Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pain and Gain [Republic Dominion of Attahox]

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Keanu's smile faded as Rion suddenly began ranting. He was stunned, he had never seen such tension in a new unit. First the CO who seemed to be grumpy and absorbed in his problems (whatever those might be), and now this little prince was gonna be a starch (he had heard that Jedi didn't get mad, well that wasn't true). Obviously Rion was trying to get on the CO's good side by playing to Kelly's reputation as a hardliner and the underlings had to pay. Keanu stiffened, heart quickening, his face took on a wooden expression, he stood up slowly hands clenched at his sides. Turning from Rion, trying to hide the disgust in his eyes, he came to attention; marching past Rion to commander Kelly he snapped a textbook salute. In an almost robotic voice he adressed the CO "Sir I apologize for my apparent lack of respect, I will not make excuses for my action; however if you so desire i can give you sufficient reason why I did not salute".
@Kelly Perris
@Rion Ke Teldan
@Zooey Walsh
@Iasos Kontarr
@Keanu Shan
@Ar'rek Zavros
@Aedan Miles
@Sen Kando
[member="Keanu Shan"]

"I did not ask you to salute, I gave the order to Stand Too" Rion sharply replied back to the talker of the squadron. "When a superior officer enters the room you are in, the closest person to the door of entrance or the most Senior officer in the room will give the command 'ROOM' which then all who are in will either come to attention if they are standing or if sitting your arms will come to a variation of attention with your arms stretched forward with your knuckles neatly placed upon your knees."

it was ludicrous that he would have to explain such simple commands but then again it seemed a few of this pilots had been grandfathered through any form of basic training and straight into the special forces selection process. *Sighs*, it seems that this was going to be long process of grooming and ironing out this squadron. They did have the best pilots and now it was time to make them look the part. They were going to be what every Republic Pilot wanted to be and strives for. Heroes the lot of them or..... well...... soon to be.

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Keanu remained at attention eyes ahead in front of the CO. There was no outward indication that he had heard the XO. He began to wonder what Rion wanted then, why had he been included when he had stood up? Yes there was the slip up that he came out of attention before being told to. But with the CO so absorbed he could be at attention until he had finished his Caffa. whatever he thought the pecking order is being sorted out, ill play along with there games.
She wasn't one to complain about these things, but the bunk on board the ship was nothing like the fairly comfortable bed Kallista had back at the academy. Kallista took some time to walk around the ship before going to the squadron's ready room to stretch a bit. The back pain she woke up with aside, she did enjoy being back on a ship. She enjoyed the buzz. the people rushing about their business around her. She was already looking forward to taking her fighter out for a spin.

As she rounded the last corner on her way to the ready room, she could make out sounds of what seemed like a slightly heated discussion. She got to the door just as Rion was finishing a sentence.

"Is there a problem, XO?" she asked, still standing in the hallway.

[member="Rion Ke Teldan"]
Location: Attahox, Surface. Enroute to Production Plant

A speeder bike whined through valleys of garbage. Noxious wind clawed down the brown hood of a cloaked figure while he hunched low over the throttle grips. Red mane swept back, Ryan Korr narrowed his eyes and tried not to think too hard about the smell. The world was a literal trash heap.

He tried even harder to not think about the disorganized rain of Jedi the planet was about to experience.
Rion's attention was diverted towards Kallista, a tall creature of beauty with long black hair but it wasn't her curves that the Prince was diverted to. it was her Iceberg glare that could peirce through hell itself. She was an exceptional pilot like the rest of them and held the same rank as Rion as Lieutenant Commander, just Rion held the higher position with in the squadron. The woman was smart and knew that by standing outside the door she did not need to come to attention like the rest who were in the room.

"Just sorting out a minor communication error, Scrape!" He would relay using the woman's call sign out of respect and acceptance while at the same time downplaying the situation. Rion would motion for the female pilot to enter the room for the said issue was about to come to a close. His attention would fall back on to the three pilots with in the room "Lets call it an end to that and lets move on. Stand Easy!" He commanded the three to stand down and continue on with Ready room play.

Rion would move away from the door and back towards his mug of caffa. He dared not to intrude or speak to the Commander till he had either spoken first or had his first cup lethally executed.

[member="Kelly Perris"]
[member="Rion Ke Teldan"]
[member="Zooey Walsh"]
[member="Iasos Kontarr"]
[member="Keanu Shan"]
[member="Ar'rek Zavros"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]
[member="Sen Kando"]
[member="Kallista Zhorren"]

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
Keanu sighed in relief and relaxed visibly. "Maybe I will have a cup of that Caffa". Although he was more subdued then before the incident, he quickly regained his positive composure. "So whats your view, unofficial view mind you, of lone patrols in war time? It has some merits and some faults. WIth a sufficiently skilled pilot it could be quite effective imagine. You jump a squadron charge into the middle before they know whats happened youve shot down a few and then your gone again. Hyperspace jump outa their and they cant do a thing. In the CDF we did lone patrols sometimes. It was quite effective against pirates as they assumed we were small pleasure craft or the like. by the time they realized it was too late."
The Adumarian Prince took a long sip, using the cup to hide his grin of affection for the easy hearted chatterbox. The man survived a quick tongue thrashing and just right back at it. By the holy stars this man may have a continued spot on this team. Rion placed his cup back down on the table, his posture was more of ease as if the last foray had not even happen. "Lone patrols are very useful, Shan!. Very effective in the use of bird dogging enemy forces for multiple purposes, such as advance recon to false retreats that lead to ambushes. With such a plethora of tactics and elite pilots at our disposal we will be able to utilize most tactics to tip the balance of war or any engagement in our favor"

Rion would then go back to sipping his cup then paused for a quick moment "Shan, you don't have a call sign yet designated to you, right? How about Chatterbox? I like it and it suits you well"

[member="Keanu Shan"]
Kallista nodded even though she had a feeling there was more to it than Rion said. She entered the room and looked around to see how many people were actually present. When she noticed Keanu was in there something she got the feeling she knew who caused the earlier commotion. She towards the caffa machine and only then noticed the commander standing near it. She stopped in her tracks to give the man a salute.

"Commander" she said before letting her hand fall down to her hip "didn't see you there."

She then made her way over to the machine and got herself a cup of the hot black liquid just as Keanu started talking. Kallista wasn't really in the mood to indulge the man so she focused entirely on pouring cream into her caffa. Happy with the new colour of the liquid she walked over to one of the free seats and sat down carefully, to not spill her hot drink all over herself, and kept staring at her cup until Rion's callsign suggestion.

"I don't know about that one" she said with a sly smile turning to look at Keanu "That's almost too flattering for him."

[member="Rion Ke Teldan"] [member="Keanu Shan"] [member="Kelly Perris"]

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
"Chatter Box? I dont talk THAT much. Besides you lot have the social skills of a pack of Gundarks" He jokingly replied "Some ones got to be the voice around here, someone to ...cultivate the civilized side. Zhorren seems to take special pleasure in teaching us to kill, but public relations is important too you know". At this he playfully nudged Kallista'"s shoulder with his fist. "Too flattering? It doesnt do me justice. You all no that i could take half of you on myself... in my Y-wing no less. " putting his arm around on Kelly's shoulders "Me and Mama here are the brains in all this brawn."
Kelly Perris
Rion Ke Teldan
Zooey Walsh
Iasos Kontarr
Keanu Shan
Ar'rek Zavros
Aedan Miles
Sen Kando

OOC: that callsign is fine by me but it doesnt have the same ring as if it were shortened, "Chatter" sounds more like a call sign in my opinion.
" Scrape has a point. 'Chatter' it is, cause its one syllable less to match your worth!" The XO sniped back in further friendly fire aimed at giving the new pilot a proper call sign that was suited to him. Rion took another long sip to distract himself from laughing. Then to counter fire against Chatter's boastful claims on his own performance. " I am sure you would need the Commander to bail you out of trouble for that would be the only way you could fly circles around us"

[member="Keanu Shan"] [member="Kallista Zhorren"]

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
"Pssh, you guys are hopeless...oh I almost forgot" , reaching into his cargo pocket he pulled out a deck of sabacc cards "wanna get a friendly game started?" while we pass the time? sitting down at the table he began shuffling. Keanu got up, grabbed the sugar cubes of the Caffa table, and returned to the table. "Low stakes, a cube is a credit".
@[member="Caid Centurion"] @[member="Rion Ke Teldan"] @[member="Kelly Perris"] @[member="Keanu Shan"] @[member="Kallista Zhorren"] @[member="Aedan Miles"] @[member="Sen Kando"]

Camellia hardly cared whether or not she was showing the wear of the recent events. The Republic was losing, slowly, painfully, and their response moved at a snail's pace. Her own time when not engaged on the front lines was spent agonizing over financial matters for Rendili Stardrive as she attempted to head the company to aid the Republic war efforts without crippling the famous shipwright since it was the major support for her homeworld's economy. Factor in having to also track the security of the sector and deploying the third battlegroup to so many different trouble spots and she was coming close to a fine line. At the very least it appeared as though there were slight breakthroughs. Work on the Noblesse was fifty percent complete. The new starfighter line just launched. The elite Rendili battlemaster armor had been issued to her world's defense forces. So those were out of the way to free up some time.

However, with trouble most certainly over the horizon she had to wonder why the Republic still couldn't gather up its force and coordinate its efforts to increasing its strength. Not in a ruthless manner, but the One Sith had so many deadly monsters and their weapons were devastating. it worried her. Scared her. Rendili was always a Republic supporter. Through history it was always tied to the Republic somehow. If the Republic fell, what would become of her world? Would Rendili Stardrive even exist. . . .or just become a shell for the one sith to use and bleed dry. She didn't know, she just had to fight, and hopefully the Republic's efforts would be enough to stay the tide. If she could know a way to help make sure of it she would do her utmost, but she just didn't for now.

For now she had to listen to the Admiral's request. It was actually still rather awkward to hear her new rank in reference to herself. Giving a personal account on Zeltros later also wasn't something she really looked forward to either. At least his request in the end was something very simple. "Right sir, I understand. I'll have a Shield Class prepped and loaded with the supplies I can gather on station before shipping out. I'll have Wraith Squadron escort the ship to Attahox and I'll personally escort the supplies along with a detachment of Rendili's Battlemasters to show we understand the gravity of the situation. Who am I to get in touch with once we make our arrival?" She would wait until all orders were given before contacting the Wraiths, in case the Admiral had more to say. If he didn't then she would switch the channel to a line to the intercomm system of her command frigate, the refit Hammerhead Cruiser Heart of Valor, as the Dreadnought Cruiser Rendili Skies underwent repairs after its venture against the pirate stronghold in its last sortie. From there she would be routed to the Squadron's ready room near the hanger were she would await them to pick up the line. She would keep her message brief. "Commander Perris, Lieutenant Commander Rion. Have your squadron prepped and ready. Your unit will be flying escort for the Shield class Medical Frigate Song of Salvation as it makes a supply run to Attahox. You'll then either remain in orbit or split and half of your unit will escort the shuttles planetside and provide additional security for them in the hangers. I'll provide more details once I board the medical frigate and we make for the departure point."

Caid Centurion

Caid's response was swift. "If they need you, they will contact you. You're supporting a Jedi-lead initiative." The Admiral paused for a moment as he considered something. "Commodore Quee had to take an emergency leave of absence, so elements from his Line will be on hand as well should things go sideways. If hostilities break out, you are to assume control of the tactical situation. Coordinate anything else you need from my office with Captain Velez. Centurion out."

Instantly, Caid deactivated the transmission. All the better because whether or not @[member="Camellia Swift"] cared, she was wearing her emotions on her sleeve. Provoking his ire shouldn't have been preferred by his subordinates. His mostly...congenial nature did have limits.
Trevin tapped the last of his magazines against the top of his rifle, no real purpose, just out of habit and he liked the sound it made. Putting it in his ammo pouch, he glanced over his rifle, this would be his first official mission out of boot camp. He had been assigned to Rogue Regiment, a group out of the Sword Corps, and one who was known for their reckless behavior. He figured he would fit right in here, but, he had not met many of the other members. Gala sat across from him, the only thing he knew was that they would be working together, other than that they had not spoken much. Mostly his fault, he had been keeping his head low, he did not want to create waves this early on in his career.

The VLR-5 rifle was not his preferred weapon of choice, but, he had very little options to choose from. It would work, it fired well, and was decently accurate which is all he could ask. The one thing he was struggling with was the Warden-class armor he had been assigned. He received no training in it and only had about a week to get used to it. His helmet sat next to him as Gala and Zane began to speak. He had heard of Zane Watts, he was apparently the clone of some Jedi, and was good at what he did. He had to admit it was nice to have someone with experience around him.

"What is our mission exactly here, sir?" Trevin piped up to @[member="Zane Watts"] as they were traveling to their location. He had been told nothing, he was at the absolute bottom of the totem pole, and he was not told anything outside of go here and do what people tell you. He was still not used to taking orders, but he did not fight it, he was getting use to it.

@[member="Zane Watts"]
@[member="Gala Geert"]
@[member="Evard L'Rik"] @[member="Varus Shatterstar"]

Moving through the halls towards the hangar, after finding @[member="Hal Terrano"], Avalore wasted no time in coordinating the arrival of several other Knights and Padawans. She moved swiftly, deliberately, and despite her shortcomings as a calm and centered Jedi, she managed to keep both herself and those with her group together. Hal was helping, too. Always so helpful.

"Right so, Team 1 with me and Knight Terrano, Team 2 will report to Knight Warek over at landing pad seven."

"We have Escorts at ready, Knight Eden," the pilot of their ship informed from the top of the ramp.

"Oh good, let's get going then. It's not exactly a short ride."

And in they filed, like little ducklings all in a row. Peep peep.
@[member="Evard L'Rik"] | @[member="Varus Shatterstar"]

Sure, he'd gotten the memo, and sure he was ready, but just one padawan with one less-than-simple question held him up on the way to the hangar. A question that was less than simple because of several follow-up questions and the padawan's seemingly insatiable curiosity. Wasn't there something about conquering curiosity? He brusquely left the younger man with that thought, and took off down the passageways, making it to the hangar just as @[member="Avalore Eden"], @[member="Hal Terrano"], and others were beginning to load up.

"Just in time!" he said, not quite out of breath as the number of skills on his belt that required finding a centre of serenity had formed his breathing habits, as well, "Sorreh, Knight Eden; Knight Terrano, ah was accosted by a lad that ah think could use a class in philosophy."

No humour, just fact, and a not-short journey to another world to add to the list of places he'd visited in his time as a Jedi.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Location: Attahox, Surface. Enroute to Production Facilities.
People it may concern: [member="Ryan Korr"].

One Jedi amongst many Haytham guessed headed towards the Production Facilities.

He sat in a Carrier ship that held several speeders and less than ten members of the Republic military. The Production Facilities were under the control of criminal organizations, and that had to end. With the Jedi and the several units of the Galactic Republic, it was surely a done deal.

Did they need so many people? Haytham didn't think so, probably a handful of Jedi could've handled the situation, but it wasn't the only problem on the planet, and it was a planet after all.
Location: Main Production Facility, Attahox
@Calen Brolen | [member="Ryan Korr"] | [member="Haytham Kaze"]

Marcello gave the Padawan a curt response as the shuttle descended to its destination. "I think they stopped." The Jedi Master's glacier-blue gaze never left the horizon as the vessel nestled onto a patch of concrete just inside the facility perimeter.

They'd not arrived with any Republic Military forces and that was undoubtedly for the best at the moment. Though they had been unable to establish comms with either the planet or the facility, it appeared that three individuals in business attire had arrived to greet them.

Brushing strands of hair from in front of his eyes, Marcello approached the seemingly innocuous welcome party. "Good morning. I'm an envoy of the Galactic Republic. I do believe my arrival was pre-arranged." It wasn't, of course.
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

I decided to let Master Matteo talk this one out though I couldn't help to notice that something was off about the place we landed. For starters the amount of workers today was low for the amount of goods they produced each day. Also that the three people had to have a lot of money meaning that they had a lot of enemies. So why didn't they have a security detail with them. This was odd though I did not press for any information for the fear of false accusation. I just gave Master Matteo a concerned looked and continued to listen to the conversation.

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