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I've Gotta Feeling That Tonight Is Going To Be A Droid Night (GA Dominion of Abregado-Rae)

Word reached out into the galaxy at large about what happened at Atrisia. The majority of the galaxy was appalled at the level of destruction that was visited on the little known planet, while a minority stayed glued to the holovid out of a more schadenfeudic sense of 'at least it wasn't us.' On the world of Luthien, the devastation was seen with the eyes of ones who have worked hard in their tiny corner of the galaxy to correct catastrophic tragedies. The effort to revitalize Atrisia would be huge, and Morgain Industries wanted to be part of it.

Jaina didn't see herself as blood thirsty. She was able to look at the footage of Atrisia without flinching more because she was inured to such devastation, having spent years studying such events from across the galaxy as she built up Morgain Industries. She had had a mind to develop her company into one that could help more people across the galaxy. When news came that there was a relief convoy setting up at Abregado, she set course for the world and shot across the stars. Morgain owned a very small percentage of the farms on Abregado, and all employees on the planet were of the local droid population. When she contacted the local Morgain office, she was pleased with the efficient nature of her droid employees. Over the <insert believable amount of travel time> of travel, they kept her up to date. When she finally arrived, slipping out of hyperspace, they set her up with credentials to approach the world and the convoy.

As Jaina gained the bridge of her ship, she heard the communications watch stander talking with planetary control, trying to get the frequencies so they could hail the relief convoy and offer their expertise.

[member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Siriwook"] [member="draco vereen"] [member="faith organa"]
Objective: Cleaning crew
Allies: [member="Siriwook"]
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 11/20

"[You bet!]" she communicates through the Force back to her Wookiee apprentice. "[For some reason you seem to be falling further into the dark side]"

She also feels startled that the unintentional mention of the Trandoshan concept of the scorekeeper made in the Force could have been pushing her Wookiee apprentice towards the dark side. Said scorekeeper was, for them, is basically an entity worshipped almost like the Force, and pushed so many among the Trandoshans to become bounty hunters or Jedi/Sith, depending on what "prey" they specialized in, and whether they used the Force or not. Clearly these Trandoshans that terrified Siriwook back on Wasskah were closer to the dark side of the Force than to the light, she thought. For NFUs, that is, people unable to use the Force, light vs. dark is the same as good vs. evil. But for Force-users, there is a layer of complexity that comes from our ability to use the Force: people called Light Sith use the light side of the Force for evil, whereas many Dark Jedi use the dark side of the Force to do good. Also most Force-users, even beginners, can read each other's minds, but for FUs to do it on NFUs will result in one-way communication.

Sal Katarn

Considering the other name he went by, it did not take much for the Shrike to access Alliance records and find out where the Jedi known as [member="Cathul Thuku"] was stationed. Easier still to gain access to the ship, though he did the latter via his guild license.

The Outremer settled down gently inside the hangar bay of the much larger vessel. Sal Katarn removed the Vanir Tech nerve helmet and swept fingers through long strands of greasy hair. He exchanged one helmet for another. It slid snugly over the whole of his head. His own breathing came obnoxiously loud inside the confines. With a grimace, he headed toward the ramp.

Along the way he passed the galley and snagged a scrap of raw meat from the cold box. He tossed the scrap to an enormous bird of prey perched on oddly on the table.

"Be right back."

A trick of the eye, or had the bird just nodded?

The Shrike pulled out a slug thrower and checked the cylinder. Satisfied, he stashed the weapon in a shoulder holster hidden by a large, hooded coat. The ramp lowered and he descended. Boots touched the deck.

His head swung this way, then that.

Location: Epiphany Station
Objective: No Rest For the Wicked
[member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Kairon Rees"] [member="Keric Dynt"] [member="Riimaurus"] [member="Aeshi Tillian"]

Through the haze of a myriad of smoke and fumes permeating through the cantina air, the masked visage of Flight Officer Askrima peered out from underneath the hood of his traveler's cloak. Having elected to stand with his back to the wall near their table in order to make room for both the Rogues and the newcomers, the pilot had spent enough time in the Outback before joining the service not to share Janes's optimistic attitude about their environment, and so he was scanning the assembled patrons for any lingering stares or suspicious behavior. He needn't look much farther than their own table to find the latter with the arrival of these new mercenaries. The Commander's uncle seemed alright enough, but Arix didn't quite know what to make of the others yet. He knew the type, of course, but people always had layers.

Not even a member of Rogue Squadron, the Wild Knight suspected that his passing familiarity with the underworld and his training, such as it was, as a Jedi Padawan between them had been responsible for pulling this assignment. The Rogues had had a few injuries and transfers lately, and Arix just hoped that his presence on such a dangerous operation wasn't a reflection of Commander Tillian's opinion of him. The Rogues had a bit of a reputation as misfits, and he hadn't exactly been fitting in with the Knights so far. Not a lot of pilots were overeager to socialized with the disfigured rookie, and while the cyborg's prowess behind the stick of a starfighter had earned their respect, he had yet to win their friendship.

"All you need to do is get their attention and give them a little chase," the robotic sounding tone of his vocoder had a tendency to be offputting, but the words were obviously not those of a droid, "We'll handle the rest."

Producing a glass of beer from where it was nursed within his cloak, gauntleted fingers held steady Arix's personal straw as it funneled the beverage through the induction port in his visor.

Elmont Block

Your focus determines your reality

It took a full half-hour to run the ship through its pre-flight sequence given its age and level of maintenance. It was twice as long as it should have taken. The spaceport controllers were getting annoyed with him, they’d cleared him for take-off almost twenty minutes ago. Easing in the repulsorlifts, he lifted clear of the landing pit and made for the coordinates that had been pre-programmed into the navicomp. He wasn’t just a middle man, he was a middle man with no knowledge of either side of the equation. He didn’t know where he was flying or who was going to receive him.

He wasn’t going off-planet, he knew that as he checked the coordinates and realised it was no more than an hour from his current location. He switched on his personal com-link and shared the data. Once the rendezvous site was surrounded, the hangar he’d travelled from would be closed down and both ends of the trade would be in custody. All that was left was for him to take the ship to the carrier in space he’d been briefed on, and his work was done.

It was a minimum risk job, but then, he was only a Padawan.

He was nearly high enough to kick in the sublight drive when he got a bad feeling.

He gave his displays a quick scan. Nothing was visible; but this close to a planetary mass, that meant less than nothing. Anything could be lurking just over the horizon, from a single flight of fighters all the way up to a Star Destroyer.

He threw full power to the drive, feeling himself pressed back into the seat cushion for a few seconds as the acceleration compensators fought to catch up. He tapped data into the computer that started to make minor adjustments that would correct for a couple of months of general galactic drift, and looked back out the forward viewport.

There, emerging over the horizon directly ahead, was a flight of fighters.

Bearing directly towards him.

For a long heartbeat he just sat there, his mind cycling through all of the possibilities, all the time knowing full well how futile the exercise was. Whoever commanded those ships had planned the interception with exquisite skill: given their respective vectors and his ship’s proximity to the planet, there was absolutely no way he would be able to elude them for long enough to make an escape to lightspeed. Briefly, he toyed with the hope that they not be after him at all, that they were actually gunning for someone else. But that hope, too, evaporated quickly.

“Freighter,” a stern voice stated over his comm speaker. “You are ordered to shut down your engines and prepare to boarded.”
[member="Cathul Thuku"]
Siriwook seems relieved. She has a way to talk to people now that don't know Shyriiwook. Something told her that she should still try, though, to speak Basic. She knows many people are uncomfortable with telepathy.

She's not bothered by being an open book to her Mistress, but she knows she should learn how to shield herself. Luckily, she knows little of importance. But, some day, she might know something that needed to be kept secret. She needs to know how to keep things hidden in her mind. The thought seems to tug at her, as if there were already places in her mind that even she could not have access. Hidden caches of experience. And something else. Perhaps an entire part of herself, hidden away. Siriwook did not want to go there, though. It was dark there. Is this the dark side?

Siriwook knows this concept... the dark side... but can't remember where she first heard of it. She vaguely remembers someone telling her that it was very powerful. She remembers touching it and being afraid. And being afraid and touching it. As if fear and the dark side were linked. Siriwook preferred hope to fear. She allowed hope to fill her and bring her back toward the light. Mostly, she hopes for freedom from her fear and the pain of the last 12 years. She hopes to be reunited with her family, wherever they are. She knows she will.

But, in the now, there are patients that need help. She moves on from the young girl who was placed in a bacta tank and examines a man who seems to have been flayed alive. There are no knife marks. There is no smell of acid or burnt flesh. He just seems... absent his skin in places. Clearly, this one would also need a bacta tank. But, in the mean time, Siriwook uses what she knows about pain to deaden the nerves. She gently numbs the exposed nerve endings using very small amounts of targeted cryokinesis. He is probably already passed out from the pain--thank goodness--but, just in case he wakes, she numbs his pain all the same. Was this the result of the dark side?

After she is done helping patients for the moment, Siriwook turns to her mistress and asks, "Woowooru wa...? [What is the Dark Side]?"
Objective: Cleaning crew
Allies: [member="Siriwook"]
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 12/20

"You have seen what the dark side does, it can lead to cases of being flayed alive. Like Force-destruction or other spells with similar effects, most of which are high-level. As for the dark side itself, I have to say that it's not as straightforward as you think: the Dark Jedi who believe they are using the dark side of the Force for the greater good usually do so based on primal emotions"

Atrisia: a gong show of the Sith causing widespread destruction and being called for it. The more patients they treat, the more they realize what damage the dark side can wring on patients. Thus far they know two of the bacta tanks' occupants: one who lost hair and got acid burns, another one who got flayed alive without any trace of burn, acid or cuts. The Pharmacokinetics has, like all Cardea-class hospital ships, about a few hundred bacta tanks, and they only personally know two occupants out of the hundreds of patients the ship has onboard, as a result of the Atrisia Campaign. She was about to give another comment on what paths there are to the dark side.

"Back on Azure I was used Drain Knowledge on by some lazy high schoolers and maybe even college students: many perceive that the dark side offers an easy path to power, and there are a lot of paths to the dark side: aggression, greed, lust"
Location: Epiphany Station
Objective: No Rest For the Wicked
Post Count: 1
[member="Logen Brunner"] = Captain
[member="Alexandra Russo"] = First Mate/Pilot
[member="B'enor (Ben) Benjeel"] = Mechanic
[member="Denn Ralto"] = Gunhand
[member="Rashae"] = Doctor
[member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] = Cabin boy

Late was not exactly how the Captain wanted to make his entrance, but here he was, late. In the grand scheme of things, a little late is far better then not showing up at all. He lead his troupe of misfits through the automatic sliding doors. Logen was a man with a athletic lean build and wolfish features. He wore an old leather flight jacket, a white long sleeved buttoned up shirt and casual brown trousers that flapped over his black combat boots. The smuggler had his DL-44 heavy blaster pistol holstered in a custom nerf hide holster that was secured to his right thigh and waist belt. His ocean blue hues scanned the cantina, quickly picking out the oversized poultry at a crowded table. Yup, they were late and that was their contact already getting to business.

"Alex!" Logen tilted his head to his right to see his second in command, [member="Alexandra Russo"] "By all the gods that hold sway over fate and all that none sense, please...... and I mean please don't let the Rodent have any Caffa, what so ever!" The very tone of his low gravely voice insuintated that its was not just a plea, but a direct order. The Chadra-fan named [member="B'enor (Ben) Benjeel"] had a very unique reaction to caffa. Once injested, all would have to suffer the the consequence of a extremely hyper, bouncy and jovial wingless bat. The captain did not have the patience to go through that again and Alex being the Caffa addict, she was the usual suspect in this crime against humanity. Though at times he did suspect the doctor giving the poor creature the liquid energy just to piss him off out of spite.

Speaking of the doctor, he looked over his left shoulder "Doc, you just......." He cut himself off at the cold icy stare he was recieving in turn from [member="Rashae"]. "Yeah.... you just be you!"

"The rest of ya! Play nice!"

With that being said, he walked towards the crowded table. There was no mistaking the contact. [member="Kingsley"] was the only walking talking bird with in the whole of this station that he had noticed. Logen entertain the thought of ordering chick wings, but he was yet to judge his contacts personality yet. And was best to be on the good side, since being late wasn't the best impression to make on your employer.

"Hope i didn't miss anything important!" He would interrupt, "The name is Logen Brunner, Captain of the Lady Liberty at your service!"
'Brunner does this on purpose to torture me!' Those glacial orbs moved about the dregs of many systems in this unsanitary and unsavory place. There had to be a trillion germs alone on the gambling tables and she didn't want to think what was on the floor. On second thought, she might want to take a sample from the floor for research but she may need a haz-mat suit. By the time the Captain addressed her, she was already irritated by her very surroundings giving him her classic cold glare. Ms Russo was on one flank, she took up the other flank. The medkit and portable med scanner hung on her belt like a badge.

There was a scuffle briefly to the side as some being with tentacles threw up something pink onto the ground. 'that added thirty trillion germs to the cesspool'. She thought which continually fed the iciness. She took out her scanner to scan the poor beast and the messy pool to be sure it wasn't anything contagious. Fortunately it was nothing more than too much imbibement of hard liquor and spice. She didn't waste time in explaining as she was fairly sure no one but her would appreciate the nasty chemical combination that liquor, spice and the stomach acids of Aqualish was spectacular. Obviously it ended in the quick extracation of the contents of the stomach. There was a sigh as she put the scanner away, clipping it on her hip smoothly.

“As you wish Mr Brunner, though I would refrain from ordering any food. At least the alcohol would sanitize the germs before ingesting.“ She said in that cool even reasonable tone in a low timbre that kept the comment nicely between the crew.

She was stunning in black as she stepped with the crew in measured strides. Tight black leggings bedecked by a black tunic style dress which was trimmed in medical blue. The dress was tailored to stop mid-thigh and hugged her curves. Calf length boots completed the ensemble as she walked with the crew. There was a glint of metal at her neck as one would see medical insignias that were neatly pinned to both sides of the mandarin collar. Her long luxurious blue black straight hair hung at her waist giving a scent of musk and amber as her hair swung neatly back and forth across her back. Those startling ice blue eyes evaluated those at the table that the Captain approached and introduced himself. She stood to the side in a very closed stance with her arms crossed surveying and observing. She declined the scantily clad waitress and the droid that offered her a drink, in chilled polite words.

While the Captain was talking to the putrid personage that he had to address, she pulled out her datapad and made a few notes from the previous scan and Aqualish biology. Honestly she wasnt sure why she was here at this meeting. The woman had research to do, not parade in front of anyone. A passing thought of solidarity of some kind for the Lady Liberty crossed her mind. That was dismissed as quickly in the raven haired came up with it. What did she care? The crawling feel of eyes was grotesque and despicable but average is as average does the doctor supposed.
[member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] [member="Draco Vereen"]​
"It is good to see you as well this is my husband Draco Vereen this is Rhen Qel-Droma he was the one that come to Shiso City on Atrisia and got everyone out, and brought all the medical supplies."

She gave Draco a moment to say hello, "I'd like to provide more help for the Atrisians not just medical supplies we can take refugees, provide materials to help rebuild. Who do we need to speak with in order to let them know."

Faith was ready to get on another ship and go right back there and begin working, rebuilding, and she had an ulterior motive she wanted to see if House Togashi's loyalists needed help. She had to help them they...were as much her people as anyone from Alderaan.
[member="Rhen Qel-Droma"] [member="Faith Organa"]

"My pleasure, Master Jedi." Draco said eyeing the twins with a raised eyebrow as the pair looked up at the bearded old man. Theo was starting to reach up like he wanted to be held and Draco stooped over to heft the infant out of the stroller with his good arm, steadying the infant with the arm in the sling. A few screws had been placed to set the arm and aid with the healing process, along with a few dozen bacta injections across his body. The gash in his chest was the most tender at the moment, sharp pain radiated from it whenever he lifted anything with that arm, but other than that, the rest of his injuries from Atrisia were little more than marks or scraps by this point.

"Come here little one." The boy, Theodosius, named for his uncle gazed around the courtyard in wonder, not as intent on hurting his father as Laira had been, but still squirming trying to see everything and get better views of everyone. He placed his little hands on Draco's shoulder and hefted himself up just a smudge to look over Draco's shoulder at the people passing by.

"Yes, we have some materials and we have experience with rebuilding, having provided care for Alderaan and the millions displaced by the One Sith's invasion, Iego's stranded, among others. Plus rebuilding is something we have done before." A large piece of Alderaan's surface had been rebuilt and cleansed of the majority of the Vong and their ilk since then, and while that had been a massive undertaking, there were somethings they couldn't do. Jar'kai was going to be a wasteland, tainted for centuries if not millennia to come with the Dark Side. A huge portion of the population had thrown themselves at battle hardened warriors and troopers as though possessed, there had been a Volcanic monster summoned through the Dark Side and sith spawn released into city, a Force Storm of epic proportions and several other Dark Side rituals all cast in rapid succession. The Alliance would be lucky to contain that kind of taint to just that region in the grand scheme of things.

Theo tugged on his father's hair gently and reached out at the Older Jedi's bearded making the same hand gestures with the same expression on his chubby little face.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"],

A response would be sent back to Jessica,

"We will notify you when there is an opening to speak with the Baron, we are still dealing with the current crisis."

After all, not that much time has passed since the convoy arrived within the Abregado's orbit,


The door to the hangar where 42's ship was lead into would open as the tall almost skeletal Phrik body of 36 would enter, it was modeled after the cybernetic suit that housed remain of General Grievous, he was clad in organic looking armor, the Vong biot he used to protect himself from Force users on Atrisia, covered in his usual heavy black cloak, accompanied by two armored HK droids, copies of him in older droid bodies, his Greycloak guards,

"So you are the droid who requested to speak with me personally."

HK addressed 42,

"I do not always grant these requests, especially in times like these. I have been told that you brought your own ship."

The droid said as he looked over the vessel 42 flew in before looking back at the other droid,

"What is your designation?"

[member="Elpsis Elaris"],

While they were on it the Dancing Queen would send a message to Firemane ships on HK's behalf, the message would ask them if they were planning on contributing humanitarian and rebuilding efforts that would be sent to Atrisia in the wake of the Incident.
[member="HK-36"] would ask for his designation, and like any normal HK Unit, he obliged without question

Greeting: Hello HK-36, I am HK-42, although I have taken to calling myself Grievous II.

Statement: I had heard you had found a way to make yourself a free droid, without a Meatbag Master to answer to.

Query: How did you accomplish such a feat?
Desmond and the old mechanic exited the X-wing in a tumultuous somersault of laughter. They had quiet the time with the fire works and pushing the X-wing to its limits. Unfortunately it had to end, but that didn't mean the party had to stop. The old man pulled another flask from his jump suit and drank deeply from it. "Jeez pops! How many of those do you got?!?" Des exclaimed. "Don't question a good thing son! Here take a swig," And take a swig Des did. Des took a sniff first and he coulda swore his eyebrows got singed off! Then he took a heavy drink. The stuff tasted like paint thinner and made Des's eyes water. "BY THE FORCE!" Des said as a fire burned his throat that ended in a inferno in his stomach. "What is this stuff???" He asked the old man credulously. "Well it's just some stuff I cooked up in my still from old potato skins," The old man gave Des a sly grin "They still ain't find my still aboard the dancin' queen, but I know they're uh lookin'!"

Des and the old man were stumbling through the hangar when Des spotted what appeared to be four HK droids! "BY GOD THEIR BREEDING!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. He tried to run away but fell over. The old man began laughing and Des blushed. "That their is my sworn enemy or uh.. Ex enemy?" Des said a little confused "I dun' know," The old man looked at him puzzled "Son, your drunk," "Right you are sir! Now lets go find us a bar!" The old man helped Des up and they continued off towards the nearest pub.
Objective: BYOO
Allies: [member="HK-36"]
Post: 13/20

And so she continued to fly all the way to Abregado-Rae. Understandably, HK-36 had more important business to tend to, but hopefully she can still make her visit to Abregado-Rae count. Pizza Hutt was a business that saw limited growth all right, just that six years as Ringovinda StarYards property didn't see it increase in size that much. While still in flight to Abregado-Rae, she wonders who else would take that opportunity to open a new business on that planet. Sure, she would be notified when she would be able to meet with the droid, but between two uses of IAC she would simply try to make use of as little of her cognitive abilities as she can, so that she could be rested when she actually does use it. Solving for the quantities required by IAC, that is, the first, second and third derivatives, the curvature, the torsion (usually curvature is more of a problem than torsion), is very draining even on her, even with the Force (despite the Force not acting as a neural booster on her).

The Dancing Queen would soon receive a reply from the Watcher, a Firemane Vigilance-class frigate orbiting Abregado Rae: Firemane would be contributing to the humanitarian and reconstruction efforts on Atrisia and had already launched a convoy of freighters bearing supplies and equipment.

A Firemane paramilitary outpost called Firebase Ardarvia was presently under construction. Of course, the megacorporation was not the Good Samaritan, so they would keep track of their business interests, but it probably helped that CEO Kerrigan had history with the old Atrisian Empire. Who knew, maybe she could finally claim an estate over there.

Meanwhile, Elpsis had boarded a shuttle and was now en route to Abregado-Rae's surface. Time for her to see the crazy droid's socialist utopia with her own eyes. Maybe she'd run into a few cute animals and adopt one. Or go visit a catacomb.
Hope is the elixir of life. (semi-retired)
Location: Epiphany Station
Objective: No rest for the wicked
Allies: [member="Logen Brunner"] [member="B'enor (Ben) Benjeel"] [member="Denn Ralto"] [member="Rashae"] [member="Ponyboy Reynolds"] @Blacktail
Post: 1

As the Lady Liberty crew made their way from their L4000 Transport to the cantina on the space station, Alleycat wondered curiously if she would see her old squadron mates there. The former Rogue Leader had stepped down from the military a while ago for civilian life, working as an aeronautical consultant slash test pilot for Incom and now the pilot slash first mate for Captain Brunner. The Galactic Alliance's Merchant Fleet supposedly had a job for them to do. Hopefully it would be a good paying one, but somehow the Taanabian knew better. This was probably going to be more humanitarian in nature for a good cause no doubt.

Logen Brunner said:
"Alex!" Logen tilted his head to his right to see his second in command. "By all the gods that hold sway over fate and all that none sense, please...... and I mean please don't let the Rodent have any Caffa, what so ever!" The very tone of his low gravely voice insuintated that its was not just a plea, but a direct order. The Chadra-fan named B'enor (Ben) Benjeel had a very unique reaction to caffa. Once injested, all would have to suffer the the consequence of a extremely hyper, bouncy and jovial wingless bat. The captain did not have the patience to go through that again and Alex being the Caffa addict, she was the usual suspect in this crime against humanity.

The brandy-eyed brunette dressed in spacer clothes with a blaster pistol holstered off one shapely hip and her favorite hydrospanner attached to the other walked to the right of the grizzled freighter captain. The ol' Corellian and her had a kind of love/hate relationship going. They each liked to give the other grief, but respected the heck out of each other as well. So when Brunner brought up the caffeine thing, Russo just grinned internally and bit her lip to keep a smart ass retort from flying.

"Wouldn't think of it, boss," Alex nodded simply in response, then she turned her dark head to look down upon the Chandra-fan and gave the ship's miniature mechanic a conspiratorial wink.
Objective: Cleaning crew
Allies: [member="Siriwook"]
Post: 14/20

"He's an illusion of a bounty hunter"

Phew, close call: thank the Force the bounty hunter was an illusion, she thought. Now she would accompany her apprentice to one of the ready rooms onboard the ship, which is normally used for meeting with the bureaucrats who run the medical supplies requests based from the inventory, sensing that the power of her apprentice has increased but this was still pretty exhausting from her to prepare both people for trips in bacta tanks. She'd rather have some talk when her apprentice is recovering her Force-energy. She realized that she was transferred over to line command and the GADF gave her some distance coursework about military command and protocol, as with any Jedi entering naval command roles. Most Jedi admirals are people who believe in protecting the weak and innocent from evil on a large scale. Like her. And there are those without the reflexes of aces or ground combatants but still want to fight on some level so they "walk the quarterdeck" and fleet.

"You probably heard many times over that Jedi - and Sith - are often described as glorified, or Force-using, bounty hunters among the public, even more so in Mando-land. Witches can also lend closer to the light, but also to the dark, and often have less expectations from the public than Jedi or Sith. Witchcraft is often for those who feel that their calling lie more with the Force than with a lightsaber. That said, do not abuse the freedoms of witchcraft. Don't feel forced to do one thing just because the outside world tells you to do one thing. If it happens that, by playing to your strengths, your strength is medical in nature, and you want to be a witch doctor, go ahead. If you find that alchemy is more your thing, alchemize"
[member="Cathul Thuku"]

Siriwook has heard this about witches. She is, indeed, much more about the Force than the sword. She doesn't even think she wants a sword. Why would she ever replace her bowcaster when she could just fire at things from far away? Something pricks up her mind at the mention of alchemy, however. How does she know this word, in both Basic and Shyriiwook?

"Woorawoo wa? [What's alchemy?]"
[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Faith Organa"]

The old Corellian turned toward the towering figure of the Mandalorian; at least, that was the first thought that came to mind considering his stance and attire. Granted, the image didn't seem to mesh well with the babe in his arms. He still held a measure of ails that meant he needed rest and tending. The corner of Rhen's mouth gave a slight twitch in amusement.

He extended his hand none the less, as Qel-Droma had mostly been situated out in the Outer Regions. He did not have any reference towards Draco's past nor his deeds. By all intents and purposes, Rhen took the man for his actions he knew of in the present, and that being that he had aided the ALliance and the Atrisian people from the thumb of a child swayed by the Dark.

"A pleasure."

A breeze shot through the area, lifting the old man's silver hair up and away from his face and ruffling his dark green cloak.

"We could use the expertise of those who have done such reconstruction before. You have my hands at your disposal for any need you may require. I am sure a representative of the Alliance will be here shortly enough."

"Please, would you care to join me at a more comfortable venture." his eyes twinkled.

"A place to sit down and such."

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