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Character Priesse Verena Nera'kas - Eternal Imperial Walker Ace

Priesse Verena


Image is a Placeholder. For a more accurate illustration of the character's appearance, see the "Physical Information" section below.
Name: Priesse Verena Nera’kas
Affiliation: Eternal Empire
Rank: Private

Species: Asa’nyx
Ethnic Group: Sri’la
Nationality: Eternal Imperial
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Female
Occupation: Military Walker Pilot
Primary Allegiance: Eternal Empire
Current Status: Active
Birthworld: Eve, Scintilla

Language(s) Known:
Language(s) Spoken:
  • Galactic Basic - Semi Fluent
  • Nyxi (Sri’la Dialect) - Native
  • High Nelvaanian - Native
Force Sensitivity: None
Midi-Chlorian Count: 1,500 Midi-Chlorian:Cell
Marital Status: Single

  • T’Samey Nera’kas - Father
  • A’risa Nera’kas - Mother
  • Ivixa Nera’kas - Older Sister
Height: 3’4”
Weight: 90 Lbs.
Eye Color: Cyan
Hair Color (Head): Blonde or Cyan
Hair Color (Eyebrows): Dark Cyan
Skin Color: Dark Olive Green
Lip Color: Maroon
Scars: None
Tattoos: None

Possessing olive green skin like most Asa’nyx, Priesse’s appearance otherwise takes heavily after that of her older sister. She has demure, feminine features, possessing a V-shaped facial profile defined by a pointy chin, full lips, high cheekbones, and large, bug-like eyes which are centered by a small nose. Priesse has prominent ears as well, which are pointed, rather than flappy like those of her older sister.

The third daughter of T’Samey and A’risa Nera’kas, Priesse Verena Nera’kas was born on Eve, within the Scintilla, some time after the Annihilation of HOPE. As a daughter in the royal family of a dead empire, Priesse was taught many of her family and people’s traditions, raised to speak their language and to know their history, in spite of the destruction of the Asa’nyx homeworld. As she grew up in Ivixa’s shadow, Priesse came to venerate her older sister. As such, she chose to follow in her path as a soldier.

Upon her graduation from the School of Galactic Possibilities, Priesse enlisted in the Eternal Army. With the help of her older sister, she spent many months working to build muscle and athleticism, so that she was capable of passing the various physical exercises and fitness tests which were often designed for much larger individuals. While Priesse sought to become an Ultranaut, she was unable to pass the initial physical qualifications, even after her sister’s training. However, she did manage to qualify for and pass basic training.

Though Priesse initially wanted to serve in the infantry, after taking an aptitude test, Priesse went through advanced combat driver training, specializing as a walker pilot. Trained primarily on the “COB” Genesis Light Cargo Walker, Priesse discovered an affinity for responsive, single-pilot walkers. As such, Priesse established herself as one of the highest-scoring cadets in her class, albeit with the notable exception of mechanical and technical aptitude, which she scored quite poorly.

Upon her graduation, Priesse was assigned to a Vanguard Armor Regiment, designated to pilot one of the few “Assagai” Sith Fast Striker AT-PWs purchased by the Eternal Empire.

Civil Training:
Military Training:
  • Eternal Army Basic Training
  • Eternal Army Combat Driver Training
    • Walker Specialization
  • MechWarrior: Scoring near the top of her class, while lacking in combat experience Priesse is a naturally-talented walker pilot, with a particularly proficiency in gunnery. She prefers single-pilot walkers, though is highly effective in crewed walkers, such as AT-ATs or AT-STs.
  • Small Girl, Big Walker: Possessing neither sensitivity to the Force or powerful physicality, Priesse is unfortunately quite helpless when she isn’t ensconced within the cockpit of a heavily-armed and armored walker. Her physical strength doesn’t even remotely compare to that of her older sister, who built up her strength throughout her career by necessity so that she could more easily handle large, high-powered sniper weapons. By comparison, Priesse is quite weak, though she is in good physical shape for an individual of her species.
  • Mechanical Ignorance: Unfortunately, Priesse’s natural talent as a walker pilot doesn’t translate well to her aptitude as a technician or a mechanic. Relatively speaking, she is almost entirely clueless around an engine bay or any of a walker’s technical components, capable only of the bare minimum pertaining to maintenance or repair. Fortunately, she can usually rely on technicians to take care of such things for her.
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