Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reclaiming the Lost [CIS]

Void Station Alpha, Orbiting Hypori
Werah relaxed back in his private quarters, his mask off. He had ordered this room specially, and it was filled with the correct mixture of gases for a Kel-Dor. It had been years since he'd been free of the anti pack, thought Werah. "Odd", he said, his voice sounding foreign even to him. A message came through on his HoloPad: "Supreme Commander, we have arrived at Hypori. Our troops will be landing shortly.". Werah sighed, and carefully clicked the mask back into place. Locking his armour in position, Werah quickly made his way to the Command Deck. The Planet shone below, the sunlight glistening on the the massive window. The operation was simple: Land on the planet, fend off any raider resistance, and assume command over the capital. Once that was done, they could send forces throughout the planet, crushing any last resistance, before restarting the foundries. The first scouts had just begun to land, and Werah saw the hundreds of brown specks dropping to the planet. Werah himself would join the ground forces soon, but for now he was content to stay up in the large station, monitoring everything...​
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Herr Vanderhing"] [member="Aut-X"] [member="Count Morcus"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Kami Meran"] @Summer Sovereign @Illieris Sonn [member="Barkt Melan"] [member="Horus"] (one of your alts) @Everyone Else


Location: Void Station Alpha, Command Deck

Aut-X had awaited this invasion eagerly. Hypori was once the prime droid and ship production facility for the original Confederacy of Independent Systems, known for churning out billions of Battle Droids and other war material during the destructive conflict of the Clone Wars, and it would do so again, if he had anything to say about it. He had assembled a VERY sizeable droid army, prepared specifically for this invasion. Supported by armoured divisions and aerial bombardment, Aut-X had calculated that their initial landing would prove relatively smooth. The landing zones chosen were perfect for establishing FOBs, and BX-series Droid Commando teams on the surface had already secured them quietly before their fleet had arrived properly, as well as damaging the planetary communications grid, ensuring they couldn't contact aid in the meanwhile.

The Super Tactical Droid strolled over to Werah, presenting a well formulated report on a datapad to the Supreme Commander. ''I've received word from our commando teams. All landing sites are secure and ready for the arrival of our landing craft, and enemy communications have been disrupted as ordered. Recent spacial anomalies in the area should ensure that the lack of communications is interpreted by the galaxy at large as usual disruption, instead.''

[member="Werah Unon"]
OOC thread

"Summer, now that I'm training you, you are to be considered in Confederate service. You can always be the liaison between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Silver Jedi if you wish. You're our primary starfighter ace, I trust that you're better than the starfighter droids that are your, please excuse the expression, wingmen"

That was the one chance Jessica had to redeem herself from the debacles of Ryloth (but as a debacle Ryloth was mostly a PR one even though no blood was spilled) and Stalgasin to the eyes of the Confederate public. She'd better not feth up this time around. But Agamar, and later, the asteroid battle over Geonosis were Jessica's chances to show that she isn't tactically completely clueless. On the topic of landing force, she designed the Hardcell-Xs and C-9980s so that they could provide some cover to a landing force composed of Hardcells and C-9979s respectively. Deploying Hardcell-Xs and C-9980s would force the enemy to deploy more airpower resources to combat the landing force, forcing more casualties than they expect it at first, so that the second wave would face much less opposition. Or so Jessica's logic went. With that said, Jessica was stationed on the bridge of one such C-9980, knowing that the Munificent-X serving as her flagship couldn't land on planets and is to be used in defense of Void Station Alpha in orbit.

"I'm picking up the presence of raiders on this planet in the Force: they appear to be precisely spread out where intelligence indicated they would be. Just don't hit corporate security forces or asset: they are friendlies today"

[member="Summer Sovereign"] [member="Werah Unon"] [member="Aut-X"]
Werah looked intently at the monitor, watching the progress of the ground forces. As there was no organised leadership to resist them, squads of droids simply had to fight off local raiders. Hypori had long been a part of the TU, and a longstanding member of the CIS. Soon, it would be their's once more. The space attack went smoothly, with the few unfortunate smugglers nearby surrendering rapidly. "Supreme Commander!", a voice shouted across the room. "We have cleared the majority of the Capital from raiders." With the capital free of most danger, Werah himself would now go down to the planet, in order to claim the planet for the CIS. Checking his battle gear, Werah closed the shining blue visor, and got into the shuttle...

The city looked like a ruin, with burnt out buildings and smashed in factories everywhere. In had not been long since the TU had fallen, but raiders had rapidly taken everything of value when the armies left. Walking towards the building that would be their new government centre, Werah grinned as rows of droids lined the way to the steps. Werah strode to the top, looking out at the sky, and taking in this world that they had taken. Factories covered the landscape for miles in every direction. Soon, thought Werah, those factories would active again. "People of the Confederacy! Today, for the glory and freedom of our alliance, I hereby claim this planet and all it's resources for the CIS! We have taken back what is rightfully ours!" Werah took the flag from the droid next to him, and raised it into the air. "CONFEDERACY!", he shouted, his voice booming throughout the city. The droids began to chant, "CIS!, CIS!, CIS!". With a shout of victory, Werah raised the flag onto the pole on the top of the building, and pulled it up, the confederate symbol flapping in the air...

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"][member="Aut-X"]
"So the raider presence in the capital has been wiped out? Corporate security assets that were still there from the old Techno Union days were able to do their job all right"

Hmmm... Agamar was a feint to buy the Rogue One Sith time to target Thyferra? The then-Techno Empire defeated he Rogue One Sith on Agamar, now she had but a very limited role in defeating the raiders on Hypori. It would seem that these raiders preferred to target enemy industrial activity. Even these raiders she could understand that they had a better sense of strategy than the Sith Triumvirate: the latter exhausted nearly all their forces in an attempt to defend its capital Ruusan, and won a pyrrhic victory from which it never truly recovered. As Jessica mapped out the droid foundries in the Force, she made sure that she understood its mechanisms properly so that the foundry can be reactivated, regardless of whether she needed to use mech-deru or not. But it needed some R9 astromech droids to be honest.

"[member="Aut-X"] You can cease jamming their communications. We will need communications back online if we are to reactivate the droid foundries on the planet"

[member="Werah Unon"]
Arriving in System from Ryloth​

[*]1x Constraint Class Cruiser (750m)

[*]2x Evakmar Cruisers (950m Each)

[*]2x Illustrious Class Close Support Cruiser (750m Each)

5x Sentinel Class Frigates (220m Each)

4x Firezone-Class Minelayer (150 Each)

  • None

4x Eliminator Support Corvette (180 Each)

Communication from a planet being cut off for a short time was a rare but reasonable occurrence.​
Communication vanishing after the recent events at Ryloth, the exit towards this direction by the Techno Empire fleet, and those two facts together with a general mistrust on Solan's part in combination with the insistence of Taeli Raaf out of concern for Directorate possessions. Well that was enough for an Aurora Industries task force to be sent to the planet an to deal with whatever was being done there.​
Well ok, the original mission was to observe and ensure nothing was going on here that would raise the concerns of companies that have factories and control over the facilities on the planet. It wasn't surprising that someone would send a task force to investigate, nor would it be surprising for those companies to worry about each other when they were all part of the organization known as the Directorate. As the closest (fringe) member of that group, Solan was provided with his strike group and that was how he came to be sitting right on the edge of the planet's gravitational field with a tired expression.​
He didn't reach out, or announce himself. Instead he was testing local communications with companies and factories on the ground, seeing just how complete this little blockage of communications were.​
Whether [member="Werah Unon"] would notice the arrival of the miniature fleet or not, that was up to him.​
"Sir...we've detected something. There appears to be a small fleet approaching the system." Werah looked puzzled, he hadn't hears of anything. Werah spoke back into the mic, "Okay, I'm coming back up to the station. Get the fleet ready, but don't attack or anything. We don't know if they're hostile or not." Upon finishing, Werah nodded to Jake, and club into the nearest shuttle, wondering, who was in command of the fleet.


Inside the situation room, Werah watched the monitor screen intently, looking for any sign of identification. "Has the communications block been lifted yet?", asked Werah. "Yes, sir, it would have been removed by now." Werah nodded, and walked over to the screen. "Hello, this is the Supreme Commander of the CIS. We have detected your fleet moving through this area. What is your intent?" Werah sat back down, wondering if they would get any reply...

[member="Solan Charr"]


Aut-X had quickly ordered his forces to lift the communications block they'd enforced, through a few swift repairs. He admitted to himself that a communications blackout might've been overkill on this operation, but he was merely following standard CIS invasion procedure. He didn't want the raiders contacting aid from other worlds easily, lest it complicate their operations to secure order on Hypori. Droid patrols had been deployed from the landing zones to sweep the countryside for the raider presence, while other squads were positioned in business, industrial and suburban areas to protect the populace, and more importantly, the the droid-making foundries that would be crucial in the days to come.

''I apologise for the black-out, Supreme Commander. I merely thought it would be prudent to stop these raiders from contacting their allies. All communications should be operational now, though I will be monitoring them for any raider activity. We cannot be too careful. And remain on the surface for now. The incident on Ryloth has left the local powers....concerned. I will allay their fears and suspicions.'', he said confidently, before sending a message to Solan and his task force. ''This is Colonel Aut-X, of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Please state your intent.''

[member="Werah Unon"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
By now Jessica was inspecting the old foundries that the Confederacy came on Hypori to reclaim, so as to assess damage and required equipment. Some damage has been sustained and she began deploying the OX9s alongside the R9 astromech droids to carry out what repairs they could in the absence of spare parts. And the assembly line has definitely seen much, much better days. But the raiders did not have the equipment to deal too much damage, from the looks of it. No heavy ordnance, just some thermal detonators or blasters. Some assembly lines being moved out of position due to battle damage but otherwise serviceable. And Jessica used pyrokinesis for welding the equipment into place, once the OX9s have moved the assembly lines back to where they belonged, before said raiders showed up on Hypori. And the communications being back to normal, she could now relay the status to the Confederate high command in orbit.

"Relay our status to the Supreme Commander"

"Roger, roger" a B1 battle droid told Jessica.

"This is going to require some reconditioning, a few parts to be replaced, but nothing we cannot do"

[member="Aut-X"] [member="Werah Unon"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Kami Meran"] [member="Keric Dynt"]
[member="Werah Unon"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Aut-X"]

Solan's eyes were quickly drawn to the side where a few voices erupted from the officers who stood around the communications array, something that he soon focused on waited to see what was said. Soon enough the two signals were brought to him and he found himself looking at the message sent by a strategic droid and the man who Solan had once met. He had nothing against the Kel'dor, far from it in truth. But there was more that him in this group and the associates he worked with was what worried him and his investors.

"Captain, send a message to the following people and make sure to relay our message to the ground based company factories as well as to the message that will be delivered to the following headquarters. First, Inform [member="Taeli Raaf"] of the preliminary scans, as well as the fact of who it was we found here. Inform her that I will be taking appropriate measures to ensure the protection and preservation of the factories belonging to Aurora Industries and any subsidiary or partner companies within the Directorate. Following this transmission, inform [member="Samael Rekali"] of the Saiba Group and the Santhe Corporation, [member="Danger Arceneau"] of Arceneau Trade Company, [member="Domino"] of Phenex Industries (Solan still thinks you own it), [member="Draco Vereen"] of Armatech, and my good friend [member="Isley Verd"], who i am sure would love to hear of his Droid Foundries being seized..."

He made no attempt to answer Werah or the Droid quite yet, waiting for the numerous signals to be released out into the universe to their respective receivers before doing so. It took little more than a few minutes, using the Directorate's contacts to the best of his effort and those that he could not directly contact would be informed by their headquarters of the general transmission. And once they were all done he straightened up and opened communications with both Werah, and the droid.

"Werah, my old acquaintance, and Colonel. A pleasure to meet you both for the first or second time. I do apologize for my interference, i am sure that it must be frustrating to have me intruding once more but i am under the impression that you are interrupting my businesses and those of my associates. So here is what will happen. You will be given ten minutes to clarify your reasoning for being here, your hostile actions towards the populace of a heavily protected and invested planet with multiple high tier companies holding numerous foundries, and your imperialistic assault and conquest of the planet's factories. Once you have done so, I will require you to relinquish all property you have seized back to the planet's government and to the companies that owned them, failure to do so will result in my liberal use of plasma against your fleet. Is that understood, my dear friends."

Solan waited, his face unmoving and waiting for them to respond.

(Sorry for the wait, RL screwed me over lately.)
"What?" Draco inquired with a laugh.

"Apparently the Techno Empire is trying to seize your assets, granted, we've cycled down production in that area a long time ago when we left Bothawui, but still."

"The who?" The big Mandalorian found it hilarious to be honest, that an organization based off the Techno Union would be attempting to nationalize corporate assets like the Republic under Lasaedri had. An act that had sparked the old Techno Union to sack the capitol of the Republic and leave it in ruins while the Corporate Alliance attacked numerous Republic held worlds, razing the clone army's controllers to the ground.

"The Techno Empire. Built from the ashes of the Techno Union."

"No, the ashes of the Techno Union and anything of value were taken to the Crusaders and the Clans back when I was its last Foreman and it was nearing collapse. Before they tried to auction off Verd's hard work for table scraps." Most of the Fleet had been taken, every Flagship the Union had was reappropriated, and the coffers had been emptied. Even the Obsidian Order under Archon Vereen had been dominated by Clan Vereen Force Users close to the end.

"Alright, the remnants of the ashes of the left overs of the Techno Union. We don't have production facilities there anymore, haven't since before the TU's fall, but we had a couple of buildings on Hypori."

"Fine. Lets pack up and head out there. Least we can do is tell them how bad an idea that is."

A few ships jumped to Hyperspace making their way towards Hypori along old routes.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"] @Aut-X @Werah Unon
The beeping of a small datapad laid out before her disturbed Domino from her meditation. She knew it was urgent otherwise her communications tech wouldn't have forwarded it to her, didn't mean she found it any less annoying. Cracking an eye, she checked the message. Her headquarters were being attacked by the CIS... She thought she had made a deal with them, or was this a new CIS? Erm, right, she'd sold Phenex to [member="Matsu Ike"] something like six months ago. Which meant this was her problem, and as one of the leading suppliers of the Silver Jedi, now their problem as well if they were interested.

With a pleased smile, Domino forwarded the message to her friend and sent [member="Solan Charr"] a quick thank-you note that also explained the sale. Then she clicked the comm on and ordered the Sangromancer's helmsman to break formation and make for Hypori with all speed. And thanks to the Sangromancer's speed and her already close proximity to the Mara Corridor, that was going to be pretty quick.
Werah smiled, hearing Solan's threats. Interesting, but not any significant problem. "Hello there Solan. Apologies for any seemingly hostile intentions. We have made no attack on any...corporate assets. We simply fought off raiders who were occupying this planet. My intention, is to bring this world under the influence of the Confederacy, though we do not mean any harm to it's inhabitants. All factories and other assets are still under the control of their owners. Due to military necessities, the CIS has need of some of the droid foundries - but I am happy to pay compensation to their owners. I have many of my own personal assets on the planet, and this world was once owned by the TU. In the years since we left it, trade and production have slumped. We are reclaiming what has always been ours, and revitalising a failing planet. I do not appreciate your threats, however. Our actions are perfectly legal, so if you have a problem I would be happy to discuss it.", Werah stepped back from the mic, a thoughtful expression on his face.... [member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Werah Unon"]

"Failing planet with Raiders? A planet with the corporate headquarters of several galaxy spanning, economic giants who use this planet at the rate that there would be a constant defense grid and fleet in orbit, one i am no longer detecting. You are expecting me to believe this Werah?" He waited for the question to register in the mind of the Kel'dor. "To anyone who would find you in this position, with you having cut off all communication to deal with raiders... and with such a pitiful force that I would think that these raiders either killed most of you or would never be able to deal with the corporate powers acting from this location. You are pushing your influence on a planet that would have no need for it. Furthermore, you are acting without the authorization of the economic heads here, thus pushing your actions into the realm of overstepping your place with these acts."

He tapped his hand on the console as he watched the side of his vision, looking for some indication from his officers of what was said to be true or not.

"It may surprise you Werah, but Hypori is not run by a government. Corporations operate here under a mutual understanding that they do not interfere with each other. In that light, a mutual defense force should have been able to deal with these Raiders of yours. I am reading no debris though that would have been theirs which is highly suspicious considering the level of operations that Aurora alone has on the planet, and we do not even have an HQ for this sector on the planet itself. As for governance by your people... are those companies that have thrived in your failed government's absence really wanting your return. The Techno Union was an inclusive and disgrace compared to the Confederacy that came before, and there is no promise you can make them that this new one will be any different than the government that had simply hindered progress, not inspired it."
While in space, Julie was nervously watching the verbal joust between the Confederate Supreme Commander and [member="Solan Charr"], and was on yellow alert, not wanting to open fire just yet. In addition she sent out a telepathic signal to Jessica, urging her not to intervene in said verbal joust. It would end up becoming a nightmare not unlike Ryloth if she did. With [member="Summer Sovereign"] now returned to base, she is on standby alongside any tri-droids deployed. As the verbal joust was being played out in space, between the commanders of the space forces, Jessica was there repairing the old assets that belong to [member="Werah Unon"], the main one being a damaged droid foundry, which the raiders targeted. It would seem that the raiders preferred to hit abandoned assets rather than live assets. Jessica knew that there were a lot of corporate assets to protect, and they mostly did just that. It appeared that the complement of OX9 droids were able to make all the repairs to the droid foundry that were possible given the equipment in their current condition.

"Now to see if the orbital blockade Julie was talking about will actually prevent the components we just ordered to repair the foundry to fully operational status from actually arriving"

Recently Maxerian found himself in sort of a contract with a new lot. The CIS reborn or so they say. Maxerian was contracted by them a little while ago, but in reality hadn't been given much work as of yet. Of course that was all changing. Maxerian was close enough to the area and had heard word that the CIS planned on taking Hypori. One of the old Confederation droid facilities. Maxerian in truth never visited that planet before, it was just one of those places he never felt a need to visit. That all changed this day though. The Intrigue's caught a signal coming from the area Hypori. A call of aid for the Mustafarian bounty hunter. The insectoid humanoid grunted, and if he could smile like a normal person he would of. "Finally," He mumbled to himself.

The Intrigue's Solar Fin closed as the ship darted from it's location close to Siskeen, full speed towards Hypori. The trip wasn't long which was good because as Maxerian dropped from lightspeed he was greeted by a lively little sight. Upon entry his solar fin spread back out again. IT would seem the CIS found some lively guests to entertain here. A small fleet to be exact. And not small ships either, there were some large ships there. This did make Maxerian curious though. The ships themselves looked of old Imperial make yet this space, he was pretty sure wasn't controlled by anyone yet, which was why the Confederacy was trying to take it over. So who was in charge of this fleet here.

Well Maxerian assumed he would find out very soon. He swooped his ship closer and closer, as he opened up communications to the CIS controlled station. "It looks like you have found yourself some unwanted company," He said his voice scratchy, stressed, and muffled. A voice one would expect from a bug-like species trying to speak Galactic Common. He let out a small chuckle keeping eyes on the ships on the opposite side. This was going to be fun. To be certain Maxerian always did enjoy a good battle. It was no secret that he had a small ego problem so he always did enjoy a small fight.

"It would seem my assistance is needed here," He spoke again.


While the stand-off in orbit continued, a trio of CIS super-freighters came out of lightspeed near the planet's atmosphere, each baring industrial parts and medical supplies meant for the populace down below, to aid in relief efforts after the damage caused by the raiders. If this wasn't a sign of good intentions to Solan Charr, then he and Werah had little hopes of ending the situation peacefully. As a precaution, squads of BX-series Droid Commandos were already being discreetly loaded onto HMP Droid Gunships, ready to board nearby vessels if it came to armed conflict.

Meanwhile, repair teams of OX9 droids continued their work to repair the foundries on the surface below. They were handy droids. Easily mass produce-able and capable of carrying out the construction work the CIS required of them. Large companies of B1 Battle Droids swept the wilderness to purge what remained of the raider presence, taking care to avoid entering settlements so as not to disturb the citizens going about their daily lives.

[member="Maxerian Gron"]
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Werah Unon"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]
[member="Aut-X"] [member="Maxerian Gron"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Werah Unon"]

Solan's eyes turned to the sector from which a few ships appeared and his patience had worn thin.

Well, he had given them a chance, and they decided to continue with this lunacy. He had no idea where the defense forces for Hypori were, nor did he know how these people could simply appear in the system and conquer it without understanding the people on the planet enjoyed economic freedom. Governments complicated economic freedom, especially a government which would seek to alter the course of economies in the region. They could change their name, change their 'purpose,' but if they were that quick to change then, it is likely that they are hiding a different purpose.

Of course, he is assuming things, but it is for that reason that he is sitting here in orbit around the planet. One would need to proceed with caution to deal with most threats, but right now it was time to abandon caution and to strike out with his hand.

"Captain, fire on those freighters and prepare guns for long range engagement of the Confederacy ships. Focus down them and damage the ships, there is no need to exterminate these fools." That was all he said to the Keshiri captain beside him, Nida Vaal nodding and turning to the crew as she ordered them into place. She added one order to the pile, though. It was, of course, the addition of the interdiction field that would he set up thanks to the Constraint class cruiser that they had with them. In no more than a minute after the order, the CIS forces would find that hyperspace back to friendly worlds would be impossible due to Solan's forces sitting in the spot where one would need to make the jump.

As many did not realize, you could not jump from one planet to another without there being a straight line, and when a force set up in the sector in which one would need to be in to go to an individual world, it made it much harder. Why was solan stopping this, though? For personal reasons. Going around and taking a long way would force them to find themselves in space for nearly four of five times as long a trip, leaving him plenty of time to deal with this CIS' mistakes. Sure, he was taking a personal liberty in his actions, but he was sure that Taeli would not find the interest in caring about his actions. He would not use her fleet so it was all fine... unless they decided to fire back at him for shooting at their freighters.
Once the provisional repairs were complete, Jessica let loose a sigh of relief. Upon sensing that something is going awry in the standoff in space, Jessica feels no choice but to open a channel to [member="Solan Charr"] since [member="Werah Unon"] did not respond, or so Julie would think. At the same time, she stands ready to have a channel on standby relaying to Julie. Oh, sure, she could have used the Force to communicate with her but Force-communications are best used when there are no Force-using enemies.

"Please apologize for the discourtesies of the other Confederate commanders. I am Jessica Med-Beq, currently on the ground, interrogating captured raiders. It was found that the raiders had a strange protocol: they'd resort to guerilla tactics but avoid corporate assets altogether, and we also avoided hitting the corporate assets, too. Since we were perceived as weak, the raiders would have thought we would be easy prey, expecting victory, but instead met their end. As for how the Confederacy operates: we would leave each planet to its own devices. The Confederacy values the independence of its member worlds so we would actually intervene as little as possible in their internal affairs. Plus the only assets we actually took possession of were Werah's to begin with"

Jessica turned the channel to Julie's comm in orbit. "Julie, I sense that this enemy will probably leave us alone at some point if we don't open fire. Plus, Werah has done enough damage to the Confederacy as it is. Just hold your fire, but keep shields raised. We have to save the Confederacy from him, let him take the blame for this standoff over Hypori, but Hypori will still be ours" Also, since the use Jessica made of mechu-deru made it so that [member="Aut-X"] would receive any transmission that Julie would receive on her channel, it means that she used mechu-deru to open more than one channel.


Aut-X gave his command. ''Raise shields. Divert non-essential power to strengthen them. As I expected, Solan Charr took my bait. Now he'll be the one firing on unarmed freighters carrying relief supplies.'', he said to Jessica via comms. His ships held their position, their shields holding well enough against the initial fire. He opened communications with Solan. ''You call us aggressors, yet you open fire on the unarmed relief ships baring medical supplies for the people below. Imagine how that will look to the galaxy at large, Mister Charr? Murdering honest merchants. How pitiful.'', the droid said harshly. The firepower of Solan's fleet quickly annihilated two of the freighters, the third hiding behind one of the Munificents to avoid destruction. He quickly had his bridge crew take holo-recordings of the attack, before sending out a transmission to the planet below. The Super Tactical Droid's holographic visage appeared on news screens across the planet.

''Citizens of Hypori, I have ill news for you all. The fleet belonging to a tyrant of man, Solan Charr, has just launched an assault on our fleet, and the freighters we had sent to provide medical and reconstruction aid to your world. Rest assured, the Confederacy of Independent Systems shall protect you from villains like Charr. Freedom belongs to all, and the Confederacy will die defending it and the people of this world, without hesitation.'', the droid said, heroically. The ruse payed off, for now. The populace seemed enraged at this apparent aggression upon their world by one they thought an ally...

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Maxerian Gron"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

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