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Returning to the cradle [GR dominion for Deneba]

Objective: Pitch an idea to Senator Rumor
Posts: 6/20

“Fundraising,” said Cath. “I will help you with some fundraising events across the Republic. I can meet with your lobbyists and find out what they are looking for, and how the Republic can help them. And I’ll send some interns to help with your daily activities.”

Senator Rumor cocked a well-groomed eyebrow, interested but as if to say, “please, keep going.”

The Eldorai official was now just making it up as she went along, and she hoped it didn't show: “And the Grand Nubian Hotel & Casino has completely transformed the waterfront of Nuba City. What if we expanded into Yutan and used the additional revenue to fund the public schools?”

The former Nar Shaddaa laywer grinned at the thought. Casinos, nightlife, drinks, spice, Twi’lek dancers… now she was talking.

“Yes, the underfunded Yutan public schools,” he agreed with a sympathetic glint in his brown eyes. “So then tell me Madame Secretary, how would you write the bill… since this is something you are so passionate about?”

Max Rumor was going to sail along in this deal like a tourist’s hover boat over the glittering Nuba City waterfront of which Cath referred to. He wasn’t going to lift a cigar stained-finger and let the passionate Eldorai do all of the work.
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Development for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

After the initial presentation, Arisa was ready to carry out the live demonstration. The first phase would be a test that pit the Deneban's standard issue blaster against the Famos firing particle beams. Outside of the tent, lines of duraplast plates had been set up on hover pads in 50-meterr intervals up to 800 meters - the upper range of a full-sized blaster rifle. When one plate went down, a new plate would rise to take its place, saving her and the KSA technicians the trouble of running out to replace them manually.

She let a Deneban marksman run through the course with their blaster at the firing line. Between 0-250 meters, they didn't have much problem hitting the plates and knocking them over, but beyond that, blooming and repulsion nearly diffused the red particle bolts out of existence. At 300 meters, the shots were causing a little scoring on the plates at most. The blaster had reached its limit.
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Development for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

A fresh set of plates were cycled on the pads, then Arisa took her turn. Handling the Famos was a breeze. It was a compact, ergonomic design, with the added benefit of repulsor coils that served to lighten the load of the user, and aid in recoil dampening.

She blazed through the course, managing to land hit on the plates at every interval. The power of the bolts only began to peter out around the 600m range, the final plates at the 750m and 800m being left a dull red in the center for a few moments. In comparison to the bolts of the Denaban blaster, the Famos' bolts traveled much faster, to the point that the Jedi had problems tracking them with her enhanced senses. On top of their speed, the dark bolts blended well against the backdrop of the field and sky. If someone didn't know to look, then a beam could travel right past them without notice.
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Development for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

Inspection time. Along with the remains of the damaged plates which could be readily observed, cameras and sensors had been set up to track each shooter to provide a more detailed analysis. Both sets of the closest duraplast plates showed a similar level of damage, the centers completely bore through, but it was a whole different story farther out. The Famos maintained a similar damage output at longer ranges while there was a noticeable dropoff from the Deneban blaster rifle beginning outside of 100 meters. By 250 meters, there was barely a dent in the plate. In this module, there was no contest between the vanilla blaster and the Famos.

There was a lot of positive energy flowing her way from the crowd and she prepared for the next module, letting the Jedi know that she had impressed. It left her with a small smile on her face, feeling some pride in her contributions to the Mk II project.
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Development for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

next module was a similar setup to the first, only this time, personal shields had been erected over a fresh set of duraplast plates. Now each weapon's shield busting abilities would be put to the test in addition to armor penetration.

As before, the Deneban with his blaster went first. Against the closest plates, he was able to bring the shield down with a short clip, then rip through plate like in the first test. However, more and more shots were required to take down the shields at farther distances. The marksman was actually forced to reload just to finish off the module. At 300 meters, the Deneban was burning through his power cells to just break through and land a hit on the plates.
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Development for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

had a much easier time bringing down the shields on her run. The Famos fired a much denser beam of highly energized particles at hyper-velocities. She had ripped through the shields on the closet plate with a single bolt, landing what would be considered a crippling blow to the plate. While the Famos technically had a smaller shot capacity than the Deneban blaster, each individual shot carried much more energy for more damage, which negated this advantage. She would eventually have to reload herself, but it wasn't until she had reached the 400 meter mark. With a second power cell, she was able to complete the module.

She had something more to show off though. She returned to her station to retrieve set of attachments to make a quick conversion. She loaded a secondary heatsink into the launcher feed in place of a magazine, and connected the rifle to an external power block by a cable shrouded in armor weave. She strapped the external pack around her waist with a belt, then retook her position at the firing line, fresh plates ready for punishment.

She flicked the fire selector to a new setting, then pulled the trigger. This time, the Famos fired a continuous beam. One after another, she quickly shredded through each plate, not stopping until she reached the 800 meter mark.
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Development for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

She could hear some audible exclamations from the crowed as she finished. They had not been informed of the conversion feature, which enabled the Famos to fire continuous beams at the expense of losing use of the mass driver for launching projectiles.

Still holding the Famos, she turned and approached the Denebans.

"By swapping out a magazine with an extended heatblock, and connecting an external power block, the Famos can be converted into a squad support weapon capable of sustained fire. In this configuration, it can be used in both semi-shot and continuous beam mode, the latter option allowing even more energy to be delivered on target for a lower time to kill."
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Development for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

After the first couple of modules demonstrating the capabilities of the beam component, she switched to the next series of modules to show off the launcher. Several launcher systems were still propellant based, so the Famos had a huge advantage in this area using a mass driver. Because of propellant, there either had to be a tradeoff between the size of the firing platform, or the ammunition capacity. With the use of a mass driver, such compromises weren't necessary based on the potential of much greater energy density with compact power cells.

She kicked off the next module with some general purpose high explosive shells. This time she would target clusters of plates along with singles, and even some hovering recon droids acquiring for the test. With the computerized full spectrum sight, she could set the shells to impact or airbust mode. Airburst mode was useful for getting at targets behind cover, where the beam launcher would be ineffective. The shells were only 20 mm, but a combination of powerful explosives (a stable baradium based compound), and the kinetic boost of the mass driver made damage output of the shells as devastating as a full sized grenade. Plates and droids were being blasted apart left and right, at ranges that far exceeded the typical launcher system.

After she went through a couple magazines, she switched to a variant of the high explosive shell that came with a perforated alloy jacket. In addition to the particle burst that came with detonation, now bits of molten metal were blasted outward at hyper-velocities, able to wreck havoc on personal armor and shields.
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Development for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

going through the magazine of jacketed high explosive rounds, she loaded a magazine filled with small canisters of
vibro-flechettes. The powered projectiles were even more deadly than the high explosive rounds, easily able to pierce through shields and armor to deliver massive trauma that exceeded the level of any normal slug thanks to the effects of its electro-vibrating shell.

She first demoed the power of the flechettes on a mass of large plates covered underneath a shield. She hit the energy shield dead on, a small charge within the canister sending the vibro-flechettes flying through the shield like it wasn't even there, though a series of sizzles could be heard as each flechette's ablative coating was vaporized. Then they passed through the durplast plates as easily as the shields, leaving molten holes in their wake. A few place collapsed into themselves as their structural integrity was destroyed. If those plates had been bodies, there they would have been cooked hunks of meat.
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Development for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

was one last feature to showcase in the demo, that of the repulsor blast. This new feature had been incorporated at Arisa's suggestion as a simple inbuilt-solution against the threat of heavily armed melee opponents. Most personal defense systems weren't built with gravity weapons in mind, so a repulsor blast was effective in bypassing shields and armors to deal direct damage against a target. It wasn't going to replace a dedicated CQB weapon like a flechette cannon, but those were specialized weapon systems that didn't work well as a general weapon where more range was needed.

In the last module she went down a line of shield plates at less than 10 meters, knocking them down one by one with the invisible push of anti-gravity waves. When the plates were later examined, many were shown to have warped inward from the blast.

With that, her demonstration was complete. Overall, the response to the Famos' performance had been overwhelming positive. It surpassed the Denaban's current service blaster in terms of performance and versatility. The ability to use the Famos in multiple roles would afford the Denebans a great deal of flexibility in unit composition, and allow them to streamline their inventory.

This was only a demo put on by KSA, not even the first official step of in the procurement process. There would have to be tedious negotiations with military brass and political heads just to get to the testing phase. In the world of defense contracting, the selection of a new service weapon was often highly competitive (and politicized) event. None of that was her concern though. She had done her part to advance the interests of KSA (itself an extension of the Kiribian government). Her task for Suravi was complete.
Location: Orbiting Deneba.
Allies: The Republic.
Objective: Forming connections with the Knights of the Republic.
Post: 1/10.

Veiere watched the planet from the viewing platform of the republic vessel; he had recently heard rumors of a Jedi Enclave here on Deneba and though his work alongside [member="Lady Kay"] had kept him isolated from the rest of his people, by choice he had quietly chosen to stop here, en-route for Rhen Var in order to rendezvous with his old friend in the Silver Sanctum. Deneba, like so many other planets was one that Veiere wasn't familiar with. Much of his life he'd been stationed south on the Galactic Star-map, Svivren a quiet and undiscriminating world.

His gaze was taken as a member of the crew came into the personnel quarters and informed him that they were trying to contact a member of the Republic or the Jedi Enclave below in order to announce his arrival. He was late to the part though had no knowledge of this conclave that had been set into place, his interests were wholly personal as he had yet to discover his place in the fractured remains of the Jedi in today's society.

Part of him still felt uneasy about leaving Kay with her remaining family on Commenor; the assassination attempt on her life had come quickly and with no real motivations, other than that Veiere had interrupted the would be theft and bruised the mans pride. The Former Senator had voiced her discomfort about staying in doors or using caution where she could instead be out there helping others and needless to say, risking her neck in place where the local security forces should be; it worried him that she might get herself into more trouble without him to assist and yet the Force called to all, it enveloped all and as a Jedi; Veiere felt he needed to understand where the Order was nowadays.
Location: Squadron A Commander's office, Shield-class Orbital Base Deneba Three, in orbit via Deneba
Objective: D - Establish defenses around Deneba


Gir's eyes swept across the assembled group of officers, observing their reactions. Imastad's eyes seemed to twitch for a brief second, and Gir thought that he might have caught him the process of rolling his eyes. The others' expressions seemed to vacillate between boredom and irritation. They're uncomfortable...and I'm the guy who's forcing them all together into this kumbaya moment...or rather, their superior officer is, and I'm the facilitator...I suppose they probably wouldn't really separate the two of us given that they don't know me on a personal level. At least not yet...He pulled out a datapad from his carry-on bag.

"Your commander is a big proponent of combined arms warfare," stated Gir plainly, "have you ever read any of his papers that he submitted to the Academy?"

Silence answered him. Like pulling teeth...Should I even bother? He set the datapad down and looked up at the assembled officers.

"I have about zero interest in lecturing you on his concepts. A couple of weeks from now...actually...probably sooner than that, and you will never see me again. But you won't likely be rid of your commander. Really, if I were you, I'd at least start to become familiar with his basic thought processes. He asked me to come today to observe you all working today in such a operation. I realize that this is probably shorter notice than you're accustomed to, but Metde also believes in snap drills to better simulate the unpredictability of war and to ensure that unit readiness just isn't a bulletin point for your officer evaluation forms..."

Major Kirg cleared his throat, "So what does he have in mind for us specifically?"

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon

There was work to be done still as Ayumi was standing there, feedback from the workers as they were giving information with the construction and production efforts coming to them. They were making new weapons, new armor and new equipment for the republic as the senator of Denon remained neutral in her stance to give a few of the things that were there around them. "All is proceeding well enough." With some of the additions she might be able to figure out the more complicated parts later down the line but there was news with the likes of Gir and Jack on the world. Former senator Kay as well as Arisa Yune and a few others who might be able to help beef up their internal needs as she clasped her hands behind her back and continued to walk.
((Since Mimban is now tied up with the rebellion, I'm going to push this to Tier 3. So that'll be 160 posts.))

Location: Deneba Enclave
Objective: Objective A - Help out at the Enclave, Explore
Allies: [member="Knight"]
Enemies: N/A

the demonstration complete, Arisa had decided to meet up with [member="Knight"] at the Republic Knight's latest Enclave, a reclaimed mountain
complex that had once hosted the ancient Jedi of the Old Republic era. She came by air on her J-1, landing the tiny interceptor within the courtyard. Even from far off, she could see that the old structures were in need of some serious repairs. An urbanite at heart, she would have preferred the Jedi to have set up shop within Meru, being close to the people, but the Padawan had no say in such matters. If the Jedi were going to be based there, though, she would see if Suravi would offer aid like she did on Yutan. The main enclave had turned out pretty nicely thanks in part to the contributions of Suravi and other Kirbians.

She had arrived near sundown, so she found herself alone in the courtyard, but she could see lights pouring out from the entrance. On her way up the stairs, she could smell something savory wafting outside. It looked like she had come right on time for supper.
[member="Arisa Yune"]

The Nirvana was on the planet and going towards the massive complex, all of their hard work on some of the different parts in the ship to refit and work it had been beneficial. Helping get Arisa comfortable with using the navicomputer well that was harder but they were working on it they were working on it. She had to get the girl comfortable with well the general idea of using the machine and maybe they could make an interface for it that others would be able to use but that would require her giving up the Nirvana for others to mess with and that was a no no in her books. "I am here." The atrisian looking shapechanger stood at the ready for anything that might be coming while she was going towards the complex to start making it into the new force enclave for the kngihts.
Location: Deneba.
Allies: The Republic.
Post: 2/10.

The Republic vessel gradually descended upon the public landing bay, an open area to which housed several other larger vessels than the transport that Veiere had managed to travel upon. With a mechanical hiss, the transport finally wound down it's engines and signed off for its brief maintenance check whilst Veiere followed several of the other personnel out into the open air. They hadn't given him a name of whom it was he was meeting, nor had he inquired. The Jedi Temple could be seen in the near distance and now happy to be on solid ground, he found a moment to appreciate the small things in the new world, taking in a deep breath before setting off across the dry dock and offering an appreciative wave in thanks to the pilot.

He did not recognize the facilities when he finally reached the old home of the former members of the Jedi Order, even from before when he served upon Svivren and he was familiar with a few branches, this was unfortunately one he had managed to miss, thus he kept a conscious eye on his surroundings as he entered the enclave, studying the style in which it was built, moving throughout it dressed in the worn attire of which many others shared similar garments. This was the first time in over twelve years that he'd been reunited with any semblance of the Jedi life, passing others who too had dedicated themselves to serving the force. Despite not being clear on who it was that he should speak with and introduce himself to, it was still a great gift to be back in familiar surroundings. It reminded him of Svivren, and those who shared the many years with him.
Location: Deneba 3 orbiting Deneba
Allies: The Republic

Faith was looking at the intelligence reports coming in from around the galaxy. The closest trade route was the Mara Corridor but just beyond that was the Sith Triumvirate and with the decline of the One Sith she was certain that the Triumvirate would rise up and begin pushing its borders. Deneba would put them right on the front of that push. Further away was the Zenithian Empire, an organization that she knew little about and was now making it a priority to learn more.

She looked at Ana, "I know why we came here, I'm just..uneasy about where this puts the Republic." She sighed as she tried to think she had been away from home for over a month this time. Alderaan was across a great expanse of space and now while did fall under the protectorship of the Mandalorians, There now seemed to be unrest among the Mandalorians and she did not know how long Alderaan would be safe.

This was an uneasy time in the galaxy.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon

Ayumi continued to work on what she could find, information from the factory when she was approaching a few of the other things with the soldiers. She had one or two of her troopers from Denon here to guard her in place of an official bodyguard yet. She was working with the interview process so the enclave could protect her here and there. The senate guards they had for herself though were proving very nice and effective when she pushed forward with some of the things they wanted to work with and construct around. "Continue the work, we have factories but I want an enclave for the force users set up. We will work with Mako to make it so." She got some looks but construction was one of the things she did well with Sasori's backing.

(1000 posts)
Location: Deneba 3
Allies: Galactic Republic/[member="Faith Organa"]

The Jedi Master was well versed when it came to warfare and such, however there was a time when that wasn't always the solution. Hear lately it seemed as if there was a handful of betrayal and pain that was floating around the galaxy, more so nearing the compounds of the Galactic Republic. And while Kahne was with the Alliance, the Republic were still allies, and they Jedi then and there with them. And that stretched towards the sentators and the politicians. While there was the age old ordeal about how politicians shouldn't be trusted, Kahne never put much stock in that, however he did have faith, and hope. A never ending hope that would never fade, no matter what. Kahne was here providing his services as best as he could, insight and the like, and he would go where he was needed to be.

The Jedi Master stood before her giving a slight bow of his head.

"Milady, is everything alright?" The Jedi inquired before he would go about his normal routine, he would go ground side soon, but there was time beforehand.
Location Deneba 3
Post 2
Allies. The Republic / Kahne Porte

Faith looked up, "Greetings. No. It's not ok. Come in. I'm Faith Organa you are?" She could sense it feel it whatever that term was, this man standing there was force sensitive. That was about the extent of her ability, it had changed recently. She had an idea why but. There was no need to mention it.

"What do you know of tactics?" And she wanted to know could he see the future. She wAnted to protect those in the Republic but looking at the map, she felt some fear. She could see a gap. What if they came through that gap?

She tried to smile. She extended her hand in greeting.

[member="Kahne Porte"]

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