Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Minor LOA...

Hey all...

I've been having some major computer issues the last couple of days at home, and just wanted to give a heads-up. Today, happily, I got the PC to boot up and not crash the second I opened Chrome and Skype at the same time. Minor miracle that. I'm hoping to be back up to speed within another day, two at the most.

Will do what I can to steal some time online while I'm at work, but our genius IT people wiped out half my files last week so I've been swamped rebuilding things there that are critical to my job.

My baker's dozen alts and I thank you for your time and patience as usual - and yes, I know I'm behind in posting and that this isn't going to help matters. Just send me a PM if any of my alts owes you a post so I can make sure I catch up when I'm able to :)



[member="Tefoch"] - [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] - [member="Sarge Potteiger"] - [member="Amorella Mae"] - [member="Vascious Relens"]
Evasion Studios
[member="Kassandra Distorith"] I offer my expertise in all matters PC based (as a former PC tech). On the posting side, Devorah and Azrael are the only threads we have going, so take your time.
Sorry for the continued delay in my return, folks...I'll be back in full tomorrow night. Tonight, at least, I'll be on Skype, so PLEASE hop on to let me know where I'm needed. I'll try to update my RP list on my own as well.
With any luck, my loves, I'll be back today. Thermal paste was needed and the fan up and died just to make my life difficult >_< keeping all things crossed that I can pick up my tower from the repair place today! Prayers and sacrifices to the tech gods are welcome...

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