Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Raiding the Watch (Clan Shado)

"I understand" Jezza whispered softly. Leaning closer she gently kissed his forehead, "Aliit is more than blood, that is our way. Many of us, myself included have been adopted into the Clan Shado. There are few left who have actual blood ties, but any of us would sacrifice ourselves to protect another." She brushed her hand across his cheek, love had indeed grown quickly between them. Jezza was hesitant to respond, because she wasn't sure he would understand. She was different than most, her heart loved more than one. Each she loved equally yet differently and her love for one had nothing to do with another. This seemed difficult for many to understand and had led to conflicts in past that Jezza refused to allow to occur again. She had determined long ago that remaining alone and loving from afar were her only options. She smiled gently and whispered softly "Utreekov, you are aliit..."

[member="Xhernai"] [member="Michael Shado"] [member="Cerasi Kent"]
Xhernai stretched his arms out to hug Jezza. He smiled and said "I don't even know what aliit means. One day, you've gotta teach me Mando." He said before laughing which hurt his guts. He then had a violent fit of coughing, spraying blood on the Deathwatch armour. " Wait a sec. Where's my own armour?!"
"Aliit is family" Jezza whispered as she hugged him back. His laughter elicited a grin from her until she saw he was still coughing up blood. Frowning slightly, her worry returned full force. The others should have returned by now, where were they!!! When Xhernai asked about his armour, Jezza lowered her gaze "I'm sorry" she said softly "I couldn't carry both you and your armour. Either Michael or Cerasi are bringing it back with them, I hope." Speaking into her comm again " The bounty hunter is awake and asking about his armour. Can someone confirm possession of it?" Looking back at Xhernai, "I am not confident I am going to receive an answer. You were the only one I was able to communicate with after everyone left the ship. I know at one point Michael and Cerasi's comms were being jammed. Maybe that is why they are still not communicating." She looked at Xhernai with worry in her eyes.

[member="Xhernai"] [member="Michael Shado"] [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Adrian Shado"][member="Fenrir Wolf"]

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Xhernai"] [member="Jezza Shado"] [member="Adrian Shado"] [member="Fenrir Wolf"]

As the Death Watch soldiers closed in, and began to open fire, Michael watched a Jezza dragged the bounty hunter away, and Cerasi ordered a retreat. The damn fool was not going to die on Michael's watch. Opening fire on the soldiers around him as he hunkered down to keep his body safe from the blaster bolts, it was time Michael showed them a new toy that he had in the works.

"Raven Claw, this is Alor Shado, what's your eta?"

"Raven Claw is just entering the atmosphere. ETA: now."

"Popping smoke for a fly by, repeat popping blue smoke to mark for a fly by."

With this quick communication, a small ball appeared in Michael's hand from his belt, and was tossed over head into the enemy soldiers. It popped, and blue smoke began to rise up.

"Blue smoke is visual, clear there area Alor Shado, we're bringing the rain."

Soon, heavy gunships swooped in, firing away with their heavy laser cannons, decimating the enemy ground forces. These were the MGTs crafted by some of Clan Shado's best engineers.

"Can we get another swoop in Raven Claw?'

"Of course, bringing in the hail next."

Next thing Michael knew, Proton Torpedoes were unleashed upon the ground, shaking the earth beneath his feet, and deafening his ears as he covered his body from the flying rocks from the explosions. Something smacked Michael hard in the head with a loud tinging. When he opened his eyes, he saw something clear, but shiny resting next to him as blood began to drip down his face. It had open a nasty gash on his head.

Remembering that something was said about gems, and knowing what this was, he pocketed it, and darted to the freighter. Minutes later he was on the ship, heading to where the bounty hunter was being held. Jezza stood over him, and blood masked his body.

It was not a pretty site.

"Cerasi, Adrian, Fenrir, finish up what you are doing, we are leaving. They wont be having that mine anymore thanks to Xhernai."

Moving over to the table, Michael looked over Xhernai.

"I hear chicks dig scars, vod, you're armor is uh...well...I'll buy you new armor promise. Now, Jezza, I need you to get me a vacuum tube out of the drawer over there, and a blood iv started. Xhernai what blood type are you?"
Relief washed over Jezza as Michael came barreling into the room barking commands and giving orders in his usual flamboyant and take charge style. The Alor had blood running down his face. Jezza looked to Xhernai as she moved quickly to do as Michael directed. "Alor, what are you intending to do??" It appeared from the amount of blood she could see that Michael had sustained a substantial blow to the head. Jezza was concerned for him, "Michael, Xhernai is okay for the moment. Let me stop the bleeding you have going on and then we can tend to Xhernai's wounds further."

[member="Michael Shado"] [member="Xhernai"] [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Adrian Shado"] [member="Fenrir Wolf"]
"Heh, let's hope so boss." Xhernai said with a smirk. His armour was good but it had no sentimental value to him. Xhernai sat up. "I'm blood type A, and you got a nasty gash on your head boss. Might wanna get that patched up." It seemed that the mission had gone alright , they just needed to await for the arrival of the rest of the crew and to evade the Deathwatch.

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Jezza Shado"] [member="Xhernai"] [member="Cerasi Kent"]

Michael shrugged at the words about his own treatment.

"We need to get the blood out of his lungs first, else he will drown in it."

His head did feel light, and his world was spinning somewhat, but this was nothing compared to the time of his arm being had seemed so unreal at the time.

Finally, he sat down, unable to focus.

"There's a sedative that will numb him up some, but keep him awake. Give it to him."

Taking some bacta, he sprayed it on his head where the cut was, slamming his arm down as it burned.

"Once you have done that, Xhernai, we're gonna take the tube, and shove it down your throat and into your lungs.. connect it to the pump, and it should start removing the blood out of his lungs....then it will spray the wound with bacta.."

His head started spinning more that the adrenaline rush was leaving his body.

"Yea...okay, I have a concussion, Xhernai probably has one too. Where the hell is the others?"
As he spoke Jezza had already begun preparing what she needed to tend the hash on Michael's head. It was rare that she didn't follow a directive given by him. Michael had earned Jezza's absolute trust, but his potential concussion made her pause. She went to work staunching the blood flowing from the gash glancing briefly at Xhernai. "How are you feeling Utreekov? Shall I take a shot at Michael's idea or are you good? We both know Michael is not going to be able to assist and if you fight me... well, that will end badly. So the choice is yours.." Jezza's paused and looked to Xhernai, her eyes begging him to make this decision so that she didn't have to choose. What Michael suggested was risky performed by a medical professional, if she slipped up she could cause more harm than good. She wished like hell for Cerasi or Adrian right now, both were way more experienced with such decisions than she was.

[member="Xhernai"] [member="Michael Shado"] [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Adrian Shado"] [member="Fenrir Wolf"]
Everything...was moving so slowly. She had given the order to retreat, and then time froze. Moved in slow motion around her. Faces flew by her. Faces appeared before her. If she did not recognize the face, she fired her blaster at it. Then blue smoke filled her vision. Explosions. More explosions. Why were there so many explosions? What was going on? Her mind was as foggy as the smoke.

Her feet were moving before her mind told them to. She wasn't registering where she was going, just that she was moving. The snow beneath her boots turned to metal. She knew because white turned to silver. There were voices around her. Panicked, worried. The room blurred around her. She felt the ground moving beneath her. Where was she? Why was she dissociating so badly?

She dropped to her knees, falling forward until she caught her fall with her hands. Her helmet was ripped off her head and thrown across the room. It took a moment to realize that she had removed her own helmet and threw it. Slowly, she got to her feet and the world stopped spinning. Xhernai was lying on a table, covered in blood. Jezza and Michael stood around him, worried. There was a choice? What choice? Cerasi stumbled forward, planting her hands on the table to catch herself. Jezza couldn't make a decision? But she was the alor'ad. By technicality, she ranked above Cerasi. She was more of a leader than the 'vod'ika'. "What?" She snapped out, more angry at everything that was going on than Jezza personally. "Do you just expect him to cough up his blood on his own?"

She grabbed the pump, forced herself to focus, and pushed her way to Xhernai's head. "Hold him down." She barked, giving the others a few seconds to obey before she slid the tube down his throat. Then she attached the pump, watching the blood flow away. Medic...mechanic...assassin...what other roles did she fill while her brother was gone? What else did she make herself do for the survival of the aliit. "There. Get him the bacta." She took a step back. She had kept the world from spinning for those brief minutes.

[member="Jezza Shado"] [member="Michael Shado"]
Jezza had barely formed her wish when Cerasi appeared. As usual Cerasi stepped in and did what needed to be done. Jezza followed Cerasi's direction as she watched Cerasi slide the tube down Xhernai's throat. Jezza knew that the vod'ika was not angry at her, she was agitated with the situation. Jezza suspected that Cerasi didn't agree with Michael's decision to bring Jezza along on these type missions. While Jezza was alor'ad and expected to lead, Jezza did not have the experience the others did. This occasionally led to Jezza being in positions where she had such limited knowledge that she had to rely on Cerasi or one of the others. Cerasi had never said anything, but Jezza sensed that these issues frequently left Cerasi frustrated with her. Jezza wished she could be more like Cerasi, the young dalyc had Jezza's utmost respect and admiration.
Cerasi stepped back looking like she was about to collapse. Jezza moved quickly to her vods side and helped her sit down. "Thank you!"Jezza whispered to Cerasi as she began checking the young dalyc for wounds. Jezza spoke quietly to Cerasi "I knew I couldn't hold him on my own and Michael was unable to help. The only way for me to do what you did was with Xhernai's cooperation." Jezza explained. She didn't want Cerasi to think she was totally incompetent, her vods opinion of her mattered very much. "Cerasi, I have heard nothing from Adrian and Fenrir since they left the ship. Have you?"

[member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Michael Shado"] [member="Adrian Shado"] [member="Fenrir Wolf"] [member="Xhernai"]
Someone was talking to her. She looked up, focusing on Jezza's face. The world was getting a bit more in focus, if only a little bit. "Yeah..." She sat down, crossing her arms over her chest. She curled in on herself, leaning forward. She waved her hand. "You don't need to give me an explanation." She stood up, glaring up at Jezza, who stood taller than her by a few inches. "Today is hard on everyone. Whatever you got, nerves or whatever, it's fine." She shook her head. "I haven't seen them. Sorry. But we can't stay sitting her. They'll pick us off like mynocks." Then she paused, feeling herself sway on her feet. "Wait...why is Michael unable to help?" She grabbed onto Jezza's arm, staring up pleadingly into her eyes, then glanced over to where Michael sat. She had to go over to him, had to comfort him, had to make sure everything was okay.

But something stopped her. Something kept her rooted to the spot, clinging to Jezza's arm. Did he even want to see her? He had mentioned wanting to talk to her about something, but now he was silent. He actually hadn't talked to her since he told her that. "What's even going on anymore?"
A tube going down my throat? Heck no! Xhernai began flailing but he wasn't strong at the moment to overpower Jezza who was holding him down. Where they trying to kill him? It was an excruciatingly painful procedure as the tube slid down his throat and began extracting blood. When the bacta was sprayed and the tube was removed his breathing was immediately better. "Thank the stars..."

He still had alot of other wounds but it was nothing a bacta tank and some R&R couldn't fix. He wriggled off the table and fell on the floor he got up and began limping. He looked at Michael and Cerasi, they were the ones who needed help. Xhernai went to the corner of the room. He needed to think. The gears in Xhernai's diabolic head were turning. This mushy stuff had gone on for too long. His plan was working. He had gained their trust. Jezza was the only one who was fit enough to put up a fight. He pulled out the Westar-35 in his belt. Just one shot to Jezza. Back of the head. He raised his blaster and aimed it. "Just do this and you can take this ship and leave those two big guys on this planet" he said in his head. His finger was about to squeeze the trigger.

No. I can't. Just because my family got torn apart what gives me the right to tear someone elses family apart and this was his chance to join a new family and start afresh. This was one of the rare times his conscience kicked in and he was glad it did.He was lucky no one saw him. He threw his Westar-35 to the floor as he walked towards Cerasi and Jezza. "Cerasi, you alright? I'm sorry, for back in Tatooine and I'm sorry for today. Tell me, what do you nneed?" He said to Cerasi.

"What is wrong with me?" he thought. He felt sickened at himself for the fact that he was planning to kill them. Such a beautiful bond they had and he was about to destroy that. The old, hateful Xhernai would have pulled the trigger, no problem. But being with Clan Shado changed the way he thought. To think that he was kill Jezza whom he cared about made him question his humanity. He was going to act like that plan had never existed.
Anger washed over her, as she heard his weapon hit the floor she knew exactly what he had just done. "Cerasi, I am sorry!" she whispered before turning to him. Jezza was inexperienced and the easiest to trust but she was no pushover. This fool had pulled weapons on her aliit twice in as many days. Retrieving his weapon, she walked toward him her eyes blazing. "We don't need anything from you. You need to sit down, shut up and pray that I keep my anger in check because this banthas is ten seconds from killing you." Her voice was cold as ice. "I don't have time to deal with you now." Her guard raised, keeping a wary eye on him she moved to Cerasi handing her the weapon. "If he even twitches funny, kill him." Jezza moved quickly between Michael and Cerasi checking on their wounds. Her anger was palpable, she may not be the most experienced in battle but she was viciously protective of her aliit. She turned back to him, raised her own blaster "You want to die so badly, I will help." Her voice devoid of emotion as she pulled the trigger.

[member="Michael Shado"] [member="Xhernai"] [member="Cerasi Kent"]

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Xhernai"] [member="Jezza Shado"] [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Adrian Shado"] [member="Fenrir Wolf"]

With his head pounding like war drums, Michael had closed his eyes. In the background, voices echoed and were inaudible, then would come back into a spectrum he could somewhat understand, only to go back into a fuzzy train of thought. Getting hit in the head with a diamond was a lot worse then he would have expected. How big had it been anyways? He remembered it had fit in his hand like a ball, jeez.

There was some noises that sounded like wrestling, then it ended with noise of a machine, and an exchanging of words. Still with closed eyes, Michael leaned back, only to open them once to see a fuzzy image of Xhernai with a blaster out, then he dropped it. Black filled his vision, but words came through just fine this time. Anger was in Jezza's voice, and Xhernai had just screwed up, most certainly.

Too dazed to feel emotions, Michael's only thought was "Just wait."

"Damn diamond smacked me right in the popped out of the di'kut's armor when the firing began."

He attempted to reach into his pocket, but could not manage the needed coordination to do so.

"I'm good, just...need some rest...where is Cerasi? Did the other....two make it on board? Can't really...focus...What did he just try to do? What's....what's going on?"

Xhernai had never seen this anger from Jezza before. It was justifiable though. Xhernai saw the red flash from the blaster just in time as he dived, dodging the blaster bolt, further injuring himself as he landed on his dislocated shoulder. "I get it, your angry and understandable. What I did was wrong on so many levels, but I've changed. If I hadn't, then we wouldn't be having this conversation. Just give me another chance." Xhernai pleaded. He got up slowly, not making any sudden movements. He put one hand up and the other hand slowly advancing on Jezza's blaster. He turned her blaster's safety on and then put both hands up. "Come on. I'm trusting you. You clearly care for me and you know I care for you." He put a hand on her head, stroking her hair. "If I wanted to do something, I would have done it by now."
Xhernai had never seen this anger from Jezza before. It was justifiable though. Xhernai saw the red flash from the blaster just in time as he dived, dodging the blaster bolt, further injuring himself as he landed on his dislocated shoulder. "I get it, your angry and understandable. What I did was wrong on so many levels, but I've changed. If I hadn't, then we wouldn't be having this conversation. Just give me another chance." Xhernai pleaded. He got up slowly, not making any sudden movements. He put one hand up and the other hand slowly advancing on Jezza's blaster. He turned her blaster's safety on and then put both hands up. "Come on. I'm trusting you. You clearly care for me and you know I care for you." He put a hand on her head, stroking her hair. "If I wanted to do something, I would have done it by now."
Jezza pulled away from him, the anger and hurt burning brightly in her eyes. She squared her shoulders and held her head high as she turned away without saying a word. Fighting back the tears, she moved to check on Michael. Her Alor was obviously confused because of the blow to the head. She quietly answered his questions and made sure he was comfortable. This gave her a few moments to suppress the tears she did not want the others to see. Once she had them under control and was confident Michael was OK, she moved back to Cerasi's side. Where were Adrian and Fenrir?? All she wanted was to be off this rock and back home. Xhernai had hurt her in a way few others had ever managed but she would be damned if she was going to let everyone see it. She would maintain her anger in public and deal with her pain in private. She had trusted and believed in him when no one else did and he had betrayed that. It would take more than a few pretty words to repair the damage.

[member="Michael Shado"] [member="Xhernai"] [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Adrian Shado"] [member="Fenrir Wolf"]
Xhernai knew he had hurt Jezza. He had done a terrible deed. He had to make it up to Jezza somehow and earn back her trust. Deep inside, Xhernai knew that she would of killed him. Xhernai didn't blame Jezza. He sat there in the corner, disgusted in himself, he had to attempt to defuse the situation. His body ached, he wasn't coughing out blood but he still felt severe pain.

He walked slowly towards Jezza who was tending Cerasi. He put a hand on her shoulder to get her attention before pulling her closer and kissing her. "I'm sorry. Here." He gently took of the pendant he was wearing and put it in Jezza's hand. "Mae gave it to me when I was 7." Xhernai rubbed his eyes and walked over to Michael, to tend to his head injuries.
She could not deal with this right now, her aliit needed her attention. Grasping tightly to the pendant he had placed in her hand, Jezza turned silently back to Cerasi. As she continued tending Cerasi's wounds, she tried to get her emotions back under control. Normally when she was overwhelmed she would go off alone as she did in the bar where they had first met the bounty hunter until she had herself balanced. This was not a luxury here, she may eventually forgive Xhernai, but right now she simply needed to be left alone. She was guarded and wary, hesitant to turn her back to him. Keeping a watchful eye on Michael as Xhernai tended him, Jezza watched for any sign of something out of place. If Xhernai made one wrong move, she would not hesitate to make it his last one.

[member="Xhernai"] [member="Cerasi Kent"] [member="Michael Shado"] [member="Adrian Shado"] [member="Fenrir Wolf"]
Xhernai sat down next to Michael. "Jeez boss you took quite a blow. This will sting like a mothercarker, but you're a strong guy, you'll be fine." he got up and grabbed some bandages. He sprayed the bacta into the wound and wiped the wound clean before bandaging it up. "When you get back to wherever you guys live, just clean the wound and keep on doing so every couple of days until it goes. My sister taught me that whenever I used to come back with vibroblade cuts." Xhernai patted Michael on the back and got up. The pain was excruciating, he still needed patching up, he was surprised he could walk. He wanted to give Jezza some space but he couldn't bare the pain. "Jez, I need a painkiller or something!" he wouldn't be surprised if she ignored him and left him to suffer. He deserved it after all. The pain was too much and forced him to collapse to the floor.

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