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Approved Location Lóngkou | The Great Wall of Atrisia

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  • Military Base Name: Lóngkou (The Dragon's Mouth)
  • Classification: Army Base
  • Location: Atrisia
  • Affiliation: Atrisian Commonwealth; Galactic Alliance
  • Population: Heavy. This is the planetary military command center; serving as the Joint Force Headquarters for the Atrisian Self-Defense Forces in addition to the headquarters of the Ground Self-Defense Force. Liaison officers from the Galactic Alliance Self-Defense Force, Atrisian Aerospace Self-Defense Force, and Exploration Corps are also located here for coordination at the Joint Task Force level. The Jade Screamers are garrisoned here, making this the only post with cavalry support.
  • Demographics: Majority Atrisian, minority Herglic or other Galactic Alliance races.
  • Accessibility: Private Access. Restricted to those personnel granted clearance to Lóngkou. Emergency medical support is dispatched from this location, when required, however, any cases are flown to civilian hospitals in the Imperial City for treatment.
  • Description: A massive fortification surrounding the Imperial City, Lóngkou was originally constructed in order to contain a wound in the Force that existed because of the atrocities committed during the Battle of Atrisia. Today, it serves as the planetary military command headquarters, providing security throughout the Atrisian Commonwealth and supporting the efforts of the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces.
  • Command Center. The central hub of the fortification is the Joint Force Headquarters, which houses both the Joint Task Force staff and the Ground Self-Defense Force Headquarters. Monitors the feed from sensors deployed along the wall, battle droid optical imagery, and reports from units along the wall.
  • The Wall. A fortification constructed of duracrete reinforced with durasteel rebar, surrounding the Jar'Kai Containment Zone; a 21,196 kilometer perimeter surrounding the Imperial City. The average height of the wall is 7 meters and the tallest part reaches 14 meters. Guard towers are space roughly 15 kilometers apart.
  • Hangar Bay. Housing the droid corrals for the battle droids, AT-ST armored walkers, and landing bays for arriving or deploying units. Several armored troop transports and medical/rescue shuttles are on station. Houses the Air Traffic Control tower responsible for monitoring and maintaining the "No Fly" security zone over the Jar'Kai Containment Zone.
  • Jade Screamer Stables. Adjacent to the hangar bay, houses the horses that serve the mounted cavalry that serves as patrolmen along the wall.
A DSS planetary shield generator provides for atmospheric ray shielding against orbital bombardment. Com-scan systems provide for system and orbital detection, while aerial and proximity sensors alert to airborne threats. Ground approach is monitored by both infrared detection and holo-sensors. Offensive capabilities include anti-orbital ion cannons, blaster cannons, and anti-personnel auto-turrets. Guard posts, recurring patrols, and randomized inspections of all incoming or outgoing personnel add further force protection measures to the installation.

Though more commonly referred to as the Great Wall of Atrisia, this fortification's official name was Lóngkou, the Atrisian word for Dragon's Mouth. This was said to be due to how the structure appeared from low planetary orbit, as though a dragon in the earth were opening its mouth.

Following the ritual suicide of four Sith Lords during the Allied invasion of Atrisia circa 847 ABY, the planetary capital of Jar'Kai was sundered to the ground amid a plethora of Force Storms. The surrounding area was discovered by the survivors to be a Dark Side miasma, resulting in several watch posts being constructed to monitor any ill effects caused by exposure to the taint.

During negotiations between the First Order and the Atrisian Commonwealth, the ruins of Jar'Kai were identified as the likely location for a garrison on the planet. These plans were accelerated when the Sith Lord Mythos Mythos further revealed the Dark Side Nexus and its ability to mutate flora and fauna to the First Order. In order to contain this taint, Lóngkou was constructed. The fortification is both a security outpost and a gateway, restricting access to the Jar'Kai Containment Zone to only those individuals who had obtained a writ of permission from the Atrisian government, such as for research purposes.

Subsequent periods of peace, combined with brief instances of further violence, led to the eventual cleansing of the Force Nexus and reconstruction of the city of Jar'Kai. Today, Lóngkou serves as Atrisia's largest military installation. A fortification that surrounds the planetary capital, houses its military command center, and provides for the security of the sector.
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Pre-Codex Template:

Submission Name: Xiaolang Palace
Link to Submission: Approved Location - Xiaolang Palace | Star Wars RP
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex: This needs to be updated/re-worked as part of the overall Atrisia update

Submission Name: Lóngkou | The Great Wall of Atrisia
Link to Submission: Approved Location - Lóngkou | The Great Wall of Atrisia | Star Wars RP
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex: This needs to be updated/reworked as part of the overall Atrisia update.
Please tag a member of Codex Staff when you're ready, or, use the "ready" prefix. Don't forget to include a list of changes.
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