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Approved Location Mirai Jar'Kai

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  • City Name: Mirai Jar'Kai
  • Classification: Metropolis
  • Location: Atrisia codex Atrisia wookiee
  • Affiliation: Atrisian Commonwealth
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics:
  • Wealth: Wealthy: Rebuilt with a decentralized shop system, the living units can grow their own food and the people can sell the different things they grow to each other and ship them to other cities or off world. The Anshin being a major hub world that serves to attract offworlders who want Atrisian technology and foodstuffs, supplies to be given to other worlds who receive a stipend for the sales that reimburses them a portion when it is sold off. A n emphasis on everyone rising up and attaining from their hardwork has been fostered leading to the city having a stronger infrastructure and economic standing.
  • Stability: High: heavily supported as the city has been rebuilt with a massive reconstruction phase. From new advanced living modules that provide self sustaining homes that can be used to power sources within the city and heavy defenses. The emperess and emperor have worked to ensure the people are taken care of without impeding on many of their lives. Only providing the means for the city to rise back up from the lowest living beings who sell their grown food. To the lords and ladies in the high city that host lavish parties and can freely walk in the streets as a mixture of police forces and citizenry protect from criminal elements.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Extremely free, the city streets have a mixture of police and citizens who patrol it protecting and making sure crimes don't happen.. they still do but the bulk are reduced from gangs and thefts to usually disagreements between parties or noise complaints. The larger criminal activities have been pushed to the outskirts of the system with Jia Ren.
  • Description: Once the ancient capital of the planet and destroyed several times. Jar'kai has stood and been rebuilt a thousand and one times each time larger and more impressive. From the mountains that have been honed and cut to be sheer and steep. To the flat area filled with towers and sensors making a no mans land for invading forces. The Massive gates of the city and its layered design means there is a lot to the city and several districts within house millions of citizens of the Commonwealth. Kazue stone carved streets with traditional looking buildings that have been given interiors of more advanced technology. The power sources of the city have been improved and the layout of it is more like a cathedral under a massive dome. With the interior space being main living areas and the exterior and visible parts being shops. The divide between the two sections one bridge with vaulted sides and lined with defensive turrets that are in alcoves and able to swivel to either prevent attack on the main city section or after it has been invaded be used to keep them in place. Along the exterior is a track for the gentoku train system allowing the armored transport of supplies and soldiers.
  • Tomb Of The Emperors: Ancient and designed as a part of the whole, the emperors tombs hold murals and riches that have been collected to celebrate past Atrisian emperors. The jade statues are protected by stone guardians and each has a blade at their side.
  • Tomb Of The Empress: The second part of the massive tomb that is built and entered through the city gardens. Statures of former empresses and murals of accomplishments have been set up.
  • The Spire: Preceived capital of the city by most with the massive central tower that houses tens of thousands. The upper most part of it is where airships anchor to transport around the planet. The interior of it is a massive megablock style with apartments, businesses and vendors all loyal to the Sansinand trained to defend against attacks. Bubbles along the outside serve as shield generators and gun trrets are built around the wall giving coverage to the entire city and area around its air space.
  • Theater House: Beautiful and large, the theater is circular with the central stage using hardlight for the sets and acoustics that allow the performers to be heard from anywhere in the main chamber even with a whisper.
  • The Honeycomb: Area of the city that has been designed to house rooms of equipment and chambers where some of the more important works happen such as power systems and generators for the shielding systems that are around the city.
  • Expansion regions: Located outside of the walls and doubling as districts or wards with clubs, entertainment, school systems and academies or factories. These walled areas are set up with their own defenses and shield generators adding to the overall defenses and have security forces that can be sent to back up other areas.
  • Lóngkou | The Great Wall of Atrisia: The original great wall built by Shoma and the first order, it surrounds Jar'kai and is massive still with new defensive turrets, refined power systems and containment shielding for breeches. It is the first line of defense outside of the city and has tracks for armored trains for defensive purposes but it no longer the sole defensive point.
  • Secondary Wall: The second wall that encloses the majority of wards and districts creating sectional areas of defensive shielding. control devices for arborne attacks and helicarrier sections that allow the overhead airships to dock picking up more soldiers and fighters.
  • Third Wall: The final wall spreading out from the city and first thatis encountered... the third wall is one fo the most protected with additional turrets, the coordinating fire can be done and in the space between the second and third wall there is flatter more controlled areas dedicated to military facilities and defenses that make advancing forces take heavy casualities.
  • Hospital: Massive and in the heart of the nexus, Its ability to augment the lightside of the force and improve healers sn't lost and their hospital is outfitted with the latest in technology as well as force healers.
  • Kōyō Jar'kai: The nexus that Zanza sacrificed herself to cleanse of the darkside and now baths Jar'kai in a lightside aura that makes darksiders in the city uneasy. It isn't known ifit will be permanent as it is still new, still raw compared to many in the galaxy but it extends to the great wall which was used to form the wall of light and enclose the city.
: Being one of the main cities on Atrisia Jar'kai hosts much in the way of defenses, from aerial carriers that can deploy fighters and project shields, o planetary shielding generators that are sectional and overlapping. With kazue stone for structural integrity and cannons on the walls able to coordinate fire with their war droids and defensive platforms they can respond across the massive city that has been walled off behind three progressively larger and more defensive walls.
The history of Jar'kai goes far back since before the unification wars... longer with some of the warlords who started it out as a small village where they based their raids. The village gre into a town and eventually a city with the discovery of a kazue stone quarry that they could mine. They used it to create the intiial buildings and when the Jade Empress came to the city her siege of it laid waste to almost everything. The stone survived and it was made the seat of power for at least her operations as the planet itself was being united.... but it goes back further then that... history is often forgotten and save Chitai's lost lore there is not much known about what came before.

The people of Chitai have recorded tales of finding ruins of the city, the stone had brought them there and when they got closer they discovered ruined buildings that overlooking the quarries... riches flowed from the mines in the nearby mountains... creatures came and roamed the area but there was more things there... dangerous things after the calamity... several followed it as things fell from the sky. One massive thing towards he north (which sank ezogashima into the sea) and to the south (severing Ukiyo's bridge from the mainland disconnecting it and smaller debris to the east (forming the white pearl) and from it they went back into the underground.

Before that they were uncertain... the ancient Atrisians created structures like the shadow towers and Sarnoi.. the massive overgrown ruins of Ukiyo and Shikoku which was cast into permanent winter. The first civilizations of Atrisia were largely lost to legends and myths with their ruins and artifacts remaining behind and the oldest gods being seen still but old gods have new jobs. Still the records show the rins had served as a mining outpost.. the massive amounts of stone located around it were deposited deep and precious gemstones, metals were around. After the Atrisians of Chitai disappeared deep within the earth it was left abandoned.

It was found thousands of years later and turned into a village and later a town with high walls by the warlords. A longhouse to have their soldiers and farms that were outside and along the border of it to supply the village... eventually being taken over and joining the Jade empress as the mines and quarry was the most important part of it. They could harvest the kazue stone to make new structures across her empire and the town became one of the most important locations due to its massive supply of stone. The workers handling and shaping it before it was shipped out on massive carts drawn by Longma and matenga.

They took to mining the stone for centuries and eventually there was a large island created that they created. The town itself needed to expand and they were creating sections of it on this island with a large bridge. Across the way a grand palace was created allowing the emperor at the time to have a seat of power. All major roads were meant to end here at the city while Xam'chi was the closest i terms of location and region... they could see the mountain range in the distance. The higher walls of the palace district became a bastion of the rich lords while the original town was changed into a sprawling city that was walls off and ready.

The city continued to thrivve under he different emperors with tribute flowing and as the quarry continued to produce they could create more structures with eventually the lower it go and the further out the more defensible they created it with a massive moat that went into sections of the desert. It continued to expand outwards over thousands of years and the cit grew. Then the Republic fell and larely Atrisia remained intact with their avoidance of participating with the Galactic empire then later the new Republic until they had to with the yong wars. They continued to largely remain isolated trading with the rest of the galaxy.

The onset of the gulag plague saw he city ravaged like the rest of the planet... food shortages, rationing and riots were more commonplace but the people worked and tried to endure until something could be found that functioned like a cure or alternative to help them survive. The galactic dark age saw them struggling to rebuild and many things becoming important. Atrisian high technology that could be used as a central means to buy supplies, more to help improve lives and do the work of those who had died in the plague. Atrisia recovered slowly but it was a massive effort and Jar'kai stood tall as emperors like Akio and his sister came bringing in a new age of industry and purpose.

The Kihoshi line served Atrisia well and brought it back into being an empire that expanded... gathering allies and resources from other worlds which allowed it to rebuild itself and then some. The fall of the emperor and his death as well as the death of his sister led to a small power struggle but the new emperor brought back the people and recalled what could be done as they were absorbed into the Lords of the Fringe. After the CIS rained fire down from the skies the people of Jar'kai worked even harder mining more of the kazue stone and working to improve everything that they could. The city needed to prepare as they were part of the galactic scene once again.

The attention brought the one sith and mythos one of the figures in the city who is the hero of his own tale. In truth as he subjugated Atrisia he killed millions, forced others into servitude to his ego and destroyed much of their economy, education systems and medical care to remake it in his image which took their military and navy away from the world when he left the first time after declaring himself emperor. The people tried to recover but it was much harder the resistance movements struggling to repair some fo the damage and with less things for their own they started to rely on aid from other companies. Jar'kai mined as much as it could for stones and jewels.

They managed to restore much before Mythos returned again proclaiming himself emperor and using them as slave labor to bild statues to his greatness.. The people he took were dead and gone, the ships destroyed. Their industrial works used to churn out more ships even though they didn't have the numbers to sustain or man the ships. The fleet was being taken and they managed to hide just one ship. The Dragon's fang would lead what resistance forces they had as the people rose up to try and overthrow with a longer war coming to them and Jar'kai burned in many places... a force storm being unleashed as Mythos would not give up his seat of power easily.

The force storms ravaged the city destroying many fo the structures that were not made from Kazue stone and killing large swaths of the population. Fang Min managing to escape with children into the mountains and finding the Agora, others from their police forces working to get people evacuated as the darkside became a nexus on the world. There was dangerous things within it and there was even more as Shoma worked with the first order to contain it while Mythos returned again to try and exploit it. The people repelling him as no one wanted him and the recovery worked to function and rebuild other cities that were filled with refugees.

Jr'kai would be cleansed and purged severasl times, whenever a new group of jedi came to the world and largely continued to be ignored. The people didn't matter as much as coming to claim power and eventually Zanza managed to do it... creating a massive wall of light when mythos returned for the fifth time to the planet itself trying to lay claim to it. She sacrificed herself to create the wall and puriofy the city creating a new force nexus that radiated the lightside of the force itself and brought many of the lightsiders back to the world as well as creating the strange moss that grew across the world and nourished Atrisia's people in their recovery efforts.

The Jishi era of Atrisia is what really brought Jar'kai back after Zanza saved the city and made it so darksiders within or near it wouldn't be able to stay there. The people were rebuilding and with the Anshin, their industrialization of the moons and improvements to technolog it was ble to become something more with highly advanced defenses... wards and more security forces. The palace was there and remade but it was governed by one of the Sansin while the royal family moved between the different palaces across the planet while a new Imperial city was being built for them. Jar'kai started to thrive again as its three massive walls were raised and shielding put in place.

The military presence in the city was moved to cover the walls and districts.. the city rebuilt in many places and the mines continued to be mined. The improved technology turning the hospital into a temple of healing as a hybrid that utilized the new nexus of the city. The tombs of the emperor and empress, the wards and districts that were made for entertainment, opera and even embassies able to house some of the closest Atrisian allies. The roads were improved so that is could connect once again to all of the major cities and its airfield for the airships as opposed to the closed down spaceport. Jar'kai has had a bright future thanks to the indomitable spirit of the Atrisian people.
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Ylla Caeli'runa

Junko Ike Junko Ike

What's the status of this submission? Would you like more time to complete it or would you like to have it moved to live judging?

If I don't hear anything back within a few days, this submission will be archived for inactivity. If you would like it pulled back out of the archives so that it can be worked on - Please make the request in the Submission-Modification Thread.

Ylla Caeli'runa

Junko Ike Junko Ike

Same as before with Image Credit.
I've found alternate sources for your image. Per the template requirements, "Each image used must be credited". For you 1st image, I found the image here.

Give me a tag when the edits are done!
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