Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Returning to the Nest

It had been a few weeks since Amea had departed for Dantooine. A small disagreement had arisen then, when it was revealed she’d be going to the planet amid an active invasion. Evelyn wasn’t entirely too thrilled, to say the least. But it left on an amicable note, given this was an inevitability.

One of them was going to eventually part ways for a lengthy period of time.

Evelyn just wished it hadn’t been to a planet where a war was being waged. But she was one to wear her emotions on her sleeves, especially about those she cared about. At the very least she had gone with Runi, whom even though Evelyn had never met her, she believed Amea when she said the woman was very capable.

The time in between had been filled with worry, but eventually the Echani found something to distract herself until Amea finally called. Which came a bit after the invasion of Dantooine had seemingly died down

No, Evelyn had definitely not been keeping an eye on what was going on there. Not at all…

Amea’s directions had brought her to a planet that was not Dantooine, but within the system. She had landed down at the city’s spaceport, and remained waiting for her arrival. It didn’t stop Evelyn from pacing back and forth in front of the ship’s ramp, while Hoshi sat atop it watching her.

He tilted his head slightly, letting out a concerned noise.

I know buddy, I just can’t not worry, you know?

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

It still hurt just the slightest bit to even breathe. The point where her lung had been punctured by crystalline shrapnel still ached if she took too deep of a breath or even turned around in a bad way, but she was alive. The walk along the less crowded spaceport was hindered by the way her leg still didn’t like to carry weight, and truth told Amea preferred it that way. Pain was a good reminder of her failure, of what she forgot to focus on through all of this.

As she approached the door that separated herself from the pad that she had directed Evelyn to, Amea found reason to pause. It was a lack of words that had caused her to be in this position and it had been a lack of reason that saw her seek out the opportunity against her better judgment. Well, that and the debt owed. She needed to take care with how she revealed all of this to Evelyn. Explain yet again that while Jaxter was lenient, he had still been particularly keen on whatever this job had been about given that he called in the two favors Amea owed him.

A long sigh burst through her nose as her fingers gently brushed against the button to open the door. The metallic his of metal grinded upon metal echoed around the wide area before Amea stepped into view. Her hair was still a mess, clothes ripped and torn despite having been cleaned a day or two ago. The limp in her leg, the scabbed up scars that were dotted around her eye, and the firm bandage around her chest probably spoke more than she ever could on the situation.

“... Hey, Ev.” Amea grunted as she walked. “Fancy— uh,”

She cleared her throat. “Fancy meeting you here.”

Her eyes set on the creature next to Evelyn. “... And you too, Hoshi.”
Evelyn’s entire body froze, head practically snapping over towards the doors as they began to open. Hope was in her eyes, as it had been earlier when someone had mistakenly walked in thinking it was their landing pad. But the far away visage of Amea brought a smile to the Echani’s face, and she immediately began jogging towards her.

However, as she got closer, Evelyn caught sight of the state Amea was in. First was the bandages around her chest, then the torn clothing, followed by the messy hair and scars around her eye.

Evelyn stopped just before Amea, meeting her halfway. The Echani’s eyes a mix of different emotions; concern being the most prominent. It was plain to see she wanted to say something, but nothing left her lips.

Not even a ‘Well, you did ask me to come here,’ in response to Amea’s comment. Hoshi however, who had swiftly followed behind Evelyn, did let out a worried noise as he peered up at Amea.

Opting to not say anything, Evelyn closed the distance and pulled the woman into a hug. Being particularly careful to not embrace too hard, even though the one thing she wanted to do right now was not letting Amea go.

But after a little bit she did.

Come on, let’s get you onto the ship.” She spoke quietly, shifting over to Amea’s side, to where her bad leg was. Evelyn gently grabbed her arm, looping it over her shoulder to help keep weight off the leg.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

There was joy, there was peace, but most of all there wasn’t a single word uttered yet that could have pushed the metaphorical guilt-laced dagger even deeper into Amea’s heart. As the Echani woman’s arms wrapped around her, Amea let herself melt into the other woman’s shoulder with a sigh and a grunt. It would hurt as much as putting a knife to a bruise, but in that moment she wouldn’t have changed it for the world.

As Evelyn eased out of it and into some measure of support, Amea gladly accepted it and limped into the ship with Hoshi in tow. Just having reached the cargo hold was enough to bring forth familiar smells that flooded her senses with even more joy along with the feelings of home. The cargo hold, the kitchen, the rec room. By the time that Amea found herself seated again she let out a small groan and gave Evelyn a thankful smile.

It was best to just get it out of their systems right away,

“I should have listened to you.” Amea sighed. “We thought we had more time, but the fighting kicked into high gear the same day as we launched our op.”

“I’m sorry.”
She knew there would be a time for talking, but Evelyn was focused on getting Amea rested somewhere. Up the ramp and into the ship itself, through the cargo bay and finally to the rec room. There, Evelyn helped Amea sit down on the couch.

Hoshi wasn’t far behind, and the small creature immediately hopped up onto it the moment she was seated.

It’s alright, you couldn’t have known it was going to go to hell sooner than anticipated.

Evelyn remembered that being a particular part of their argument, and Amea’s reassurance to her that things would be all right.

We’ll be in and out just like that, won’t even get to see the fireworks by the time we’re heading back.

Or something like that anyway, right now that wasn’t what mattered to Evelyn.

I’m just glad you're back,” she said, smiling warmly at Amea. Although the concern was still clear in the Echani’s eyes. “Back home, with me.

She stood up from the table slightly, enough to lean forwards and lightly kiss Amea on the lips. A hand gently brushing against her face, careful to not go over the newly acquired scars. Meanwhile, Hoshi had been moving about the couch, up the back and across it, then down to Amea’s other side. He was looking at her, gaze inquisitive as he searched for something.

Evelyn pulled back, returning to sit on the table. “Do you need anything, medical wise? I’ve some supplies if you need a refresh of something, maybe a bacta stim?

How could she be this understanding? Amea felt the warmth, saw the way Evelyn was clearly concerned still, and all it did was bring her back to that cavern and the desperate lover trying to bring her partner back. As their lips met and Amea drowned in the haze that took up the rest of her thoughts she felt her worries disappear. This was home, this was the place she would return to even if it still scared her. It was everything in its right place.

They broke away, forehead against forehead until Evelyn sat down on the table again. Amea looked up at the bright beacon of her troubled mind and the little creature that accompanied them on the road forward. One hand rubbed against Hoshi’s neck and head, eyes set on Evelyn.

“No.” Amea smiled. “Got everything I need right before me.”

Hoshi turned towards Amea with an indignant look. A soft laugh rumbled in her chest despite the pain.

“And next to me, don’t you worry, Hoshi.” She said and gave the creature just a little more attention. “You are very important too, kiddo. Just not as important as Evelyn here.”

The creature tried to act insulted, but the twitch in its eye and the slight shiver as Amea continued to tickle it’s neck got in the way of that. She continued for a bit before she looked over at Evelyn again.

“I’ve, uhh…” Amea cleared her throat. “I’ve thought a lot about getting out of the game in the last few days.”

“I mean, you can’t really get out, but…”
Amea chuckled for a moment. “I’d like to try. For you. For us.”
Evelyn blushed at Amea’s comment, her gaze immediately shifting away as her cheeks grew ever red. Although she did glance back, chuckling as she saw Hoshi’s reaction.

He was caught between two modes, looking indignant and trying to come off as insulted. But also enjoying the attention he was getting from Amea. The tail swinging about happily was another dead giveaway.

The Echani raised an eyebrow, surprise clear on her face at Amea’s words. She immediately wanted to ask her what had brought that on, why now? But Evelyn just smiled, and nodded.

I’d like that.

Evelyn felt her cheeks burning hot again, as silence fell between them. She knew just as well how difficult it was to walk away from their line of work. You never did really, there was always something left hanging that’ll end up drawing you back in. But...something clearly happened on Dantooine that had shifted Amea’s perspective.

I’m sure you're hungry right? Can’t imagine you’ve been able to eat much since, especially if you were in the hospital for a long enough period.” Evelyn stood up, indicating for Amea to remain where she was. “Rest, I’ll go and make something quick.

The Echani disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Amea with the small Shinri. Hoshi clambered up onto the woman’s lap, but didn’t curl up as was his usual habit. Instead, he looked up at her, eyes shifting into whatever made for a frown with his lack of eyebrows. He raised a hand, finding a spot along Amea’s abdomen that was exposed through the torn clothing.

Hoshi began to prod gently, looking for something until he found a spot that caused Amea to wince slightly. The Shinri gently placed his palm against the spot, and closed his eyes. Nothing happened for a few moments, until Hoshi’s white fur began to glow slightly. A warmth began to pool beneath his hand, against Amea’s body.

Slowly but surely, Hoshi was attempting to heal her.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

“Famished.” Amea smiled and began to push out of her seat with a grunt before she caught Evelyn’s hand gesture and fell back in her seat again. “Thank you, Snowbird.”

She wanted Amea to get out too. This was no news, but it still left Ameea surprised at how easily Evelyn agreed to it. Not that it was hard to accept someone close to you to give up a bad habit, but there wasn’t even a question. Amea felt the desire to ask Evelyn why she hadn’t asked burn hot against her mind, but she felt like it was better not to. All in good time, right? Maybe Evelyn already knew?

It was hard to tell.

As Hoshi got into her lap, Amea raised her arms to give him space to curl up. Her arms remained raised, and yet he never curled up. They sank with trepid hesitation to reach out for the Shinri. Whatever he was doing didn’t feel like something he had done before. Part of her wanted to dodge away as the creature reached for her wound, but his calm kept her.

It started as a slight tremor on her skin. The wound began to tingle as it was opened yet again, yet there was no blood. The shinri in her lap began to glow an increasingly brighter shade of white before Amea began to realize what he was doing. The calm, the hand that hovered over her wound to tear it open and redo the weave of stitches that had once swerved through her skin. The surgical thread that had become part of her skin simply fell out of her skin and rested against her shirt as piece for piece the wound closed again with barely any form of semblance of it having ever been there.

Amea glanced at the creature, her eyes wide open in surprise and wonder.

“Hoshi…” She whispered. “That was…”

Amea smiled at the shinri and picked him up, pain in her arm be damned. “Have you always been able to do that?”

She lowered him into her lap to let him sit before she glanced back at Evelyn. “Did you know he could do that?!”
The moment Hoshi’s work was complete, the small creature let out a happy sigh and let his arm drop to his side. Once the light died down, it became apparent that his fur was a bit less white now, a shade darker towards grey. But nothing close to how he had been when they first found him.

He let out a surprised squeak when Amea picked him up. But he smiled at her when she asked her question, nodding in response.

Evelyn had been too preoccupied with making something, not noticing the sudden glowing light until it started to fade. She poked head around to see a wide-eyed Amea staring at the Shinri in her hands.

Um, what did he do?

The Echani disappeared again, but only for a few more moments before she appeared again with a plate of sandwiches. She walked over, watching as Hoshi got comfortable curled up in Amea’s lap. In the same motion she caught sight of the shed surgical thread that was now no longer keeping a wound closed.

It was gone entirely.

He healed you?” Evelyn took a seat beside Amea, placing the plate down onto the table. With gentle fingers, she gently touched the area where the wound had previously been. “That’s amazing, and also kinda makes sense?

She looked at the now slumbering Hoshi, before settling back into the couch and looking at Amea. “The enclave Jedi said he absorbed the Light like a battery. And isn’t healing something capable through the Force, but I thought that was something that had to be taught?

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

The hand to her skin, the fanged tooth that bit into her lip. A wild array of mixed emotions spread across the place as Amea got the touch, got the food, but most of all got to simply sit down next to Evelyn again. Her shoulder rubbed up against the Echani woman’s with a content smile as her hand moved to take the sandwich provided.

“It is.” Amea said and took a bite. “I mean,” She swallowed the first bite with glee. “I don’t know anyone personally that could tell me so, but there are plenty of stories about it. Enough to say it’s valid.”

She put the sandwich down and looked at the sleeping creature in her lap. “Must have taken a lot out of him.” Amea said and bumped her leg up and down to keep it from falling asleep. “He’s positively knocked out.”

And with that she chuckled and glanced back at Evelyn. “I’d say that’s probably a good thing, for us.”

“But, hey, what about you?”
Amea asked, seemed concerned. “What were you up to while I was gone?”
Evelyn nodded in response to Amea’s answer, though internally she realized she had fallen into the typical pit non-force users did. That being, assuming anyone who had the Force just knew everything there was about it. But it did propose questions in the Echani’s mind, as someone who was always curious about what it even felt like.

And well, she had a perfectly good source, one that intermingled it with the same line of work as her, mostly.

Yeah, we still need to find out more. There’s gotta be more information on his kind somewhere.

Evelyn glanced over, chuckling quietly as she looked at Hoshi. He let out a grumbled noise in his attempted sleep. Shifting each time Amea moved her legs. “A very good thing, he was about as fidgety this past few weeks as I was.” Her attention shifted away for a moment, reaching over and grabbing a sandwich for herself.

What have I been up to?Mostly worrying about you.

Um...not much really.” Evelyn paused to take a bite of her food. “Oh! The new tarps we passed by in the cargo hold? I got a hold of a couple speeder bikes.” Another bite. “Went for them instead of a single speeder in the end. Figured it provided us with more options. Albeit, they’re not exactly in the greatest of conditions.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

There was more information out there, Amea knew it and so did Evelyn. A hand sought out the Echani’s to hold it tight as she mentioned the fidgeting and the worry that was left unspoken. Between the lines, it was all there, and Amea felt that sensation of guilt tear ever so harsh against her nerves. It wasn’t what she had intended, but in retrospect she should have seen it. As Evelyn spoke Amea listened, as she finished she gave the hand another squeeze.

“It can be fixed, easily.” She said and poked her thumb to her chest. “I am apparently a Droid Maker, after all.”

She exhaled with a small laugh. Levity felt warranted, needed.

“Two transports leave room for flexibility in how we move things about as well.” Amea nodded. “It’s smart, and leaves us with a way out should one of them still manage to break down.”

It was most likely a small consolation. Amea let the Echani woman’s hand go and let it shift under the soft, sleepy creature in her lap. With great care she picked him up and placed him by her side. He complained for a moment, but as she continued to brush him down it slowly faded back into sleep again.

Attention set on Evelyn again.

“Did the seller give you any trouble, or did it go smoother than the last time with the goods peddler on Corulag?”
The Echani squeezed Amea’s hand the moment it slipped into hers. It went unspoken that neither wanted to have been apart, especially when one was caught up in an ongoing invasion at the time. Evelyn knew Amea was likely feeling guilty, especially looking as though she had gone a few rounds in a fight pit.

But the time apart had given the Echani time to think on the matter. She knew neither herself or Amea were the type to ‘settle’, especially right now. Both had their thrills to chase, and just weren’t going to sit around and do nothing. Sure, there would be times to relax, or heal in Amea’s immediate case. But something had changed in Amea, and Evelyn couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad had gone down on Dantooine.

Amea was alive, and she presumed Runi was too. So what had gone down?

Exactly, that and why bother throwing so many credits into one thing, when you could get two for a lesser price, that just needs some fixing? It can be a project for us.

She took another bite, only to almost choke on it when Amea brought up Corulag. After a moment to catch her breath, Evelyn let out a chuckle.

Much smoother than Corulag. Ugh, I still can’t believe that chit. You’d think someone who was in the mercantile business, wouldn’t have such a stick up his arse about someone bartering prices.

It was a moment Evelyn came to truly appreciate having a second pair of eyes and ears watching her back. Especially when they had the ability to sense an underling trying to ready a stun grenade.

In comparison, the guy who was selling the speeders was more than happy to shift them out of his stock.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

Corulag had been a good exercise in trust. Amea had not told Evelyn about setting off the grenade before it went off in the underling’s hand, but they had to sell the reaction and that was the best way to ensure that at least one of them had as realistic a take on it as possible. Amea had stared that man down as the chaos erupted, and the prices had subsequently been lowered. All around, a very good outcome.

But this was not about that, this was about catching up.

“Probably stole them from another Prospector.” It was a fancier title for scavenger, Amea felt it more respectful to use. “Clever, but ultimately foolish. I assume you scrubbed it clear of tracking devices before leaving the system, right?”

Naturally she would have, Evelyn was smarter than that. Amea continued to eat her half-eaten sandwich. Each bite just a little less filling than the other, a good sign to put it down for now.

“You know,” Amea began, her eyes squinting at Evelyn. “Given the last few times I came back home, I'd usually be helping you make something more substantial right now…”

Her teeth were bared in a sly grin, her eyebrow cocked with a questioning stare. “... Are you planning something, Evelyn Shaw?”
Evelyn nodded at Amea’s question, of course she had scrubbed it clean before officially taking the bikes onboard. It was standard business, even if the transports had been brought via a legit company.

You could never be too sure where they originated, especially if they weren’t brand new off the factory belt.

Although it did occur to the Echani that she had slipped on some other basic protocols, that had led to something she’d yet to tell Amea about.

Silence fell as the two continued to eat, enjoying each other’s company. But then Amea spoke up, and Evelyn immediately stiffened as it seemed she had caught on to that very thing. The Echani didn’t turn her head, but her eyes did glance over at Amea, catching her squinting gaze.

Evelyn chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck slightly. She was wondering how long it would take before Amea caught on, given they had built up a routine of cooking together lately.

Um well, you see…” Why on earth did she feel so awkward about this? It was rhetorical, because Evelyn knew exactly why. “My grandparents invited us for dinner.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

Family, the ever so fleeting concept that had eluded Amea. Her playful smirk slowly faded into a blank, uncertain stare at the wall behind Evelyn. It wasn’t the right reaction to feel fear over this, right? It didn’t feel like it was. Amea blinked once, and then twice. Her mouth opened, her tongue shifted and yet no words seemed ‘alright’ to use here.

“O- oh.” She finally managed, her lips thinned out for a moment before, “Like, family grandparents?”

Yeah, genius, what other kind?

“Because, I uh- I swear you just said…”
And just like that, the sly grin on Amea’s face slipped away. It wasn’t exactly the moment Evelyn wanted to reveal the invitation, but better to have it out now then somehow wind up inevitably delaying it.

Yeah, those grandparents.” She knew what Amea meant, and as much as she’d like to throw in a little snark, Evelyn couldn’t wipe away the sheepish expression.

Another thing I did while you were away, I-” Evelyn paused, feeling her mouth grow dry. Boy, could’ve really done with something to drink right now. “I think I told you before, about how my grandpa uses his retirement time? He builds things, little inventions that he freely uploads the schematics of onto the HoloNet.

It was a topic that had come up that night, albeit plenty of alcohol had been consumed that night too.

Well, I know he keeps a personal journal/log on the account. So...I figured I’d have a little peek and see how things were.

Hacked. She had hacked into the account.

Suffice to say, he had caught it, then backtracked it to me and well...called me.” It was in essence, a long winded way for her to get in contact with her grandparents. Where a simple holocall would’ve done the same thing. “One thing led to another…” Grandma caught wind and immediately took over the call. “And they invited us to dinner, at our earliest convenience.

Her sandwich forgotten, Evelyn slumped onto the couch more. She looked over at Amea, taking in her reaction. Although her attention did shift at the state of her clothes. “We’ll have to sort out some fresh threads for you though, ya know...first impressions and all that.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

Fierfek, it was a meeting with the family. Evelyn had told Amea a little about it, well actually more than a little, but given the inebriated state they had been in by then the details were more fuzzy than anything. She knew her grandfather was a skilled technician, but not that good. To backtrack a signal took some doing, and yet…

“And earliest convenience is… Now.” Amea exhaled with an uneasy smile as she leaned back into the couch. “I mean, I hope they don’t mind you dragging home trash, and all that. Not sure if a fresh pair of clothes will do much to take care of, well…” She motioned up and down along her body. “This.”

Amea glanced down at the ground.

“Not that I have much more than this.” She scratched her neck. “There was an incident on Dantooine. My hand was disconnected from its little pocket dimension for a bit. What you see is what I have.”

“... Some new clothes might just have been a necessity either way.”

“Got any ideas for that? Where are we heading? Are they uptight?”
You’re not trash.” The words slipped from her lips without an ounce of hesitation. Evelyn’s cheeks flushed when she realized that. “Sure, you do look like you just came from one hell of a scuffle.” Which was putting it lightly, the state of Amea’s clothes made it look like a Nexu cub had been at it. “Outside of outright going shopping for new clothes...I’m sure we can find you something in my wardrobe."

Evelyn raised a confused eyebrow at Amea, before she remembered what she had told her about her hand. That was right, Amea had explained how that thing worked, and even thinking about ‘pocket dimensions’ again hurt the Echani’s brain a little.

But still, she could only imagine how the string of that felt. All it took was one bad situation, and for the ship to get blown up and all her possessions to go up in flames.

Well, I guess the bright side is we get to go shopping for new stuff?” She wasn’t sure how Amea did with shopping, but Evelyn was curious to find out.

The planet isn’t too far, but we’ll be heading out of Sith and New Imperial space either way.” Which was a very good thing in the Echani’s mind. The further they were away from the active war, the better.

Evelyn chuckled at Amea’s last question.

Nah, they’re not upright, don’t worry. Grandpa is cool, he’s more liable to trade scar stories, or talk about some bit of tech. Grandma well...let’s just say ain’t afraid to speak her mind.

Evelyn Shaw Evelyn Shaw

Not trash. Amea sighed and began to look away before Evelyn pulled her back in again. Part of her wanted to argue the point, but the smile that parted her lips before she sunk into a small laugh made it difficult to do so. The lack of hesitation to pick her up and dust her off, the way she didn’t let Amea linger in the self-doubt and pity. It was strange, it was almost terrifying how quick she had been if anything, but it was one of the reasons that Amea found herself coming back for more.

The stray dog allusions still withstood, but Amea was coming to terms with it. A stray was only a stray for as long as nobody took care of it, right? Evelyn was ever so slowly becoming just that, the owner of her mind — and failing that, heart. It was uncomfortable, but it was a feeling of hope that she hadn’t really dared hope for until now either.

“I will take your word for it. Thank you.” Amea said and leaned in for the Echani to let her lips brush against the Echani woman’s lips and linger. A toothy smile forced her to separate, Amea’s eyes sent her into a dream as she stared deep into Evelyn’s for a moment longer. “You know you’re about a fifth too small in size for me, right?”

A laugh had Amea separating. She was a tall woman, there was no denying that. Not that Evelyn was short, of course, Amea was just… Taller. Even if it was by an inch or three, or five.

“But hey, I wouldn’t complain if it meant I got to wear something other than these rags.”
Amea laughed yet again and patted Evelyn on her upper arm so that they could ease out of the couch and let the sleeping little Hoshi get his beauty sleep on.

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