[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] The funny thing is, while the way I write the character paints him in a light that seems like he's full of himself, he doesn't actually have much of an ego at all. He'll be the first to downplay what he does as "It was nothing" when the situation merits it. But speaking of...
[member="Mikhail Shorn"]: Aye, there is a bit of an edge of arrogance in the new DragonsFlame. Not enough to eclipse his personality and his usual nature, as mentioned above, but it was a new little detail, albeit small, to really drive home that he's no longer a member of the Order, and no longer follows all of the tenants he used to. If that detail stays... Well, that's what I love about character development. Things can change at any given time. As for the dragon... THAT is the type of criticism I was hoping for. I just might fix that, actually... Thank you.
As for the submission thing... Aye, the dragon was born (I've had the egg, in preparation for hatching it when Josh was ready since September 2013) before the NPC submissions were a thing. I've already been informed that while I'm allowed to have it, I have to submit it before it can be used in true combat. I'll be working on that when I have time, and have already asked someone to go through the process with me.