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Meet the folks Sio! Happy Families from Hell [Siobhan]

Starleaves n Stimcafs
Meet the folks Sio! Happy Families from Hell
City of Johos​
The Uos Family Home​

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​

Mother / Father​


Kiffu was stormy not unlike Kaeshana, only it was often caused by electrical storms from its twin planet Kiffex’s elliptical orbit. The atmosphere was orange often when this happened, otherwise it could be grey and thick with cloud like today! Rocky forests on many areas of the planet, the city of Johos was no different. Largely Kiffar in population, with other species mixed in here, many qukuuf's were on show, the tattoo passed down through families from their mothers side. Something Nato’s mother had never done. Even her other daughter only had smaller markings, but at least she had them.


The city was friendly as far as cities went, closer to home some people said hello, and Nato would wave, but they all kept their distance. Embarrassed from lacking her tattoo, and something else, Nato had been hiding her face for most of their walk with Sio, looking down, or anywhere but into the eyes of others who knew her. It didn’t take them long to reach the Uos home. Not huge, but big enough, more importantly it was isolated. Two guards met them on the front door, opening the door and apparently escorting them to a Kiffar butler of sorts. You couldn’t really call him a butler because he carried a gun, and was dressed like a traditional wild but eccentric Kiffar. He was supervising the visitors all the same, apparently nobody else had shown up to greet them!

“Natol’ine.” The Butler said impartially, “please wait in the front room.”

Purples and whites, circular designs on the roof and every surface was shining clean. Keeping with the theme, a circular transparent table was in the center, which could extend to meet footrests from the lounging seats, nothing if not comfortable, with automated shutting curtains for privacy. Exotic enough, small probably compared to Sio’s villa but the family had wealth enough to be comfortable. Nato didn’t get to spend much time in here usually, usually tucked somewhere out of the way. “Ermm thanks for comin' Sio.” She said with a bubbly, happy nervous smile, sitting down on a seat, and fidgeting, she laid her head back to look up at the ceiling.

And another long awkward silence followed… Sio might catch a glimpse of Nato's sister looking through an adjoining window, then going back to whatever she was doing.

Siobhan had been on Kiffar for less than an hour and in this short span of time she had decided that she was not fond of the place. Or the people that dwelled here. Well, the household of Nato's parents at any rate. To be sure, this might constitute a hasty judgement, but she was certain that she had good reasons for it.

The butler was standoffish and unfriendly. There was no one there to greet them! At any rate, Nato's parents should have been there to greet their daughter. Even if only to scold her for not fething calling them in ages! But it appeared that an aura of indifference and apathy reigned inside these halls. The place itself was beautiful and showed the wealth of the family that owned it. Everything was clean and pristine, perhaps to the point of obsession. Siobhan could not criticise that because since settling down she had become a bit of a neat freak when it came to her villa, but it seemed like the inhabitants prized style over substance. Like somewhere down the line all the warmth had been drained from the home.

A comfortable life, but no real family. Lifeless and shallow. Siobhan had a feeling that sooner or later she would have to suppress the urge to punch someone or break bones. She caught a glimpse of Nato's sister looking at them through an adjoining window, then promptly looking away. What a queen. The Countess suppressed the bile that was rising up in her stomach. She slipped off her leather coat. THE Kerrigan Coat, thank you very much. Made out of the leathery hide of Lotek'k, the Terror From Beyond, the skyscraper-sized eldritch abomination whom she had helped punch out twice, with styblish Jakobeast fur trimming. Needless to say the fear-inducing aspect of the coat had been slipped off. Beneath it she was wearing a stylish black power suit, radiating both authority and amazing sexiness, or at least that was what she thought, with a nice skirt and a fine pair of high heels. Shiny earrings completed the fashion set.

Awkward silence, minus the clack of her heels on the floor. "It's ok, Nato. No problem. I'm here for you," she said gently, picking up on Nato's nervousness. She likewise sat down, giving the girl's shoulder a gentle squeeze. Yep, definitely felt like punching someone somewhere down the line. Or breaking a vase or two.
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Sio’s hand met her shoulder and she looked down again, not feeling like a kid longing for validation as much, not with that contact, she smiled, and this time her face was bright and genuine. She was so powerful, her coat, her armor, confidence, she wanted to be like her, like you wouldn't believe.

Natol'ine had dressed down for the occasion, simple red droplet dress, arms bare, a circular neckline and skirt that was raised just to the start of her slender thighs, tucked in just above her waist naturally in the design to accentuate how flat her stomach was! That wasn’t all, she’d dare not be so expressive this close to home, and because she was learning from the best, she had picked an accessory. A thin mesh of armor underneath, blending into her dress, keeping her family happy from not revealing too much, and taking a cue from Sio at the same time.

Red dress armor, with a touch of style, conservative this close to home.

You would be right to assume, that they the pair were still waiting while Nato fiddled with her dress. She could see Sio wasn’t happy, “sorry Sio I maybe came too early,” she was lying but, she didn’t want to make Siobhan mad, and wanted the day desperately to go well, she hadn't been home in ages! There was a pleading look in her eyes, not done deliberately, she pulled at her sleeves.


“Welcome, my name is Tankas Uos and this my house,” the father entered speaking to Siobhan first giving her his attention first, before turning to Natol’ine. “Daughter, you look, well, as does your friend.” He cleared his throat, “I hope you’ve been keeping out of trouble.” Arms behind his back, walking forward to stand, definitely in the position of looking down at Nato but a distance away. His expression had barely changed.

“Yes Father! I’ve been learnin', things I’m better now, I mean, I won’t y’know, I’ll be good.” Nato's head was bobbing happily. What had she done, not much, just been herself but always the black sheep.

Then the mother entered, and Nato felt something tug at her, she bit down on her lip and looked lower, hair hiding her eyes. “You’ll have to behave dear, we can’t have a repeat of last time,” The mother, who will just be called that, because she was never likely to grace them with her name, entered and looked to the father, eyes slightly inclined upwards. Much like the holovideo earlier, she didn’t look Nato’s way, but did look at her sister, and beckoned her over from the other room. "I hope she hasn't caused you any trouble." The mothered spoke to [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] eventually, looking at her in preference to her daughter.

“We have prepared a meal for you both, you must be hungry.” Tankas Uos turned to leave, he didn’t wait to ask his guests just did. Nato smiled to Sio, this had made her day, they never ate with her much, when they did it was always at the…

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​

And so Siobhan finally met Nato's parents and she did not like what she saw. 'You look well'. Nato's father really knew how to show someone they were loved and cared for. Yes, she does look well. Just has nothing to do with you, arsehole, Siobhan thought to herself. There was a strong urge to make the house look a lot less perfect by breaking things, but she held back.

Mainly for Nato's sake. As for the mother, she was even more of a queen. Both of them treating Nato as if they would have rather not have her here. Siobhan found herself wondering whether visiting might have been a mistake. Then again, she was feeling like giving the two a piece of her mind.

Ah, right, the mother was talking to her. Siobhan repressed the urge to use the Force to glue her mouth shut and instead answered. "Nato'line is a lovely, kind and brave girl I'm very happy to know. She has been a very big asset to my company, Firemane Industries," she said firmly. As for Nato's sister, Siobhan completely ignored her.

Tankas Uos just left without saying anything further to his guests annoyed her as well. "I'm Countess Siobhan Kerrigan, thank you for asking. One would expect you'd have more to say to your daughter after not having seen her for ages," she said bluntly. As in Siobhan Kerrigan who had chucked Lucrehulks and been Exarch of the Protectorate when it was cool and trendy as opposed to a big tentacle that took up map space. Yep, she was not in a good mood. People treating those she cared about like yesterday's leftovers sort of brought that out in her.
Starleaves n Stimcafs

Long white dining table, with Nato at her end, her sister in the middle somewhere, and the parents at their end. Her heart sank for awhile when she saw their table, memories welling up. Then she beamed, because she was still able to eat with them! Flashing Sio a look of the same. By now Siobhan might be able to guess when that was a smile of, oh well, or a genuine smile like when she touched her shoulder.

Nato’s mother couldn’t believe her ears, “a countess why didn’t you say so Nato! Little Natol’ine is a dear isn’t she.” Quick change of tune, not paying any attention to Nato, but she’d of hung on Siobhan’s arm if it was given her, which was unlikely so she frittered around her, “our little home, with a countess in it, what will the neighbors say.”

Turning to their table, Nato's mother was very animated now, “This won’t do!” Snapping her fingers a few times, and a blustered servant ran out, “seat the countess closer to us.” Which would leave her even further from Nato, but at least not opposite the sister where she would have been, small mercies.

For Nato, eating here wasn’t always allowed, they usually kept her at arm’s length, in case she recalled a difficult memory, or did some dangerous force thing like move a glass or knocking something over. Rare times like this was family time she loved, and cherished. Distant as it was, and heartbreaking if you could see the bigger picture outside of it. Which to be fair when you’d grown up like this, like Nato had, you couldn’t, this was her life. Fear of food? Dieting, yep.

No food yet, just their settings, but dinner was coming.... served up, and by the way her Mother was speaking, she was having people bring out her best crystal, for a countess no less! Nato's father was still reserved, like his face would crack if he showed any emotion at all. Folding his napkin in his lap and urging everyone to sit, patriarchal at the seat of the table. Nato took up her place way over there from him, doing her best to look over the candles, and flowers that were on display.

“You should have told us your friend was a countess Nato.” Her father said sternly, angry himself, beginning a glass of red wine which was offered around on the arm of a servant.

“Sorry, I did.. I didn’t, think about it until, sorry.” The first time she’d ever stuttered, really stuttered not just got her tongue mixed up. Right now she was that kid again, at her dinner table, being told off by her parents, put in her place. She fidgeted, the wine helped, it was good, right, this was good, it was happy, this was what she knew, home. Nato smiled to Sio, happy she was here with her to share.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​

Now they were suddenly fussing over her. Normally Siobhan enjoyed being the centre of attention and liked it when people fawned over her. However, in this instance this was not the case. It annoyed her that she was seated away from Nato. Even more that the girl's parents were still utterly ignoring the poor girl.

Then Nato started stuttering. The first time she had done so in Siobhan's presence. The Countess' desire to be polite to a group of people she disliked went out of the window. Nato's father was the first in the room to be on the receiving end of an ice-cold death glare. If looks could kill, he would have spontaneously combusted right at this moment. As a matter of fact, she could kill people just be thinking about it when she got pissed off enough.

"Don't scold her," she said icily, in a tone frigid enough to freeze galaxies all over. Her desire to play nice had been very limited since the very brief holocom conversation between Nato and her family, now it had been extinguished. "I wanted to know where Nato grew and meet the people who raised her, but it's taken me only a few minutes to realise she's not the great girl she is because of you, but in spite of it. I wonder why no one here can even offer your daughter a modicrum of courtesy and familial warmth. Or bother to ask what she's been up to for the past years. Are you that self-absorbed?" There, shots fired.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Everyone stopped, with just the sound of a tray being dropped somewhere in the kitchen.

Nato’s sister sniggered, she loved this, but got the same stern glare from her father, so she soon stopped.

While her mother was furious, “well….” her face went red, “our home of all places.” She was also silenced when she looked at Tankas Uos, who had something to say.

“No. We are firm with her because we have to be.” Tankas said sternly to everyone, “because of what she does.” Yep… he was saying that, “you can’t understand what raising a child like her is like.” Now he was scolding Sio, while looking at Nato. “She has everything she needs.” Very sure of himself, angry yes, but his temper was always there, not something that came and went. Tankas was an angry man, because of his daughter and who she was, and what that made him to look at her. All the new changes she wanted, all the new ways of doing things, always changing things, never happy to just be what she should be.

As he spoke, Nato’s head dipped, lower, and lower, and she was closer to tears. She looked up with them in her eyes. “I never meant to be… to…” her voice faded away, wanting to be a ball again in her chair, she raised her legs up to hug them, “just wanted t…to, be,” tears down her cheek, she swallowed, this was her worse days all over again. At the moment she did blame herself, all those voices telling her the same thing.

Her sister stared at Nato and sniffed, “Serves you right Nato, you’re always right, always your way. Why do you always cry like a baby.” She snapped, and sipped her wine, as if that kind of comment to hide all emotion, was the most natural thing in the world. “See what you’ve done, again.”

Her mother huffed and put her fork down with a clang, looking away from everyone.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​

In the face of Tankas' anger Siobhan looked completely, utterly indifferent. For a brief moment her bionic eyes flashed coldly, with a hint of menace behind them as they turned crimson before the normal human colour was restored. "No, you don't understand. Because you're a pretentious, arrogant idiot with not the slightest idea of how to raise a child. You have no right to lecture her. Or to scold her. She deserves far better than you," she said icily.

Then Nato seemed to break into tears and her sister snapped at her and Siobhan had enough. The best crystal and glass was on display and she wrapped her telekinetic will around it. A moment later, expensive vases shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces. As for the wine glass, it was pulled out of the hands of Nato's sister.

Then it broke, loudly. Small shards hit the floor, wine was spilled over the carpet. "Keep your mouth shut, girl. I'm not in a good mood and I don't like you much right now. Nato's a brave, remarkable. While the three of you were no doubt not doing anything useful with your life, she was fighting Sith. Hell, poor thing got infected with Sith Poison. She was stuck in the netherworld when trillions vanished across the stars. She's fought pirates and slavers. No one here has a right to make her cry. No one here has a right to put themselves above her." Her attention was turned to the girl's father and mother. "You two are a pitiful example of her parents. As a matter of fact you're a pathetic disgrace. I'm a mother and I'd never treat my daughter like trash."
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“She’s she’s one of them! Tankas” Her mother panicked, “my crystal, my glass,” she looked around, while everything she loved shattered, nothing else that Sio said really touched her mother, “how could you, my home!” She was standing shocked, away from their table, hand fiddling with her dress. She might look very Nato-like for a brief moment, or at least what young Nato would have copied, so many times when she was nervous.

Her sister had already skedaddled, way away, scampering off from her chair, she’d be hiding under a table if she could, “all your fault,” she whispered, but didn’t dare say anything to Sio.

Shocked as he was Tankas was not budging, he slammed his hands down, standing up “Nato go to your room!” Ordering her upstairs, “Go!”

By this point she Natol’ine was rocking back and forth in her chair, completely broken down, chewing on her nails. She’d just disappeared, too much, not able to get up, walk anywhere or say anything. She’d faced Sith Lords, Pirates, cannibals, but all this, her family and her life, everything in her past now.

Then there is that moment, when someone hits rock bottom.

“No.” Nato said softly, rocking, tears streaming.

“You whoever you are, get out! You have no idea what you are talking about, always changing the galaxy, can’t you people be happy with what you have! You’re just the same, always know what's right!” Her father shouted to Siobhan, face boiling with rage, but again he was looking at his daughter, everyone was blaming her, usually for their own behaviors.

A couple of guards arrived at the door, looking at Siobhan, and back to Tankas, their weapons by their sides.

“Don’t talk to Sio like that!” Nato protested louder, face a mess, putting her feet off her seat and rushing over. This was Siobhan’s teaching, that her brought her out of her spiral, she had more pride in herself now, their lessons and time together, that threw her forward to tug on her father's arm.

“I am not telling you again, get to your room!” Her father turned, and raised his hand to strike Nato across her face with his backhand, red mark welling across her cheek. That hurt, a lot, just because of what he'd meant when he hit her. He didn't often hit her, sometimes, sometimes his belt, but... never in front of people.

“Watch your language,” her mother snapped coldly, then took a step back...

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​

Time seemed to slow. Nato's father yelled, face boiling and red with sheer rage, guards appeared outside the door, like dogs on a leash waiting for a cue from their master. Nato spoke up, then suddenly her father hit her across her face. He hit Nato. Her Nato.

Any restraint Siobhan might have had until now was ended. You did not mess with her little girl. The fact that he was supposed to be Nato's father made it even worse. The Butcher of Gehenna found that he needed to be taught a lesson. You did not hit your child. Period.

In the short span of time, two things happened. Firstly, Nato's father would suddenly find himself experiencing an excruciating amount of pain when Siobhan pulled at the tangled web of the Force and used its infinite power to harness her telekinetic will. An invisbile hand manifested and wrapped itself around the man's arm. A grip more powerful than a droid's pincer, pulling his arm at an unnatural speed and length until there was a satisfying, very sickening crunch. He would not be hitting his daughter again for today. As a matter of fact he would be utterly unable to use his arm as Siobhan completely broke every single bone inside it.

As for the guards, their toy weapons would suddenly be gripped, pulled out of their grasp and shattered into pieces. "You will not hit her. You will not hit her ever again. Unless you want me to break every single bone in your body. Your wealth, your minions are meaningless. I can tear down your house with my mind. You do not raise a hand against children," she snapped icily. "And you, how dare you call yourself a mother? You're nothing but despicable trash. You know nothing of how to raise or love a child if you just sit there." There was naught but loathing and pure revulsion in her eyes. Gripping her cane she got up from her chair, shooting Nato's parents a look full of contempt. "Come on, Nato. We're leaving."
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Slowness, she could hear a ticking clock, she felt dead inside, closing her eyes and opening them slowly. Tankas was in agony holding his arm on the floor, his other daughter sitting beside him, and Natol’ine looking down distant. Her sister just kept repeating that you did this, you did this upward, but Nato couldn’t hear her.

She walked after Sio. She didn’t hear the glass shattering behind her, as her mother threw something against the wall, not shouts or screams from all of them, only those last words when she got to their door. Her mother rushing after her, skidding and slipping to catch her.

“If you leave now, don’t you come back, ever,” her mother shrieked out, throwing her shoe. "You hear me, if you leave, you’re dead to us.”

Nato stopped, looking down, and back, still crying, holding on to her door. Her mother’s shoe dropped, she wouldn’t be hit again. Her memories of this place running through her from their door, she couldn’t leave, and she couldn’t stay.

Siobhan who cared for her was ahead, so much that she’d done all of this, given her a chance, saved her, cared for her, and back inside that way was pain. Her heart was breaking again, she couldn’t hear anything else. Her mother was crying, but she was also howling at her, cursing her every name under the sun.

Natol’ine smiled. “Goodbye mother,” wasn't easy, tearing her up, she turned slowly, and when she did.

She turned to follow Sio forever. Handing her, her coat from the door. They weren’t leaving that behind! Smallest of smiles through her tears. Her face was sore, and she was shaken, but Siobhan had saved her again. What happened now? She didn’t know, she couldn’t think, she was just sure of what was behind her.

"Sio, let's get outta here."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​

"I don't see why anyone would want to come here. There's nothing to come back to," Siobhan hissed as a parting shot, then took the coat that Nato was kindly handing her. She did not need the Force to sense the pain that the girl was feeling, it was almost palpable. But Nato was not backing down, which was good. She was better than the whole lot of them.

Siobhan slipped her leather coat on then took Nato's hand, squeezing it tightly, then limped out of the dining room with her. The guards were still standing outside, but wisely parted and made no attempt to assail them. Perhaps they had a better idea of who she was, perhaps they knew that messing with an enraged force-user who could kill you with her brain was not a good idea. Either way, it mattered not and Siobhan would hold on to Nato's hand throughout the brief walk that would take them to the door.

After they left, it slammed shut behind them. Siobhan might have put more force into the action than was needed, but then she was in a foul mood. Now that they were outside Siobhan released Nato from her grip and instead gently touched the girl's cheek, doing her best to wipe the tears away. "I'm so sorry, Nato. They're fething arseholes. You deserve way better. That's not family." Then she pulled the girl into a one-armed hug.
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Sio’s hand got her out, she might not have been able to keep going without her. Realising she’d not been breathing, tight chested, Nato had to gasp for air to find herself. Outside, and their door banged, closing away her home forever. Closure, relief came next, relief and then uncertainty. Dipping her head, her tears were wiped. Only Sio knew what touch meant to her, explained with their hell they’d just sat through. Every tear taken brought her smile closer.

Hug, holding on. She didn’t say anything for ages, holding to Sio’s hug was her certainty.

How long had that been building, her families explosion, all her life. “Sorry Sio, I didn't know.” Resting her head tight. Right now she felt incredibly vulnerable, like she might start apologizing again suddenly for no reason. She did what Nato usually did, squeeze tight, put on her brave face and smile her tears away. Today was her brightest, wettest face she’d ever had. Because she was looking up at what she’d never had before. You don’t know how special unconditional care is, people take their hug and support for granted. They don’t know what their families were until they’d been without them, she saw that from others, every day.

In their hug, looking up in Sio’s arm, Nato teary laughed, she was just gonna ask.

“Be my mom.”

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​

"Be my mom."

Siobhan held on to Nato in a tight embrace, hugging the girl against her ample bosom. Those three words resonated through her mind as she tried to focus through the tidal wave of emotion she was feeling from Nato. It was ironic that not so long ago Siobhan had really disliked children and not wanted to have any. Then [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"] had entered her life. And now Nato...

Darn, she really would need to have a chat with [member="Tegaea Alcori"]. Her wifey deserved to have a say in things after all. However, in her heart of hearts Siobhan knew that she could not deny this to Natol'ine. Especially since she had to come to see the girl as being another daughter. And she could definitely do a better job at looking after her than her so-called parents. "There, there, Nato. I'll look after you," she said soothingly, stroking the girl's hair. Galina always liked when it when Siobhan did that. "We haven't known each other for long, but you're like a daughter to me. You can look at me as your new mother. My little spitfire. Anyone right in their minds should be proud to have you as their daughter."
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When her words left her lips, she had a Nato moment of doubt, saying things before thinking them through, like always. Hugged Natol’ine could be anywhere, a hurricane, anything going on and she had their hug, so her doubt didn’t last. Not with stroking of her hair, if anything she sunk into their hug further.

When Siobhan accepted, wanted her as her family, ~you really mean it?~ Her thoughts came, like little dances of artistic light and sound. Vulnerable big round eyes looking up, they closed again, but unlike how sad and longing they were before leaving her old home, when they opened she squeed, she actually let out a little squee, unprepared joy for what her question really meant to her.

“Siobhan, you’re always there for me,” adding, “Mum.” She wouldn’t say anything for ages, she didn’t know what to say. Listening, proud, like a daughter, spitfire, mother, pulses of happiness each one.


After a while, of just being there, listening and loving every second, Nato blinked a few times, very innocently, “does this mean I get easier training?” Joke and deflection, for just how loved she felt right now, not used to this, at all. Like that whole ordeal had just washed away against her mother, she was so strong, proud, Sio could have walked into there and taking the building down, for people she cared about. Emotionally drained, but feeling like she could go another hundred rounds with some beastie rancor right about now, she finally knew what being loved felt like.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

"Easier training?" Siobhan exclaimed, deliberately playing it up. "My dear, that was easy training. And you better eat all your veggies, don't go out with strange men and do all your homework. Your Mum's checking," she said in her best 'Mum voice', before suddenly bursting out into laughter.

"On the plus side, you'll get a big allowance for clothes. I suppose when we're back home I can tell Galina she's got a new sister. Don't know about you, but I've had enough of this planet. Come on, Natoline Kerrigan." Yes, she liked the way that sounded. She released Nato's from her embrace and took the girl's hand, gently leading her to the speeder, which they would then presumably board so that it would then lift off into the sky and eventually take them to the spaceport.
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“No biggy,” Nato playfully bobbed her head, “I was goin’ easy on them droid things ne'ways.” Her nose wiggled, a little tell for Sio maybe to see when she was lying, yep but you’d need to look really close, or know her as well as Siobhan did. “Ummm, how strange is a strange man?” Not that Nato knew any… okay one, maybe two, definitely not three, oops Sio might get the wrong impression, Nato wasn’t like that! Giggling when her mother laughed about checking. Mother, she had her mother hugging her, she could almost cry again, if she hadn’t cried buckets today already. She’d even eat her veg, yep, she would, a bit.

Woohoo clothes! Play it cool Nato, oh who was she kidding, “I did kinda give my clothes away on Firemane's last mission.” Innocent blinks of eyes given, she’d given Tadi’etti and their liberated slaves her clothes when they’d freed them, and her food for their trip, but don’t tell mum that.

Natoline Kerrigan, kerrigan, kerrigan, kerrigan. That smile was going anywhere soon, or ever. Had enough! Yep! “Waaaay enough sibby,” take me away anywhere, she wanted to burst out loud, her steps were getting their bouncy quality back, resting against her mums arm affectionately if she could while they walked. “I kinda have a friend, maybe we can call him on our trip home?” He better not be drunk!

Nato was back, and more Nato than she ever was!

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

"A friend, huh?" Siobhan asked with wry amusement. Wait, did she mean a boyfriend? She found herself wondering whether Nato's parents - well, arsehole one and arsehole two - had told her about birth control and stuff. Things would be simpler if she just liked girls!

Anyhow, sexism aside Siobhan returned to the actual plot that involved her getting a new daughter. "You can call him, sure. But first there's something very important I have to tell you," she said as the speeder took off into the sky, heading to the spaceport. "I kind of should have told you sooner, but I had my reasons for it," she took a deep breath, fiddling with her necklace. Yes, this would probably be the first time Nato saw Siobhan being genuinely nervous. Outside of that one time when the young Kiffar had almost been killed by Sith Poison.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Same sort’a stuff was whizzing around Nato’s mind. Nato did like girls! Veeeery much, well certain little serving girls with skirts that were just short enough to get her nose wiggling, but fyor was different because fyor had paid attention to her growing up. He didn’t hug, he was a bit of a prude but, “maybe friend, yep.” Totally innocent eyes. Was he a friend, or was he more? Too big a question!

Her parents hadn’t told her anything, they’d just given her books, her friends and nights out at clubs had taught her everythin’ else she knew. Some small miracle that a guy hadn’t taken advantage of her, probably because [member="Fyor Nayus"] had always been there to make sure she got home safe, old stuffy. Eventually she’d started crushing on him, but thought he might like guys himself, or droids, he spent that much time with them! Hrmph. She wasn’t bitter, nope.

Natoline couldn’t imagine her protector, guardian and now mother Sio nervous, to her young rose tinted glasses, Sio was just straightening her jewellery. Yep! “Sio, you can tell me anythin’ y’know,” she maybe thought Sio had a dark secret but she didn't care, she'd accepted her as her mum no matter what! Galaxy falling on her head couldn't change the way she felt now! Oh she better not be ill! Nato’s nose tensed, her lips pursing flat and tight. “You’re okay right?” She even tugged Sio’s armor just a little, not to distract her, showing her concern..

Don’t be ill, don’t be ill, don’t be ill….

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

"Yes, I'm not ill. If that's what you're asking," Siobhan responded evenly when she felt Natoline tug at her suit. Sighing slightly, she ran a hand through her dark brown mane before she spoke up again. "That planet you went to explore with my wife and Coryth...Tygara? You did not just go there to fight and slavers make first contact with the elves' lost cousins."

There was a pause before she spoke up again, while the speeder was steered through the air towards the spaceport. "In less than a standard year, Kaeshana's gonna be razed by a massive asteroid. One too large to destroy or knock off course. It'll be an extinction event for anyone left on the planet. Firemane and the Eldorai, with some help from our friends, are gonna be trying to evacuate as many people as possible to Tygara before this happens. I learned about this a few weeks before we met on the Skyport," another sigh escaped her throat. Unspoken was the fact that a great many would have to be left behind during the exodus and thus in the apocalypse.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. You were so happy and I did not want to ruin things. That and...I love having you around."

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