Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Romeo Sin's Death

Razz Michaels

It is better to die a meaningful dealth then live a meaningless life is it not?

[member="Romeo Sin"]


Actually, it's better to live for something than die for nothing.

Edit: Tell me, how many apprentices have you taken that have reached knighthood? How many at all? What teachings have you given back to the world?


two decided to decline the rank.

I dont care what I give to the world, the world can burn for all I care. So whatever you may think is important is probably not to me.

Edit: Ashe >.> HOW did I know this was you?
[member="Romeo Sin"] I think killing a character is something to be seriously considered. The repercussions to all characters involved with the character being killed and to be sure that ooc reasoning are not the driving force behind it. There are very few ways to come back from ic death.
[member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

There's actually a surprisingly large bit of IC reasoning... All the non-Sith Sins are off the planet, and it's the perfect time to kill all the main-line Sins and blow up a rather important Sith holding as well...
[member="Lucifer Malvern"] what the lizard is gone?

I don't know that I'd consider that good reasoning. And besides it can fail the Sith can block and respond. The objective may not be achieved and then all that happens is the death if characters.

Also its against the rules to blow up planets

Anyhow I wanted to add my two cents for what it was worth. I will drop out of this now. :) have a good day.

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