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Maddie's Art Emporium, Grand Re-Opening

Gah! It seems I've come across this forum a tad too late. On hold already, business is booming hmmm?

Much like [member="Shaydae Desmaris"] I'm in no rush (my OC bio is still in the works right now, actually) but couldn't help requesting a future avatar. The effects are truly lovely and eye-catching.

Could I ask you to work your magic on mine as well? I don't care what you do with it, anything will be exciting. I'm also going to request no fire-y stuff? Ive seen a lot of that, I'm curious about what other effects you've got.

Sorry for barging in here and demanding even though you're on hold, I just had to get in here while I still could. Thankyou so much!

[member="Madison M. Maxwell IV"]
[member="Madison M. Maxwell IV"]

If you still have the time to make more avatars, I have a couple I'd love to see made on your wonderful style.

There's this one which I'd like to have a fire effect applied: [Link] | Source: [Link]

And thos one which I'd like to have an icy effect applied: [Link] Source: [Link]
If you don't mind can i get a gif border background of my profile pic you can make it whatever you like no rush (surprise me) ;)
[member="Madison M. Maxwell IV"]


][ A B S O L U T I O N ][
Hello, [member="Madison M. Maxwell IV"]!

All the avatar includeses is this image with the face portion only. This would be border by a thin clear line on the inside of the image, similar to Cadmon Geller's avatar.

I'd love and appreciate it if you would take on this avatar for me! :)

Ylva Heavenshield

[member="Madison M. Maxwell IV"]

Are you still offering to do Avatars for people, I've always liked what I've seen here but never made a request of yours before.

You do an amazing job of making the simplest design look incredibly appealing and admirable.

If you are willing to take on another request, I would love one with a winter-like effect, please?
Figured it's about time for a new avatar.

Saved you a bit of trouble and removed watermarks on the picture below. Your usual would of adding a lighter little frame around it and probably some ember particles or haze to go with it. I leave the decision up to the artist.


[member="Madison M. Maxwell IV"]
[member="Suki Klev"] & [member="Kor Vexen"] Happy to do these -- I'm going to be travelling for two days however so they won't be done until I'm back to my desktop on Thursday, sorry for the wait :(

Elena Lowe

[member="Madison M. Maxwell IV"]

I've been admiring your work from the sidelines for a few months now, really great stuff.

I was wondering if you could add a border and effect to my display picture, Here's the original image, and here's an alternate.

Cheers :)

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