." Clyde answered with confidence in his old friend.

"I'm long in the jaw these days Clyde. Can't keep it up forever." Howard muttered, finishing the last of his milk as he looked over the skillsets. "Says your Jedi uses pyrokinesis..."

"She's quite good at it too..." Clyde grumbled, pulling out a candy bar, unwrapping it and taking a bite. "As my previous team found out.

"Easy fix. Cryo guns, spray bottles, water tanks..." Howard remarked. "I'll play it safe...but the ship the bullion is on...the Sith Ship...what was the nature of the ship?"

"A Sith Lady's personal mobile vault..."

Howard sighed.

"I'm bringing a way I won't need it before this is over..." he grumbled, rising from his bed.

Clyde sensed it was time to leave. He rose.

"Be careful out there, old friend..." Clyde said clapping him on the shoulder. Howard did the same.

"You too, brother..." Howard said back, grinning that devil grin. "I survived a Jedi before. I know what I'm doing..."

Three days and six hours later...

Howard ran for his life through the rusted darkened ship, outrunning the murderous being just a step or three behind him. He was dirty from the blood and contusions to the rest of his body. The emergency lights, a deep red, flickered on and off as the ancient reactor core safety system sounded an alert while the old pirate ran through a nightmarish crimson strobe, gasses leaking from broken lights, bathing ruined passages and workstations. He had fifteen minutes to try and get off the vessel, one vibroblade, and a water pistol.

Following him, stalking, savoring the hunt, was a bronze skinned woman in a white and gold chrome suits, fiery red hair long and tinged with swaths of black flame, like the eyes, where the black fire leaked from, spreading down through cracks in her face. It orbited her hands as a ring.

Syd Celsius, corrupted by a dark magic that she had been unprepared for stalked Howard, her emotions completely out of control and over amplified, leaving melted warps on the floor she floated over, letting him run a little. It mattered little to her, so long as she got to make him suffer, make anyone suffer for that amber hell she had been trapped in.

Howard ran for his life, unable to think of any brilliant plans at the moment...
[member="Syd Celsius"]

She felt something a disturbance in the force and the jedi master was moving quickly allowing the force to guide her as she looked deeper. She had met the flame being... a geist she had called herself and it had been a strange thing to see in her time among the jedi. Where she was moving as her scarf flowed behind herself and she was able to feel the force itself wrap around and go into her body. Compared to he last time they had practiced with sabers and the force she had learned a few tricks and would work to bring them to the forefront. Her saber went to her hand as she adjusted the power setting to a low level and the warmth of the crystals within the metal. She was moving to find her and could feel others were around as something pressed against her and it was a dark feeling. Cold and twisted but she was projecting as much energy to try and connect and sooth her. "Syd." She said it more with concern as she didn't know what had been happening to push her but this was something that could be dangerous if she burned herself to much and went to far.
Objective 3
Allies: [member="Josh Dragonsflame"]
Post: 1

Ra had been on many worlds due to her work and many markets. She was a businesswoman and had a mind to see where potential was for that. Josh had invited her to join him for an outing to the market here and she had accepted. It would provide her the chance to see what this world offered and him the opportunity to have a quiet day.

Holding onto Jason's hand, she couldn't help but wear a small, contented smile at what had happened in her life since they had met. One of the last times they had been together as a family, it had been learned Jason could use the Force. He had told her of his fears prior and they had proved true. Jason didn't seem to be much changed and right now Josh was himself. Either that or Ra had grown accustomed to him and hadn't noticed anything different.

"This will be a change from what we're used to for sure. No bad guys to fight or rides to try. Just a day at a market, looking around, buy things and maybe see about business opportunities."

Pretty much muttering the last part under her breath, that shouldn't be something she was even thinking about.
Location: Night Market
Tag: [member="Kirat Raithe"]

There were plenty of mega-corporations out there who believed they were above the law.

Above morals.

The little things that made civilization tick-tock further along the proper lines. Even Kuat had their... shameful moments. Private armies enforcing, killing indiscriminately, destroying, as long as the needs of the corporation were met. Oh, Daerian wasn't naive. He understood that sometimes you needed to smash an egg to make an omelette. That was business. Certainly. But at the same time he believed it to be ugly, inelegant and frankly... unworthy of who they inspired to be.

When you consistently only opted for the baser, more simple path? Were you truly any better than the savages of this Galaxy?

Daerian certainly didn't believe so.

The fact that it was not an issue for this mercenary? Made him very happy indeed. "Excellent, very excellent!" He showed it without reservation. "Ah, yes, the financial incentive." A knowing smile there, before he wrote down a number, ripped the flimsiplast off his notebook and extended it towards the giant. Carefully, of course. "Half of that figure at acceptance. Half once the job is complete, of course." Repeating himself just to be clear.

This man believed in absolute clarity.


"How do you like the mercenary business, miss Rathe?" Daerian suddenly asked. Expression curious, but it seemed to have come out of nowhere. Or perhaps he had kept it in until now.
Location: Pesmenben IV
Tagging: [member="Zephyr Carrick"]

[SIZE=11pt]To tell the truth Asaraa hadn’t even considered the other rug, at least not until the man had pointed it out to her. The girl let the cloth she’d been holding slide through her fingers, slipping back onto the pile as she reached over to grasp the new one, pulling it up and out of it’s pile, her fingers running through the soft material appreciatively. “Good choice,” the girl straightened, catching the eye of the shop’s proprietor, dropping the rug on the counter as she turned to examine Zephyr, her blue eyes flicking up and down his frame as she slipped her hand into her jacket pocket for a moment, a handful of credits joining the rug on the table.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With that taken care of the girl turned to fully face Zephyr, her eyes widening in alarm, that life…well it had been harder than she’d have expected it to be. Her eyes softened for a moment as the reached a hand up, running it through her hair nervously as she shook her head. “We all have those moments we play through again and again, things we could have done differently, could have walked a different path.” She knew there were times in her life that she wished she could go back to redo, knowing what she knew now. Only, Asaraa didn’t think that her moments of thought could come close to matching his, after all, a life within the protection of the Jedi Order was far afar different from a life outside, dealing with the Mandalorian crusades. But even within her experience, there were those day, those things she wished she could redo with all her heart, things that might have saved those she loved from the pain she knew was coming.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The girl glanced around, nodding her head at a nearby café stall, “Can I treat you a…well water? I guess. A cup of caf might not be the best choice right now.” A small shrug rolled over the girl’s shoulders, the smile still on her face, “No answer is ever final, but each one helps to build up a better picture right?”[/SIZE]
Objective: Night Market, And Stick with others
Location: Market
Nearby: [member="Asaraa Vaashe"],

After purchasing the rug that she wanted. After the man had returned some credits, I picked up the coins and handed them to the Knight. Then taking the rug and easily rolled it up before sticking it under my arm. As always, my instincts of doing something for a female of any form, took over before I asked if she wanted me to take it. Either way, She did mention of understanding the thoughts of redoing past events. Walking a different path than the one we were on. I smirked lightly at the offer of a drink.

"I would never ask a drink of you, however if you so desire, I will accept."

Indicating for us to move over to the Cafe, I picked one of the tables that was empty but close enough to us. Pulling out the seat for the pink hair woman. Placing the rug down beside the chair. Speaking as I moved over to my own side, I still accepted the life that I have led. No matter what one may believe, or feel about their actions of the past, they need to learn to accept what has happened, and learn from it, and use it to further themselves in whatever they choose. Forgetting the past, will only lead to future pains.

"Fret not of past actions. Accept them for what they are. Denying that they happened, will only hurt you. Your life has led you to where you are now, and hopefully, it is better than the day before."

Oh so too, do I wish to take back things I have said and done. However, what is done cannot be taken back. Rephrase or work to fix the situation, is all you can do. The Sins i have committed i need to pay for, but it will all be done in time. Should my death come on the eve of tomorrow, or eons from now, I will accept it. Letting it cause pain, letting it fester as an infected wound, will only allow it to fester exponentially.

"Learn all you can. Getting any picture, is better than nothing at all."

(Just) Duncan

Peace Was Never An Option
It had been hard at first. The shift from the culture she'd been raised in to what she had become. She had never gotten any JOY from killing, though she had found a particular knack for it once she'd known where to look. So agreeing to avoiding it for a situation that simply did not call for it? No trouble at all for her. Oh, she would, when the situation demanded. And she'd learned to do it without pity or remorse. But there was no enjoyment in that aspect, and it cost her nothing to agree in this instance.

There were other parts of what she was doing that she did enjoy. That? Not one of them.

Simply necessary evils.

Reaching out, she accepted the scrap of flimsy, drawing it back over. Inside the helmet, her eyebrows rose. It was generous for what they were talking about. Not excessively so- not enough to make her wonder what they weren't telling her. But certainly enough for her to be pleased.

Of course for him, there was no trace of that. Just, after a moment, a nod.


Another surprise then, when he asked that question. Enough that even he could catch the slight tilt of the helmet as she regarded him.

That was..... an odd question. Sounded almost normal coming from him but it was in reality a VERY odd question.

"Also.... acceptable. It is.... adequate to my skills and needs," she said finally. There wasn't much else to say.

Did she enjoy the thrill of it?

Oh yeah. Sometimes far more than she thought she really should. It wasn't the killing. But there were moments of pure, unfettered adrenaline that she had never, not in a lifetime, would have expected to find joy in. Her family wouldn't have understood.

She would have traded it to have them back. All of it.

"And you.... enjoy.... the ship making business?"

It felt awkward to ask, but then, he'd made the whole thing a little awkward there for her.

[member="Daerian Kent"]
Objective: 2 – Recover artifacts
Tags: [member="Echob Krirgo"]

As they hiked, the juvenile Hutt asked what exactly they were looking for. Once again retrieving his holoprojector from his belt, he cycled through the images while holding it out for the Padawan to see. Putting the projector back, he answered, “If they’re smart, they’ve preserved them. Their value would decrease significantly if they were broken. I could imagine that they might have packed them securely into crates, so keep an eye out for that.”

Eventually, they were only around fifty meters away from the entrance of the cave. Stealth wouldn’t exactly be the best option with the Hutt slithering around, so he had to think of something else. Crouching behind some rocks, he squinted. In the shadowy maw of the cave entrance, he could see some movement. Just like he thought, there were pirates moving some crates out.

The roar of an engine could be heard getting louder and louder as a shuttle approached. It flew just over the two of them before stopping in front of the cave and slowly settling down. Cassius buried his face in his elbow in order to shield his face from all of the sand being kicked up. When he finally looked back up, the transport’s ramp was lowering, and the pirates were gearing up to load the crates.

“Looks like we’ve caught them at just the right time,” Cassius whispered to Echob. “They’re moving the artifacts, and will probably split after that…” Retrieving his lightsaber from his belt, Cassius looked over to the Hutt briefly. “Now’s a good a time as any.”

His lightsaber’s green blade thrumming to life, Cassius leapt towards the transport and landing site.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Objective 3: Night market
Allies: SJ

"How does one become an ergonomic assessor?" a freedman Klesta readily recognized from Lannik asked.

"Utinni! That's the first time anyone ever asked me how does one become an ergonomic assessor. Just because you owe your freedom, and your life as well, to an ergonomic assessor, doesn't mean you have what it takes to become one. Now, at a minimum, you need knowledge of biomechanics, physiology and workplace health and safety. If you're willng to endure schooling among the Xi Charrians, then you can get the best ergonomics training in the galaxy"

While Tiffany was busy pontifying the would-be voyeur client about the cost-benefit analysis and the process of performing an ergonomic assessment, Klesta was busy talking about the requirements of the profession to someone he rescued from the collapsing mine shaft on Lannik. Often it seemed that ergonomic assessors were either failed physical/occupational therapists, or people who pursued kinesiology. Ergonomic assessments were still rather poorly-known among the non-Xi Charrian public, even with the SI making ergonomic assessments go into the public limelight for the first time outside of Charros, few, if any, non-Xi Charrians would ever even want to become ergonomic assessors. Charros was the galactic capital of ergonomic assessments for a reason: Xi Charrians held the workplace as sacred and work accidents were considered sacrileges to them. Hopefully that freedman would actually go through the process of becoming an ergonomic assessor and, hopefully, make it as an ergonomic assessor, but he needs to take any remedial coursework required by the Xi Charrians before the ergonomics program proper can start.
Location: Pesmenben IV

Tagging: Zephyr Carrick


“Even if it’s the wrong picture?”

It was a good thing the shop had broken down her credits, it gave Asaraa the change she needed to buy the drinks, the coins sliding idly around the girl’s wrist, as if on a conveyor belt. It was a nervous habit she’d picked up during training, reacting without thinking as she took comfort in the force, in the skills that came naturally to her. A twist of her wrist sent the coins tumbling into her hand with a metallic clink as she passed them over to the server who approached the table, waiting till she had her fingers wrapped around the rim of a glass of water, her fingers tracing patterns in the condensation collecting on the sides of the glass.

“What I’m worried about is learning the wrong thing, wandering down the wrong path without even meaning to.” The girl closed her eyes for a moment, fingers thrumming a nonsense beat on the sides of her glass before she glanced back at Zephyr, her blue eyes resting on his face for a moment before she looked up, a hand coming up to wave at all the stars painted across the night sky, twinkling like diamonds hanging in black velvet. “I guess that’s what we’re worried about isn’t it, all of us dancing through the spaceways. Parents always tell their kids they can do anything, but it’s true for us.” Her gaze dropped back down to the man, “if I wanted to I could as easily tear someone apart as heal them, could be an angel or a demon.” She fell silent for a moment, measuring her next words carefully, “I…came into possession of some memories that weren’t mine, those of a Sith.” Her hand came up to tap the side of her head, “I can still see them, remember them. In every situation I can see what they’d do, the easy way. We had to deal with some terrorists who had taken over an oil refinery not that long ago, and I could have killed them all for what they’d done by just raising a finger. I didn’t,” she hurriedly assured him, “but that voice is always there…and it leaves me questioning I guess.” The girl’s eyes dropped to her drink, “leaves us all questioning what the right thing to do is, always worrying about the choices we’ve made, the choices we will make.” Asaraa’s voice fell to a near whisper, speaking more to herself than anyone else, “I just don’t want to turn into her.”
Objective 1: Pilgrimage
Location: Temple

Aida stood for a long moment, merely admiring the intricately carved sandstone before her. It was such a wonder, a magnificent work, to be sure. With the velvety night sky above, the entrance to the temple had been lit with the dancing flames of braziers, making the carvings all the more intriguing in the dim light.

Approaching the stone steps, she ascended. Her robes, light linen, billowed about her ankles as she gently removed her shoes. Stepping forward barefoot, she felt the polished stone beneath her feet.

On she went, quiet and contemplative.

The air was solemn within the temple, and there was respectful silence within the walls. The traveling Jedi had a meeting with one of the elders, but she would first pay her own respects at their altar. Blue eyes grew wide, her breath taken by the deep chamber that stretched out before her.

It was quite a sight to behold.
Objective: Night Market, And Stick with others
Location: Market
Nearby: [member="Asaraa Vaashe"],

Ah the societal conception of Good, and Evil. Was the picture that had, the one that was "good and right." I smirked ever so lightly as she continued to speak. Lowering her voice decreasingly so. Eventually getting to a point where it was barely a whisper. Leaning forward. I looked directly into her eyes. Sparking, but filled with a concern and worry.

"Everything you said, was a Catch twenty-two. If you don't want to become what you feel is bad, then if you keep an active measure, you will be fine. However, one often meets their destiny on the road to avoid it. Tread carefully on the line between avoidance, and acceptance."

Turning to look to my left, and then to my right, I reached down to my side and produced a Lightsaber. Long, dark as night, and almost threatening just by sitting there. Letting it sit on the table between us, I softly continued.

"This is my past. This is who I was. Yet, instead of destroying it, vowing never to go back, I keep it. This is acceptance. Knowing what happened, was not what you wanted, but still working to become better from it. If I were to destroy this, and any kind of Dark sided item, destroying knowledge, killing people for merely touching the darkness, am I any better than they are simply because I currently touch the light? Am I the one who should be given the right by a vague presence of mystical energies to bring balance to an invisible power given as a gift, or as a curse to many?"

I smiled lightly. Taking back the lightsaber and returning it from where it had come. Leaning ever so little in my chair as I pulled the glass of water to my lips. Sipping barely a drop from my lips before continuing once more.

"Fret not of what others feel is right and wrong. You do what you feel is right, you do what you believe to be necessary of your values. After that, let everything else fall into place."

She reminded me so much of my younger self. The childish mind within the body of a growing man. Wishing to do right by his family and his people, but losing sight of himself in the process. Learning the hard way that the only people that should matter, are those he truly cares for. Those I love with every fiber of my being. I just hoped that Asaraa didn't fall down the same steps I did.

Maybe, just maybe this would help me atone for my sins.

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