Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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OOC: Return of the Heritage Council (Kur's Dozen Rebellion of Free World's Coalition Held Hapes Hex)

As the Battle Dragons and Cruisers retreat to Hapes, the government once again embraces isolationism, the Free World Coalition no longer influencing the monarchy. The Hapan Consortium is independent once again!
OOC: Kur's Dozen has been victorious in the Rebellion of Hapes. Thank you to everyone who wrote and told such fantastic stories on both sides.​
Rebellion Writers who are left. :)

Queen Badeaux's individual arc is getting very interesting, and I would love to see that play out. Since we have a writer on an extended break this is what I propose to keep the storyline moving:

- I can move Tmoxin/Kyrel off to a separate room to pick up their duel when [member="Kyrel Ren"] comes back. Any reprisals against either of them can still happen at some later point if needed.

- Tha'ga Temi, [member="Melanctha Dallamoor"] and [member="Darth Zurvan"] can move into the Throne Room to interact with [member="Allana Badeaux"]. EDIT: after discussing the plot with [member="Darth Zurvan"] we will post a round without moving into the Throne Room just yet.

- [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Khonsu Amon"] and Zyrias will just continue on as normal

Does that make sense to everyone? If copacetic, I'll make a post promptly tomorrow.
To anyone in directly in Throne Room, feel free to post. Even though there's a duel, that specific course of events does not need to take up the entire scène du monde.

I am about to post another little plot twist (mainly so my character/s can begin some other story arcs).

[member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Allana Badeaux"] @Er'in Tenel [member="Zef Halo"]

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