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One Sith vs. Galactic Republic: Invasion of Togoria OOC Thread

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Isamu Baelor"] the issue is in the first post of this thread there is not terms with indicate a person will lose the duel if they post past 24 hours more than once. Alot of people can go back now and say oh hey this person posted late here and here so I win. I do not feel a RPJ is needed as its not an issue. the terms do not state you can only post late once.

also the two writers had already worked out that they were going to post late. it is not like she did not post late 5 times. why all of a sudden after they have worked out she would post late is it an issue. from her side of it she had let him know she was posting late and he had been ok with it. I see why she is upset that after they had communicated and delt with it, he comes in and calls it a win because of her being late when she had been far later every single time she posted before.

If your meaning behind
Isamu Baelor said:
If a writer takes longer than 24 hours to reply to their partner, they will be given a warning. If they take longer than 24 hours again, they will be disqualified, and a point will go to the opposing team. (Writers may decide on their own deadlines, however.) Allies:
is that a person only gets one chance at being late to post then yes he can claim the point.

But this was not how I translated the term at all but I was incorrect. Next time I will make sure there is no misunderstanding in the wording of a term. limiting a person to being late only once and losing the duel if they are late a second time is unfair in my opinion and not what I thought you meant by the term, but I did agree to the terms and she was late more than once even though, "Writers may decide on their own deadlines, however" seems that they had decided being late was not an issue.
Just an observation:

Nothing in the terms state that time stacks, so I feel it is disingenuous to make a judgment against Arisa based on the accumulated lateness throughout the invasion.
It also seems as if those periods of lateness were arranged and okayed by both parties, which would mean you cannot refer back to them as evidence for a loss.
Similarly, if your partner posts late, and you write a response, you forfeit the claim for lateness, and the ticker starts over.

If her final post was indeed over the time limit, and no agreement had been made by both writers to okay that single, final instance of lateness, then the technicality rests with get opponent.

However, I feel it's in the spirit of writing and the invasion to suggest that the progress she made against her opponent not merely be disregarded due to such a technicality.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
My opponent [member="Haytham Kaze"] and I didn't get into too much of a fight. I killed a few storm troopers, he fired a few shots with a disruptor pistol, no one took any damage really or at least noteworthy damage. So I'd call it a draw on our end.
[member="Einarr Warscream"] I stand by my words. I would never do what you're attempting to do right now. It's a lame move, pure and simple. Do what you like, but I'm calling you out on it. Your behavior right now is a big departure from the way you were acting before in our earlier exchanges via PM. The whole time, I've tried my best to keep you abreast of my situation when I knew I would be posting late, and you were fine with that until now.

At this time, I'm still claiming victory by the content of my posts, where I am soundly beating you at the moment.

[member="Mantic Dorn"] I would have liked to resolve this in an amicable manner between myself and Einarr, but he decided to take this public in the OOC thread and call upon a Judge to make a decision without warning. I've never been in this situation before, so I was calling upon you as Faction Owner to help me work through this.

[member="Arisa Yune"] You certainly write a character with powers well above someone who has just a dozen RP posts. Just sayin'.

I haven't seen this much destruction since well... [member="Darth Vornskr"]

And so much PvE action since well... [member="Draco Vereen"]
Cyrus Tregessar said:
I refuse to enforce the 48 hour deadline on Reshmar. Ive no real say as far as Caius/Draco are concerned but at least in my fight i made it clear ahead of time that time limits were not a factor for the main fleet battle.

As far as im concerned the potential 3 points invovled (me vs. Reshmar, me vs. Gir, Reen vs. Krayzen) are all draws/unresolved.

In the event that 3 points could tip the balance either way please advise and ill discuss with the other partcipants.
While Malos and Reen have come to agreement about their duel, I endorse the rest of Cyrus's stance whole-heartedly. I look forward to continuing our thread even after the invasion has officially ended.


Claiming victory agains't [member="Jaccer Ramirez"] with the help of [member="Annaliese Zambrano"] and [member="Briga Tiin"].


ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
ok guys lets not start slinging insults. It is ok to be upset but please do not take it out on someone in this thread. Plan their deaths quietly and in private.

SO to nip any future misunderstandings here and now. Per the terms of the invasion, If you were late to post more than once you forfeit the battle. Blame Me for this as I misunderstood the meaning of the terms and accepted them. No one else is responsible and the Terms are what they are. If your opponent calls your dual on account of you taking more than 24 hours to post 2 times then you lose the point and the dual.

[member="Arisa Yune"] You posted late every time and got called out for it. I am sorry but you dual goes to the OS. I myself had to forfeit because of it. I do not like it but that is what the terms state. Again I am sorry and understand you're being upset by it. If you want to take it to a RPJ I will speak to Mantic and we will see if we can help you with that. But for now the dual is an OS win.

Again anyone upset by this please bear with us. It was a misunderstanding in the terms of the invasion. It will not happen again but for now it is how it is.

For now I ask if you are not directly involved in a dual, please do not comment or harass those who are. It was a very successful invasion when compared to invasions of the past. Most had fun and enjoyed themselves peacefully up until today. I get no one wants to lose and we will help work out any disputes you may have.

Fun was had and lessons were learned. Let's see if we can end this thing the same way we carried it out shall we :)

If anyone needs to speak to me for any reason please message me. It will be tomorrow before I can answer as we have had a health scare here but I will be around in the morning.

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