Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[OOC]Bark at the Moon! (Discussion for GR and OS)


Calm AND respectful? Where's the fun in that?



I'm assuming we have to start on one of the corners of the map? Or can we spawn in anywhere?

Also what's to stop someone from spawning right on top of you? ;)
[member="Sage Bane"]

Too lazy to change accounts. Currently, there is no rule either way. However, it makes sense to start on the outside at the very least. In the end, it's not about claiming the structure but merely finding someone to fight and have fun with. [member="Kian Karr"], what you think brudda?

As for spawning on top: We are here to collaborate and write together, not against one another. I'd like for everyone to be considerate and go for more than just gold: go for the story.
Just trollopsing around by myself is bound to get old pretty fast, so I'm wondering if there's any Jedi who would like some company or any Sith who are up for fighting an unexperienced fresh paddycakes. I don't want to get my character killed already or anything, but if you're a higher rank or simply more experienced, I don't mind getting solidly trounced as long as I get to put up a bit of resistance.
The building represents separate manufacturing buildings. So in theory you could land on the roof/next to of any of them and make your way inside with the appropriate equipment.

But as mentioned already, it's about PvP, so there's no value in a game of hide'n'seek for either side.

[member="Des Kovak"] Don't know if you're looking for a Lord, but I'm always up for a good duel.

If you're anywhere near Matsu at some point come say hi. *wiggles eyebrows*

To anyone else looking to throw down, I'm posting steady until the 6th. Let's do this! :D
[member="Matsu Xiangu"] It might be a bit high up the food chain for me, since I haven't even really had any formal combat training. Thanks for the offer, but it would be pretty bad for me if my constribution consisted of one post where I come in, followed by the next where I go out on a stretcher.

[member="Sage Bane"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Draco Vereen"] It seems like we may have ourselves a paddies against baddies match. We're risking to invoke the Inverse Ninja Law here, but this seems interesting.

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