Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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OOC: Return of the Heritage Council (Kur's Dozen Rebellion of Free World's Coalition Held Hapes Hex)

Zyrias is going to be planet-side doing a little slicing and dicing. I would loooovvveee a nerd fight if someone wants to counter-slice her. Any takers?

Zef and Zyrias have been hired to smuggle/steal specific valuable stuff from the Fountain Palace for a crime lord during the turmoil. Anything not on the crime lord's wish list is up for grabs for the two to take and eventually fence it.

I can only assume that we will be facing obstacle in our endevour and will be looking forward to it.

Any questions or helpful lore regarding this - I am completely open to.

[member="Zyrias Pax"]
The Rebellion is live!

Remember to communicate with your writing partners and most of all, have fun!

Tagging those with interest in the thread: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Stardust Bloodstone"] [member="Novax"] [member="Chekīta Awaud"]
[member="Relina Zhan"] [member="Melanctha Dallamoor"] [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] [member="Drox Fuga"] [member="Zef Halo"] [member="Azula Merr"] [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] [member="Rex Taff"] [member="Tadietti Tann"] [member="Rexus Wenck"]

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
[member="Zyrias Pax"]

I only have an NPC that can do slicing RP that I MIGHT turn into a part time PC if she's likable enough. I only rolled her once for Gray Raxis's rescue thread. But, yeah... if enough popular demand is generated, I might make "Cypher" a regular character. She's an MI8 Royal office of Naval Intelligence spook and can counter slice, being a cyborg.

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"
[member="Zyrias Pax"]

Alright, Lemma make my post in the Rebellion thread, popping its post virginity, and set the stage for what Relina is doing. I'll have to make a sub account for the PC. This will basically make or break the character, so if you wanna see more techies and spooks here, then she'll need to be popular. Relina's the noblewoman filling in the role of what should be a typical dandy-ass male counterpart: Military pilot leading a unit, carries a rapier around like a gentlelady, and fences with it in a dueling style.

Of course, Gallinore is her world, so if the Palace of St. Clavelle thereon is targetted, I'll have to split my posts to give challenge to those attacking it.... and a little intrigue with her twin sister, who tends to stay home. c:

Codename: Cypher

Hapan M.I. 8 Operative, Assassin, Slicer, etc...
[member="Khonsu Amon"]

Oh, there is plenty of cloak and dagger to be had. You can't get much more cloak and dagger than hacker vs hacker. Further, there's a Sith Lord present and I'd imagine he'd get diplomatic or attempt an assassination. No offense, but I'd expect the Mandos to prefer the more direct approach.
Well I am in the palace.
Cloak and dagger is better for me. But always come prepared i say, so I did ;)

If someone wants a political debate at the palace that's fine with me. If one of the royals wants to back tadi up that's good too.
I also brought a couple of hacker NPC's with appropriate tech to use if someone here needs some play or a partner.

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
Yes sorry for the absence. My muse left me some time ago and I tried to desperately cling onto it. I do love a good story though and I might be willing to let Allana die to help in whatever story arches that have been continuing in my absence.

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