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Korribean's New Flavor "Democracy"(Republic Invasion of Sith Empire) OOC

@[member="Gherron Vael"], @[member=Vulpesen"]

A heads up. This is what you guys just 'walked' through to stand at the front steps of the Academy.

Vinyata Nicashii said:
Vinyata had ordered her elite legion of troops: Serpent Legion to take up defensive positions on encampments, trench lines, and naturally defensible positions to protect the Academy and Valley of the Dark Lords. Vinyata internally swelled with pride as she saw her commandos clad in black armor engraved with purple decals and the best weaponry technology efficiently set up positions. She looked all around, Sith military forces were setting up lethal defensive positions, anti-aircraft and artillery batteries were set up and ready to destroy the Republic invaders.
@[member="Vinyata Nicashii"]
Exactly how much is this "legion"? I'd like to know how fast I'm gonna need to run. Elite troopers are hard to come by(hence why they are "elite"), but I do realize that this is kind of a big thing so I'd understand a large number.
This "Legion" is larger than an actual legion, it is the bulk of Vinyata's power and has served at her side loyally for a very long time. They aren't exactly stormtroopers, they are loyal to her, not the Empire. They are equipped with Hydra commando armor, and the best weapons tech the Empire has to offer. The Serpent Legion is composed mainly of many foot soldiers, and has an array of supporting gunships and shuttles for close-support and utilizes mostly one kind of tank, it has a small artillery continent. Any AA batteries and artillery batteries are just imperial equipment they happen to be using.

About 10,000 soldiers (I really don't think that is OP considering this is an invasion and there a a s%^&$* load of troops everywhere)
However, most are high-quality soldiers, the elite I speak of consist of probably 2,000 of the actual legion.
I hope that clarifies somethings.
It makes me sad the jedi are trying to destroy my characters prized possession :angry: :( :mellow:
@[member="Vulpesen"], you guys can make it if you run fast enough, there is an entire battle going on, but there is a bridge that is really the only way to get into the academy my character just rigged. The Serpent Legion is in a defensive position overlooking the Valley of the Dark Lord and the Academy, you could fly into the academy (although there would be much AA), or climb, I don't think you want to be on the bridge when it explodes. ;) :p :D :lol:
Exploding bridge... great. I've got eyes in the sky, Ace can probably pick up those explosives on sensors, giving Vulps a chance to move out. As for your immensely large legion, I'm a lucky person, and one to defy the common odds. Still... unless a light side Nihilus appears to wipe them out with force consumption.... I ain't got a chance on that one. I'm out.@[member="Vinyata Nicashii"]
@[member="Vinyata Nicashii"] it is an invasion but NPC's like legion soldiers are for scope and scale. Majority of decisions when invasions are judged is based on player vs player which is why both sides have powerful force users who can wipe out npc's in a wave of their hand nearly. Krag with volcanic quakes for the sith, Matsu with hurricane's for the jedi, Je'gan with white current sleep for his side or Ashin with very powerful lightning enhanced tendrils.

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