Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG, lets start a new Galactic Republic!


Disney's Princess
Hey guys. I heard the current GR isn't cool enough anymore. So... We should start a new one!

If you're interested. Sign up below. Thanks! :D


The Plan Thus Far

Let's see.
  • It will have a Senate.
    - (No Sith or morons allowed plz. Only smarted'er royal people plz.)

[*]it will have a Navy.
  • - (The purpose of which is to constantly flood the Factory with snowflake subs. Forever.)

[*]It will have Ranks.
  • - (Which will mimic your home countries Navy of choice, of course. ...All of them.)

[*]It will have a Jedi Order.
  • - (Revolving door salesmen, please contact me soon.)

[*]It will have a Code of Conduct.
  • - (Rule One: No drama. Rule Two: Lesbians must have red hair. Rule Three: No edgy characters allowed.)

[*]It will have a "I'm looking for a Master" Thread.
  • - (Average wait time is currently estimated at: Hahahaha.)

[*]It will have peacefully Doms filled with diplomacy, sunshine, and roses.
  • - (Also massacres and butchery of anything we deem un-democractic'y.)

[*]It will have Force User free Invasions.
  • - (I'll get Sarge to ban The Force from ALL of our RPs too.)

[*]It will have no drama this time.
  • - (We'll make a rule against it. Duh.)

[*]It will have no "I'm leaving" threads.
  • - (However, don't worry. It will have, "Suck it faction" and "Ya'll suck, I'm leaving" threads still. I promise.)

[*]I will be our unquestionable Faction Owner and top FA, and am obligated by divine right to make all of our important decisions in a vacuum.
  • - (Because I started this thread, duh.)

[*]Sub-Factions will have to sign a contract with me to be apart of our glorious association.
  • - (Because Tef says contracts are his favorite thing ever.)

[*]Every other new character must be an alien character.
  • - (Because ya'll complain too much. Also, Mass Effect aliens and Anime Avatars can fill this requirement too.)

[*]No one will be allowed to hate on us because our purely and divinely inspired IRL righteousness, and holier-than-thou moral compass, will always be unquestionable.
  • - (Jesus Christ must approve all new posts made to IC threads. ...I'll write Jesus Christ too.)

[*]Also, Blue Hawks.



This thread is not a parody. It's just too REAL for you.


Disney's Princess
Sign Up Template:

  • Name:
  • Rank requested: (I will be writing Jesus Christ. So only pick Admiral, Senator, Pilot, or Jedi plz)
  • Your first born child: (Sign here plz)
  • Wavier of your right to common sense: (Sign here plz)
  • Wavier of your right to free speech: (Sign here plz)
  • Wavier of your right to complain: (Sign here plz)
  • Wavier of all your other rights: (Sign here three times plz)
  • Are you a previous Grandmaster of /a /the /pfft /duh Jedi Order: Yes/No - (If no, why?)
  • Ideas for Doms go here: (massacres or pacifism only plz.)

Also. No Jon allowed.
  • Name: Elizabeth Verdan
  • Rank requested: Fluffmaster General
  • Your first born child: *Scrawled Handwriting*
  • Wavier of your right to common sense: *More Scrawlz*
  • Wavier of your right to free speech: *Scrawly Scrawl*
  • Wavier of your right to complain: Hey thats not... *scrawls*
  • Wavier of all your other rights: *Scrawly Mally*
  • Are you a previous Grandmaster of /a /the /pfft /duh Jedi Order: Yes/No - Nah, too boring
  • Ideas for Doms go here: Kill everything thats not cute. Kay?

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
  • Name: The blind fool who waits in the woods
  • Rank requested: Alcoholic Justiciar Hobo
  • Your first born child: Let's try me having a date that goes well first.
  • Wavier of your right to common sense: Unsurprised.
  • Wavier of your right to free speech: I plead the third.
  • Wavier of your right to complain: Make me.
  • Wavier of all your other rights: Schmeh.
  • Are you a previous Grandmaster of an Order: Yes, but not a Jedi.
  • Ideas for Doms go here: Hug it til it surrenders or stops moving.

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Name: Random Candy Addict
Rank requested: The guy who yells at people to drive tanks closer so he can hit them with a fist
Your first born child: Pfft, go find him for me.
Wavier of your right to common sense: *candy stains*
Wavier of your right to free speech: *coffee stain*
Wavier of your right to complain: *compound candy and coffee stains*
Wavier of all your other rights: *pile of sugar*
Are you a previous Grandmaster of /a /the /pfft /duh Jedi Order: Yes/No - No. They wouldn't pay me in candy.
Ideas for Doms go here: Making Star Destroyers out of candy and dropping them on population centers.
  • Name: Lady Judas Grievous Solo Bane Skywalker (lesbian)
  • Rank requested: Jedi (for now)
  • Your first born child: Lady Fett Maul Ren (lesbian)
  • Wavier of your right to common sense: STOP
  • Wavier of your right to free speech: YIELD
  • Wavier of your right to complain: DEER XING
  • Wavier of all your other rights: PUSH FOR WALK (lesbian)
  • Are you a previous Grandmaster of /a /the /pfft /duh Jedi Order: No, didn't want to deal with the paperwork and queen fests
  • Ideas for Doms go here: Something about razing Coruscant from the skies and turning it into a sequel to Logan's Run. That movie rocked.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
  • Name: Watashi-wa Weaboo-sama (asexual transgendered autistic otherkin feminist)
  • Rank requested: Jedi (but going to go Dark side at the drop of a hat because emotions)
  • Your first born child: Kunta Kinte (parapelegic lesbian adopted from space Africa)
  • Wavier of your right to common sense: X (I'm also blind so I made my mark)
  • Wavier of your right to free speech: MANSPREADING
  • Wavier of your right to complain: OPRESSION OF THE PATRIARCHY
  • Wavier of all your other rights: MAN. SPREADING.
  • Are you a previous Grandmaster of /a /the /pfft /duh Jedi Order: Yes but 73 cents.
  • Ideas for Doms go here: Ending the sith patriarchy on Coruscant.


Disney's Princess
[member="Sanya Val Swift"] - So, the GJSCNR? Woo boy.

[member="Solan Charr"] - *meows*

[member="Mikhail Shorn"] - #2mainstream #Theywon'tletmeGODMODE #Cowbell

[member="Vorhi Alestrani"] - Approved. One hobo incoming. You want a Council Seat too?

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] - Approved. Bluehawks incoming.

[member="Gavin XIII"] - Approved. Senator from Candy Land incoming. But do you cater?

[member="Jeron Verity"] - #2REAL

[member="Rusty"] - False. Lesbians only have red hair. #FACTS

[member="Jack Sparrow"] - Approved. But what is sexuality really? #Deep

[member="Dune Rhur"] - Approved. Because emotions. #EMOTION_FACTS


Disney's Princess
Note: - We are still accepting applications for NFU caterers, Corellian bartenders, and just straight people in general. As, I think we've hit our "diversity" margin this week for lesbians and omni-sexuals.

Thanks! And remember. No drama!


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