Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Raiding the Watch (Clan Shado)

"Dammit!!" she muttered under her breath as Xhernai crumpled to the floor. She rushed to his side, thoughts of throwing the painkiller at him gone. Unable to lift his dead weight alone, Jezza stretched him out where he was. She quickly administered the painkiller and made him as comfortable as possible. As angry and hurt as she was, she couldn't allow him to die from injuries sustained protecting her aliit. If he was going to die, it was going to be because he had pushed her too far!! "Don't you dare die, Utreekov!!! You owe me one hell of an explanation and are going to live to give it." Jezza whispered doing her best to keep the tears out of her eyes.

[member="Xhernai"] [member="Michael Shado"] [member="Cerasi Kent"]
With the painkillers administered, his pain had significantly decreased but it wasn't going to wake him up. With the feeling of pain not so present he realised how fatigued he was. Maybe staying asleep was the best option for now. He couldn't piss anyone off and get himself killed and he could get the rest he needed. He just wanted to get off this god forsaken planet and go to wherever these people take him. Since Mae was gone , staying with this Clan is his only option.
Jezza looked around the room at her injured aliit. They all needed medical attention that was beyond her capabilities. She still had not heard from Adrian and Fenrir. A quick look at the monitors showed the enemy quickly approaching, pretty soon Jezza would be forced to make a decision. As Alor'ad it was up to her to lead when Michael was unable, Cerasi's earlier anger with her was justified. "Adrian and Fenrir, you are going to have to get a ride home on the gunship unless you respond with your location quickly. I cannot allow the ship to be overrun waiting and we are in imminent danger of being overrun. Michael and Cerasi are both badly injured and Xhernai is on the verge of death. I don't want to leave without you, but I will!!" Jezza checked the time and began pacing. "You have five minutes before I engage the autopilot!"

[member="Adrian Shado"] [member="Michael Shado"] [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Fenrir Wolf"] [member="Xhernai"]
That was it. Cerasi had had enough. Everyone was talking, it was an absolute shit show. She just needed a moment to breath, and now that she had it, she was furious. Everything was going downhill fast. Xhernai was being an idiot, but what else was new. Jezza was running around trying to run the place, barking out orders and claiming things that weren't true. Michael was...well Xhernai was with him before he collapsed. And before that he was pointing a gun to Jezza's back. "Everyone shut up!" She snapped, going over to give Jezza a hard shove, then spread her arms to expose her torso. "I am badly injured? Look at me. Do you see any blood?" There was none. She had reached cover before any blaster fire had reached her. The only injuries were to her brain, and she didn't mean concussion.

"You're all karking pathetic, you know that?" She spat bile at the woman, not really knowing who was the target of it this time. Maybe it was the fact that everything was happening at once. "You're running around trying to do everything." She gave Jezza another push. "And thank you for finally stepping up to fit your title." She noticed the pendant in her hand. "You are seriously too trusting. He tried to kill you, kill us. Twice! Yet he gave you that, and now you're best friends forever!" She brought the last three words a pitch higher in her voice, and moved her hands around, giving it a cold mocking tone.

"And you keep letting him get close to my brother." That sentence was filled with the most bitter anger that Cerasi could spit out. Pushing past Jezza, she slammed her fist down onto a button, engaging autopilot. As the ship took off, she took a breath. She could hear gunfire from outside. She flicked the switch to activate the shields. Leaving the cockpit, she moved back into the main bay. She went over to her brother, purposefully stepping on Xhernai's body in the process. All those sweet words about adding him to the aliit were gone now. He was as good as dead to her.

"Michael?" She knelt down in front of her brother, lifting his chin so his gaze could meet hers. "The autopilot is engaged and we're leaving. We had to leave Fenrir and Adrian. Our ship was under heavy fire. We had to." She paused, running her thumb along his cheekbone. "I'm okay. Jezza's okay. Xhernai's...." She paused. "Mostly okay."

[member="Jezza Shado"] [member="Michael Shado"]

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Jezza Shado"] [member="Xhernai"] [member="Adrian Shado"] [member="Fenrir Wolf"]

After everything going on, the hazy fog of a concussion lifted off some, and Michael could make out faces, and sentences coming from people's mouth, his face was turning red. The yelling, the shouting, and all the stupidity running around showed just how much he needed to not get hit in the head with a diamond again. He had a enough. After nodding to Xhernai for patching him up, Michael stood up, and looked at each of the people standing before him.

"Everyone, go to a separate room, now, except you Xhernai, you are to stay here with me. I understand this has been hectic, and crazy...but this is done. I'm shutting this conflict down, now. Leave, do not speak to one another, do not interact with one another, I so much as hear shouting, or arguing...I will shoot you head is killing me enough."

Michael grabbed Xhernai's shoulder and squeezed tightly with his mechanical arm. This was both a signal that he was upset, and that he was also using the other man as a leaning support since his legs still felt like water.

"I have half a mind to go ahead and shoot each of y'all for the sake of it...we have family down there, and we're more worried about what's going on up here. Someone get Raven Claw to provide support and pick up for the muscle walls down there...someone else make sure the damage to the ship isn't stopping us from getting back to Ka'ra Keldab....Xhernai...we're going to talk tot he Arkanians...I doubt they will be happy with us."
Jezza listened to Cerasi's barrage of insults and knew them to be correct. She had no business here. Jezza was not like Cerasi and never would be, the dalyc had her utmost respect and admiration. Jezza couldn't even manage anger at being on the receiving end of Cerasi's frustration, her vod was correct. When Michael intervened, Jezza quietly followed direction leaving the room without a word or glance at anyone. She was at her limit between Xhernai's betrayal and Cerasi's almost vicious bluntness. All she wanted was to follow orders and be left alone until they reached home. Jezza contacted Raven Claw and passed along Michael's command. Once she had finished, she sat back closed her eyes and waited for his next directive.

[member="Michael Shado"] [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Xhernai"] [member="Adrian Shado"] [member="Fenrir Wolf"]
Cerasi stared at her brother, dumbfounded. He was pissed. She had never seen him mad before. She took in everything that he did, his body language. The way he leaned on Xhernai, told him they'd be going on a mission together. It was too much to bear. Cerasi felt hated, despised, betrayed. By her own brother. How much farther did she have to sink? Her throat tightened and her eyes welled up with tears. It was too much. Snatching her helmet from the ground, she followed after Jezza, but turned to go to a separate room. Her own brother hated her, wanted nothing more to do with her. She had got him like that, she had yelled at the only woman who she loved, and was getting replaced by a traitor.

Slipping into her quarters, she waited until the door closed behind her. Then, she hurled the helmet at the wall, bursting into tears. Slamming her fist against the control panel for the door, she locked it. She began to unstrap her armour pieces, letting them fall to the floor one by one. Pressing her back against the wall, she slid down until she was seated on the ground. One of her gauntlets was lying near her foot. She leaned forward and retrieved it. Popping open one of the compartments on the gauntlet, she slid out one of her gleaming throwing knives. Holding the knife in one hand, she began to pull back her sleeve.
Xhernai winced slightly as Michael gripped his injured shoulder. He listened to what Michael said, surprised to not hear any backlash from his actions. He watched Cerasi and Jezza as they left to their rooms. They were more upset than they were livid. As they all left and it was just Xhernai and Michael in the room, he turned to him and said "Boss... I know it's not my place to say this but, you went too hard on them. They're upset and angry at my actions, therefore I'll accept all consequences for everybody's actions and quite frankly I'm concerned about them, especially Cerasi. You're her brother so start acting like it before you lose sister just as I lost mine and you'll regret that you didn't spend more time with her just as I do everyday, I would give anything to see her again." Xhernai took a deep breath. "I'm sorry boss, what I said there was way out of line but I had to get it off my chest. When your ready let's go back to Arkania."

Xhernai took off his armour as the Arakanian officials would be sceptical if he turned up in Deathwatch armour, so Xhernai would stay in simple clothing but he couldn't carry anything on him.
Jezza ventured from her room, Michael's time out had given her time to think. While Cerasi's anger had been quite vicious, it was justified. Michael had been harsh with them both and rightfully so. If their clan was to grow stronger and become once again what it was, there was no room for conflicts amongst them. Jezza's wish to resolve this conflict quickly overruled the need for solitude. Jezza knocked on Cerasi's door softly, "Cerasi, may I come in??" Jezza whispered calmly and gently.

[member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Michael Shado"] [member="Xhernai"]

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Xhernai"] [member="Jezza Shado"] [member="Cerasi Kent"]

Of course they were upset with him, though, Michael didn't blame them for any of this. He was stupid for bringing them to this, Jin would have smacked him for bringing such fresh meat to such a high risk mission. Gotta start them out slow, give them the proper training. Some part of him, though, had hoped that maybe, just maybe they would have bonded more through this.

When they had left, and Xhernai was alone with the alor, the man apparently had his own mind to speak. Though the words were correct, and thoughtful, Michael only gritted his teeth.

"Wrist, or nose?"

Michael spoke softly as he stared at the where the weapon had fallen from the bounty hunter's grasp.

"You get three seconds before I break both of them for pulling that gun."

Xhernai's words echoed in his head that were of confession.

"They will not disrespect one another like that again in my presence...that was not a display of family, that was...just pure chaos."

The Mandalorian turned to look at Xhernai's face, feeling a little sorrow for the loss of the own man's family, he knew what that was like, but it did not change how this was about to play out.

"If I have to beat the concept of loyalty into you, I will...if I have shove my foot so far up your sheb before you get the idea that you are apart of this family the day I showed you mercy...I will. One."

His three seconds began.
Xhernai sighed he didn't want to nose broken as he loved his face and thought quite highly of it. He also needed his wrist as.... he did stuff with it. But he could just put his wrist back in place even though it would hurt like hell. "Wrist. Maybe if you do bad enough I can have a pretty little prosthetic hand like you." Xhernai gulped as Michael looked unamused. "I'm just kidding, just do the wrist."
She waited for what seemed like an eternity with no response from Cerasi. Jezza tried turning the door handle, it was locked. Assuming that it was too soon and Cerasi did not want to talk yet, Jezza turned and headed down the hall. She loved the young dalyc and was worried but respecting Cerasi's possible need for space. She was going to check on Michael and Xhernai. She slipped quietly into the room just in time to hear Michael give Xhernai his options. Hanging back quietly, she knew better than to interfere, her Alor was angry and rightfully disgusted with their behavior. She could help grinning slightly at Xhernai's response. The bounty hunter had audacity and gumption if not common sense. Her anger and hurt had not gone, he had betrayed her. Michael's punishment for such was appropriate and Jezza intended to sit back and watch.

[member="Michael Shado"] [member="Xhernai"][member="Cerasi Kent"]
Xhernai heard Jezza sneaking around whilst he awaited his punishment from Michael. Xhernai had a huge ego and was definitely selfish which everybody could see that, but the thought of loving and caring Jezza wanting to see him get his wrist broken hurt him. He didn't admit to his mistakes often as a result of his self centred attitude but he knew he had made a huge mistake by pulling a blaster on Jezza. He desperately wanted her to forgive him but the fact that she wanted to kill him for his actions spoke volumes to him, it was obvious that she wasn't going to take this lightly and she wasn't going to forgive him easily.

He thought about the others. Fenrir and Adrian, the two big guys. Xhernai hadn't seen enough of them to make an analysis. Michael, he seemed like a decent and straightforward guy, just don't cross him or his aliit and everything would be fine. Cerasi, she seemed like a talented mercenary who is over protective of her aliit.
Making no attempt to hide, she quietly waited to see what would happen next. She wanted Xhernai punished for his betrayal, but she no longer wanted him dead. As Alor'ad, no matter how soft her heart, she knew such behavior could not be tolerated. Their clan was small and attempting to rebuild, there must be absolute trust amongst the aliit. A united front must be present at all times, they had much to lose and a dark history to overcome. Jezza knew that things like this were why Michael insisted she come on these missions. Being raised on Ke'ra Keldab she had rarely left home, all of her training had been by visiting clan members who took time to teach while enjoying the relaxing ambience of her home. She knew this put her at a disadvantage on missions and gave Cerasi many reasons for justified anger and concern, Jezza understood and agreed. As usual, Jezza's anger was short lived, all she wanted was peace within her aliit. Jezza's love and loyalty for Michael and Cerasi had been almost instantaneous, Adrian had earned his place in her heart the moment she saw his smile. She was quite concerned about him and Fenrir, to her knowledge they still had not been located. The big guys were more than capable of taking care of themselves, but that didn't alleviate her worry. As she continued watching, thoughts tumbling through her mind, they settled on the bounty hunter. In the brief time they had known each other, so much had happened. She had thought they had bonded, he had told her he loved her. The realization he had played her was devastating. Gently caressing the pendant he had given her, she knew Cersasi was right to yell at her. Even with everything that had happened, Jezza's heart wanted to forgive him the moment he had given her what she knew to be his most cherished possession. He owed her an explanation and she was determined he live long enough to give it.

[member="Xhernai"] [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Michael Shado"][member="Adrian Shado"]
Xhernai had a bittersweet relationship with his thoughts. He loved the calculating and witty part of them. Like how he beautifully orchestrated his masterpiece of a plan up until the final bit where he refused to kill Jezza. But as much as he liked his quick thinking he definitely did not like the diabolical part of it. He remembered about the time he had done possibly his worst deed, whilst he was working for Reeza he had the job of eliminating a snitch who had also discredited Xhernai's mother. He skinned the Duros and threw him into a bath of salt. After the man had pleaded to be killed he fed him to Hutt's rancor. This was a past he hoped to forget. Hopefully the members of Clan Shado can help him forget his treacherous days.
She heard the knock at the door. Startled, Cerasi dropped the dagger, but snatched it out of the air before it could clatter to the ground. She stuffed the blade under her pillow, but remained standing there. She knew that her eyes would be red and puffy, and she could hear Jezza's voice from the other side of the door. She let out a heavy sigh. She could not see the other woman right now. Not because she was still mad, her anger was mostly evaporated. She didn't like other people seeing her weak. She had to be strong. She had to be stronger; she had given people too many opportunities to take advantage of her.

So now...she was too weak to talk to Jezza. What would the other want to say to her anyway? Probably blame Cerasi for this whole mess. Her brother hated her and it was all her fault. She could never face him again. Michael, yes he would move on. She knew that when they were kids, he had a crush on Jezza. It was just a childhood infatuation. Cerasi didn't think it would last? Was she right? Or did her brother still have feelings for their alor'ad? It wouldn't surprise her if he did. He should just replace Cerasi with the other anyway.

He hated her.
Speaking to Michael as she stepped forward, "Allow me, my Alor!! Xhernai's betrayal while it effects the clan as a whole, was directed at me. It should be mine to deal with." Jezza had waited and watched growing impatient, Cerasi's words resounding through her mind. As Alor'ad Jezza had to be able to do what needed to be done, no matter how much it wounded her heart. Protecting and leading this clan could one day fall on her shoulders, all must know that she could and would put personal feelings aside in order to Briefly glancing at Xhernai, Jezza struggled to maintain an appearance of strength and cold confidence. Compassion and empathy were emotions she had no place for at the moment, if she was going to pull this off she must leave them at the wayside. Locking eyes with Michael, she waited for his reaction.

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Jezza Shado"] [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Xhernai"]

Michael watched the bounty hunter as he talked, his anger slowly subsiding as the man attempted to make a joke about his arm, to which he did not find amusing. Jezza had walked in, going against what her alor had requested as she requested to do the punishment herself. There was just no taking this seriously anymore. Taking a breath, he looked over at Jezza, then Xhernai. Michael stood up, held onto his head for a moment, then simply walked out to find Cerasi. He didn't say a word, what was residing came back ten fold.

Walking to his own room, the Mando could not think of words to describe this feeling, nor did he feel like being a leader at this moment. If Jin was here he would have slapped Michael on the back, handed him a drink, and said to get the kark over it. The man took out a cigarette from his pack that had nearly been crushed in the battle, and lit it as he took a long drag on it.

Things were gonna change, and soon.
Turning to Xhernai, Jezza was the picture of cold confidence as Michael left the room. Jezza sized him up for a moment, her goal punishment not death, she said nothing as she debated her first move. Jezza was quite skilled at hand to hand combat, she had been trained by some of the best. As her fist connected solidly with his jaw, Jezza prepared herself for any reaction. He had already proven himself not to be trusted and she knew better than to assume anything at this point. Her anger at his betrayal and the rift he had caused within her aliit, bubbled over as she struck again. Pausing briefly, she had to maintain control, her anger was such that if fully unleashed she would kill him, this was not her mission. Taking a deep breath, her eyes locked with his.

[member="Xhernai"] [member="Michael Shado"] [member="Cerasi Kent"]
Jezza's strike had solidly connected his jaw. Xhernai wanted to retaliate, but that would only lead to more trouble. He was impressed by Jezza's strike, he didn't expect that much power from her. He shook it off and awaited his next punishment. He held out his hand. "Michael was gonna break my wrist, so here. Do your worst sister." Xhernai said with a little smirk. He looked into Jezza's eyes. She was all business.

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