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Approved Location Livien Malgus, Capital of Ord Radama

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  • Intent: Update Livien Magnus into Livien Malgus, the new Sith-inspired capital of Ord Radama
  • ​Image Credit: Click - Raja Nandepu
  • Canon: Livien Magnus
  • Links: N/A
  • City Name: Livien Malgus; formally Livien Magnus
  • Classification: Metropolis
  • Location: Ord Radama
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire
  • Population: Heavy
    ​2.3 Billion

  • 84% Human
  • 14% Near-Human
  • 1.8% Non-Indigenous Alien
  • 0.2% native Devlikk
    Most of the original population of Livien Magnus was displaced, and although many Humans and Near-Humans were allowed to move into Livien Malgus most of the native aliens, the Devlikk, were relegated to impoverished slums far away from the glittering marble and shining durasteel of the new Sith city.

[*]Wealth: High
  • The arrival of the Imperial bourgeoisie and other affluent citizens brought on an influx of capital to Ord Radama that funded the complete reconstruction of Livien Magnus into a sprawling metropolis, while multiple corporate interests latched themselves onto the fertile and long untapped resources of the planet's vast wildlands. Jobs were created as cities and uniform suburbs grew up around pre-existing population centers while orbital commerce stations were constructed to connect Ord Radama into the greater Imperial web of trade. The epicenter for all of this was situated in Livien Malgus.

[*]Stability: Medium
  • ​Though the entirety of Livien Malgus was built along Sith-Imperial lines and policed by the local branch of the Judicial Enforcement Corps, there remained sharp divisionary lines between the original inhabitants of the area and those who settled in through the Empire's colonization efforts. Occasionally these divides flair up into conflict, but are brutally suppressed by the JEC through a mixture of non-lethal and lethal means. Identified dissidents and their relatives are often detained and deported to Enlightenment Cultivation Centers for re-education and societal integration.

[*]Freedom & Oppression:
  • Citizens in Ord Radama's capital are issued state-approved identification credentials that are electronically re-coded per hour every hour. Those not in possession of identification or in possession of invalid identification can be imprisoned without due process, the minimum sentence being several weeks at one of the Empire's Enlightenment Cultivation Centers.
  • Aerial drones, known as Public Security Probes, routinely patrol the lower airspace of the city. Armed with rotary laser cannons, these drones have the ability to scan individuals at a distance to detect their identification and are equipped with long-range communication sensors to alert authorities to any breaches of Imperial Conduct. They are likewise programmed to react with lethal force if attacked or tampered with.
  • Checkpoints near major government facilities herd citizens into documentation centers where they are checked for their state-issued identification credentials and have their DNA tested against the Empire's vast Genetic Databank; which had been accumulated by taking samples from every registered citizens through mandatory physicals.
  • All holonet transceivers are ran through the same access points, allowing the Empire to tightly monitor what their citizens access through the Holonet. This also serves as the Empire's method to routinely pump constant propaganda to their citizens via the Sith-Imperial News Network.
  • Native housing (those who lived on Ord Radama before the Empire's arrival) are subjected to infrequent and random searches by the JEC, who are charged with the authority to confiscate any contraband deemed in violation with Imperial Customs and detain anyone suspected of dissidence.

[*]Description: Four districts make up Livien Malgus, with each district laid out as a wedge radiating outward from the city center, which houses the Imperial Palace and the seat of the planetary government. Each district has a distinct feel to it, representing different aspects and classes of the city. The city center contains the government offices and the Imperial palace, seat of the planetary governor. All Sith-Imperial troops are barracked there and maintain satellite outposts throughout the city.
  • Commerce District
    ​Bazaar: The hub for trade in Livien Malgus, the Bazaar is a massive sprawling patchwork of small-scale businesses and massive corporate centers that cater to the needs of every citizen in Livien Malgus, whether they be rich or poor. Novelties found only on Ord Radama are exported to the wider Empire, while specialties are imported from other exotic locales for the convenience of the consumer.
  • Banking Clan Complex: When the Sith Empire nationalized the InterGalactic Banking Clan, they took over all of the assets that were within their available grasp. One of these was the Banking Clan facility in Livien Malgus. Though maintained along its original purpose, most of the structure was redesigned to showcase its new identity as part of the Sith-Imperial Banking Clan, with Sith iconography dominating every facet.

[*]Cultural District:
  • ​Imperial Opera House: Taking up an entire city block, the gleaming white stone and elaborate statuary of the Mala Opera House has served as a spectacular venue of the arts for centuries in Livien Magnus. When the Sith Empire took control of the world, the structure was renamed the Imperial Opera House and allowed only Imperial-sanctioned productions. One hundred broad marble steps lead from the street to the facade of this cultural landmark; a dozen five-meter statues flank each side of the stairs. These statues represent the most well-known and respected officers of the Sith Empire's military nobility, and the staff are required to clean them daily to maintain their shimmering appearance under the opera house's bright lights. Four large, red banners hang on the front of the opera house, each emblazoned with the Sith-Imperial Crest.
  • Imperial Atara: A new addition to Livien Malgus, the Imperial Atara is a large elliptical coliseum three hundred and eighty meters wide and three hundred and twenty meters in length with a base area of ninety-five thousand five hundred and four square meters (twenty-three point six acres). The height of the outer wall is ninety-six meters with a perimeter of one thousand and ninety meters. The central arena is an oval one hundred and eighty meters long and a hundred and ten meters wide, surrounded by a wall ten meters high, above which rose tiers of seating that could fit nearly two hundred thousand spectators. It was designed for gladiatorial matches, races, public executions, and all other manners of public shows and spectacles arranged by the local Imperial government.

[*]Noble District:
  • ​Imperial Citadel: Built on the site of the previous palace, the new citadel was designed with Sith architecture in mind with an overall more pyramidal structure made from shining white marble and stone with sharp blocky angles where the lower levels expand beyond the sloping pyramid. The Citadel serves a similar function as its predecessor as the primary administrative hub of Ord Radama and home to its appointed Governor and their adjutants and other advisors.
  • Sith Temple: Adjacent to the larger Citadel is a smaller pyramid designated for the worship of the Dark Side of the Force and the training of Ord Radama born Force Sensitives in the ways of the Sith Order. It is made out of pitch-black basalt and is lit not with electronic lights, but with grim braziers that glow with an unearthly emerald flame. Banners displaying the Sith Order's crest fly from every wall.
  • Statue of Darth Malgus: Leading up to the Imperial Citadel is a massive one-hundred-meter tall statue of the ancient Sith Lord, Darth Malgus, made from resplendent white marble inlaid with brilliant gold. A bronze plaque at the statue's base reads: "Darth Malgus - Warrior of the Sith, Defender of the Empire, Conqueror of Ord Radama".
  • Imperial Academy: With the influx of new inhabitants came to the necessity for a military academy to tutor the best and brightest Livien Malgus had to offer, and secure them a future in the glorious Sith Empire as it continuously expanded across the stars. The Imperial Academy of Livien Malgus is very similar in regards to other Academies built by the hand of the Sith Empire, with monumental exterior grandeur and utilitarian interior aesthetics, and is comprised of roughly forty above-ground levels and sixty below-ground sublevels with varying classrooms, combat arenas, simulation hubs, vehicle garages, administrative offices and databanks. Flanking either side of the Academy's entrance are statues of modern Imperial heroes such as Lord Admiral Omarest Croscal and Grand General Brutus Mallear.

[*]Residential District:
  • ​The Barrows: Once a heartland of squalor and decay, the Barrows of the Residential District have been completely transformed by Imperial architects into a geometric labyrinthe of rising and falling housing blocks surrounded by a large thirty-meter high wall that separates it from the other three districts. Though still considered to be poorer than the other districts, the Barrows have nonetheless proven to be a successful method at curbing the city's previous crime epidemic.

[*]Rialla Way: The main thoroughfare leading up through the center of the city to the Imperial Citadel, and home to a vast majority of the planet's artisan population. Rialla Way acts as the main artery of the city, with smaller streets and alleys branching off to all other corners of the city before inevitably funneling back into this massive city-spanning boulevard.
[*]Spaceport: Livien Malgus' spaceport is a bustling hive of interconnected docking bays that stretch out for several city blocks between the Commerce and Cultural districts. Each bay is large enough to accommodate the largest of civilian and commercial freighters, with larger bays reserved for special clientele and military authorities. Beneath the spaceport is a labyrinthe of cargo belts and storage facilities used to house the inflow of commercial goods and other resources that come into the city.
  • Rank: Medium
    The Sith Empire has ruled Ord Radama for almost seven years, brought under Emperor Carnifex's iron rule early in the Empire's existence to serve as a staging post in pacifying the Tingel Arm.
  • In space, the planet relies on an infrequent patrol of Harrower-class Cruisers, Velox-class Fast Frigates, and Tachys-class Pursuit Corvettes. Permanently anchored above Ord Radama is the Incapacitator-class Interdiction Cruiser; Night Bane.
  • The Imperial garrison on-world consists of two platoons of Imperial Legionnaires (200 Legionnaires and 25 officers) to keep the city in line. All of the Imperial forces as well as the municipal security forces fall under the command of the Imperial governor.


Livien Magnus was the former capital of Ord Radama prior to its destruction during the Rim Campaign of the Great Galactic War. It was besieged by the Sith Lords Darth Malgus and Darth Venemal, who laid siege to Livien Magnus in an attempt to wrest it away from the Republic forces who occupied it. While the battle was an initial Sith victory, a Republic counterattacked inevitably forced the Imperial forces to retreat and relinquish their control of the capital. In the ensuing naval battle one of the Empire's Harrower-class dreadnoughts was critically damaged and plummeted to crash into Livien Magnus, devastating the city and killing all remaining Imperial forces including Darth Venemal.

Centuries later the city remained relatively unchanged as focus shifted to the relocated capital of New Raido, leaving Livien Magnus to continually degrade with neglect. A good portion of the city had been rebuilt, but the wreckage of the Harrower dreadnought still remained as a grim reminder of the devastating battle between the Sith Empire and the Republic.

Ord Radama recently became the site of a battle between the Resurgent Sith Empire and the Dominion, where the wreckage of the Harrower dreadnaught was destroyed in the fighting and the planet came under the influence of the Resurgent Empire before its eventual collapse. Livien Magnus changed hands between the Resurgent and Dominion remnants over the course of several months before the New Sith Empire set its sights on the world, and dispatched a sizeable force to seize Livien Magnus and destroy the disparaged remnants. The battle ended quickly after Imperial agents had discerned the identities of the remnant leaders and captured them, leaving the already disorganized remnant leaderless and at the mercy of the greater Imperial force.

After its acquisition by the New Sith Empire, Livien Magnus was completely destroyed and blown away in preparation for its rebirth by the Dark Lord's guiding hands. Where there once existed squalor and crumbling stone, beautiful marble and shimmering durasteel towers rose high into the sky as a new city was forged to surmount any previous works ever constructed on Ord Radama.

The city was then renamed Livien Malgus as a dedication to the ancient Sith Lord Darth Malgus who had taken the city thousands of years ago.

Changed Image
Changed Image Credit
Added Population
Edited Demographics
Edited Wealth
Edited Stability
Added Freedom & Oppression
Edited Description
Edited Points of Interest
Added Security
I noticed you linked to CG Society's home page rather than to the image itself, however, after conducting a reverse image search and being unable to track down the original image, I understand that it is impossible for you to link an original source that no longer exists.

With that noted, nice sub! Approved, pending secondary :D

[member="Mahet"], [member="Zeradias Mant"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]

Overall, looks good. I love Sith lore :) Just a few technical things to get out of the way and then we can have this re-approved:

​Image Credit: Click - CGSociety Gallery
I'm so sorry, but in the time that's passed the image source has become a 404. I need to ask you to provide a new image source please.

You're missing the 'population' portion of the submission here.

0.2% native Devlikk
Could you please link to the Devlikk wookiepedia entry?
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