Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Returning to the Nest

Lionel had to refrain from smiling too much as he caught Amea getting lost in her thoughts, taking care to not consume the caf too quickly. Earlier in the day, Evelyn had been fussing over the matter.

Caf’s not exactly her favourite thing, but I’ve managed to find a blend that she likes. It’s...wait no, just lemme make it, it’ll be easier.

If they weren’t already dating, it would’ve been abundantly clear just how smitten Evelyn was with Amea. Whatever they had gone through together, it had helped forged a bond that was going to be difficult to break. No doubt there would be bumps along the road, but to Lionel it seemed the two had already tackled a hurdle.

You’re not wrong there, I’d do whatever it took to keep her happy. Evie went through too much when she was growing up, so it makes me happy to see she’s found someone.” He had been worried to death when Evie left, as had Dolores. She had flown the coop on a whim, to explore the galaxy. Of course, a part of them were concerned over their granddaughter throwing away a potential career, but they were more so concerned about her being alone in the galaxy. “She’s lucky to have you.

He laughed lightly at Amea’s question. “Well that’ll depend...if Evie’s took anything from me, it’s likely my inability to stop shopping for stuff to cook with.” He scratched the side of his sheepishly. “But Dolores is with her, and she’s had years of practice to pull me away-

Lionel!” The voice managed to echo from the entrance right down towards the workshop. It was clearly Dolores, but the tone was not one of alarm or panic. If anything it almost sounded...overjoyed? “Get your butt to the entrance, now. I have met the cutest little thing, ever!

The elderly Shaw looked very bemused. “Oh god, what’s she brought home now?” Lionel chuckled as he hadn’t the faintest idea, although Amea just very well might. “Come on, we better go see what’s up before Dolores loses her voice.

Lionel led the way, with Bob quietly following behind them. Once they reached the entrance, it became plainly apparent just what had been the source of Dolores’ almost giddy-like joy.

She was standing just inside the foyer, a couple bags full of goods at each side of her, but most importantly a certain white furred being was in the process of clambering up onto her shoulders.

Evelyn however, was not present.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

Hoshi. Amea heard the shouts of marvel as they approached and upon rounding the corner it was evident enough that what had enthused Dolores so was the tiny little white creature that Amea herself oh-so-often fawned over. She looked at the bags that the elderly Shaw had brought and then the creature before that slow realization trickled down in Amea’s mind.

She began to walk again, right up to the door to look outside.

“Where’s Evelyn?” She asked and looked back at the other two.

Amea gave off a gentle, if insecure chuckle before she looked back outside. Would she really blame her if she had? This open communication thing was terrifying. She lifted the lukewarm caf cup to her lips and took a sip. Evelyn was probably just doing something at the ship.

After all, Hoshi had to get here somehow.

Oh, maybe she was bringing it over? No, she had mentioned something about specifically not wanting ships to land on the property. Amea went back inside again to soak in the warmth of the inside. All things considered, she was still in the very same outfit she had slept in.

The just-ever-so-slightly-too-small outfit.
The elderly Shaw looked on with amusement as his wife interacted with the small creature, Hoshi was his name if he recalled correctly. Evelyn had been quite correct in the effect he seemed to have on others. Dolores was acting like a younger version of herself, trying to keep up with the Shinri.

But then Amea spoke, and that beam of happiness quickly shifted into a solemn expression. Lionel’s shifted from curious to concerned at Dolores’ reaction to the question.

She...brought some flowers.

And just like that Lionel’s expression matched his wife’s. “Ahh…” Lionel looked down at the floor, then looked over at Amea. “She’s gone to see her parents.” The fact that he had known instantly, made it all too clear this wasn’t a first time thing. “I’ll give you directions to where she’s gone, but first let’s get you something to eat.” Although, part of Lionel suspected Amea was going to forgo that so she could head immediately to Evelyn.

A change of clothes at least? We picked up some more from your ship.” Dolores spoke up this time, attention shifting between looking at Amea and giving Hoshi attention. “They’re out in the speeder, Bob?” She looked over at the droid, who had already been looking in her direction, though at Hoshi specifically. “It’s good to see you back on your feet. If you could be darling, can you fetch the bags from outside?” Bob gave a curt nod before he stepped around the others and headed outside.

I can quickly whip something together, perhap something to also take for Evie?

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

The hopeful glance on Amea’s features slowly faded at the mention of Evelyn’s parents. Her eyes closed, brows furrowed for a moment. A heaviness fell on her shoulders as she contemplated the scene before her and came to the conclusion that she hated it. Not that Evelyn was there but that Amea wasn’t.

“No.” Came an almost immediate response to Lionel’s offer, her words soured by worry. “I need to see her right away.”

Her eyes opened to look at Dolores. She had a point, Amea was still in the very same outfit she had arrived here in. Although, admittedly the outfit wasn’t hers to begin with. That shopping round they had talked about, Evelyn and her, had been waylaid by something else entirely.

“You’re right, but-”
Amea stammered. “I need to go. To her.”

“If she needs me, or…”
Amea struggled for words yet again. Her arms were thrown in resignation. “Anything at all.”
Rather than being taken aback by Amea’s sudden response, Lionel simply smiled. “Alright, let’s get you a jacket to put on at least.” He didn’t even need to wait, as Amea was swiftly out the door before he could finish. The elderly Shaw chuckled as he followed her out.

One moment, Bob.” Lionel briefly jogged to catch up, just in time as the droid was picking up the bags. A quick scavenge through them produced a jacket, one of a few Evelyn wore whenever she wasn’t donning her longer coat.

Lionel had leaned over the speeder, interacting with the controls. “Looks like they didn’t drive to the cemetery, so I’ve put in the directions. Should take you to just outside the gates.

He stepped away to let Amea in, giving her a nod. “If there’s anyone she needs with her right now, it’s you Amea.” Lionel walked over and stood at Bob’s side, who raised a hand to give her a little wave.

The drive had taken her into the city itself, weaving through until she reached an older part of it. As Lionel had said, the directions took Amea to the southern gate entrance. It was merely a brief walk to and through them. The cemetery was peaceful, sparsely populated with only a handful of individuals and a couple families present.

It was fairly sizable, but clearly space became an issue many years ago. Leading to the second cemetery that existed along the outskirts of the city.

Walking along the exterior stone pathways, it wasn’t difficult to find Evelyn. No one could miss that stylised bob of white hair. She was further along one of the inner dirt paths, knelt before a pair of graves. A bouquet of flowers resting at the foot of them.

-I wish you could’ve met her, you would’ve loved her.” From this angle it was impossible to see Evelyn’s face, her hair obscuring it. “If it weren’t for her...I think I’d be in a bad place right now, after losing Sebastian and the others…

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

“Thank you, Lionel.”
Amea said and tugged the collars of the jacket to make it fit just a little bit better. There were no more words she could quite care to use. The weak smile on her lips would have to be enough. The doors closed and Amea leaned back into the seat to let the auto-pilot carry her to where her girlfriend was.

Although the surrounding landscape was beautiful there was little within Amea that cared to take it in. The verdant rolling hills, the concrete of the city, all of it pointless as she rubbed her thumb against the side of her index finger. Anxiety rolled off of her in waves. It built itself up and then she let it go until finally she touched down again.

To be in this place, a graveyard, so soon after the visage on Dantooine felt… Humbling, and utterly terrifying. The anxious thumb struck harder against the skin of her finger. The soles beneath her feet fell quiet as each twitch of her muscle caused her to withdraw deeper and deeper within herself.

And there, in the distance sat Evelyn. Still silent, still anxious, Amea approached without a sound until eventually she was just within enough of an ear shot to hear what Evelyn whispered and wished for. A quiet sigh and a deep frown, set on Amea’s lips as she slowly reached out to place her hand on Evelyn’s shoulder and knelt down next to her.

She didn’t say anything at all. Her brows furrowed while her lips curled into a smile. She was here for Evelyn, no matter what. The echani knew that much.
Evelyn didn’t react at first to the sounds of someone approaching. She just brushed it off as someone walking nearby or past her. It wasn’t until she felt a hand on her shoulder, that the Echani suddenly froze. Although it only took her a few seconds to recognize who it was. She might not have the Force to sense her presence, but she knew it was Amea.

The Echani lifted her head, turning to look at her girlfriend. Evelyn’s lips shifted into a small smile, hand raising up to try and wipe her tear stained cheeks.

Hey…” Evelyn spoke quietly, her voice slightly hoarse. “Sorry I just kinda disappeared, I-” The Echani cut herself off as she looked back at the gravestones, eyes shifting down to the flowers before them. “I saw the flowers while shopping and just...knew.

Evelyn sighed heavily, turning to look at Amea again. “I knew I’d have to do this some point before we left, I just didn’t think it would be today.

The gravestones were nothing spectacular, just a pair of neatly chiselled slabs of stone. Names on each, with a brief sentence beneath them. Both mentioned them as heroes, a great mother/father, etcetera. Though to Evelyn, those words weren’t wholly true.

I didn’t even come here before I left years ago…

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

“Hey, it’s no worry.”
Amea squeezed the Echani woman’s shoulder. Though she wanted to wipe the tears from Evelyn’s cheeks it felt like something that she needed to do for herself, a means to bolster herself rather than through Amea. Not that Evelyn needed it, but… Well, Amea herself was unsure how to even act.

This moment of contemplation and rest was a painful reminder of what she had once lost, but this moment was also not about her. For Evelyn, this was as important to experience as the rest of the pieces that anchored her to the past and present. Or at least that’s what that small voice at the back of Amea’s mind told her. The importance was not lost on her but the message was.

“These things, they happen.” Amea tried her best to be supportive even as the uncertainty of doing the right thing pressed against her. Her breathing grew staggered for a moment as she struggled to find the right word to explain herself, her mouth ajar for a moment before, “I mean, they…” She panicked with a quick exhale and tried to focus. “Had they been alive they would have wanted you to-”

“But they-”
Amea closed her eyes and merely wrapped her arms around Evelyn in a tight hug instead. “I am sorry that this happened to you.” That would have to do. “I wish I could have met them too, even if just to say hello.”

Amea smiled as she separated. “These symbols of who they were doesn’t matter as long as you have them in here.” Amea placed her index finger against Evelyn’s chest. “They still live on, inside of you.”

“And while we will never know if they are proud of you, I always will be. I love you.”
There was no hesitation when Amea hugged her, with the Echani just melting into the embrace. She couldn’t help but smile at her words. Odd thing it might’ve been, but she knew trying to be openly comforting wasn’t exactly Amea’s forte. And the fact she was making the effort, even through the stumbles, meant the world to Evelyn.

I just wish they could’ve been around longer…” The fact she was very young when her parents left, was something Amea already knew. Small tidbits Evelyn had revealed during that night on the cliff, looking out at the ocean. Barely old enough to remember those early years, of her parents being overjoyed and spoiling their daughter.

But then when they came back, she was too young to understand what had happened. Her grandparents had made especially sure she wasn’t exposed to it, not until she was old enough.

Alas, they weren’t able to stop her being mentally and emotionally scarred.

I love you too, ‘mea. Thank you.

Evelyn went to stand up, but wobbled slightly. Realizing what had happened, the Echani chuckled in embarrassment as she glanced over at Amea. “I uh, might need help getting back up on my feet. My legs may be a tad bit numb.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

A cautious hand latched onto Evelyn’s shoulder to press her in closer. It was hard to empathize, but it wasn’t difficult to understand. It got even tighter as Evelyn affirmed the emotions that they had laid out with words, the ones that they had only spoken off all too late. And although they were late for it that didn’t mean they couldn’t catch up in good time.

As Evelyn wobbled Amea quickly dove under her arm to give her support with a slightly worried look. Though the look quickly faded when it turned out to be nothing serious. Just a few legs that hadn’t expected to be put to use all of a sudden. Amea’s lips curled into a grin as she helped Evelyn regain her balance and lingered even longer as they finally stood on equal ground again. With a deft move she swept out from under the arm until her hands held onto Evelyn’s hands with a gentle squeeze.

These were the things that were almost instinctive, movements that felt more natural than they had any right to be.

“Come on,” Amea said and motioned her head over her shoulder. “There is a speeder, prepped and ready to go back home. I have something to show you.”
Evelyn took one last passing look at her parents’ graves, before she nodded to Amea.

Got a surprise waiting for me, hm?” She had a teasing, curious look in her eyes. The Echani knew what it was, but she wanted to have some fun with it. Keeping her hand firmly intertwined with Amea’s, Evelyn headed towards the exit and departed the cemetery.

The speeder she had taken with her grandma earlier on was there, devoid of the multitude of bags that had filled the backseats. A thought crossed Evelyn’s mind, and she looked Amea up and down to take in how she looked.

You came straight here after waking up, didn’t you?” Again, a curious look from the Echani, but it was also accompanied by a warm smile.

She let Amea get into the driver’s seat first, before she followed suit and hopped into the passenger side. “How much are you willing to bet my grandma will still be either holding, or just generally dotting on Hoshi when we get back?"

Albeit, it wasn’t really much of a question when both of them knew the answer already. They had yet to meet someone who didn’t just want to keep Hoshi around, absorb the sheer adorableness.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

“I did.” Amea admitted to Evelyn’s accusation with a weak smile and pulled the snug jacket down her arm to no greater success than she had twenty minutes ago. Her head bowed to avoid hitting the ceiling of the speeder before she turned to face Evelyn yet again. “I was… Worried.”

That was one way to put it. She was also equally understanding of the fact that Evelyn could have run away, which probably said something too. As the car slowly began to take off she glanced down at the hands in her lap before she gave Evelyn yet another look. This one was far happier.

“She’s definitely being overwhelmed by him. I’d be surprised if he hadn’t wrestled her to the ground at least once already.” Amea chuckled. “So, no. I don’t think I want to take this bet.”

No more than a second or two of silence passed before,

“Part of me thought you had run away, you know.” Amea chuckled. “It’s silly, I know. Just felt like something I could have done and it kind of... Scared me, you know?”
The Echani smiled slightly at Amea’s admission. “It means the world to me.” Although Evelyn was concerned somewhat, wondering if she’d outright throw her own safety out if it meant going after her.

Part of her knew she would, even if there was an active snowstorm.

Evelyn chuckled at Amea’s response about Hoshi. “I honestly wouldn’t take that bet either, I just hope grandma listened when I said to not let him out of sight in the kitchen…

For such a small being, Hoshi had the appetite of a rancor.

Her lips thinned as she listened to Amea speak, not looking at her but instead staring out as the car began its autopilot route back home. Evelyn knew Amea was reserved when it came to personal matters, not the type to commit herself to a relationship. She wasn’t even sure if Amea ever had one in the past. Hell, whether Amea herself remembered if she once had.

That and well...Evelyn had once run away from all this years ago. So having to face the past again; the memories, it wasn’t a far fetched concern.

Evelyn looked over at Amea, reaching over and taking one of her hands into her own, entwining their fingers together. “It’s not silly, not if it's something affecting you.” She leaned over, resting her head against Amea’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I made you feel that.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

“No, don’t be, I…” Amea sighed and leaned her head against Evelyn’s. “It’s just a new feeling. I’ve felt things for people before, but I haven’t ever- it’s never been a fear that they would leave.”

It was a fear that they wouldn’t leave, that they would want to stick around and get to know her. One-nighters and sloppy drunk accidents had a tendency to merely stave a feeling of hollowness away until the rush wore off. What she was feeling now was something else entirely. It was uncomfortable in its comfort, a feeling of belonging where she hadn’t expected to find it.

“And then it’s the worry that I act too fast, or not fast enough, or that somehow I will wake up at some point.” Amea laughed at herself and squeezed Evelyn’s hand with a reaffirming hold. “I can forget things. It’s okay to let my guard down and let others in, and that’s…” She exhaled, almost in panic. “That’s terrifying.”

Amea turned to look at Evelyn. A warm smile still lingered on her lips as she sought to drown within them, happy to disappear deeper into their own world for a while longer.

“Don’t be sorry.” She whispered. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Evelyn internally nodded, not wanting to disturb the comfortable position right now. She remembered what Amea had told her of past ‘relationships’ where she strived to ensure it never went beyond a single night. Chasing something to fill a void that would always reopen itself once the alcoholic haze lifted.

It was something that could be seen in the way Amea had run herself ragged, trying to keep herself hidden and solving an issue she herself had accidently caused. It only took a particularly stubborn person to finally get through to her, someone unattached to her previous life like Runi and Loske.

Albeit with Evelyn, she had found her way beneath not just the surface, but to Amea’s heart. And the same was true for the Echani’s heart, unexpectedly so.

She wouldn’t change a thing.

You’ve nothing to worry about ‘mea. You opened yourself to me, helped me understand this whole thing is new for you, that it isn’t going to be an easy and smooth ride all the time.” She gave Amea’s hand a squeeze. “But we’ll do it together.

Evelyn looked over at Amea, smiling at her. “I just don’t want to make you worry.” Yes, it was something Amea was getting better at, but Evelyn could do without suddenly disappearing too.

Soon the soft hum of the vehicle finally started to lessen as they arrived back at the Shaw Estate.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

Together. The word still made her nerves flare whenever she heard it, but the effect was wearing off faster for each time it did. No matter how often Evelyn had to remind Amea that she knew the turmoil inside of her it still felt amazing to have it said. It was like a toddler clinging to a blanket. No matter how often they had to check that it was still there, the warmth it brought them was as appreciated then as it was now.

The car came to a stop and Amea leaned in to place one last kiss on Evelyn’s lips before she got up again.

“I love you.” The words rolled off her tongue with a surprising ease and Amea caught herself smiling again. “Now, come on,” She chuckled. “We have to rescue your grandma from a huggable little beast.”

Which in reality was that it was Amea herself who wanted to hug the little creature. In many regards, he was as much part of her family as anyone else was by now. Accompanied by Uncle Jerec and Uncle Lucien, the list had started to grow.

“Oh!” Amea exclaimed in sudden remembrance. “And of course, the surprise.”

“You might think you know what it is, but it most definitely is not what you think.”
Those three words always brought a smile to Evelyn’s face. Each time they were spoken it seemed to come easier for Amea. If she could hear those same words every day, for the foreseeable future? She’d be content.

Love you too, Amea.” The pair stepped out of the speeder and made their way towards the estate’s entrance. Evelyn smiled as Amea took her hand and led the way. The Echani chuckled at the comment, knowing how true that statement was. Once Hoshi had you hooked on how adorable he was, it was difficult to let him go.

Evelyn looked at Amea, raising her a questioning eyebrow. “Oh, is that so?” She gave Amea a knowing look, but it was highly difficult to not follow it up with a small grin.

The doors swinging open seemed to draw notice, even if no one was present in the foyer. A voice called out from further in the estate. “We’re in the living room!” Evelyn took the lead this time, guiding them through the building.

Stepping into the room they found Lionel sitting in a chair, reading something. While Dolore was occupied on one of the couches, Hoshi laying down in her lap while the elderly Shaw was feeding him fruit.

Evelyn let out a small sigh, shaking her head. “I might’ve made a mistake introducing my grandma to Hoshi.” The words were quiet, but she let out a short laugh as she glanced over at Amea.

Though when Evelyn’s gaze had shifted over to Dolores, Lionel looked over and caught Amea’s. He mouthed the word ‘workshop’, as if reading the young woman’s mind on where Bob was right now.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

“Mhm, so it is.” Amea grinned to mirror that knowing look. “Now come on.”

The door opened and Amea let Evelyn inside. Dolores had her hands full feeding the small creature in her lap and much like Evelyn said, it would seem they had a small problem at hand. That was of course to say a problem they could solve later. Right now there was a more pressing issue, and the second her eyes set on Lionel it got her the response she needed.

Amea’s fingers gently squeezed Evelyn’s to get her to come along with her towards the workshop.

“Now,” She said and stopped before the door. “Pretend that you don’t know what the surprise is, okay?”

The door opened to show the meticulously ordered workshop. Seemed Lionel had cleaned up while she had gone to see Evelyn. Amea took a step inside, eyes set on the big hunk of metal that was Bob. Hands held high she clapped them together three times and the servos let out a clear whine.

In many ways it was like booting something up for the first time again. The droid opened its eyes to look at the young Echani before him. It took a moment for it to respond before finally it let out a happy whirl and began to gently pat Evelyn on her head.

“I… Did my best not to install a voice module. Didn’t want to intrude on Lionel’s vision of the guy.”
Evelyn laughed lightly as Amea guided her away, heading towards the workshop. “Fine. I’ll pretend I don’t know a thing.” There was no getting rid of the grin on the Echani’s face, but there was also a swell of emotion building up.

Excitement and anticipation, but also worry?

The latter was easily washed away though. Evelyn was confident in Amea’s skills to fix things, Mechu-Deru involved or not. But there was an underlying level of tension settling in the Echani’s stomach.

It had been years since she had last seen Bob, having ran away from everyone and everything when she left home. Some would question why she was even concerned in the first place, Bob was a droid, he didn’t have emotions. And while that might be true, there were still emotions attached to it.

Bob had been a constant in Evelyn’s life. Not to say her grandparents weren’t, but their age kept them from being nearly as active. And then that incident happened, which became the catalyst for Bob’s construction.

He had been her guardian, her protector ever since she was a child.

So it barely took him booting up and recognizing her for the waterworks to begin. Evelyn smiled as Bob patted her head, and immediately wrapped her arms around him. Which, even as an adult now, it was impossible to do fully. The droid responded with a string of happy whirls and chirps, before Evelyn stepped away.

The Echani immediately turned on her heels, and closed the distance from Amea in a matter of seconds. She pulled her girlfriend into a tight hug, burying her face into the woman’s shoulder. “Thank you…


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