Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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On the Run (Siobhan)

Laina smiled, "Absolutely anything." After all she felt she had nothing to hide, and truthfully she wanted to give Siobhan the opportunity to get to know her, all of her considering what Siobhan was doing for her.

"Well, I was a guardian, and the right hand woman to the tribal seer. I was to replace her when she finally passed into the Underworld. My primary job was to protect the Seer, and help her in whatever way I possibly could. At the same time I was trained as a warrior within the tribe, because I can use the force."

She sighed softly, "Anyone that can use the force are taken from their mothers at a young age to be put through a rather brutal training regime. It's design to make sure we never rely on another soul and are perfectly capable of handling anything on our own. Self-reliance is expected extremely early among force users within the tribe."

Brutal might have been a small understatement given the outright abuse and torture of young children that the tribe employed upon it's members. Extremely sinister training at it's very core and something that made Laina shudder to think back to now. Laina hissed suddenly as she reached to grab at her belly. It seemed Morrigan didn't like her mother thinking about such things either as the young child squirmed madly and lashed out, kicking her mother's lungs. "Now now ... Morrigan, it's alright dear. Settle down." She said softly as she gently rubbed at her belly, trying to soothe her young child.

Already Laina was about a third of the way through her meal. Seemingly starving. "Anyway, outside of what I did for the Seer, was guard the tribal area at night and keeping watch over everyone. Enforcing exile, and so on. And from time to time, the Seer would send me out to retrieve various artefacts that she'd seen visions of, that might help the tribe as a whole." That was after all, how she had met Valon.

She then chuckled, "I don't know if dom and sub really apply when it comes to me. Different ceremonies required different roles to be played. Which in the more kink sense of things meant that everyone switched sides from dom to sub and back again as the rituals and rites required. So, I've never really explored such things in the conventional sense of the terms. Honestly, I can say I really don't know which I'd be or what I'd fall under." She gave a small shrug, "I suppose I have plenty of time to figure all of that out eventually."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

Seeing poor Laina in evident pain and perhaps sensing how badly this affected Morrigan, Siobhan felt bad about having asked the question. Laina had said it directly, but Siobhan had the suspicion that the training regime had been...absolutely horrible. Her hand quickly found its way to Laina's belly, gently rubbing and stroking over it as she tried to soothe the poor baby and get her to calm down.

"It's ok, Morrigan. I promise we won't let anything happen to you. Don't take it out on your mother. She loves you," Siobhan said gently, giving Laina's stomach a kiss. She looked up to the darkhaired woman. "We can use someone with fighting skills and talent as a seer. Coryth as farsight, I'm mainly focused on combat, specifically telekinesis."
Morrigan kicked and squirmed a few more times as both women tried to soothe the tiny baby within. With Siobhan's kiss, and kind words the little girl finally began to calm down seeming to relax once more as she felt safe again. "Don't worry Morrigan, I promise you won't ever have to endure what I did. Going to make sure you are free from such burdens and pains in your life." She said softly, glad to feel the tiny unborn child finally start to settle again. "She sure doesn't like me thinking back to past events like that. Was a hard life growing up, and I really don't want her to ever have to have the kind of experiences that I did growing up. No one deserves such things, certainly not innocent children."

She did smile at the kiss against her belly and soon returned to her food. "Well, I'd be happy to help in whatever way I can. If you can use someone with my skills, then I'd happily work for you. Don't know if I'm really any good with combat, just happened to be what they trained every force user in. Though, farsight ... That I am good with. It does seem like that is a very rare gift."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"Your mummy and I will buy you a nice crib tomorrow, Morri," Siobhan said soothingly as she tried to help Lainas calm down a bit more. Evidently she was in full Auntie Sio mode. She would do whatever was needed to make sure the little girl had a good life instead of being put through the same hell as her mother. See, abuse of children made Siobhan feel like getting rather violent.

And, yes, the Dark Jedi tag is still there for a reason. This one just dislikes simplistic, black and white manichean morality and thinks Yoda is not an infallible fountain of wisdom. "When you're up for it after Morrigan has been born, I can look into giving you some more combat training if you like. Bring you up to speed and help you progress further. You're correct about farsight - it's very rare and someone endowed with it would be extremely valuable for us." That said she wondered how Laina and Coryth would get on. After all, they'd be the Prophetess team! This one thinks Laina should meet Elpsis some day.
Laina couldn't help but smile, hearing Sio talk to her little one. "Yes, Morrigan ... Auntie Siobhan and I will find you the best little crib ever." It was so heartwarming to see, and brought a far amount of joy to her little heart.

Running a hand through her hair, she then nodded, "I would like that, just will need some time to recover after the little one is born. But I think it's something I need. Would make me feel a lot more comfortable now that I'm outside of the tribe and more on my own." Finally finishing her plate, she set it off to the side. "Well, if it helps, then I'm happy to offer what I can of that gift to you." For a moment she sighed, as she stretched a bit letting her body settle a little after her meal.

"You know ...." She started to think about a few other things, "I've not even had a thought of where I'm going to have this baby. Hospitals creep me out, not comfortable with them. And I've never done this ... so not sure that I can do it at home either." She sighed, "Sorry ... its a bit random but the thought just happened to cross my mind. There are just so many things that I don't know at this point."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

Siobhan found herself wondering why so many of the women in her life were creeped out by hospitals. Mirien, Laina! Admittedly all of them had valid reasons for hating them. Moreover, Laina had grown up in a technologically backward tribe that favoured traditional healing over modern medicine, so it made sense for her.

"We'll cross that bridge when we need to, dear. I'm not a fan of hospitals either. But I'm sure Eileithya could help out. I think she's assisted in giving birth before," Siobhan said in what was hopefully a reassuring tone. "For now, don't stress yourself. Goddess knows you've had enough of that. Want me to run the bath for you?"
It certainly was an odd streak that all the women in Sio's life hated hospitals. Though, one really can't blame them too much for their fears.

Laina nodded slowly, "I suppose so. It's just one of the many things that keeps popping into my mind now, with Morrigan on the way." A soft sigh escaped her lips, "Eileithya, if she doesn't mind would be most welcome to help. It'd make me feel a lot better about this all."

Running through a hand through hear hair, she tried to smile, "I'll try not to. It's just hard not to with so many things up in the air right now, ya know?" Then finally a true smile formed upon her lips, "Yes, I'd very much like that. Really look forward to a nice, pleasant bath."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"It's naturally to worry. You've got every reason to. But you're not alone anymore," Siobhan said sweetly. Of course, she would be unable to be there all the time, for she had her duties to attend to. After all, she had a company to run, an evacuation to manage, daughters to look after, not to mention a Mirien and so on.

But she would try to be there for Laina as much as possible. Likewise, Firemane guards had been stationed outside of the suite. In deference to the matriarchal culture Laina had grown up in, all of them were female. Then again, Siobhan was sexist anyway and believed in absolute enactic succession at the workplace!nSo Siobhan gave Laina's shoulder a gentle squeeze and her stomach a fond pat, then got up and limped to into the luxurious bathroom, running the watrer. Some moments later a very beautiful bubble bath had formed, both inviting and pleasant smelling, and Siobhan returned to fetch the darkhaired beauty. "Bath's ready, dear."
"Not alone, I much rather like the sound of that." It'd been a long road so far, by herself dealing with the pregnancy. And no doubt everything here had been a relief so far. Finally she had someone she could trust in, and not be looking over her shoulder for the next member of her tribe out to get her. Well, at least not nearly as much.

"Thank you." She said softly as she slowly shifted from the bed. Stepping into the bathroom, Laina just grinned from ear to ear. She'd not seen anything so nice, so luxurious in a long long time. "This is amazing." Whispered quietly as she without hesitation stripped away her clothing and eagerly stepped into the warm soothing waters. Part of Laina's upbringing had taught her not to be shameful of her body in its most natural state, and truthfully she didn't mind if anyone saw anything but alas the bubbles did a wonderful job of protecting the kiddies from any obvious corruption. "Gods, this is ... Mmmm, delightful. Such a welcome relief for all the aches and pains I have felt of late."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

Siobhan did not mind Laina not being shy about showing herself. Not at all. Having been a soldier for most of her life she was not one for modesty. Moreover, as was well-known, she was a big nympho. Alas, the bubbles did an excellent job of protecting the minds of the impressionable kiddies. So there would be no corruption!

"Enjoy it, sweetie. I'm glad it's helping. You don't mind me joining, right? Feeling kind of sweaty. It's gotten hot in here," and so without further ado Siobhan slipped off her fancy suit and jewellry, then stepped into the warm, soothing and very bubbly waters. The aforementioned bubbles obviously did a good job covering the parts that needed covering.
"Why would I mind?" She asked, genuinely curious. Laina just couldn't think of a reason that one wouldn't share a bath with another woman. It had been a normal thing to her until this particular moment. "Would seem a shame to waste such a lovely bath on just me."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

Siobhan smiled brightly as she joined Laina in the very bubbly bath, loving the way the warm waters felt against her skin. Needless to say the bubbles protected all the parts that needed covering, so there was no need for the Morality Police of Epic Prudishness to intervene and protect the kiddies. Who, as far as this writer is concerned, ought to be in bed by now. Or doing their homework.

Presumably if this post was about brutally torturing innocent people being as detailed and gory as possible would be alright, but heaven forbid if there might be nudity. "I can't think of a single good reason for you to mind. We're not prudish, uptight Coruscanti after all," Siobhan said sweetly.
Laina couldn't help but smile. It was an odd thing to her, to meet a woman who seemed to hold views so similiar to hers outside of the tribe. No one she'd met yet, had quite understood or even agreed with any part of it. Admittedly there were some rather derranged and slightly phsycopathic ideas that they held. Ideas that for the most part Laina did not agree with.

"I always found it odd, how offworlders were so freakishly prudish about the human form. Especially the female form. For the stars sake, its natural. Normal. Will never understand why most desire to hide such beauty that nature gifted them with." Shifting slightly, she curled her knees up against her stomach, and slowly sank a little deeper into the soothing waters.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"I blame stupid, patriarchal men. Of course they want to be free to stick their sausage into anything female with a pulse, but heaven forbid if a woman wants to celebrate her body and embrace her sexuality. Instead of hiding herself and waiting on some manling," Siobhan said scathingly. "One of the many reasons I like Kaeshana. My gender is not a hindrance for advancement and the people here aren't shy about embracing their nature-given gifts. Instead of patriarchal delusions."

No, she did not like manlings much, but then she had met few who deserved respect from her point of view. Besides, as far as she was concerned they tended to make a mess of things if they were in charge.
"I have to agree. Not only that, but they want us women to come up so they can keep their thoughts in line and keep in their pants. How about some self-control? I'm not responsible for another person's thoughts or actions. That is all on them." Her opinion of men in general was far from a high one. After all, only a single man in an entire galaxy had been able to meet her extremely high standards. "If only more societies recognized the beauty and the brains of woman, life would be a lot better for everyone."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"You know what their problem is? Itty bitty living space," Siobhan said disdainfully, then laughed. It was good to have someone who understood gender roles properly! "The only other planet I know of that truly recognise the power and beauty of women are Dathomir and Hapes...and you can forget about the latter because it's full of arrogant poseurs. A parody of feminine power."

She did not even mention Eshan because while she had been told that the Echani were matriarchal she had little respect for them. For one, apparently they thought being able to pull off fancy martial arts moves meant they could charge into battle with class three armour! Well, Andreas had been a sweetheart, but then he was a very rare manling who managed to meet her impossibly high standards. Besides, he'd been a great kisser.

Loving the feeling of the water against her skin she dove down into the water before emerging again. Now fully soaked she applied shampoo lotion and soap, then did the same for Laina, making sure she was well-cleaned. Have no fear, censors, she only did stuff like wash her back and do her hair. Nothing PG-13 happened, just one lady helping another out. The kids can read these lines without having to face the risk of corruption.
"I agree. That or it's jealousy about the beautiful curves us women are blessed with." She said with a grin, laughing with Siobhan. Funny, she couldn't remember the last time she'd truly laughed like this. "Interesting, a shame so few worlds have truly embraced the power of the divine female. I might like to visit Dathomir someday, and see what it is like there." Her curiosity rising a little as Siobhan mentioned the other worlds. "Truthfully, I've not been able to explore much of the galaxy. I've only been to a handful of planets. And well, the Skyport, happened to just be along the way as I started running. Taking what ever transports I could to get away. If I'm honest, I'd like to see more of what is out there."

Laina purred softly, as Sio shifted behind her, helping to wash her hair, and back. Completely and absolute joy and contently radiated through the force, and no doubt the brunette would soon pick up on such happiness. "This is heaven, truly. I could not ask for more." She said softly as she took the bar of soap and started to clean the rest of herself. Mind you, dear reader, it was all done beneath the bubbles so nothing would be seen that could corrupt the mind of innocent children.

Even little Morrigan had finally settled down, and through the divine powers of the Force, Laina could feel a level of contentment from the still forming infant. Such an odd thing to feel from such innocent new life, and to already be so deeply connected with her child.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"Maybe after your little one is born and things have settled down we can do some travelling. Hell, go on a couple trips with lil Morrigan when she's older. And convert a couple women to the power of the divine female if you get my drift," Siobhan said warmly, giving Laina a wink. Yes, she totally wanted to keep the darkhaired beauty and her little one around.

That meant telling them about Kaeshana's coming doom. Just...not tonight. Laina already had enough stress to deal with and Siobhan did not want to scare her away. She felt the contenment and happiness radiating from Laina and Morrigan and it was reflected in her own. It was good to see their life get back on track for a while at leasr. It made Siobhan smile. "Aww, glad you feel that way, sweetie." She arose from the bubble bath and climbed out. Water was obviously dripping from her...voluptuous form...but have no fear, dear reader, she grabbed herself a towel and covered herself! Well, as much as a nympho like Siobhan could be expected to cover herself, but it would shield the parts that needed shieldering while she dried herself off.
"I'd really like that. It will be nice to get out and explore the galaxy a little bit, see what really is out there. Stars know I just want Morrigan to never have to go through what I did. I'd like her to be able to see the stars too, and have all the freedom she deserves. Without all the worries we face now of my tribal sisters trying to kidnap us both." That wink, brought a bright grin to her lips, "Oh, now that would be so delightful."

She nodded, smiling "You have no idea, this has just been so wonderful. It feels like I can finally breath again for the first time in ages. Goddess knows I've needed it desperately. Pregnant women are not meant to be on the run from evil people for a good five months straight. Just, so nice, so wonderful to not have to worry. If even only for a little while."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Laina Silvias"]

"No, they're not. They're meant to be pampered, worshipped and adored...and drive you crazy with their hormones," Siobhan joked in what was probably an attempt to lighten the mood a bit. Her jokes tended to be a bit lame most of the time but somehow the girls liked them. Well, she thought they did!

Having dried herself off, though without any concern about false modesty and stuff, she would pass a towel over and be ready to help Laina out of the bath if she needed help. It stood to reason that she would also use the chance to oggle the beautiful woman.

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