Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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On the Run (Siobhan)

"Quite true, and they are treated like that back within the tribe, if they are the chosen. Me on the other hand, exiled. So I don't get those fun privledges. Though, it certainly looks like I do now." She said with a grin as she finally stood up within the bath.

Reaching for the offered towel, she quickly wrapped it around her. Carefully she took Siobhan's hand to help herself out of the bath. Finally stepping out, she smiled as she proceeded to dry herself off.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

Siobhan still had a rather silly grin on her face while she watched Laina dry herself off. "Well, I just happen to love treating beautiful women like queens," she said wryly. It was true though. She did have a rather submissive and caring side after all. "I've got some spare robes. I think they should fit you. If you want to wear anything in bed. I don't normally." Clothes, who needed that sort of thing?
Laina was quite well enjoying all the attention, if truth be told. It had been far too long since she'd been anyone but someone unnoticed on the streets, and now it was entirely another story. "I certainly can't complain about that." She said as she finally had wrung out her hair with her towel and soon enough wrapped it around her body. "Not that I'm particularly modest, but I've been getting cold at night, so a robe if you have one would be great."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"Then robe it is. But you know I'd always warm you up at night," Siobhan said cornily because, well, what did you expect? And so once they were dried off and had presumably done boring stuff such as brush their teeth and so on, Siobhan limped out of the bathroom and led Laina into the bedroom. As Laina would find the bed was rather...big. One could imagine that Siobhan often shared it with more than one woman at the same time. Siobhan opened the closest and rummaged a bit inside it, before retrieving a nice satin robe and laying it out on the bed. "There you go, sweetie."
"Well, that is true too." She said with a smile as she followed Siobhan out of the bath and into the bed. "Didn't really think about that." Still she waited patiently as the brunette dug through the closet and soon enough came up with a lovely satin robe. "Thank you." She said sweetly as she slipped the robe over her shoulders and tied it in the front.

Stepping over to the bed, Laina lifted the covers back, and shifted slowly into the bed. Never had she really been in such luxury and comfort before. Right now it was a welcome relief and most definitely needed the stress relief it brought her. "Come join me?" She asked with a grin, eager for the company.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"Gladly, darling," Siobhan said sweetly, then settled down on the bed. She patted the space next to her, indicating for Laina to move closer, then pulled the woman into a gentle embrace as she snuggled against her. Nothing too tight since she did not want to risk hurting the amazon, especially since Siobhan was half-droid, but enough to offer warmth. "You can lay your head upon my chest. I am a good pillow," she said, then chuckled. One hand ran soothing circles over Laina's stomach.
At Siobhan's indication, Laina scooted against Siobhan, seeming so content as the brunette wrapped her arms around her. "I'm so glad you found me, and jumped in to help me. I don't know what I'd have done without you." She said softly, growing more tired by the moment. Shifting one more time, Laina laid her head upon Sio's chest. "Mmm, you're right you are."

With the soothing circles traced across her belly and the companionship, that Laina had long been missing .... As well as the safety Siobhan provided her, it didn't take long at all for Laina to drift to sleep. With how exhausted she had been, she truly needed the rest and peace for a little while.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"Beautiful, brave Laina. I'll do whatever I can to help you and your kid," Siobhan murmured, hand still tracing soothing circles across Laina's stomach. As for the brunette's bountiful bust, it was totally the best pillow ever. She had proof from Mirien and Coryth!

It did not take long for Siobhan to fall asleep and drift into the realm of Morpheus, for she was quite tired as well. Her dreams might have involved strong muscular amazons in the woods who for her and her initiated her into their tribe. This one cannot really elaborate on what this initiation entailed. Always be respectful of outsiders' customs even if they appear strange to you! For they may actually think the same of yours.
Thankfully for Laina her dreams were peaceful and relaxing, just the thing she needed if truth be told. After so many months of running, rest had not come easy to her. Now a night of sweet, sweet dreams and rest was simple perfection. It was amazing how much she had missed such a little thing like that. Somehow in all that hell it had slipped her mind.

Morning would come, and the beautiful amazon would stir slightly, groaning softly as her little one awakened within before she did. Gentle hands rubbed over her own belly as she stirred in bed, rolling over searching for that lovely body she laid against all night long.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

Siobhan tended to be a heavy sleeper and was quite averse to this annoying thing called morning. It was probably too early in the morning to be early in the morning, as Chesna was fond of saying. Nonetheless she seemed to stir shortly after Laina and the little one did, a soft yawn escaping her throat as she awakened and snuggled against the lovely body next to her. "Morning, darlin'. Did you sleep well?" she asked before planting a kiss upon Laina's cheek and running a hand over the woman's belly, which apparently had become her favourite place to fondle. "How's the little one?"

A moment or two would pass, then the door would suddenly open and a very attractive, Atrisian girl dressed in a maiden outfit would enter the room, carrying plates of food and drink. It should be noted that her skirt was rather brief, which had the effect of exposing her lovely legs, though she carried herself with a precision that suggested she was more than a harem girl. "Good morning, Mistresses. Breakfast for you. I hope you slept well," she said, tone clipped.
"Mmmmm...." She purred, still trying to wake up for the moment, "That was the best night of sleep I've had in ages." Sighing contently she finally opened her eyes and leaned forward to nuzzle Siobhan upon the nose. "Can't tell you how much I've needed rest like that. It's been far too long. And even Morrigan seems much more content waking today. She's not kicking the crap out of my lungs like she usually is." The amazonian woman sighed as she gave a gentle peck upon Siobhan's cheek before slowly rising from the bed.

Seeing the maiden come in, slowly Laina sat up, to get ready to eat the breakfast that had been prepared for them both. "Thank you for the breakfast, we both appreciate it." She said quietly as she finally drew her legs underneath her and settled to have breakfast in bed. "You are far too kind Siobhan, and you too my dear." She said, speaking to the servant, grateful for all the help she'd received so far.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"Name's Mei-Ling. I'll be taking care of the place and guarding you when the boss isn't there. Also available to keep your bed warm," the Atrisian maiden answered in what seemed like a quite flippant tone. Clearly Siobhan was always looking for a certain type when she recruited her attendants.

The type being nice legs, a considerable bust and a healthy degree of snark. In this case the package also included toned muscles and a couple scars. "Mei-Ling used to be with the Atrisian stormtroopers. When they went down she found her way to us and I gave her an...well, offer she could not refuse," Siobhan said cornily as she had a sip from her cup of tea. Of course it was Atrisian because that was the best in the Galaxy. Say what you want about the Atrisians, they knew their tea - and their kimonos!

"Snap necks, fawn over you and partake in nightly orgies. It was persuasive. Especially since I get to dominate the boss sometimes," Mei-Ling said in a very deadpan tone before joining Siobhan and Laina on the bed and likewise helping herself to breakfast. Though very vain and demanding, in some ways Siobhan was a more egalitarian Mistress than most.
"It's nice to meet you, Mei-Ling." Laina said sweetly, "I appreciate the help, truly." Though she mentioned nothing on the keeping her bed warm part. But it was an offer she was bound to take up. After all she was a woman with wants, needs and desires and the woman before her was quite lovely in every way. That and dangerous too, which always was a plus in Laina's book. "Far too kind of you, my dear."

She smiled brightly as Siobhan spoke, "Well, I'm glad to see she found a place with you. One needs such things in life after all." Then Laina chuckled slightly, "I imagine dominating is quite fun. Personally, I like to play on both sides of that." She said sweetly, after all her tribe required all women to play on both sides for many of the rituals. One needed to be able to play both the dominant and submissive role to rise through the ranks, and Laina, well she'd rise quite far. "It's something that simply is needed to rise in my world." She said quietly as she started to munch at a delicious piece of bread with jam upon it.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"Oh, so it's a lot like the Order of the Torch then. You'll like it here," Mei-Ling joked as she helped herself to some milk and a sandwich before pulling Siobhan into a deep kiss because publicly making out was a thing here. No, Firemane was not merely a front for a pagan sex cult that worshipped sapphic love. Not at all. It was a respectable company and the waifs and strays it attracted simply included a significant number of sex-obsessed females with sapphic preferences. Somehow the equally sex-obsessed company owners had never seen the need for anti-fraternisation rules.

Siobhan returned the kiss stroke for stroke, inserting her tongue to do fun things with the Atrisian's before pulling away. It had to be admitted that there was probably a certain degree of nepotism involved in the way Siobhan treated her employees. However, she did not regard this as a bad thing! "Mei-Ling is one of my best. So you'll have no complaints, dear, in bed and without," Siobhan winked at the darkhaired beauty. "And you do need to show me your Tribe's initiation rites some time. Eileithya will come by later to check-up on you."

"Check-up or 'check-up'?" Mei-Ling asked sarcastically. "With one seems to usually lead to the other." Apparently the Atrisian was continuing the good tradition of all of Siobhan's attendants being snarky and in the mood to use corny lines.
"I suppose so." Though, she knew nothing of the Order of the Torch. At least not yet. A soft smile did cross her lips as she watched the pair kiss. After all, it wasn't a public display of affection, it was just the ordinary everyday to her. Such a normal thing to see, and such did not phase her in the least like it would most people.

"Yes, I can tell. I imagine I'll like her quite well in and out of bed." It certainly was a fun idea at least. Who knows, maybe she could use the extra 'relaxation'. After all the more relaxed she was the happier little Morrigan seemed, and that could never be a bad thing. "Perhaps sometime, I shall. It'd be quite the experience."

Though a frown soon crossed her lips. Healthcare was not something she liked to think about, not in the least. However, she had a little one to worry about, and as such medical care was a necessity. Still, she didn't have to like it. In truth, she much prefered the tribal healers, and maybe Eileithya would be a bit like that. "Eileithyia doesn't bite does she?" In her eyes a very valid question.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"Nah, she's a priestess of Ashira. It's all scented candles, soft touches and sweet nothings with her," Mei-Ling said sardonically. Apparently she was more of an Ardarvia type. Siobhan wondered whether it would be particularly childish to toss a pillow at her. Then again, she was a bit childish at times.

Anyhow, she placed a calmning hand on Laina's stomach. "Eileithya helped you yesterday, she won't hurt you, darling. If it's modern medicine you're concerned about, she's not in that sort of thing. She's into traditional Eldorai remedies." Obviously Siobhan could not read Laina's mind but it was an educated guess given the fact that Laina had come from a tribe cut off from modern civilisation. Besides, almost all the women in Sio's life had a thing about doctors and hospitals!

"Press her about it and she'll deliver a lecture about how modern healthcare is soulless and all that rot," Mei-Ling threw in before munching on her tasty sandwich. "Then try to convert you to Ashira."
Laina lifted a brow, but seemed to absorb the information with ease. Somehow it was quite reassuring to know there wasn't going to be pain, and needles and sharp things involved with Eileithya and her care. It helped a lot given how much she hated modern medical practices.

"Oh right, yes...." The dark haired woman had seemed to have briefly forgotten about the visit (Mostly this writer had forgotten). "And yes, it's modern medicine that I don't like and worry about. I can't help it. Just needles and all that voodoo freaks me out. It's unnatural and abnormal in every way."

She gave a small nod, "That's quite reassuring really. I can't stand that stuff. It is all soulless." Apparently she would not be too difficult at all to convert to the practices of Eldorai religion at this rate. Her beliefs seemed to fit right in line with the Priestess.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

This writer still thinks Laina's is a special snowflake. No worries. Now that this one is done fangirling, on to the plot. Which to a large part consisted of pampering Laina and the little one because Siobhan loved doing that!
Mei-Ling just shook her head and chuckled. "Don't knock it till you try it. Guess you two will get on like fire-horses. She'll have you singing Ashiran hymns and converting in no time and preaching about the evils of machinery," she said. Aside from disliking modern medicine, Eileithya was not fond of droids either, since in her opinion the were soulless automatons. She obviously had not met HK.

Siobhan gave her attendant a look, then turned her attention back to Laina. "After Eileithya's examined you, we can go shopping for a bit if you like. Buy little Morria a nice crib, toys and some clothes for you," she offered jovially. It would be the best crib ever!

"The boss gets so sappy about kiddies," Mei-Ling snarked, whereupon Siobhan glared at her. "Oh, come on, you're still the troops' number one pin-up." Best way to get on Sio's good side was to stroke her ego and compliment her prowess, both in bed and without. Or her looks.

"Shush you. I think Mei-Ling was about to volunteer to do your nails," Siobhan said with a thin smile. No, she was not trying to corrupt Laina at all, just take care of her. Well, that and Siobhan liked it when 'her' girls looked very feminine while being badass.

The Atrisian huffed. "I went from mowing down dirty rebels and Klaxxi with my boomstick ladies a manicure," she mock grumbled. "How did that happen?" she asked rhetorically with an air of mock exasperation. All of Siobhan's servant girls were good trolls. In addition to being...easy on the eyes.

"Your government started randomly slaughtering people and I taught you to get in touch with your inner femme," Siobhan joked, looking and sounding rather smug. "Besides, I still let you kill Dark Eldorai and Reavers."

"Point. Since you're so magnaminous should I kiss your feet as well?"

"After I've showered, sure."
"Nope, nope... This modern medicine thing, not touching that with a forty-two and a half foot pole. Not touching it." Laina had her reasons, most of them to do with pain, blood, and sharp instruments. That and a serious fear of it all. Not that she'd ever been in a hospital or seen a modern doctor, just tre tribe seemed to have engrained a deep deep fear inside of her, of the sheer terror of it all. The dark haired woman gave a nod, "Seems she's not got bad ideas about droids either. Evil things, without a soul too? So strange." Not that the tribe was against machinery or tech, just droids had not been front and center in her life, ever.

"Well, shopping would be fun. Not that I've done it in ages." No, that generally required money or something worth bartering and she had neither.

"Don't like the idea of being prodded or poked by any medical doctor, but Eileithya seems the closest thing I can get to a tribal healer, so I'll put up with it." One could take this as she'd never seen a physician beyond the priestess for her pregnancy, which never was a good thing but alas just part of her culture.

"You know, I've never had my nails done. Not once in my life." It wasn't surprising really, given her background and cultural upbringing.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

Siobhan raised an eyebrow. "Oh, we'll so have to change that. I'll go shower. Mei-Ling will take good care of any way you desire," Siobhan said with a wink after having finished her breakfast. She wiped her mouth with a napkin, then got up.

"Watch out or she'll turn into a lipstick-wearing femme like her as well," Mei-Ling joked before gathering up the plates to put them away.

"You know deep-down you enjoy being girly and embracing your feminine power," Siobhan said in an exaggeratedly girly tone before planting a kiss on Laina's cheek and departing from the bedroom. However, as she passed Mei-Ling the Atrisian used the chance to give the Countess' toosh a good grope.

"Now, that's a nice arse." Clearly this behaviour would have to be thoroughly discussed at the next meeting of the Order of the Torch. Correction would be swift. Anyhow she then proceeded to clean up before fetching a small bag that contained all the tools needed to propel Laina's nails into a state of perfection. "The boss is good people. Just don't take her Ashira's Angels mags without her permission. She gets cranky," she said deadpan. You did not separate Sio from her magazines unless you wanted bad consequences! "She likes you, so expect her to shower you with gifts. So which colour do you want? Nice tats by the way," she produced a couple bottles containing nail polish.

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