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Returning to the cradle [GR dominion for Deneba]

[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"I have an interest in every facet of the force, light and dark. The more knowledge I have, the more I can prevent it's miss use. It's purely academic on my end" She promised with a gentle smile at the younger woman before her. "I would be interested to hear more about your family some time, from what i understand between us, the are quite the ancient blood line. I'm sure there are man stories that are not available publically that you could tell me"

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

Ayumi looked at her with a nod of her head, she had an ancient bloodline that went far back and she spoke with a smile. "Oh there are some stories I could tell and there are some things we could likely learn." She always liked working with many of her things in her family for the historical records they provided, the holocrons and datacrons within the family. She had learned from the other holocrons about things her family had done and how it had affected the citizens of the galaxy. She could work and use times like this to ensure that they were recovering and restoring some good to her family name. She wanted to be seen as different or at least as the senator who had proven effective.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"Well, my dear lady Senator, I would love to have the chance" She said with a gentle smile. She would not only get to spend more time with the senator, but gain quite the boon in the bargain. What more could be wanted "I of course understand your humanitarian and goverment duties comes first, But i do appreciate that you will put time aside for me when you can"

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

Ayumi offered a nod of her head to that and well she always had time to go out and help people. That she would be doing it with such a boon like gaining additional knowledge in the force only helped to serve her needed purposes of getting the skills needed to help people. The senator was walking and back outside could work with Safiriel as se spoke leading the way towards the different ships that were touching down and equipment was being unloaded. "Well my duties come first but yes I will gladly be able to help you as needed, with some fo the works it takes me off of Denon to hunt for new technology and information that will benefit the planet. So I want to be able to foster as many contacts as I can."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"Well, you shall have my assistance if you ever require it" She promised with a gentle smile. She found she had some level of affection for Ayumi, the two seemed to get along well, and she seemed to share her own curiosity. The ships that were unloading cargo seemed to be on a tight schedule, they were already taking off barely minutes after unloading, with newer ships taking their places

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

Ayumi continued to walk and well having a companion on adventures throughout the galaxy was always a good thing. She would usually try and bring Cath Lorr the home secretary but she was very busy ensuring the safety of the entire Republic as opposed to Denon itself so there was that and with moves like this to bring a number of worlds into the Republic well she was going to have more work for herself to go after. The senator continued through the ships until she was near her own and the senate commando's she had were standign there with her. "Where is you ship? We can begin working things out now while touring the other systems since my work here is done and I need to see salvage and recovery interests o the other planets are secured."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"I actually had to travel here via transport shuttle, Denon's air and space control refused to give me permission to land" She explained, standing in the entry way to the ship platform, leaning against it as she inspected the ship, and it's guards curiously. They appeared to be competent enough, being senate guard "So if its no problem, I would travel with you directly. I promise I won't be a hindrance, I take up little space, and my needs are few"

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

Ayumi gave a small nod of her head to that and they could do that. She got bored talking with her guards as the senator walked up the ramp of the ship with a small nod of her hand and motioned with her fingers when they were behind her. "Very well then come along there are some quarters you could use." She smiled to herself before moving into the diplomatic ship as the droids and guards entered letting all of them handle it. Ayumi sat down in the briefing area on the lounging couch with the screen showing the ships as they were heading near the other worlds. Chroma Zed, Thokosia, Shador, Chokan and Beris as the systems while she knew Chroma Zed had a great deal of history with the Templars and Obssidian order. "come and sit, we have several systems to tour and work with."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

She settled down neatly in the chair beside the senator. The ship was luxurious and comfortable but, had she expected anything else of a diplomatic vessel? This was nicer than her own home had been, and certainly nicer than her own ship's interior. She was, all in all, impressed with the state of things. Finally she fixed her attention on the Monitors, and the various informations scrawled across them. Topographics, Thermographics, Hydreological, Electrical...most forms of maps were cycled through, as well as brief articles on the plantet itself, detailing important things

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

Ayumi offered a smile for her to look at over the different things. Turning the attention with a few of the things while she had a few drinks with a nod of her head. "It is all looking very nice and..." she trailed off as the ship was taking off and setting course towards the nearest planet in their area and it was a very nice line of systems almost a strong but not quite when she spoke finishing it. "We will be able to work with some of the things here and there. Now the real question is how much should I be able to know about you. If we are going to go traveling around together." Ayumi was more then happy to work with some of the bigger things here and now when she pushed the viewscreen activating the holo."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"Well, what would you like to know?" She asked, sitting back, reclining in her chair as she crossed her legs and smiled, her eyes closing as she just let her senses expand to take in every sound and thought on the ship. Letting her mind go slightly blank so she could absord all the information, familliarize herself with the ship

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

"Well the first and most important is your history. Yes you answered my question about why you want to access and learn from the archives. Have answered for the grandmaster but there is always more that should be said to it. The history of a person can show a lot about their character." She said it with a smile on her face while leaning back herself and information on the status of the project, on the planet they were heading to and more came up on her screen with a small raising of her eyebrows. "For instance I have been a senator in the republic for a long time now but not always Denon. Once I was on Mayferria and before that even I was an Aid to the senator on Coruscant."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

She considered, her own past was a bit...complicated, in fact, she herself had lost several large gaps of it do to the...experimentation done to her "Well...It's hard to begin but, I grew up simple enough...I think. My parents were common people, nothing special really. I grew up, studied, worked...anything a normal child did, and one day things turned...ugly. I was...captured, held against my will was several years before I escaped....from there, I wandered and...slowly became who I am today"

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

Hmm as she was listening there wasn't a whole lot of information that was specific in there and she wanted to make sure things were safe. "And we aren't going to find you on holoimages or reports from conflicts against the republic?" A fair question as she was thinking about it and working on some of the bigger things. "we don't want any surprises so crazy ex sith lords that think they are married to you? There isn't a massive debt you need to pay off or some super high bounty someone put on your head and you are using the republic for sanctuary?" She was looking to cover all of the bases just in case of any surprises like they had discovered or worked with to get them out of the way.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"Oh nothing quite so dramatic no" If there was any record of her past actions, it was minimal at best. When she had been a killer, she had been discreet, never letting her face been seen during it. It certainly helped now, when she was trying to turn her life legitimate, to be an influence for good in this galaxy, rather than evil. To atone for her past sins so to speak.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

"Well then that is a good thing that we can work with." Ayumi rose up as the screen was displaying more and she rolled her shoulders removing the jacket so she just stood around with the bodysuit and and small look on her face. She had some time to clean up without being food while there was some food being brought into them so they could eat while traveling. "Well eat, enjoy and we will get to the planet soon enough. The diplomats that were sent out should be there to provide a very nice entrance so the Republic could come and meet with them to try and bring them into the fold with all of it giving them some advancements in the new initiative for the bigger things to come."
Location Deneb 3
Allies The Republic / [member="Kahne Porte"]

"A Jedi with spirit, Thank you sir. I am most appreciative" She headed for the door, "I only want to look, peek and yes let's not start any wars that we aren't ready for .............yet" She walked with the slowness of a someone contemplating what could be, and what could have been.

Now walking with a Jedi was not quite like walking with Alexander, or Gir, or any of the others she had meetings of in the past. What was considered small talk for a Jedi? Family? could be touchy subject? OH she knew.

"So tell me if it is not invasive, where were you born?" She always tried to find something she could discuss that would help them to know and understand one another. Additionally she wanted things to be at ease. So, she talked alot.
Location: Edge of the Deneba System
Post 1/20

"Captain, we're getting some strange readings off the long range sensors."

The Anathema-class Star Destroyer Apocalypse drifted casually just inside the Deneba System, long range sensors extended. The Captain had been busy reviewing a number of department readiness reports from the relative comfort of his command chair when the Officer of the Deck approached and casually grabbed his attention. Glancing up from the datapad in his hand, the Captain adjusted the glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. "What is it, Lieutenant?"

The junior officer reached over and tapped a series of controls on his commanding officer's small tactical screen. "Right there, sir."

The Captain exhaled softly. While he was a senior, experienced officer, it had not been his job to be a specialist in quite some time. The Lieutenant currently serving as the Officer of the Deck had the primary duty of being the vessel's Communications Officer. The kid had, apparently, majored in systems engineering during university. He was quite good. Like...irritatingly good. "Lieutenant, why don't we just cut to the chase before you start circling the drain on this?"

The Lieutenant looked genuinely embarrassed for a moment, knowing that his geek-moments very often caused similar reactions in most senior officers. "My apologies sir, right there. That's a snapshot of the low frequency communications spectrum we just picked up."

"I'm guessing it doesn't match up with the historical from last month?"

The Lieutenant answered by way of transitioning the screen to historical data from the last expeditionary border patrol. "Not even close sir.'s not conclusive, there are any number of reasons at the low frequency, long-range communications could have spiked."

"Including a not good reason. Have the Decanus report to the bridge."

The Officer of the Deck nodded his head before stepping off to the Junior Officer of the Deck. "Decanus Naleen, your presence is requested on the bridge." The Junior Officer of the Deck repeated back the order before disseminating it the enlisted watch team. In seconds, the words were passed over the vessel's announcement system.
Location: Edge of the Deneba System
Post 2/20

The Decanus had been deep in meditation when the sudden blaring noise from the ship's announcement system practically ripped her from the tranquil recesses of the Force. Growling angrily, the Cathar Sith practically leaped to her feet and grabbed her cloak. Mindful of her claws as she pulled on the fabric, the Decanus stalked the corridors like every bit of the predator that she was.

Within two minutes, she passed through the reinforced blast doors leading to the bridge. As if she'd just walked through a transition field, her mood changed rather instantly as she approached the man she knew to be the Captain. "Captain. How ever might I be of assistance to you?"

The Captain, like most officers within the Triumvirate, understood his position relative to just about every other Sith. However, in general it was a tolerable arrangement. Naleen, however, had been borderline insufferable since they left for the patrol. Apparently, she'd felt that her skills and focus as more of a sorcerer and less of a warrior should have precluded her from her rotation on patrol. The Captain didn't think so, and he thought it was a good policy to shuffle even those not frequently seen among the armed forces out on patrol. It helped to create a degree of respect and understanding in Sith that would one day command the lives of entire fleets with merely a word or a flinch of emotion. "To the Triumvirate, Decanus. We've detected some unusual communications activity. No...given the range and reliability of our equipment, it could very well be nothing. However, I figured you might be able to give us a little bit more...insight?"

Naleen stared at the smaller human for a handful moments before rolling her eyes and stalking over towards the forward viewport. "I require as close to silence as this bridge is capable of for the next few minutes."

Most of the crew members looked in the direction of the Captain who merely nodded for them to comply.

Minutes slipped by as the Cathar sat quietly in front of the forward viewport. The soft rhythmic sounds of computers completing their functions was the only thing that filled the air. It was how the bridge sounded on a night watch when entire decks were quiet as the crew attempted to maintain some semblance of a routine day...half filled with light, half with an eerie red darkness. Five minutes later, the Cathar slowly came back to her feet and returned to the Captain. "Captain. I recommend you recover your long-range sensors immediately and depart this system."

The Captain arched a curious brow. "...why would we do that, Decanus?"

The Cathar merely smirked. "I must contact my Centurion. You'll want to be ready to depart this system the very moment he sends his reply."

The Captain held the Cathar's view for but a moment longer before he glanced up to the Officer of the Deck. "Recover the sensors, prepare for immediate reversion to hyperspace. I want that data stored and archived now. Send a flash message to the Commodore that we're returning to the rally point."

The Officer of the Deck nodded slightly. "Aye, aye sir."

As the orders were relayed, Naleen exited the bridge, communicator in hand to convey a simple reality to her direct superior. It was as had been foreseen.
Location: Triumvirate Military Command, Drogheda
Post 3/20

Two loud raps on his open door were not enough to divert the Sith Lord's attention from the flimsi he had been reading.


With his left hand, Ashmedai beckoned Lord Marduk forward. "Speak your business, Marduk."

The Decanus stepped over to the holocom projector at the edge of the Sith Lord's desk. Removing a small card from his pocket, he inserted it into the relevant receptacle and activated the recording. Was the blue-hued image of one of the Triumvirate's Centurions sprung to life, Marduk stepped back and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Mi'lord. I have been forwarded a report from a Decanus assigned to one of the vessels of my expeditionary border patrol task forces. The information contained in the report contained a number of raw sensor data readouts. I confess that at first the data seemed to point to no obvious conclusion, but following an extended conversations with Decanus Naleen and further review by my own signals staff, I can say without a doubt..."

The communication cut off there, something had apparently interrupted the transmission. Lifting his silver-green gaze from the flimsis in front of him, the Sith Lord arched a curious brow. Either the Centurion had such a lack of attention to detail that he'd not noticed his holocom stop recording, or something had happened to permanently pull his presence from the task. If that were the case, Cameron chose to think the Centurion would have the good sense to re-record when able. If the message was sent...well...the Centurion was probably dead for one reason or another.

Shifting his gaze up to Marduk, Ashmedai leaned back slightly in his seat. "Did he send the raw data?"

Marduk immediately stepped forward and handed the Sith Lord a flimsi.

Ashmedai gave the man a slightly irritated look. Marduk could have just given him the flimsi to review in the first place. Slowly, Ashmedai's vibrant gaze tracked down to the flimsi in his hands. He was surveying the information for no more fifteen seconds before he abruptly removed the disc with the recorded message from his holocom and tossed it at Marduk. "Get out and close the door behind you."

Marduk only caught a glimpse of the Triumvir setting up his holocom to dispatch a new message before Marduk exited the room and retired comfortably.

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