Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Since this will be a larger Junction with four factions, it will also get an OOC thread to make it easier to find a dancing partner for the thread. And easier to figure out a narrative for yourself. You can already see the starting post below with the objectives.

The thread will start on a Friday or Saturday, so there's plenty of time for everyone to write starting posts or find a partner.

Have fun in advance for everyone!

Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina , Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis




Mustafar; there are few iconic planets in history like this. Not just its location makes it iconic as one of the Core Worlds, or its rich history as an ancient Jedi world, or an iconic place in the Sith space. No, this planet earned its legacy with Darth Vader's reputation and stay here. It was such a great and important fact, even centuries later, it remains relevant.

But the planet has been in the hands of the CIS, the Galactic Empire, or even the First Order, under the centuries. And in recent decades, the Sith has also turned up here a lot of times. Among other things, the former Dark Voice, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , also collected the Sith here for the Maw and the New Sith Order. But Ren's knights also have a big influence, through Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren , and due to the fact that the First Order ruled the planet formerly.

With the recent focus on Mustafar from The New Sith Order, the planet’s independence is impeded by its main affiliation: Kyrel Ren and his Knights.

Despite the heavy Knights of Ren presence, more and more underworld people have appeared here who have a connection to the Sith on Panatha. They are led by Pralva, the Hutt, whom the Mandalorian warriors of the Unknown Region want to see dead, as the Hutt's men have already killed countless Mandalorians, and the Hutt openly wears the armour of the slain as a trophy.

The Maw is now returning to the planet under Kyrel's command; the Sith rebuilding his base, the Fortress Vader, over the past decade, where the strongest Knight of Ren wants to open a portal to Netherworld to continue his plans.

The aftermath of the Tython Accord is also being felt, with the Eternal Empire, Ashlan Crusade, and the Galactic Alliance coming to the planet together to cleanse it from the Sith, rescue prisoners, and stop the Sith activities here. Not to mention the Eternal Crusade (Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade's alliance) wants to gather more information on the relationship between the Sith on Pralva and Panatha.

However, one thing unexpectedly hit both sides… they did not expect each other to be on the planet or in the system…



Objective 1: Under Siege
Relevant link: Fortress Vader
Fortress Vader; according to most reports, has been abandoned and is not being used by anyone. The place should have been in ruins, but someone restored it. With the fortress restored, Kyrel Ren has become its owner and Lord, and has begun to embark on a ritual with Maw Force users to open a portal to the Netherworld. The Allies felt an unusually high level of Dark Side activity around and inside the Fortress due to the ritual. And such an event cannot go uninvestigated and the ritual must be stopped. If the portal manages to open, it must be closed! Whatever the cost. (PvP/duel or PvE, not warposting!).

Objective 2: Spy Games
Relevant link: Gahenn Droid Foundry
There is a large droid factory on the planet that is not under anyone’s control. This factory continuously produces a large number of droids, which are sold or given away, mainly to pirates, the Sith, or even benefactors from The Maw as a gift to remain their neutrality. Because of the factory’s consistent output and quality manufacturing, the soldiers, spies, agents on both sides are tasked to compete with each other in this area. The Allies want to acquire the factory and bring it under their own control to shut it down. Maw tries the opposite, they are to try to prevent the Alliance's endeavours or try to sabotage and destroy the factory. If the factory cannot be theirs, it shouldn't be anyone else's. (PvE / mild PvP)

Objective 3: My City!
Relevant link: The Forge | The Arabesh Flats Military-Industrial Complex
The Maw has been on the planet for a long time, so they have an advantage, their military units have already occupied this fortress city and are overseeing the planet from here. However, the city is in a strategically important place, so if the Eternal Empire wants to control or oversee the planet in the future, the Allies must gain control of the fortress. The same is true for the Maw, if they want to continue to have significant influence in this region, away from their own territory, they must retain their influence over the fortress city or bleed fear into the residents by destroying it entirely. Whatever their objective, The Allies cannot see the fortress fall to The Maw’s cruel rule. (Warposting)

Objective 4: Racing With Time
Relevant link: Sunspot Prison
Over the past decade, Pralva, the Hutt, and his allies have built a huge space station around the system's star, serving both as a prison and as a defence system. However, the Maw tried to occupy this when he arrived at this place. The prison is hard to get to because it’s so close to the sun but those imprisoned are worth the effort. Among the prisoners were not only civilians, but also countless high-ranking politicians, diplomats and senior officers. These were mainly members of the Galactic Alliance, the Eternal Empire, and the Ashlan Crusade. The deaths of these individuals could painfully affect all three factions. In a race against time, the Allied fleet must try to save the place while the prisoners are evacuated, and the Maw tries to destroy it. (Fleeting and PvE)

Objective 5: Bring Your Own Objective (BYOO)
Relevant link: Mustafar
There could be countless other tasks/narratives on the planet and in hex. Exploring and examination of the planet, exploring ancient ruins, possibly searching for old First Order facilities, contacting the locals and all that could be listed. The point is to make everyone have fun.

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
As for me... (too much characters)

Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren is Ingrid's this time, they'll finally meet.
KinkyPrawn KinkyPrawn , his character play with Kessia. (I'll still accept Ingrid + your boi, just we have to place the meeting before the events if this still good.

Keilara / Mercy (usual, because of her condition, farther from the fightings, I think she'll do what always did, help the warlord with information, just that is not Asher anymore :'( (But hopefully with Skald we can continue the trio (Mercy, Keilara, Kallan) story/development).

Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood , honey! Are you open for a re-rematch between Eina and Zach? Maybe the little angel someday can learn, Zach is her mother's lover. Whoops...

Aaand maybe one more character, if that is needed, because the "good guys" have much more character, that will be definitely Maw character. (it could be Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio (EE+Maw dual citizen) , Y'sanne Stradd Y'sanne Stradd (Heathen Priestess), Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert (Mando+Sith) or Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco (simple lunatic marauder)).

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