Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"The Krae"

NAME: Varies (The Krae)


Vran'Ti, the Corporate Protectorate. The Eternal Empire.

Vran'Ti Vo Ni (Hand of the soul of Vran'Ti)
Spy-master of the Corporate Protectorate


SPECIES: Vran Vo Ni Ven (Hand of the soul/Molder)

Physically: 34
True age: 75

SEX: Varies

HEIGHT: Varies

WEIGHT: Varies

EYES: Varies

HAIR: Varies

SKIN: Varies

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, both body and Vo


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+The Krae's shapeshifting abilities have gone to the extreme. The Vo organ was seriously enhanced, allowing an absurdly stronger variety and faster shifting process. So capable that shifting can occur accidentally yet with incredible detail. The Vo has also become even harder to damage and appears somewhat capable of more healing, though it is still a notable target. There is an exception, his telepathy seems to remain strongly intact but very situational.

+/-The Krae possesses multiple personalities within it, and these personalities themselves seem incredibly hard for telepaths to decipher, while some appear plain yet are far more complex. Their resistance to mental manipulation also vary considerably. Some will even respond in an even more exaggerated manner then intended. This variety can offer the benefit that, under the right circumstances, they may be more beneficial than others. And while the Vo organ would maintain the same presence in the force throughout, the others seem to change as if they were entirely separate entities in the force.

-The Krae has lost a great deal of it's former power in the force with exception of the Vo. Having once been engulfed in its own fear and wealth of knowledge, and basked in a force nexus, it possessed immense strength. However much was torn away in an accident during a ritual, along with most of the knowledge, resulting in the beings capability, yet vastly weaker and less skilled than it once was.

-The Krae lacks a singular guiding personality. Shifting often just as its forms do, between one form to the next, some entirely unaware of the existence of others, and seemingly oblivious to the lapses in time. Eventually two personalities would come to try to work together, yet even then, they are not fluid or perfect in their power of his true range.

Many of these forms had parts of them drawn from Nexus and from others during the ritual or a period afterwards. However, the four most notable all were formed from victims of the dark lords failed ritual, and parts of his past or abilities sucked into it. Two more remnants would make their way into things, although likewise altered by those he had tried to absorb, they held more dominant traits of his former self.

Cyrbem: Remnant of skill: A catharlike creature of white and spotted fur, and of notable size and physical ability


He far outplays most of his species in terms of strength, and this would show were one to see the muscles and bones beneath the fur. His intelligence is one of the more notable, and appears to be aware of the multiple personalities and forms beneath. This form manifested early, yet while very physically enhanced, and the shapeshifting ability seeming to produce chemicals perfect for healing much like a trandoshans, or for physical enhancement, seems to lack many force abilities beyond a sizable force sense and force resistance where all of the force connection seems focused, outside of the Vo itself. Cyr does however seem to possess almost as much combat prowess as Nexus had, though lacking the force powers. He is oddly also the most in control of his emotions, however his morals and guides shift. In a way he almost acts like a mercenary to the other personalities, depending on the situation. Yet still sometimes follows his own goals. He knows this fractured body as "The Krae"

Calisa: The remnant of pride:


An odd form. This one maintains roughly the same appearance of a humanoid female. She is one of the peculiars in that in a practical fashion, she's useless. Her intelligence varies, her physical abilities are consistently…normal, and if she uses the force, it is not consciously. Minor uses of influence, awareness, or force comprehension. They may benefit her, or maybe not. There is an exception, there are times that upon transformation Calista instinctively reaches to the minds of any living being nearby and attempts to rewrite them all to fit the illusion she's under with false memories or feelings. This ranges anywhere from believing she's some kind of queen, princess, or noblewoman, to just a servant. Calista sometimes is aware of Cyrbem and her mind concocts for them the situation in which her wants become his orders. Even as remnant of his pride, the fracture is not actually that prideful, but rather simply remembers a past of greatness one way or another.

Remnant of science: Jesin Agi

The scientific and alchemical knowledge of Nexus. Although it maintains much of Nexus's biological knowledge, it lacks the raw telekinetic power that Nexus had access to as well as much of his more advanced ritualistic and alchemical knowledge. Usually it takes the form of a human or human-like woman, however this is not a constant factor and may be male. While it is usually human, slight alterations do occur. Jesin is the most conscious of that things are missing, and actually invested in the lack of memories. It is quite invested in filling in holes. It has powers in the force, though far fewer than the original Nexus. Among those is commonly force drain and drain knowledge. Jesin is still strong in the force, but being the only one invested in the regrowth of knowledge and power, it is a slow process.

The Reigning Remnants:
In time two remnants began to gain ground, these two, are the Remnant of the Sith. And the Remnant of the Shifter. Both are aware of each other and have become knowing of the other Remnants. Able to latch onto them. Remnant of the Sith has become the dominant, not always showing itself, yet more present. He was able to gather in some of the range of abilities that Nexus once had as a sith and sith powers, though struggles with more particulars in alchemy that Remnant of the Alchemist has, and with pure range of combative prowess in martial arts that Remnant of Skill has. Yet his mind is powerful. Remnant of the Shifter on the other hand has an agenda tied to his, and is through whom remnant of sith is able to preform the most manipulations as he struggles with the shapeshifting portion himself. Remnant of the shifter can more easily transform them into any of the other remnants or simply take on a form of her own. They two are very sly and have the easiest time shifting between one another as opposed to any of their underlings, who they may struggle to take back automatically, or have some time doing so.

Remnant of the Sith:
Retaining the name Tsator, Remnant of the sith was able to use his power to return his blade to his possession. Yet often hides it, such an effort isn't unheard of for people of his land but usually uses enchantments. Darth Tsator has pride, though not as much as the pride remnant. Yet he has all the desire to mastermind deception and gain lasting authority. He has the most range in skills. However is behind many of the other remnants in any specialization. Though unconsciously so, Remnant of Prides mental powers far exceed his own. And Remnant of Skill far exceeds him in martial ability and physical efficiency without having to rely so heavily on the force directly. The form he often takes is that of a tall thin and pale man. And if he can, he'll gather his weapon known as "Shruuk" to his side for battle.

Remnant of the Shifter:

Remnant of the Shifter, calling herself, if she has a name, merely 'Liar' is Tsator's equal in mind. Both are essentially manipulators, liars, and deceivers, who seek power. And both know of their old life on Vran'Ti, but warped. Liar's shifting ability combined with incredible self mastery over what thoughts and feelings are projected allows Liar to gain the appearance of almost anyone in any way she so desires. Ranging from a mere random passerby to the commander of some order. She and Tsator both have strong abilities to draw in information, and she may tear that knowledge from ones mind if need be to allow her to take their place even for such a short time as may be necessary to achieve their ends.

The Krae's appearance can change extremely easily, and does so, matching whatever persona his mind has told him it is.


Nexus, like most Vo Ni, was born with both the Vo (a force sensitive organ natural to all Vran) as well as force sensitivity in his body. This allowed him not only to fully apply his Vo, but to spread beyond it like the other Vo Ni did. However, unlike most of them, Nexus actively was plagued by a fear of death. Even knowing that as a Vo Ni his Vo would be connected to the Vran'Ti Vo, the greatest one can hope for, he still feared it. Nexus sought to become immortal, to rise beyond the, already, lengthened life of a Vo Ni. To become someone stronger. For years he sought it within the Vo Ni, within their teachings, constantly growing stronger as he did so. Gaining more and more knowledge of their science and their practice of the Vo. But what he found was not what he wanted. He found how to raise on from the dead, he found how to control the minds of others, to increase ones own body to incredible states. But immortality? Not in truth.

His fear drove him to a Sith, a teacher who began to teach him their ways. Power, strength, more then just how to raise others from death. But how to even protect oneself from it. He learned even more methods on alchemy. On resurrection. And in particular, on Transfer Essence. It was not an ability he took lightly, nor one he wanted to fully test, for the same fear that made him learn the technique. But it was one he found important.

However, that Sith only had so much they could teach the Vo Ni, a man already knowledgable in ways not unlike those of the sith. And having learned all he could from him, Nexus fought him to the death, taking his saber and proclaiming himself Darth Tsator. This however, he kept secret, returning to Vran'Ti. Through the intense training he had gone through, Nexus rose even further among his people, until he took the title of Vran'Ti Vo Ni, the hand of the soul of Vran'Ti by proving himself the most powerful, and thus, the most connected of the Vo Ni to Vran'Ti. He basked in the power of the Vran'Ti Vo, taking his title officially.

However this sith made a mistake, an attempted ritual to further increase his power was interrupted and during the fight the aftermath fractured his mind and power in the force nearly tearing it out of him. Though the process greatly strengthened his Vo, it took a large chunk of his raw power with it, along with a vast portion of his memories leaving the remains as something one of the Fractures knows as 'The Krae.' A single physical body yet distorted in mind and in the force.

Eventually, two Remnants began to stand before the rest. Remnant of the Sith, renaming himself Tsator as his old sith name was. And remnant of the Shifter, sometimes just called "Liar" but both being very akin to one another. Though these two have sacrificed the idea that Nexus still exists, they hang on to the possibility they can one day regain much power. And this may require simply manipulating their own remnants and personalities into achieving the tasks they need completed.

The Dropped Veil

Darth Tsator's Blade "Shruuk"
His masters lightsaber.
Vran'ti Vo Ni robes.

A Tserim Organic Suit that often is made to match the clothing of whichever form he might want to take.





Power in the 'verse (Corporate Protectorate)
War Council (Corporate Protectorate)
False Hope [CP Domionon of the Selvaris Hex]
A meeting at Vran'Ti Cantina
The First Training
The King is dead. Who's the Regent?
OPERATION: Shattered Spear, War Room
After the Hospital
Welcome-Vo'less one
New Beginning
Heroes, rebels, and politics
Collision of Powers (The fracture)

Fractured minds crack alike
The force is a tool and so are we.
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