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Ready For Judge Lightbringer Blade

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Power emanations from the City of Dreams were untraceable in realspace due to its ethereal nature; in this way, its citizens could monitor Imperial transmissions undetected
the city had been created by his "psychic power," and everything in the dimension it existed was not material, but rather composed of "psychic energy."
  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Extremely Light
  • Variable Length: The hilts and blades are able to with the controls reach different lengths for different uses. From duelphase and broad style for deflection to the hilts being shotos or reaching saber pike length. Even strong enough to function like pole vaults able to support the jedis weight for moving around.
  • Enhanced Cutting: The emitters, lens, power source and the wielders crystals that is added to the sabers can make the cutting power of the saber
  • Enhanced Deflection: The lens and emitter are designed to adjust and allow the blades to switch to a better model for deflection capabilities against blasters and even function against paddle beamers easily enough.
  • Crystal Assembly: The enhanced and extended crystal assembly is made that the jedi can place several crystals in it and create useful combinations of his sabers effects.
  • Blade of Light: Channeling the force into a solid blade the lightside energies is pure and highly effective in piercing darkside artifacts to shatter them or causing harm to darkside being and spawn.
  • Enhanced Cutting Power: With the lens and power as well as emitters and crystal combination the cutting power can make materials like vong crab armor, beskar and phrik butter beneath the blade.
  • Variable Modes: Able to change for deflection, cutting, duel phase length, even deflecting paddle beams at the cost of being unable to deflect standard blaster bolts. The saber is a technical wonder.
  • Functionality: The crystal lens allows it to cut cortosis without deactivating, the ignition pulse allows it to work underwater, adjustment lets it go from a thin and focus blade for dueling or cutting into a broad and flateblade to deflect and defend. The exotic metals used in it allow the saber to literally become impossibly heavy for anyone else trying to touch and hold it except the wielder.
  • Exotic Matter: The ethereal nature of the metal makes it near weightless despite being and looking dense within the pocket dimension of dream. In realspace it can be grasped and there is a steady supply able to be used by the jedi. When smelted with other materials it can decrease the weight of the material created by 50 percent. The exotic structure with the solidified force energy being able to skirt gravity as it has mass but does not become weighed down as long as there is force energy within it. When smelted and added to materials that are largely heavy it can reduce the weight depending on how much is use (ie: a few grams compared to ingots.. a couple grams might take off some pounds while an ingot will reduce the weight but also the quality of the metal since it doesn't augment the resistances.
  • Physics Meet Metal bat: Being from the dream pocket dimension the metal has unique properties generated and made by Krass. in this case it is psychoreactive and able to be bonded to a single person. That person can then bring it to them like they were holding a massive magnet with the range being hard to determine as they have to be able to sense and feel it.
  • Heart of the Force: Functioning like the ancient and dark soulsaber the blade is less energy and plasma and more focused lightside energy from the user of the blade.
  • Force Nullification: The sabers while a technical achievement also use the force to give them many of their effects. Without it they are heavy and normal metal with an unstable power source that has lost some of its filtering and enhancement.
  • Exotic Matter: The tetherite and solarite metals are explosive when they come into contact with anti or dark matter.
  • Mirrors Interior: The sophisticated mirrors used to shrink down the internal components are important and damaging them is on of the more dangerous things as it can cause the sabers to explode or cease functioning.
  • Protective Qualities: Largely non protective in qualities as it doesn't fully adhere to the rules of physics. The metal looks dense and like it would be highly protective but it isn't.
  • Connection: The blade is temperamental in how long it can function... it can't be left on without intense focus as it is a manifestation of the force energies within the jedi wielding it. If they let it go and are not mentally focusing on it the blade will not appear but when it is in their hand it channels the energy.
  • Always active: When held in the hand it connects to and channels the lightside energies of the jedi activating the blade and focusing the energy.. this makes the blade be always active when held in the hand by the hilt and means that a jedi must be careful.
Created by Matsu after her study of several artifacts most notably the soulsaber which channeled the darkside energies of a wielder into a solid blade of power able to corrupt and torment.... but creating it like an inverse as this channeled the lightside of the jedi into a solid blade able to function like a lightsaber. Looking like a hilt of a sword as opposed to a traditional lightsaber when it is held and activated. The focusing crystals and lense to channel the force energies. With the blade and a powerful jedi master like Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser or Romi Jade Romi Jade or Matsu Ike Matsu Ike and the likes of Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill as well as a few others. The sabers themselves were something that they produced for more experiments with force items to aid the jedi within their battles against the darkside.

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