Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Now that Netherworld is wrapped up... what are your ideas for the next Event?

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Obviously we all need some wind down time from Netherworld. But in the meantime, a little discussion and planning never hurt anyone. So if you could run your own board-wide Chaos event... what would it be?
I rather liked the unbiased randomization with the odds and evens. So I'd strongly recommend incorporating that -- or a similar 'draft' -- again; it was beautiful.

As for an idea:

We just had a cataclysm. Let's focus on something that's renewing. What if we expanded the reach of the galaxy a bit? Encouraged new worlds to be submitted and had a 'scramble for Africa' or a 'new world' feel to it. Maybe a micro galaxy drifts close by and a select few new hyperlanes open up :p (Just make sure to place a space kraken in one of them)

I can imagine great explorers, discovering temples and ruins, species both primitive and advanced. I really liked that the Netherworld event gave Codex more flavour and I really think that could work again here.

Besides. Who doesn't like culture clash?
Well-Known Member
Why don't we have the lightside do something for a change.

Rather than a renewed wave of darkness, why not have something good return, set the scales in favor of the good guys, and then make the threads all about the renewed prosperity around the galaxy. The agents of evil then do their best to take advantage, exploit, corrupt, and to destroy this new resurgence of light.

Perhaps we could take the faction alignments into consideration, by giving a cloud buff to lightside factions, and a minus buff to Dark side factions, with neutrals left unaffected?

You could even tie in this next event with this previous one, and that Army of the Light's That Have Come And Gone from the Netherworld of the Force. After all, Tef had something to say before he was cut off.
Well, I'd draw inspiration from previous events first.

I loved the fact that there was a single villain who reared her ugly head over the course of a couple events, so for one I'd go that route again. Introduce a new threat that kicks off a whole new trilogy of stories.

Next, I'd like something a little more faction oriented this time around. We have a metric crap ton of major and minor factions, so the next event could be a chance for them all to flex their muscles.

As for concept? I'd like something small scale as far as location goes. A single world or system that everyone would be seriously invested in at the get go. Why? Because trench warfare needs to happen more.

And that's about all I've got.

*returns to hole*
Maybe having a major event that manifests as faction-based micro-events? That way, faction admins could keep order and narrative trajectory so it isn't such a mad scramble of posters with varying agendas over a single thread. While I had fun in this last one, it seemed like there was more incentive to outright ignore the main storyline in favor of zerg-rushing Dominion after Dominion. I didn't see a whole lot of "Why are these people suddenly missing? Could I be next?" as compared to "THE OWNERS ARE GONE, LOOT THEIR CRAP."

EDIT: Which isn't a complaint. I don't blame them for using that strategy. The event had a HUGE turnout, and there simply weren't roles for everyone to have one to play. There were whole regions of Netherworld that went completely undiscovered.
How about a massive boardwide Great Hunt? -- just not for Mandos but for everyone. Get the bounty board involved with this.

The Great Hunt was a competition for glory that originated among the Mandalorians as a test of skill on the jungle moon of Dxun. Over time, the Hunt became an open competition in which any of the galaxy's warriors could compete. A total of three Great Hunts were called during the Great Galactic War, and another three were held during the subsequent Cold War.
Well (be very afraid;-) ), I liked the portals that Netherworld implemented, but one thing I've always wanted to see in Star Wars is time AND space/ inter dimensional travel. So, assuming the Netherworld is a sort of alternate dimension that portals were opened to, what if we went farther with rips in time-space opening up which had the ability to open up wormholes which act as portals to, well, anywhere: anytime, anyplace, anywhere in time and space. This includes alternate dimensions like the Netherworld itself, except that tere are infinite amounts of them. This is known as the multiverse theory.
Infinite universes mean infinite plot possibilities. Heck, could you imagine a battle where a Rancor and a Tyrannosaurus Rex were pitted against each other? The possibilities are quite literally endless.
Anyways that's my rambling. Let me know what you think.
Trenchcoat Man said:
I didn't see a whole lot of "Why are these people suddenly missing? Could I be next?" as compared to "THE OWNERS ARE GONE, LOOT THEIR CRAP."
While I agree, we accepted that the game-mechanic of a map reboot would overshadow the story. Hence why we brought back a familiar villain who could hold her own against the mechanic.

The map wipe idea preceded the story, so some suspension of disbelief was necessary, I think.
I like [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] 's idea quite a lot. It sets a new tone to everything that's quite different than say, "Half the population of the galaxy is gone! We're all gonna die!"
It would then become more of a "oregan or bust" type situation. I like it. It's fresh and different.
Maybe a bored Celestial or something equivalent happens to pass through the galaxy and tells all the major factions it'll give them something cool if they can impress it.

Then leave it up to the factions to decide how to impress it. Hilarity ensues.
A new virus rages across the land. Hutts everywhere are getting infected, bloating and bursting, causing a massive mess everywhere. Governments are in chaos. They don't have enough space janitors to clean up the mess. Old ladies are breaking their hips due to falling in the goo. Summer heat causes horrible smells to occur. WONT SOMEONE FIND A CURE AND STOP THE MADNESS?!

On a much more serious note, my idea is based on something similar [member="Cira"] mentioned. I personally would like to see a board wide scavenger hunt with objectives and wrenches thrown into the plans. The items could be of all sorts. Deep space exploration would certainly be expanded, with civilians and factions taking to the stars to hunt these things down. Since this board seems all Force-y(ugh), perhaps if a certain group collected enough of an item (Say, items 1,3,5) it could cause some trouble within the Galaxy for....whatever.

Just my .02
We can also celebrate Marvel's Secret War anniversary by having the Beyonder show up, put us all on Battleworld, and have a no-holds-barred Good vs. Evil throwdown to the death with the condition that, once the event's over, everyone's alive again.

And any Spider-Men that happen to acquire a symbiote costume can still keep it.
My idea, and I know - it's totally terrible:

The world is plunged into -- wait for it --

an Utopia.

One day everyone wakes up and for some unknown reason everything is peaceful, life is strangely without its punishments, and it's almost like it's always been that way, sort of like a paradise you'd only dream of.

And day by day things seem to seem more and more odd, like that neighbor down the road that didn't cut their lawn was replaced by someone else - who, surprise, does just that.

It's at that point that you start to pay more and more attention to the "news", which is really just happiness and sunshine echoed endlessly about daily events, random people you've never heard of and likely never will again, and then bits and pieces hinting towards an over-arching government.

Lo and be- oh wait I must have been watching the matrix before I had that last mimosa.

But seriously a faux-peace would be refreshing.
Well-Known Member
@Delila Castillo Hey! I like the Hutt's :(

Anyway, I like this idea now that you mention it. Steering away a bit from the force could be cool... but I have no ideas of how to turn it into an event that focuses more on people rather than force deities.
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