Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master meeting

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked up as she starred at Harmony who was looking out at the ship coming in as she motioned with her hand. "Bring it inside and set course for the yards. We'll train along the way." Moving over to stand as the observation area opened up. The transparasteel clearing and allowing her to look out along the length of the ship while it was working and she spoke. "Welcome aboard padawan, stow your gear and join me in the observation room."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was looking at him as she brought the padawan into the observation deck and activated it. The large astrometrics lab activating as holograms appeared and showed the planets around them. The galaxy and zoomed into Dagobah with a smirk on her face. "So padawan, if I was to offer you a chance to go anywhere in the galaxy." She holed her hands up as the transparasteel cleared showing space around them and the holograms of the planets. "Where would you go?"
Kha'ro thought, a hard question, one that he couldn't answer. "I don't know, I can't tell. Could be deep inside the ruins of an ancient jedi temple. Hard to tell, heh." He looked at [member="Matsu Ike"], wondering if she was able to answer her own question.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu raised an eyebrow looking at him as she crossed her hands. "You want to go to deep ruins." She brought her hands up and zoomed the map around the galaxy as she was showing some of the worlds. "There are many ruins throughout the galaxy padawan." A smirk on her face though while she brought up the Loa with a grin. "I know where to start the planet sized ruins of the ancient temple."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Then you are going to need armor and some equipment." Matsu was looking at him while she laid in the course and patted his sides with a small smirk on her face. "We have been testing new armors for the jedi to be able to use." She was moving and motioned him down to the armory on the ship while showing off the suit. "It is designed to be used at one of the prisons we created should the jedi retake it. FOr the guards but it still needs testing and in the field, exploring a temple ruins is as good a place as any."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was looking at the padawan and gave a nod of her head while she was moving. "Good then, when the time comes and we arrive we'll suit up and be able to explore. There is a lot of ruins in that temple since it was reconstructed by the vong." She was leading the way and motioned the padawan off towards his own quarters as she went off towards her own to relax and rest up for the net stop of their journey.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

As the ship arrived on the planet Matsu was suited up and had the armor set for the padawan. Yeah it wasn't something all of them were going to have to work with but it was going to be something she could maybe get for more use. The Silver Jedi at prison 41 well they were outnumbered and something that could protect them as she was adding some features from Armatech who were helping them construct the armor. Their input had given her whole new ideas for the different things they could do and shielding, special armor systems or just helmet overlays. She was glad to see it while her special armor held a belt with her saber and disc saber while she was looking around in the cargo bay when they landed on the massive temple sized planet.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

The large ruined sections of the temple was a great place, in the orbit of the planet was something that few could see. The remains of the original planet... It had been brought back much like the other worlds during the darkness and found a place in orbit of the new world. Her eyes drifted down to the darkened remains while she was pressing forward and into it with lights on for seeing around. The jedi master was moving with her hand to motion him forward as she spoke looking through the visor of the helmet and she had been working to get some of the better upgrades to it while lighterweight materials to augment the armor gave her a small grin. "So is this what you were hoping for?"
Kha'ro replied, "Seems like it." He felt like this would be a great place to train. Kha'ro smiled and said to [member="Matsu Ike"], "Lead the way." He paused for a brief moment to examine the place with the force.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him as she continued to press into the ruins letting her armor scan the different sections and for being one of the older parts it was falling into disrepair. Her hands grabbing some of the pieces that were underused. The massive temple was just that and there wasn't tens of million of people maintaining it while they had some places on the world left to fester and be like this. No power, no one maintaining the rooms as dust and cobwebs were strewn everywhere. "What do you sense here." She was not looking at him while she walked but wanted her student to train and tell her what he could feel in the force.
Kha'ro said, "This place, I can sense some faint force energy. As expected, it feels... Old, like it has been from many different force sensitives. It is expected but I have never really sensed something like this before." He followed [member="Matsu Ike"] and looked around. He could tell it was ancient. Shifting some stones and small rocks aside with the force, he noticed an old blaster. It looked like it had been there for years, although nowhere near as long as the temple. Parts were crushed and it was definitely broken. It was worth noting, so he said, "There is an old blaster here, it's been here for years, not as many as this temple though."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him now as she stood there and spoke. "This temple was at one point a grand jewel in the unknown regions millions gathered at it to worship the old gods... and then something happened. It got destroyed, the codex was torn apart and scattered across the galaxy as she was still moving. "No one knows what happened here, what we do know is the ancient world was rebuilt and rediscovered something in the darkness. Now it sits here the memories of the old temple within it." She was still moving through the halls. "How good is your knowledge of history?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was looking at him as she shrugged in the armor testing out some more of it. "Maybe but it is something that needs to be worked on. The more we test it then when the time comes to retake the prison 41 we'll be able to work with it and suit the guards up with their new armor." Matsu was walking and motioning for him to follow with her. "Well history here is something that predates the republic, to a time when far more advanced civilizations roamed the stars and fought. The codex I mentioned could create rifts in space to summon from the deepest regions some creatures that were revered as gods."
Kha'ro listened, interested. Creatures revered as gods? "So, what creature could be as powerful or wise enough to be revered as a god?" he asked. He began breathing more heavily, the armor wasn't tiring until a certain point but it wasn't the best thing for moving quickly. That was why Kha'ro always liked light armor, he used his agility more than defense.

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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