Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Negotiations] Loopy Lepi & Toydarians

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Petra Cavataio"]

Kk, that's it. Didn't want to have to do this...

Vorhi....was no stranger to war crimes. But the Toydarians has to be stopped. He approached the podium, addressing them. All his diplomatic channels, all his power, had been pushed into the right to make this address. To unleash his greatest weakness, his ultimate weapon. He nodded to the Audio Tech.

It was time to unleash the Jammer. A weapon he himself had developed in private. His only hope.

"Esteemed Colleagues," he began, focusing his voice through the force, applying force body to his movements, and roaring with lionesque, horrific power as the doors around the room became barricaded. "Kneel,"



Mercenary, Artist.
Alna stood to join [member="Vorhi Alestrani"] in a glorious song of unity and friendship - and then things abruptly went to shit.

As the first note left her lips - a high 'C' that was somehow both flat and sharp - a thunderstorm began roiling into being overhead. With the care and temperance of a biblical plague, lightning began striking at random. Although she was startled, Alna sang on. Nearby, an orphan was born blind, deaf, and dumb, covered in tattoos not unlike scales. The infant gave a startled shriek of despair in a tongue long-dead to this universe before expiring with as much grace as it had arrived.

The song continued. All around the world, the low beasts of nature grew glassy-eyed and hateful. Bovine creatures howled in despair and spasmed violently, vomiting what sad meals they had ingested before retching for more. Carnivores sank their teeth into the very earth itself in a futile attempt to rid themselves of the coppery, rotten taste of blood befouled - but the soil itself had become corrupted by the very sound of entropy, the song of the end of creation, and offered no respite. The oceans roiled with fish desperate to escape the poisoned water, unknowing that no better fate awaited them upon the land. Clouds of ash rained dry, heated doom upon the landscape as Alna reached the climax of her song; there would be no place untouched by the doom that she had unleashed.

As a white blood cell defends the body from affliction and invasion, so had the whole of the Galaxy turned towards attacking the forever befouled and accursed place where Alna sang her song.
[member="Alna Merrill"]

Vorhi's lyrical genius had yet to consume the Toydarian war machine yet. Obviously his harpy-like methods would have to push louder and harder. He'd have to begin the most dangerous of all powers....the ballad.



The rivers seemed to shudder, with a violent, blackening ichor, the sky turning a crimson, lightning swirling through the mists.


Fire began erupt from the earth, the ground heaved violently as if sickened, a true wound in the force unfolding as music became destruction.


The heavens wept, caustic, basic rain burning across the sky like the dears of the dead in the nether realms.

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