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Returning to the cradle [GR dominion for Deneba]

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Jack Sparrow"] [member="Lady Kay"] @Suravi [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Caius Flavian"]

There was a look at Ayumi with the office section and communications set up was working with the others there on the planet. linking up so she could talk to some of the senators or the supreme chancellor himself and they could work to smooth over many of the interests they had on the planet. She was also looking to report in as Denon was bringing them a number of things. "This is senator Pallopides reporting in some of the work we have done. We have a factory working up with the locals giving some of the bigger things for the soldiers. We are finalizing some of the contracts with them and it is kind of lonely out here." Yeah not the most but when alone you wanted someone else to talk with and she could think of a few people who had ideas they could add to productions in the factories here.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
B (get the tech out safely)
[member="Elaine Thul"]

The fire soon began to draw on Sanya more. She was making sure thier defended where down so the woman's soldiers could take them out. After all she wasn't taking the life's. Although Sanya got asked a question while she remained keeping blaster shots off her self. Although the soldiers where good and by the looks got the rest of the pirates to scatter.

Sanya turned around to look at miss/Mrs? Thul and passed her the Id.
(avi image)
Title : Mrs
First Name : Sanya
Surname : Val Swift
Age : 26
Birth place : Corellia
Id number : 7023 7117 2086 3362
Profession : CEO - Inquisitions Industries™/ Queen - Sekalus / Jedi

Republic citizen - approved
"There you go." She said letting the woman check it out. "Droids move fast." She said watching them lug the console out into the hallway and down towards the next hanger. "Anyway thank you for the assist. I would still be trapped in there if not for you and your men." She said graciously giving her gratitude.
[member="Jack Sparrow"]

She had not said anything during this trip so far she was looking at a map of Deneb looking at it's position. How much longer would Jack entertain Mr. Torntoo, give minutes half hour until the drink was gone. Farming and Resources were not Jack's strength no he liked wineries, snacks, and left weapons and intel to everyone around him. Sometime he reminded her of the zeltron that ruled over the Republic what was his name Jack Harkness, that sounded right.

She had heard very little in regards to Deneb which was not assuring, that meant there was something going on and she needed to send out someone who could pull information from the very mouths of the babes trying to hide it.
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: Locate a particular scientist for the Republic[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Post 2/20[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The Dancing Tortoise [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]There was something that stirred in Jorvan when he saw their sloppily carved names on the wooden table. It reminded him of the promise that the three of them had made that night, covered in sweat, smeared with dirt. They said they would always be there for each other, but Jorvan was the first one to abandon them at the first opportunity. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but his father had asked him to make a difficult choice -- his foster family or his real family. Jorvan didn’t know the true nature of the Hatha back then. He didn’t know that what he had with Julia and Thorin at the time was more genuine. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But the old gods knew and maybe that was why they had guided him to Coruscant where he reunited with Julia. He traced her name with his index finger and remembered the countless nights he had spent apologizing to her and trying to make things right. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He chuckled a little and remembered the slaps she gave him too. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Still daydreaming about her, I see?” Cora teased. She looked at him with that teasing smile. The one that used to torment him when he was still a teen, too shy to speak about the girls that had caught his eye, but now he was older, and stuff like that rarely fazed him. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Yeah, something like that,” he admitted. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Tell me about Thorin,” he said changing the subject. He threw a nod in the direction of his old friend. “He still taking on odd jobs from that force user from around the way? What was his name again?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“You mean Ren? Him and his little terror mob of super thugs? You bet.” She snorted and started to shake her head. “He ain’t been the same since you and Julia left. He was always a piece of work before, but now..” Cora let her words trail off and she nodded at Thorin so Jorvan could see with his own eyes had Thorin had changed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Jorvan watched as his friend made a fool of himself. The Thorin before was always quiet with his hustle. He taught Jorvan how to make money, and most importantly, he taught him how to do it low-key. The Thorin he was seeing right now was acting like a celebrity though; buying rounds for the whole bar, bragging about his bank account, showing off his jewelry to impress the females at the next table over. This wasn’t the Thorin that Jorvan had remembered, but then again Thorin wasn’t the only person who had changed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“You’ve gotten bulkier.” Cora said this as she felt his arms and examined his face. “You’ve also picked up some more scars. What happened?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]My father[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt], Jorvan wanted to say. He wanted to go back to that thirteen year old who could confide in her about everything, but he wasn’t a child anymore. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He could only say, “This and that,” and hope that was enough to satisfy her curiosity. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Does Thorin stay around here?” Jorvan asked, steering the conversation back to business. In the corner of his eye and he could see Chacha enter the bar and he knew she getting impatient for him to hurry up with his business so they could leave. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But what could he tell her? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Thorin wasn’t just some person he could rough up and demand information from. He was an old friend. Or at least, Jorvan still wanted to believe that. As Cora started to fill him on Thorin’s living arrangement, Jorvan kept a close eye on his Sith bodyguard. Even if she was sworn to serve the Hatha Family like her ancestors before her, Chacha had always served her own interests before she ever thought of his own. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]But that was okay though. That was why he kept her close. He was fond of people who were bold enough to defy him, but in this case, Jorvan knew there was a limit to how much rope he could give Thorin. He needed the man to work with him, especially if he wanted to preserve his life.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Thanks for the info. I’ll get right back with you in a minute.”[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] He kissed Cora’s cheek before he rose from the table.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Chacha seemed to mimic his movements with an eager smile. She must have thought he was getting ready to put in some work, but it wasn’t going to be like that. At least not yet. [/SIZE]
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
She looked at her I.D. she then looked at her, and smiled and said Carry on.
She then gave signal to her troops, to carry on covering the corridors for pirates.
As other troops came up. they started to reload the Thul Reapers, and re-energize there armour.
She did wonder why the republic wanted ancient tech, when other made newer and better technology.
The dark ages of the gulag plague, have long past now surely the old tech was now redundant, she thought to herself.
She then looked at her pink blade lightsaber, well maybe not as she thought about that instead.
Her men where now on over watch, fully armed and had full power to there suits.
Force help anyone who decide to run down a corridor, with no cover to stop the reapers.
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: Locate a particular scientist for the Republic[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Post 3/20[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The Dancing Tortoise [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]What face was he supposed to wear, he wondered? Should he approach Thorin as the "Lucky" he would remember, or would he stand in front of his friend as the man he was now? Head of a criminal empire. Mastermind of a thousand cons. He wasn’t that same innocent kid that Thorin took in and tutored the game to. He was beyond him at this point. He had reached a height that this man would never see, and he was still climbing, still clawing his way up to that peak that lie in Serenno. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But he still had a ways to go. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He continued in Thorin’s direction, but he was impeded by a few of Thorin’s friends. They had been watching him, he knew. Or rather, they had noticed that he had been looking at their table off and on while he spoke to Cora. With his thick beard and the scars that decorated his face, Jorvan supposed it wouldn’t be a stretch if someone thought he was up to no good. It was the truth really. He had come here to steal their valuable prize, but he was sure they weren’t aware of this yet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He maintained a blank expression. Two of them had risen from the table and surrounded him, while Thorin partied on and indulged in some death sticks with a flirty dressed Twi'lek from the table beside him. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Yo, what’s your problem, man? The kark you keep staring at over here? You got beef?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]It was a fair question, and Jorvan thought the man deserved a fair answer. “I’m just here to speak with your friend over there,” Jorvan nodded towards Thorin, who still hadn’t noticed him yet. “I don’t want any problems at all,” Jorvan smiled. It should have appeared genuine, but Jorvan knew these men wouldn’t take his word for it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“The hell you got to speak with Thorin for? I don’t remember seeing your bum *** from around here.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The speaker was young. Probably sixteen or seventeen. Not old enough for Chacha to cave his skull in yet. He had to give her that look to make sure she stayed away and didn’t interfere. He knew how excited she got when confrontation presented itself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Thorin knows me,” Jorvan told the kid simply. The kid laughed, and so did the older man beside him, but gradually something clicked in the older man’s head. He took a closer look at Jorvan and gradually his eyes began to widen. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Jorvan gave him a grin and nodded to confirm what he was probably thinking. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Lucky?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Jorvan nodded again. “In the living flesh.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Jorvan didn’t remember who this man was, but apparently the man remembered him. “Yo Thorin, check this out! Man, what the kark you talking about hold up? Mofo, look where I’m pointing. Dawg, I’m serious.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The man struggled to get Thorin’s attention and pry him away from his Twi'lek and the drugs. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Jorvan decided to give him a helping hand.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He walked with his hands behind his back, like a drill sergeant getting ready to start a smoke session. He stopped directly in front of Thorin’s table and stood silently, as the man continued to disgrace himself. When he reached for another death stick, Jorvan decided enough was enough. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He clapped his hands slowly. In the mocking way that Julia use to do whenever she would get ready to chew them out for doing something stupid. Even though Thorin seemed to be doped up, the peculiar rhythm of Jorvan’s claps seemed to catch his attention. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He turned his head in Jorvan’s direction slowly, and when their eyes met, all he would see was Jorvan’s grin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Do you remember me, brother? Do I have your attention?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Jorvan knew that he did.[/SIZE]
Location: Squadron A Commander's office, Shield-class Orbital Base Deneba Three, in orbit via Deneba
Objective: D - Establish defenses around Deneba


"Do you have any questions about the station?" asked Gir, pushing his back against the padded chair.

He sat down across a desk from Commander Nichos Imsatad, an almost statuesque human male who still had a slight trace of the clipped voice that marked him as being from one of the Core Worlds. He's probably old enough to have once been a Republic citizen back when Coruscant was in our hands...Imsatad stroked his chin as he contemplated Gir's words.

"At the moment, no," mused the brown-haired man, "but it is quite possible that I will have some questions for you in the near future. Truthfully, we have just barely unpacked, and I have not had the experience of being on one of these stations before. I must say though, I find it quite...unconventional for someone like yourself to be here."

"I don't follow."

Imsatad leaned forward over the desk, as if it to peer closer into Gir's eyes, "I haven't seen many company presidents checking up on their customers in the war business...but I'm not oblivious to your background, of course...I do not...doubt for a second that it has some measure for your presence here. But there is something else, is there not?"

"If you were implying that I am here for something else, if there is or was," said Gir, "it wouldn't be something that I could talk about with you."

"Undoubtedly," said Imsatad, leaning back, "but all the same, I would prefer to know what that is...or as you put, was...a rather curious turn of a phrase...if I may say so..."
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Developmentt for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A


Arisa had been
tasked directly by Suravi to watch over the KSA team sent to the planet (who were technically Kiribian government employees), and aid them with their demonstration of the Famos platform to members of the Deneban security forces. She had extensive experience with the particle rifle/launcher combo, having put it to good effect on Togoria. Not even the exotic armors worn by some Sith commanders did much to protect them against the punch of a neutral particle bolt. If that didn't take care of the job, then there was the mass driver that shot a variety of 20 mm shells and slugs. The only drawback to the original design was the limited capacity of the particle rifle component, but improvements had been made with the second iteration with some changes to the operating mechanics, and an increased power capacity. There were other little changes here and there, some having been proposed by Arisa herself. That was another reason why she had been called in to help make the pitch.

Working on some rifles for the demo, she was indistinguishable from the KSA personnel around her, clad in a set of dark fatigues. She carried no lightsaber or any other identifying marks associated with the Jedi. Less distraction meant less attraction.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Objective: B
[member="Elaine Thul"]

With her id back Sanya kept a close eye on the corridor. Keeping in front of the droids just in case she escorted them to the hanger. as the door opened a lone pirate held is blaster up at Sanya and the droids. "Pull that trigger and you will be making a mistake." She said to person. "Ju..just don't move. That device is ours. Everyone here is ours." He replied. Sanya could see his hand shaking and feel fear radiating from him. With a swoosh of her hand she pulled the blaster from his hands into her own. "I think you will find that criminals only have a right to a trial. Not possessions. Miss thul he's al your to take into custody. seems though he hesitated to pull the trigger unlike the rest I have a feeling he won't be much of a problem." Looking back at the pirate Sanya would watch him for a moment. "If you cooperate and give up the names of those you conspire with and locations you might be given a less of a sentence. So it would be in your best interest wouldn't you think." By the look in his eyes it was clear he didn't want to speek right now or maybe ever. But at the end of the day she was glad of not having to leave on such a violent note. Before she continued to her ship she used the the force to crush the blaster in her hand letting it fall to bits. "Okay load it on." Getting her datapad out now she pressed a button to lower the cargo floor to make things easier.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Arisa Yune"]

As she was continuing through the facilities they were working on for everything. Her main attention on the holopad in her palm when she could see the other ones. There was more work she could go with while their weapons were there being tested with a large number of soldiers. The multipurpose rifle was ready for all of them along with the armor. She could see the beginnings for what would become Denon's iron legion over some of the better things. The optical camo on the armor giving their flight systems plenty to work with while they secured the magnetic clasps on the armor. More of their equipment ready until she saw some more of the ones working. "Is everything going well?"
Objective: Mediate near Mount Meru
Allies: anyone welcome
Posts: 1/20

While there were two events to which the newest Republic House Secretary had been invited to on Deneba, she chose to forge her own path today. Not out of rudeness, mind you. There would be plenty of time to get to know the Jedi at the Republic Force enclave or to mingle with Chancellor [member="Jack Sparrow"] at another function.

But today, the Eldorai padawan walked around the base of the majestic Mount Meru, a famous site during the Krath Holy Crusade. The beauty of the towering rocky spire was unparalleled, and Cath began to slow her breathing in quiet contemplation of the mystery of the Living Force and all that passed through, with and beyond it.

She was well aware that her new role as a political figure would not afford her as much meditative time – as selfless as the young Bardotta noblewoman was in most of her concerns, she would choose to be selfish today. Cath needed to carve out time to continue the study that her Eldorai father had taught her on her home planet. You cannot give to others if your own soul is not properly nourished, she thought.

But that didn’t mean she would treat strangers with aloofness. If anyone happened upon her, she would smile in greeting and reflect upon the wild grace of Deneba, as even the jagged rocks and sharp thorns had a place in the universe.
Objective: Mediate near Mount Meru
Posts: 2/20

The further she wound away from the base of the mountain, the more of a desert the surroundings became. But there was still a majestic beauty to the flora, how it had adapted and survived in the harsh climate. She found a grove of cacti and succulents with a stone bench on which to rest. Cath sat and began to meditate calling upon the Force to send her into a state of deeper relaxation and reflection. After she emptied her mind and let the lightside of the Force fill the void with protection and even joy, the dusty breeze tickled her nose and she sneezed.

“Bless you,” said a deep, male voice.

Cath looked up and smiled. “Why thank you, Senator Rumor.”

The newest Senator of Yutan had entered the cactus grove and was sitting on a bench opposite to the House Secretary. She had no idea how long he’d been there, so deep into meditation she had been.

“What brings you over this way?” the Eldorai hybrid asked. A thought occurred to her now that the Senator was here, one that had been germinating for some time. But first pleasant small talk as she barely knew the man.
Objective: Discuss politics with the House Secretary
Posts: 3/20

“I’d been at the reunion ceremony and decided to get some fresh air,” Max said. Had he drunk a little too much champagne, too early in the day?


At forty-one years of age, the former-lawyer turned Senator was old enough to know better. Day drinking would either lead to the longest afternoon catnap or other activities from which it would take him days to recover. So to clear his head, he’d found himself wandering the desert near Mount Meru and had run into the Madame Secretary. Not that he’d specifically run into her as she’d been meditating for some time. He just sat across from her, waiting for his champagne head to stop spinning for a bit. Senator Rumor wasn’t trying to be creepy, but he had to admit, watching the lovely Eldorai meditate was a little more stimulating than wandering around buzzed and picking cactus flowers.

Lucidity returning, he asked, “How are you finding your new role? We’ll be seeing lots of each other I hope because of our proximity in offices. And since we are neighbors is there anything you need help with as you settle in?”

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Max Rumor"]

There were some reports coming in, bringing her attention around to others here as she continued on. Some of the harder work with her soldiers joining her to provide the minimum of security. She was looking to make sure the senators and some fo the soldiers they were meeting up with got a few pieces of the newest equipment as she spoke. "We have production on the planet starting for arms and armor, we'll begin bringing down livestock and ponic modules for food production and some of the new irrigation systems to start constructing the infrastructure and repair it as needed." She had a few more ideas presenting them but the real trick was going to be coself sustaining on the planets so if need be they could retake Coruscant and have the supplies needed to feed the people, to fix some of the problems.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Objective B

With the tech on the ship and the pirate left in the hands of miss [member="Elaine Thul"]. It was time to get back to one of her research and development complexes. She walked through the ship into the cockpit. As she sat down immediately her hands would scatter around the controls powering the ship up and readying it for take off. The landing gear would fold up into the bottom of the Hull as it raised up from the ground and began moving forward. As she clear the worn down hanger the ship would tilt upwards to make it a climb into space. She opened a com channel to the republic's military channel as she began to brake into orbit. "Contacting all republic personnel in search of the ewar device. I have been successful in obtaining the tech. I will notify the correct chain once I have reverse engineered it and begin its development." With the republic notified Sanya punched in the coordinates to return to sekalus.
Objective: Pitch an idea to Senator Rumor
Posts: 4/20

“You know what,” began Cath, walking around the picturesque grove. In addition to uniquely-shaped succulents there were yucca trees, jumping cholla and desert ironwood which she admired with great interest. “I actually do need help with something since you asked.” She kicked at some sand with a delicate boot-tip and unearthed a desert plum. “Hmm, I thought these only grew on Tatooine.” The Eldorai plucked it from the ground, and like a galoomp, took a large bite of it. The Senator’s face grew pale at the fact that she just ate something she pulled out of the desert sand without much investigation of it.

“What? It’s not poisonous. You need to have more trust in the galaxy, Mr. Rumor. Hopefully you aren’t as jaded as most politicians.”

“I try to keep an open mind,” he replied, smirking. “What is your request, Madame Secretary?”

As Cath grew closer, she could smell the cloud of whiskey on Senator Rumor’s breath and perhaps even on the pores of his skin. By the Holy Stars, did anyone not heavily drink in the Republican government?

“A current restriction of holding a government position in the Republic is that you cannot be involved in the Jedi Order. While I understand the rule, there are obvious loopholes that make it obsolete. For example, what if I were a Sith, and I used Force Concealment to hide my sensitivity? There are precedents like this obviously. Everyone is afraid that the next Darth Sidious will take up residency in the Senate, but by fearing one incident in our galaxy’s history, we are doing our Jedi and the Republic citizens a disservice.”

Senator Rumor pulled out a cigar, lit the tip and puffed upon it for a minute or two. Cath sat down next to the Yutan official and placed her hands in her lap, not wanting to rudely wave away the smoke. He gazed at her pensively, the cigar dangling out of the corner of his mouth.

“What will you do for the people of Yutan in return?”

“The people? Or their fair Senator?” she asked boldly. Then quickly added, “I have propositions for both if you must know.”
Location: Squadron A Commander's office, Shield-class Orbital Base Deneba Three, in orbit via Deneba
Objective: D - Establish defenses around Deneba


"Ultimately, like you, I'm here to ensure a successful defense of this world in the case of an attack," said Gir, "but the methods in which we will contribute to its defense are different."

"I'll fly a ship and lead my men into battle...while you do what exactly?"

The glass doors of the office whisked open to reveal a trio of newcomers, led by pale-skinned brunette with deep-set blue eyes wearing a Republic pilot's jumpsuit. Gir caught at a glance at her unit patch sewn onto her left sleeve: a pair of crossed lightning bolts set over a silver mountain. She slinked over to sit down in a chair while the other two, a gruff-looking Republic Marine officer and his aide-de-camp hovered awkwardly by the door.

"What is this?" asked Commander Imsatad, looking across the faces of the newcomers.

"Your superior ordered a meeting of the station commanders to convene as soon as everyone was present."

"And I was the last one," muttered Imsatad, glancing at his console, "nor have I read through all of my messages."

Gir gestured out of the viewport to the red-orange world below them, "Several hundred kilometers below us lies the capital of Deneba, and it doesn't take a lot for even the simplest one of soldiers to realize that we are here in these stations to prevent someone from getting to that area quickly. But why do you think Major Kirg and his men are on Deneba Two?"

"As a quick response team," shot back the marine officer, "pile on the the dropships and take a quick sub-orbital hop to anywhere on the planet."

"Yes," said Gir, "now when was the last time that your units practiced joint operations? Not specifically having had experience with doing them, but with the exact same people and units that you are stationed with now?"
Objective: Locate a particular scientist for the Republic
Post 4/20
The Dancing Tortoise

Before Thorin could speak, the doors of the bar swung open and an unfamiliar crew started to fill the room. They were a mixture of Rodians and Gamorreans, but it was a human who led them.

Jorvan looked at them as they approached Thorin’s table and he wondered if they were here for a confrontation. His gaze shifted to Thorin and he watched as his old friend rose to his feet, with a pistol visible at his hip. He was a shooter. He’d always been a shooter, but The Dancing Tortoise wasn’t a place where you aired out your grievances with a ballet of bullets. This was a neutral ground. It had always been the safe haven for the different factions. Yet as Thorin’s crew squared off with these new arrivals, Jorvan had a premonition that something deadly was getting ready to go down. He could feel it in the air. He could feel it in his bones. He looked at Chacha and she too could feel it. She licked her lips as her hand settled on her lightsaber. She was praying that a fight spilled in her direction.

Cora came up to Jorvan and grabbed him by the arm. “You should go, Lucky. I think you might not want to be around for this.” Jorvan only patted her arm and told her he’d be alright. “Trust me, I’ll be fine.”

Jorvan joined the other patrons as they eavesdropped on the conversation that was taking place. There was a dispute going on between Thorin and some person named “Ghad” who Thorin was supposed to deliver a package to. Although Ghad wasn’t here, his crew was, and they made it clear that Thorin wouldn’t leave this place alive unless Thorin gave up the location of the package.

“You paying attention?” Chacha asked him. She had slipped by side while the conversation was going on. Jorvan told her he knew they were talking about the scientist.

“Then what are you waiting for?”

“Just listen,” Jorvan told her.

He wasn’t just here to find out the location of the scientist. He was also here to collect the names of the people who were interested in obtaining him.
Objective: Wheel and deal for Yutan
Posts: 5/20

The House Secretary had a point, but Senator Rumor, not having any trace of Force sensitivity, could only empathize so much.
At the same time, he did feel that there had to be some common ground to limit the use of the Force in the Senate, or else it was going to be Jedi Mind Trick central.

“It’s an interesting proposal… a bit self-serving, Madame Lorr," considered the Senator. “And there would need to be checks and balances, a committee of sorts to prevent mental coercion or otherwise unfair advantages occurring in the Senate or in government roles.”

“But I see your point in that it smacks of prejudice against your kind."

Max stubbed the cigar out under his expensive shoe and made no move to collect the rubbish, leaving it there in the desert for eternity. This marring of the natural landscape elicited a frown from Cath, but she held her tongue. After all, Senator Rumor appeared intrigued by her request, and she didn’t want to turn him off by launching into a verbal anti-littering crusade.

“Entertain me then!” said Max, spreading his arms wide. “With your propositions, I mean. What will Yutan get in return if I try and get this bill passed?”
Location: Valcartier Base
Objective: Establish KSA presence on Deneba (Development for the Famos Mk II Particle Rifle)
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A

"This is the Famos Mk-2 Modular Weapon System," she began, holding one in a down position. She raised it a little higher over her chest so that everyone inside the small open tent could get a better view. "It is one part neutral particle beam weapon, and a ballistic weapon system as a repulsor-based mass driver integrated into the main body. The launcher can fire a wide variety of projectiles in the 20 mm range with the equivalent damage output of a full sized conventional launcher. In an alternate fire mode, the launcher functions as a CQB weapon, essentially a repulsor 'shotgun'"

"As mentioned before, the Famos fires neutral particle beams. They travel farther and deliver more energy on target than standard blaster weapons, which fire packets of charged particles that quickly diffuse as the like charged particles repulse against each other. Beams are generated by a solid state assembly, accelerated to hyper-velocities by a line of coils, then converted into a neutral state as they pass through an ion gate which strips them of excess charges as they exit the barrel."

The original version had used a gas based system that was more common with blasters, but Arisa had helped KSA engineers devise the new solid state assembly based off her own developments on her custom light guns. A considerable amount of bulk and complexity had been removed from the system thanks to her inputs. There was no longer need for gas canisters anymore, just a power source.

"To reduce the chances of detection of the user, the beams are ultraviolet in color. Even in nighttime conditions they will be hard to detect through visual observation alone. For tracer fire, there is a secondary mechanism that can be toggled to create a lighter beam in cycles for easy tracking."

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