Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Join the Crusade! [ Mandalorian Crusaders ]


"For my people it's honor and glory of battle that rules us. It's through combat that we prove our worth, gain renown and make our fortunes."
- Canderous Ordo
Long ago, there was a fire.

It burned deep into the very fibers of Mandalore, setting ablaze the souls of its people. It filled them with an insatiable hunger: a need to go forth and conquer. It set them upon a road where only blood and glory where sustenance. Thus were the Mandalorians known: indistinguishable from the word War. Yet, the years moved ever forward, something happened to that fire. As the borders grew, the Warriors began to become...satisfied. They, a once-ravenous beast, had become a fattened shadow of their former selves.

No longer.

From mere embers did the fire rekindle. Whilst many were content to remain stagnant about Mandalore, there are those willing to take up the sword and blaster. There are those who have gathered together in the name of Conquest once more. They are the ones who view Stagnation as a Sin. They are those who see War as the one and true answer. In the name of those who came before, and in the hopes of shaking the Galaxy, the Mandalorian Crusaders are reborn anew: Hungry for battle, Starved for glory.


The Mandalorian Crusaders are, put simply, a modern reflection of ancient ways. As such, they emphasize a handful of ideals that have been lost to the Galaxy as of late. They do not fret about politics or Force-alignments; instead choosing to wage war in the name of Glory. Their ventures are often dependent upon how much danger is seemingly present: for the greater the risk, the greater the glory. Spoils, by extension, are a large part of Crusader culture as well. Whether it be a minor raid or a full-scale invasion, the organization exercises extreme fairness in dispersing spoils.

In terms of internal structure, the Mandalorian Crusaders hearken to the days immediately following the Four Hundred Year Darkness. At the helm of the gathering are a number of Warmarshals who keep the congregation organized and well-supplied. Whilst equivalent, these Warlords operate on a "first among equals" basis; where those with the most experience are permitted a larger voice in the decision making process. The next rung in the ladder are the Blooded. These individuals make up the overwhelming majority of the Crusaders and, by their prowess in battle, have proven themselves worthy of membership. Similarly, the Civis have also proved themselves worthy of membership and stand on equivalent footing to the Blooded. However, their prowess revolves around non-combat specializations that allow the Crusaders to function (medics, engineers, etc.)

Conversely, the Unbloodied make up the final rung in the ladder. They are the untested midst who have yet to prove themselves to the Crusaders as a whole. Whether they be freshly-conquered peoples or simply hired hands, the Unbloodied are not recognized as full members until such time as their worth is proven. At that point, they are welcomed with open arms into the Brotherhood and receive full rights and privileges therein.

Why Should I Join?

We are seeking to build a traditional, Mandalorian experience. If the prospects of raiding, warring, and burning the Galaxy pique your interest then the Crusaders are for you. Simply follow the [ link ] to get started!

Signature Bling



Questions? Comments? Feel free to say so below!
Just remember: Wheaton's Law.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Didn't we fight a civil war and get half our planet turned into a white desert for this? Oh yeah, we did! Huh...

Nice bling, good luck kids! Have fun, go wreck some crap.

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