Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Master meeting

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu turned her head to look at him while she was walking. "There are any number of creatures, if something is old and powerful enough it will be a god. Or it will be some sort of demon in their mythology much like the destructors." She was looking at him and stopped to move. "Focus, the suit is made to augment you. We've been working to give it liners and parts so it feels lighter then it is with all the gear on it."
Kha'ro would nod, he wouldn't have trouble wearing the armor, it would only make him a bit less agile. He would continue looking around. He would say, "I feel like attempting to use the force to sense more here would be good. So many different force energies." He would take a good look at the ruins of what was once a great temple.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu gave him a nod while she was moving. "Yes it can but there are different things you can sense in the force. Few jedi I have met work to shift their senses and detect different things. As you look into the force feel for the smallest things, the smallest senses and traces of warmth. This is how you can detect life around you and build. Search for the tingle of electronis to detect a field around you and looking into the sky for the subtle changes to sense the weather."
Kha'ro would nod and then focus. He would attempt to do just what [member="Matsu Ike"] recommended. He would attempt to focus on sensing different things. He tried to shift his senses and examine the small things. First he gained more focus so he could sense the small things. He would ignore Matsu's force power and focus on smaller things.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu continued moving, letting herself monitor the padawan while they kept at the area. She checked the bulk of the temple using the suits systems to test them out as she touched a wall. Her hand searching within it and the area while she was feeling into the force for what had happened here. She brought up her palm displaying a holoprojector of the area they had been searching while she scanned.
Kha'ro's head would sweat under the armor, not feeling its weight anymore and his regular senses becoming weak as he focused. He would focus on what was probably a single persons dimmed force signature from years ago. It must have been a master, all other force signatures would be too weak for him to sense. He would focus, he would feel the deceased masters force power, barely, and clear his mind of everything but it.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Master was looking back at him now as she spoke with a grin. "You are doing good." She continued forward while moving into another section of the temple as her hands went over the console there with her fingers going faster over the codes. Matsu took out her equipment pack and as it opened she got the opened to open. Revealing a section of old banners and crates while Matsu was working over some of the things. The amulet she had found coming out as she held it and brought the lights on with some of the lights crackling and popping as they burned out. She was looking at the books now while holding it up to look it over.
Kha'ro would feel more and more as more time passed. He would hear a quiet voice tell him he was doing good, it wasn't probably that quiet, his hearing had greatly dimmed as his focus was elsewhere. He was sweating a lot now and had reached his limit as to how much he could sense. He didn't know what to do from here, he faintly felt the energy but couldn't go further. He allowed himself to stop and his senses shot back into him as he felt a sudden weight, he just remembered what it was like to feel properly, pretty crappy. He would go to where [member="Matsu Ike"] was.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at her padawan arrived and she was seated while motioning for him. "You alright?" She said it with concern and motioned him closer inside while going over some of the crates and books. The amulet on the table with her pack while she was checking over things in a large book from some offsite storage. "I paid to store these here a long time ago and then it fell into disrepair. Some information and books I wanted to keep out of others hands in case of things." And she had been almost prophetic with Kiskla but she ad more thoughts with it. "How is your head? I know learning how to shift senses and retaining your focus."
Kha'ro would say, "I'm fine, I just need a bit of time. It's... A strange feeling that these ruins were once a big temple." He would turn his attention to [member="Matsu Ike"]'s gesture and walk closer. He would take a look at what was around and see what she was doing.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"They still ran technically" She sat there while reading and searching the pages. "But yes it is something amazing and the resonating of the force within it is something not many others have seen. I would savor this, most jedi don't know about coming here where they brought many others in the past. The jedi who do come here seek enlightenment from many of the dangerous things in the unknown regions."
Kha'ro would nod at [member="Matsu Ike"] and looked around the place more, taking in his surroundings. He would state, "You seem to be looking for a certain section of the book," and then look at the amulet. It was very different to the one he saw fall from the mouth of a dead boma on dagobah.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him as she spoke. "I am, I used to have a book of old illustrations for amulets. This one we found on Dagobah reminded me of something." She was looking and held it up as finally her fingers stopped and she set the amulet on the page next to it. "Here it is, the Kashi Mer talismen and... there is nothing. The jedi chased a darksider who had it and then she disappeared with it. For twenty thousand years it was missing and then turned up in the old republic with a zeltron who lost her arm and claimed to be from before the republic. The only mention of its abilities is that it seemed to preserve her life in a stasis until she was awoken."
Kha'ro raised his eyebrows at what [member="Matsu Ike"] said. He would examine the talisman more and take in it's features. He would ask, "Any clue as to why it was on dagobah?" He would glance around more, seeing if there was anything else there. He decided to slightly enhance his strength with the force just to ease the pressure of the armor.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him. "I have a theory, the Dark Harvesters were an ancient sect of darksiders who had been around for tens of thousands of years. THey may have found it and brought it to Dagobah, if it can preserve ones life they might have been able to use the magics to keep themselves protected." It was a theory but she was looking over soem of the information with it while moving the book so her padawan could look it over. "Granted I only have theory, until I can get it in a lab the amulet will be need to protected."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at him as she gave a nod of her head. "Yes the research will be needed and will be done here, I'll take some of these back to the ship, for you though right now lets continue your training. The armor will restrict some of your movement so you will need to use the force. Allow yourself to breath and focus, take your time and work some of the kata's."
Kha'ro would nod and breathe slowly. He would close his eyes and rejuvenate with the force. Opening his eyes, he would do as master [member="Matsu Ike"] had asked. He would perform the kata, but due to the bit of extra weight he would need a quick moment afterwards to breathe more. He would perform one more a moment later. He would be more focused and use battlemind to add accuracy and a bit more power to his kata.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was watching him as she rose up and slid the one book into her pack and the amulet. Grabbing another while her senses were expanding out with her saber in her hand. The hilt humming with the force for a moment, she activated the blade and stood there with her body to the side while she spoke. "Follow my movements." Matsu waited for a moment as she moved, the book in one hand and opened while she was reading it. "A jedi must have the strictest discipline and commitment, be able to do several tasks at once. In this case the knowledge you have been working on I want you to revoew while you go through the motions." Matsu was moving with her blade moving in and out but not touching her padawan so he could get an idea what to do with his movements.
Kha'ro would watch, his eyes moving to look at different areas of the movements. He would nod. He would close his eyes and focus, hard. he would activate a battlemind that had a lot of force power put into it. Opening his eyes, he would attempt to copy [member="Matsu Ike"]'s movements with the aid of his battlemind.

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