Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Knives Out (One Sith vs Galactic Republic on Ruusan) OOC

[member="Sabik Dhami"]

Depends -- are you pro-Sith or anti-Sith? If you're pro, Kerstas would fight with you. If you're anti, she'd fight against you.
[member="Sabik Dhami"]

Cool! Perhaps we could even be on the same dropship?

[member="Brad Skywalker"]

Your gains are no match for my smoke fog bombs.

[member="Darth Kentarch"]

Ehhh, my plan was always to be more akin to background noise than active opposition. That and mind games with [member="Sage Bane"]. It was the real reason I decided to join in the first place. That and background noise. Padawans crying as Sith slaughter them to death, good times.
[member="Travot Ravenna"]
I'm working together with another Sith now. We'll be sticking together. But, Brad Skywalker has just tagged me and the other Sith so it seems he will be attacking us if you would like to accompany him and make it a fair 2v2

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