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Meet the folks Sio! Happy Families from Hell [Siobhan]

[member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

"That we do, sweetie. That we do," Siobhan chuckled then, because she was in a trollish mood, used telekinesis to grab a couple grapes and pull them towards her, swallowing them.

"And the Mistress' closest and Grrbyrr," Harmony threw in. "Heaven forbid if she were unable to enter Tygara in style draped in silk. I hope the planet has Jester-resistant crops, otherwise Grrrbyrr will single-handedly cause a famine." And so the dastardly evil plot of Firemane is revealed: Introduce Jesters to the planet and watch as they devoure everything in their path, then introduce Jester-resistant crops. Everyone will have to submit to Lady Kerrigan.

"Shush you," Siobhan responded as she looked out of the viewport. The yacht had penetrated the planet's atmosphere and now they were flying over the beautiful city of Santaissa, heading towards the villa. Give or take a few minutes and they would be landing. "Looks like we're home, dear."
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Areialla snickered with Harmony, stretching out her nails to work on them, the blond being suitably Sio-re-trolled when her grape trick was reversed, a lopsided smile was all she let on, instead getting her nails a glittering white. She had borrowed Harmony’s makeup kit, for veiled half-promises of sauntering practice at a later date, sharing a glance or two her cohorts way, as she flashed them off.

Natoline just had her mind on an army of Jesters, unlike everyone else she loved the idea! “Maybe we can get them an island?” She was half joking to Harmony, only half because the image of a thousand fuzz balls all boxed together was too cute to pass up in her mind. She pictured Grrbyrr getting all the food he'd ever want, that would have to be a BIG fridge.

“Yep.” Kneeling up on a chair, looking out their window, Natoline sighed, home, she didn’t want to miss a day here. Every time they came back, she felt like a princess looking out, no exaggeration. She remembered Sio’s family picture on their way, “can we get like a picture of us all, just relaxin', to take with us?” She didn’t want it to be all fake, just what was here, so she’d have that memory. If she only had a year, she wanted to make every memory count with her mum, and yeah her space elf girls too! They felt like, well she wasn't sure what, but she liked it.

Areialla saw Natoline thinking, her little mind working so hard, and had moved to stand behind her, pressing her palms to her back, Natoline froze and then relaxed.

So much she wanted to do, so many to help! Natoline was feeling... hrmm good about herself, happier that she knew, "thanks for tellin' me mum. For risking, y'know." Risking how her daughter would react.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

Siobhan gently patted her new daughter on the shoulder. "I must admit...I didn't really want to, but I had to tell you. Didn't seem fair otherwise. I can't lie to my children," she said softly. The small, sleek yacht dove down from the sky and touched down upon the landing pad at the villa, coming to a halt.

The landing ramp lowered but Siobhan seemed distracted as they approached it. "Things will be...chaotic in the next few months. Even with [member="Mirien Valdier"] in charge of intel, there's gonna be leaks. Far too many people know already, especially aristos, and once the Queen makes the announcement...I expect unrest and civil war. And it'll only get worse when the evacuation begins in full. People will get desperate about catching a seat because we can't save everyone, religious zealots will rise up. You don't have to be on Kaeshana when it comes to that. It may be for the best if you aren't. I can send you and Harmony ahead to Levantine space where you're safe."

That would be the logical, rational thing to do. For one, as Mirien would tell her, she had many enemies and it was reasonable to assume they'd try to get to Nato in order to hurt her. Soon Kaeshana would become a battlefield and oceans of blood would rise up. However, sending Nato away was not the option Siobhan liked, as much as cold reason told her that it would be for the best. The safety and wellbeing of her daughters had to come first.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Another pat, had her daughters eyes closing, and her warm loving smile drawn from her happiness shining, leaning her head on her mums hand for a sec, “Always gonna want to hear Sio,” unless things were like really, really bad! Planets blowin’ up yep, she could deal, as long as her family was okay, her family, pllllleeeease go okay with her new sister and tegs, she crossed her fingers by her side.

“I kinda want to be there mum, to help.” Kind of wanted? She really wanted, really, really wanted. She wanted to say to help you but honestly she wanted to get everyone away and safe too, no way she was leaving Sio to deal with everythin’, besides she had kitchen defenders, memory boxes, saucy space elves, and very appropriate harmony endorsed clothing stores to save!

“I don’t want to be helpless mum, I want to help.” Fyor had his engineering magic, Kei had ships, mum had well everything, and what did Nato have to give. Her lips pursed thinly together, hrmmmmm. Siobhan would probably feel her daughters heart would break to leave people, but…

That’s what she had, her big heart, and she was gonna sit with people, right until the sky fell, and she had to leave. “Let me be with them, for a little while. When things are bad, I’ll make them better.” How? She didn’t know, what would she want to do if her world was ending? What would she do? That was it, she'd find out, and help.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

Siobhan looked very conflicted, but then nodded slowly. Perhaps she could rationalise the feeling with the knowledge that Natoline had combat experience and knew how to handle herself. But that would be obscuring the fact that on a certain level she did not want her new daughter to leave.

"You can stay here...for now. For a little while longer. Once it looks like trouble I'm sending you to Sanctum territory, Firemane has bases there, Tegs and Tempest are handling things over there. When the situation hits the fan I want you safe," Siobhan said firmly, giving the young Kiffar a look, "And don't try to pull off any fancy heroics. You're damn well not going down with this planet." This writer can indeed confirm that if hypothetically Nato wanted to give up her place for someone else, such as a mother and child, Siobhan would pick her little girl up with the Force and hold her on the ship.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
All new feelings having people care for her safety, well Kei had, especially when she’d stolen some engine m’gubbins and their ship had started to clang, or she'd worn Sera’s ceremonial headdress while she was having a sonic shower, and Fyor had burst in waving his arms in the air, but not like Sio, “Okaies mum,” she said, she didn’t want to be anywhere but with her, and well, maybe she could sweet talk her about that later. Mischievous Nato smile given alongside her tell-tale snoot wiggling, wasn’t like she was lying, just well, yeah, fibbing a bit, only a bit, “just don’t wanna have to leave, again.” So soon, a year was waaay too soon, and thinking about leaving made things seem sooner.

“We’ll be careful mum, promise?” Now she was asking mum to promise to be careful too. She huggled Sio, a cross between a hug and a snuggle, “thanks for caring about me,” resting her chin up on her mums arm. “I’ll be safe.” Reassurance for Sio and her right, right, yep, lip was chewed on, grrr, maybe.

She glanced out their window, and wondered about all the families that wouldn't be safe, and it hurt, a lot. Nato had loads of memories to save, a whole planet's, how did you even begin. Oh well, bright smile given, she stood back, force picked up a grape from ms space elf and smirkled. "Soooo, what should we bring sis to make her happy?" Remembering about camping, and wondering if that was still a thing.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

"You will be safe and we'll find a new home. You, Tegs, Galina, Harmony, Coryth...and as many people as we can help. Just don't try to play the hero. You can't save everyone," Siobhan said softly. It was a lesson that had taken a while for her to learn herself. If you tried to save everyone, you wound up getting everyone killed.

She limped away from the ship. Before them lay the perfectly manicured garden of the Firemane villa. The apocalypse might be around the corner, but the plants and rose bushes were still as well-tended and beautiful as ever and birds were chirping happily. The sight made her feel rather melancholic though she sought to clamp down on the feeling. However, Nato's question made Siobhan smile wryly. Her new daughter had a way of lightening the mood and pulling her away from gloomy thoughts.

"If there's two things your new sister, [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"], loves then it's animals - the more dangerous, the better - and big books about history and complicated stuff like advanced physics," Siobhan said happily, sounding a lot more cheerful now. "I swear, one day she'll come home with a vornskr cub. And she thinks a book on quantum physics is light reading."
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Comforted again her heart bounced, “Okaies mum,” she wanted her mum to think well of her so badly, things being... no Sio said they'd be okay, yep, things were fine. “I’ll be good,” there was two very different ways Nato would say those words, and with her soft voice she felt like she meant it, Sio probably knew her looks and expressions easily now, when she was teasing or lying.

“ooooh I know!” She'd pinched one of Fyor’s books on, well stuff, stuff that was very boring but his memories of times building droids and fixing things were on her book, so she’d kept it and hung on. She could share her Fyor collection with Galina, that wouldn't be weird right? Maybe. “Be right back!” not quite skipping ahead of Sio, but not far off. Stopping only to smell flowers close to their door, she hopped on in.

“Hi'iiiiii....” She called at a zoom, off past anyone waiting and a floor scampering Jester, who'd tried to pounce but missed, following her quickly in hopes of being fed again. She spoiled him and loved it.

Skedaddling up to her room at a run, tiny feet pattering up their stairs, she bounced on her bed and hung over the end, rummaging around in the dark. Hidden behind her bed was… well a lot of clutter, special things nobody wanted, and a few very personal items. She was a hoarder and in danger of overfilling her room's cupboards already. Here closest she kept her really, really important things, Nato pulled her memory chest, giving it a heave, taking her key and unlocking it.

Her head was lost in her box for ages, rummaging around for Fyors book. "Found it!" Nato called down Sio's stairs, which got an excited Jester noise (barking?) from somewhere in their house. She smelt pages, old paper, musty.... nice smells, memories.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

Siobhan could only watch in amusement whilst Whirlwind Nato suddenly picked up speed and tore through the villa in what seemed like a blur. Fortunately the house was still standing by the time she was done. See, the Countess was still rather fond of the villa. Admittedly in a couple of months it would be destroyed anyway, but nonetheless.

Anyway, she could only blink and then Nato was calling to her from up the stairs. It was almost like bullet time in that movie. What was it called? Ah, right, the Matrix. Siobhan had always thought the ending sucked and believed it was sexist. Why sexist? In her opinion any movie that did not celebrate female superiority was that because she had double standards.​
That said, she could totally block bullets in mid-air just like this guy. Well, if she decided to waste energy like that she would send the bullets flying back. Anyhow, back to the plot. Grrbyrr was whining and whimpering, undoubtedly wanting food and feeling sulky that everyone's eyes were not on him, and Siobhan limped up the stairs, eventually finding Nato and her memory box. "That' awful lot of clutter, Missy. We really need to have a talk about you hoarding things. Your cupboards are bursting," Siobhan said, since she was a bit of a neat freak, though she was not feeling cross. She bent down to look at the book Nato had found. "Present for Galina, sweetie? What's it about?"
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Nato’s Room, if it were ever tidy, yeah right!​

Their Villa’s maids tried to do their thing when they cleaned, but things just seem to pile up! Not that could concentrate much on what Sio's space elves did or didn't do, when maids were sauntering all over her room. “Sorry mum.” Nato’s head was well and truly lost in her memory box, she could have probably climbed in herself, if she’d wanted to. “just a lil mess, I’ll tidy up soon,” really her cupboard door looked like it may just burst and spill out all over the floor if anyone opened it. A big sign on the front saying Keep Out wasn’t teenage angst or a joke, she really meant it!

“Could we maybe squeeze another cupboard in.” Puppy eyes on, blinking innocently as she looked up, holding her book to her chest, “if its okaies.” Cupboards she could fill to make everywhere tidy! Tidy till more stuff, more clutter, and memories turned up her door. Yep Sio's daughter was definitely a horder.

“Oh yes! For Galina,” she blew the cover to keep it fresh, sitting on her bed and opening up the book, like it were some family album, only inside were technical diagrams, string theories and…. “Engineering constants on astrospace development and dark matter theories.” She repeated the title. To Nato they were just scribbles on paper, but Fyor's memories, so she had an image of him at work to think about, “do you think she’ll like?” Her daughter looked up hopefully, handing the musty old deep blue book over. Well read but obviously cared for by [member="Fyor Nayus"], she’d taken half his library when he first went missing, saving what she could.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

"After you tidy it up, I'll inspect it. Cleanliness and orderliness is next to godliness," Siobhan said in her best 'Mum' voice. She looked at the cupboard that seemed like it was about to burst. "Yes, get another cupboard. Make sure it doesn't burst. And make the stuff you...collect doesn't get mouldy and dusty all over."

Yes, Nato's mother just happened to be a bit of a neat freak. Of course, the room was not dirty but...did Nato really need so much clutter? Of course, she gathered all this stuff to soak up and preserve the memories behind the, but still. Parenting was difficult sometimes. On the other hand, the girl was adorable and she had found Galina a nice book. Now that Siobhan had momentarily finished her lecture she turned her attention to the book Nato was showing her. It was filled with various complicated diagrams, string theories and other complex stuff.

Oh, it was about engineering constants on astropace development and dark matter. That was the title. Siobhan could not help smile. "I think your sis will love it. It's exactly on her wavelength." Maybe [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"] needed to meet Nato's boyfriend. They could nerdgasm over science stuff.
Galina was in her own room, sitting at a small desk that happened to be covered in various books, papers and datapads. If there was one thing the Firemane loved it was knowledge and the more complicated and advanced the more she wanted to know. This time she was actually hovering over a Quantum Mechanics book, in the middle of a chapter discussing the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics versus Classical Kinematics. Highly interesting stuff, for sure. This one thinks that maybe it's time that Galina applies to various universities, and start working on a degree!

She had heard some noise in the house, but assumed it was just one of the servants or a very large rat. One or the other. Neither of which were a cause for her to have a look for the source of the sounds. Nope! Studying took priority in her life. If only she had an idea of the surprise waiting for her.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Natoline Kerrigan"]
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Nato froze, she was being asked to do something by a parent, that required her parent to look at her! This was a longer Nato-freeze than you might expect, like her first hug, as perhaps part of her had kept her rooms so messy, just to spite her old family, and because fact they’d never cared enough to really change it, so she’d just made more mess. Another aspect of her hoarding. The things kids will do to get their parents attention when they are neglected. Here Sio had clicked one more subconscious bridge that she’d never had before, just naturally by their time together, and being a mum.

“Yes mum,” she said brightly, feeling deeply loved from her lecture, much as that might surprise others. She’d probably be there for the next day, or week dusting and cleaning now, so much so someone might had to tell her to stop and eat. Sio if she were really clever, might just start to see a pattern with her constant back and forth with not wearing her armor too, especially when Sio was around, not that Nato knew that was what she was doing, filling a hole, or dressing for attention from others.

Excitement that was barely containable, bubbling up, “can we give it to her?” Nato said animatedy, "plllleeeease." Standing up and wanting to lead her mum by her hand, tugging, she’d of course stop at Galina's door, and wait for her mum to open it if she came. Wanting to bounce outside excitedly, gotta breathe, gotta be cool Nato, come on, has to go okay. How does a sister, kinda, yep that'll do. Brightest smile on, excited wave primed ready, she fiddled with a picture on their wall.

[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"], [member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

"Of course we can, dear. Come on, let's go find her," Siobhan said happily and then led Nato away from her room. Oh, and yes, the Countess was quite serious about making an inspection later on! Eventually they encountered a wild Galina! Well, not so wild right now since she had her nose buried in a book.

As a matter of fact her desk was packed with books, datacards and papers. Her mother wondered whether Galina should apply to be Elanil Saedaris' assistant. "Hey, angel. Unearthing the mysteries of physics again? I hope you've had something to eat while I was gone," Siobhan said fondly. Sometimes Galina studied a bit too much! She limped towards her daughter and gave her a loose hug, before indicating the young Kiffar. "There's someone here for you to meet. This is Natoline. She brought a nice gift for you." For now she left out the part about having adopted Nato because she wanted to see how the first few minutes played out between the two girls.
As her door opened, Galina glanced up to see who her visitors were. A bright smile formed upon her lips. "Hi, mum." She then nodded, "Quantum mechanics today, so yes." A small chuckle escaped her lips, "I, of course ate." Though she might totally have skipped breakfast a couple of times. By far not her favorite meal of the day and the one she was most likely to ignore as it required her to get up far too early.

She leaned her head around Siobhan and looked to the new arrival. "Hello, Natoline." She said softly, seeming to have suddenly grown a lot more timid in just a few seconds.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Natoline Kerrigan"]
Starleaves n Stimcafs
“Heya Galina” excited Nato-wave given, if Galina was somewhat shy or quiet, Natoline was her opposite, nervousness expressed in an extroverted different way. She had a peek around Galina’s room, “nice room!” Okay that was silly, who complimented other people on their room, did people, maybe? Urgh say something, oh her book! Phew good thing Sio was here.

“Yeppers,” she blinked at her gift held to her chest, “ummm kinda thought, I mean y’know, maybe, you’d like?” Scuttling over to Galina, she held her musty smelling well-read blue book over, imposingly titled, she hoped she'd pick the right one! Holding the book up for Galina to take... hopefully... please, a little voice inside said.


Engineering constants on astrospace development and dark matter theories.​
By Tuyor Nayus

“Because Sio said y’know…” she stumbled, her words. “U kinda liked reading 'n books should have a good home”, a good home, what she was reciting Fyor now.... fiddling her thumb on the end of their book. Tuyor Nayus, Fyor's father, her book had seen some reading but was cared for, and valuable to Nato, given who it belonged to, like giving away memories for safe keep for others, finally opening up, sharing her private little world.

Nato’s eyes were a mix between: I hope she doesn’t hate me, to bubbly happiness, to voices of people telling her to stop being so nervous! Stop acting like a child! To care for this villa and so desperately wanting to have things work out. Lot going on behind her bright, stupidly big smile plastered to her face. “Is that okay?” She perked up, edging back and forth on her foot, chancing a glance to Sio.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]​
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"], [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"With all the super science stuff you're soaking up, the universities of the galaxy'll be begging to have you, 'Lina. Maybe you'll make Elanil jealous one day!" Siobhan joked, trying to lighten up the mood as she gave Galina a hopefully encouraging smile, before giving Nato's shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"It totally is, sweetie. That's a very nice book, Nato. Girls, no need to be nervous. No one's gonna bite your head off." Both had different ways to express their insecurity, Galina by turning quiet and shy, Nato through an exaggeratedly bubbly exterior. "I first met Nato some time after...your Mum and I retired from leading the Protectorate." Galina had been told a heavily edited description of Kaelin abducting and hurting Tegaea. "She was with the Army of Light fighting against the Sith, I trained her briefly. We met recently after she escaped from the netherworld," she explained briefly to the young wildling."
Glancing back to Sio, she bit at her lip. "I .. just a little shy, meeting new people mum. That's all." She finally admitted.

Galina managed a shy smile, seeing the young lady approach. She most certainly was about as introverted as one could get. "Thanks." She said quietly as she glanced to the room. It was at least to Galina the lap of luxury, and kept with the exception of her desk, absolutely spotless.

Her gaze drifted to the book as she curiously cocked her head to the side. Reaching out, as it was offered, the redhead gently accepted the book. A bright smile formed on her lips as she traced her fingers over the title. "This is ... wonderful." Seeming to have perked up a little more, clearly growing excited about the book in hand. "This, will be lovely to read. I was just getting to some of the more advanced theories in Dark Matter, just yesterday. I can't wait to read this. Thank you."

Then there was a mention of university. "Well, I've ... been wanting to apply to a few. So, I'd hope so."

The Netherworld, not something she wanted a reminder of after having been trapped there herself, with Tegaea and Chesna. "Ah, I see." She shuddered at the mention of the Netherworld. "Bad place. Glad she escaped."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Natoline Kerrigan"]
Starleaves n Stimcafs
“Me too,” she whispered about her own shyness, “I mean. like, heard so much about you.” Nato smiled brightly to Galina, usually the Kiffar just bounded up to people and hugged, or winked at them when they least expected her. Starkly contrasted by Nato being a bundle'a nerves too here. Everywhere was so tidy, she’d have to shape her act up! Feeling tugging needs to pull her dress straighter to compensate.

With Siobhan’s shoulder squeeze, her anxiety softened, heart not wanting to thump as hard. Galina thought her gift wonderful, Nato tiptoed up and down animatedly, wave of happiness bubbling up, “really happy you like! Galina. Was kinda worried y’know, because we never met yet,” only in her head over and over wondering what she’d say. University, hmm, “what do you think you’ll study?” Nato’s mouth zig zagged, Galina was way clever, she could tell.

Her mum’s voice calmed her daughter down as Sio always did, and Nato’s smile was bright as ever as Galina spoke again, “thanks, nethers,” pfftt, she blew wandering strands of hair out of her eyes, “just bad.” Yep, bad bad bad, smithies, or ghosts, or whatever they were. “but i'm all good now,” her oh well smile was bright, they’d seen some pretty terrible things, hidden well behind her usually emotive eyes.

“’n then Sio, kinda saved me,twice”, her daughter whispered, a deeply grateful look following for Sio, then half looking at Galina's floor. A difficult subject, but you might feel an oh well smile coming up, as Nato’s hair fell back down her shoulder, even if earlier was a biggy.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]​
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"], [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Seeing Nato's face look at Galina's floor Siobhan reached out to gently raise her chin. "There, there, dear," she flashed Galina a smile and pat the young wildling on the shoulder. She could understand her desire not to think of the netherworld. After all, having her wife and daughter so abruptly torn from her and pulled into hell had been horrible for Siobhan as well. To put it plainly, she had been terrified for their safety. Such had been her sheer rage and desire to get them back that innocent people had died in the process.

It was something she would rather forget, yet that would not wash away the blood on their hands. Did this mean she would have done things differently if she could go back? No, because her family came first for her. There was a reason she was no Jedi or even a light sider. She clamped down on that feeling and shoved it out of the metaphorical airlock. As for Galina's room, Siobhan obviously approved of the fact that it was very tidy with the exception of the desk since she was a bit of a neat freak! "I'm sure you two will get on very well. Galina...Nato will be staying with us. She's gonna be joining our little family," she said gently,

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